Tag: Snuff phone sex

I Wanna Be Your Bonnie, not Your Juliet

accomplice phone sex knife killerWhile my girlfriends were dreaming about having a Romeo and Juliet kind of love, I was dreaming about being Bonnie to Clyde. You see I suffer from hybristophilia, a strong attraction to bad boys. Not just any bad boy, but the criminal kind. Boys who love to kill, maim, torture and eviscerate others. I did not masturbate to movies like “The Notebook” or “Titanic.” What got me wet were films like “Hostel” and “Saw.”

I had this fantasy, I still do, of being a serial killer’s accomplice, girlfriend. Ted Bundy, David Berkowitz, Jeffrey Dahmer, Charles Manson, John Wayne Gacy…these were the men I wanted to fuck. I had this elaborate fantasy life involving some of the most notorious serial killers in history. Fantasy #1: I witnessed Ted Bundy murder some of my sorority sisters. He sees me, with my hand in my panties, rubbing my clit, as he bludgeons to death my stuck up sorority sisters. Instead of killing me too, he realizes I am his soul mate. He kisses me with the blood of my sisters on his face, and fucks me on the bed where one of their dying bodies lay. We then go on a killing spree together, where he teaches me how to lure young stupid cunts into the car, and to their death.

killer phone sex snuff fantasiesFantasy #2: I meet Son of Sam Killer, David Berkowitz, at a satanic cult ritual. He teaches me how to shoot a 44 caliber Bulldog revolver. We go around NYC shooting people in the head that the devil tells us to snuff out. After every shooting, we fuck on the hood of the car that our victim is dying in, listing to the Partridge Family’s “I Think I Love You.” It’s our love song. We kill because there is no God, thus no need for guilt; and to celebrate our love. Blood gushing out of heads on to dashboards while I watch and fuck makes me horny still.

Fantasy #3: I am a young hippie in a cult. Charlie Manson is my God, my lover. He takes me under his wing. Teaches me that war is the answer, but sometimes you need to kill to incite a righteous war. A war against greed and excess. Charlie teaches me how to find the worst offenders of avarice. We find a young couple living high on the hog while others are homeless. We massacre the family and fuck in the blood bath while singing “Helter Skelter.” People need to learn not to flaunt their excess.

Fantasy #4: I meet Jeffrey Dahmer while furniture shopping. We share a kindred fascination for flesh. He invites me back to his apartment for a very special meal. He gives me my first taste for human flesh. Even gives me cooking lessons. I lure a victim back to the house. One that has enough meat on his bones to sustain us both. As we celebrate the joys of cooking flesh, we fuck up against the stove, as a pot of soup bones boils on the burner. The smell of flesh falling off of bones gets my cunt so wet. Still does. Jeffrey makes me understand that I need to appreciate my kills, use all of the body. Eat the flesh, use the bones and skin for furniture. It’s really hot to fuck on a table made of human remains.

killer phone sex hybristophiliaFantasy #5: My parents hire John Wayne Gacy as a clown at my birthday party. Even at a young age, I am keenly observant. He is eyeballing my little brat of a brother. I don’t know how, but I understand that look. I go to his house one day, there is an intoxicating odor coming from underneath the house. John teaches me how to stalk young prey, lure them to my house, play with them, then snuff them out without needing to worry much about body discovery. I learn how to asphyxiate and strangle victims. Even though he prefers young boys, he fucks me from behind as I squeeze the life out of a little plaything with my hands.

My attraction to bad boys has served me well over the years. The many loves of my youth, have made me the sick, violent, twisted girl I am today. From each fantasy lover, I have learned things to make me the best kind of killer. The kind that goes undetected. From Ted, I got a love for blood and an appreciation for beating my victims to death. From David, I learned that there is no God, thus no heaven, so why have guilt? Plus, he taught me how to shoot a gun. A bullet to the head is a sexy quickie kill. From Charlie, I learned the best type of folks to kill. The self entitled assholes that get richer why the poor get poorer. Greed is a deadly sin after all. From Jeff, I learned that human flesh is quite tasty, and nourishing. And, I garnered an appreciation for using the entire body. I’m not killing for sport, but survival. And from John, I gained a love for killing the little ones. Using them for my pleasure, then snuffing them out. Added bonus, learning that lye can leave a body unrecognizable.

Hybristophilia makes me your perfect evil accomplice. I know how to kill in a multitude of ways. I love to stalk and select the right victim. I have an appreciation for killing all sorts of folks; I lack a true type. I know how to dispose of bodies. What kind of evil fun can we get into bad boy?



Home invasion phone sex with Georgia

home invasion phone sex

Everyone should feel safe at home, I bet you do. I don’t normally because I never feel secure anywhere. Just when I started to actually feel safe for the first time in awhile I heard a lot of loud noises. It sounded like broken glass so I assumed a window was broken. I was right…
There they were, three guys in black ski-masks standing in front of my bed room. All I could think to do was crawl under my bed, but that’s never a smart place to hide. That’s where everyone checks first and that’s exactly what happened this time. One second I was staring at that their boots, hoping they wouldn’t find me and then suddenly I was being thrown onto my bed.
Even though I knew begging and crying wouldn’t stop them, I tried it anyway. They just ignored it and started cutting all my clothes off. I could feel the cold blade of the knife brush against my skin and I started to panic. That wasn’t even the worst part of it! Once they pulled their cocks out I knew what would happen next.
One of the masked strangers tied my wrists to my bed post and slapped me across the face. Then, he stuffed his big evil dick down my throat and told me to choke on it. While he was gagging me one of the other strangers shoved his throbbing prick right into my little asshole. My struggling only made it more exciting for them, I just couldn’t help it. To keep me still the third stranger ran his knife into my flesh. Any sudden movement caused the blade to draw blood.
In a matter of minutes I had several small cuts on my ribs, but by the end of the night I was covered in them. He must have loved the sight of blood because he shot his cum into my open wounds. Shortly after I felt cum shoot down my throat. As much as I wanted to spit it out, they warned me to swallow every last drop.
Once each of them had cum I thought it was over, but I was wrong again. They took turns beating, spitting, and pissing on me before they left. I don’t even remember falling asleep that night. I think one of them knocked me out when he kicked me in the face…

home invasion phone sex

Shark Bait

I should have known better than the stay too long on the island. I missed my cruise ship and was stranded in the strange little town in Mexico. I was standing near the port, frantic about what to do, when two guys approached me. They didn’t speak much English, but I was able to tell them that I had missed my boat and that I needed help. They showed me their boat, and from what I could understand they were offering to try to catch up to it so I could rejoin my cruise.  

They were looking me up and down in my skimpy bikini, and I could already tell that I was going to have to give them what they wanted if I was ever going to make it to my boat. But I had no choice so we climbed aboard and took off out into the ocean. As soon as shore disappeared, they were all over me. They stank of sweat and fish, and I figured this must be their fishing boat. They overpowered me,  stripping me down to nothing and fucking me like a dirty whore right on the boat deck. I tried to fight them off, but they held me down and made me their fucktoy.

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I kept trying to stop them and tell them to make sure we were headed towards my ship. They had stopped listening to me and I was terrified. They fucked all my holes, and I have to admit that there was something about these dirty raunchy fishermen that made my pussy throb. They manhandled me like I was nothing to them. And I was about to find out that I was exactly that. As they came all over me, I watched as they threw my bikini overboard. I screamed at them and told them I needed that – I had to wear something when we caught up to my ship.

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They didn’t pay me any mind, as one grabbed my arms and the other one grabbed my legs. I fought like crazy, but they were too strong. One grabbed a giant thick cloth sack and they started stuffing me inside! The harder I fought, the fater they got me in the bag. They brought it up to my neck and then tied rope tightly around my throat to keep it in place. I was so scared that I couldn’t even scream. They hoisted me up – my naked body totally covered with the sack – and took me to the edge of the boat.

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One of them drew out a blade and cut the side of my face, and then they tossed me overboard. I panicked and began flailing around, but to no avail. I hit the water and began to sink. My face was bleeding profusly under the water and I was drowning. I tried to hold my breath, and then suddenly out of nowhere I see a shark. It had smelled my dirty whore blood and come to finish me off. My eyes widened, and I tried to scream, my mouth filled with blood and water as the shark took all of me, head first.

Bloody Fun with Razor Blades

mutilation phone sex knife playI have a fascination with sharp objects. Knives are my favorite, but recently I developed an obsession with razor blades. Now I like inflicting pain; I am a bringer of pain, not a pain slut. I noticed this girl at my coffee house, trying to hide her arms. I grabbed her by the arm, pulled up her sleeve and could see she was a cutter. I don’t personally get cutting yourself. Cutting others is so much more fun. But I figured if she did not value her body, why should I? She would be the perfect subject for my foray into razor blade fun.

I didn’t have to stalk her or anything. Just followed her home, pushed my way into the door behind her.  I gave her the you should respect your body speech. Then added, “Since you don’t, I’m not gonna either.” Skinny little cunt too. I bet if she cuts herself, she starves herself too. So young to be so fucked up already. She was about to have a come to Venus moment. I tied her to her bed spread eagle. Circled her for awhile. She had no fight, no apparent will to live. Just pathetic. Even when I laid out my razor blade collection before her, she still acted like this was just her destiny.

snuff phone sex bloody teenNever as much fun as when they struggle; she had pissed me off now. I was going to enjoy slicing her flesh. I was going to make her “GOREgous.”  I used the small blade first to slice her flesh all over. Thousands of little flesh wounds. Nothing that would snuff her out, but just turn her body a nice crimson red. I got turned on seeing the blood trickle out of her. I couldn’t help but play in it like I was finger painting. I love how blood feels on my flesh. Someone else’s blood of course. It’s hot, sweet and sticky. She was whimpering, but still not what I was hoping for. I needed to step up my game. It was now a challenge to make the slut hurt. All that cutting made her impervious to the pain I had inflicted thus far.

I got out a bigger razor blade and sawed off a few fingers. She was such a waif. Seriously, this bitch served no other purpose then to snuff her out. Not fat enough to eat her; would take months to plump her up. Couldn’t sell her into the sex slave trade as she wouldn’t even scream, and guys want a bitch to act like they hate it or love it, but not just lay there like a dead animal. Her only purpose was to be my experiment. Help me hone my craft. Entertain me with her blood.

snuff porn mutilationI managed to  slice off her long boney fingers with not too much trouble. Ended up breaking off a few fingers that were not cutting smoothly. The closer to the base of the hand you saw, the thicker the bone, thus harder to saw. Thankfully the bitch had brittle bones. I was still somewhat unfulfilled. I sliced off a bunch of fingers, cut her a thousand times, and no real struggle.  I was going to get my fight.  I told her I was curious how a razor blade would slice an eyeball. That got a reaction from her. Maybe the cunt did want to live. I straddled her bloody body, forced her eyes open and began slicing the pupil. Blood trickled at first, but the deeper I pressed the blade, the more the blood spewed out. Have you ever sliced open an eye? It is really cool. Finally, she struggled. I guess this was pain she could not endure. Now we had a party. I was so turned on, I rubbed my pussy all over her bloody torso until I came.

bloody phone sex snuffI sliced the bitch’s eyes out. Cut them clean out of their sockets. They felt like mushy grapes in my hand.  Funny, she was crying ,and tears and blood still ran down her face even though I was holding her eyes in my hand. Sinew was hanging out of her orbits. She was covered in blood.  Bloody fucking  GOREgeous to me. I told her I could make her famous . I took all sorts of pictures of her in various stages of death and dismemberment.  I carried her to her bathroom. If she ate a fucking sandwich on occasion, she may not have been so easy to carry. Made her suck on a lollipop that had a razor blade in it so I could see her slice her tongue too.

I left her in the tub. Covered in blood, her eyes on the edge of the tub so she could watch herself die. I took a few fingers as souvenirs, fed a few to her bird. Might be awhile before anyone finds her. Didn’t want the poor bird to go hungry.  I do have a conscious.Maybe I can make you GOREgoeous, or some one you know? I need more practice with these razor blades, although I do seem to be a natural.

snuff porn bloody sex

Movie Night

Snuff MoviesI think each and every one of us have a favorite all time movie.  Mine is a bit more…brutal than most.  My favorite film of all time is one that is entitled “A Serbian Film”, some of you may have seen it, and if not then perhaps you should.  This is about as close as you can come to having a movie about brutal, violent, gory, tortuous, vile sex that you can get.  It’s my go to snuff movie for inspiration.  This movie also has the distinction of being banned in not one, but four countries. 

There is so much depravity in this film that I come away from watching it feeling almost giddy.  I have never been full on giddy in my life, so that should tell you how much this movie is fucked up.  There is a plot to this movie, albeit stupid, but a plot none the less.  Just like you do not watch regular porn for the story line, you do not have to watch this one for a story line either.  The way it is shot is visually assaulting.  Beautiful, simply beautiful.

The next time you have your lady of choice over for a romantic evening.  Pop in this movie in the Blu-ray, and perhaps you can try to outdo the scenes in the movie.  I will leave you with my favorite line from the movie and it comes at the very end when one of the men filming the whole thing unzips his pants and heads toward three dead bodies, as he is doing so  the director says, “Start with the little one!”

Snuff phone sex

Violent Phone Sex

The Gift

You dressed me up in lingerie and let me put on some makeup – just enough to make me look pretty and cover the bruises on my face. You kept looking at me like something was missing. You kept mumbling under your breath about a special night for your friend, Matt. My head was spinning as you sprayed perfume all over my body. Then you grabbed me by the cheeks and put your angry face right up to mine. You told me I would do as you tell me to and that tonight I was to be a gift for a friend of yours.
A gift? You let go of my face and continued to stare at me like you were puzzled. Then I saw a lightbulb go off behind your eyes and you went to the drawer and pulled out some ribbon. You came back to me and tied it around my neck – in a beautiful bow. You smiled, pleased at yourself for making me the perfect “gift”. You told me to put my heels on and get in the bed to wait for Matt. I always do as I am told, so I climbed up on the bed and laid back, dressed and ready for whatever came next.

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You opened the door, and in came a boy, so young I thought. You hugged him and told him Happy Birthday. He glanced over at me on the bed and his grin became evil. Suddenly he didn’t look so innocent anymore. You told me that today is Matt’s 18th birthday and that I am his present. Matt will be my Master tonight, and I could see his cock grow in his pants. You stepped aside and Matt climbed on top of me in the bed. His hard cock brushed my legs as he immediately spread my legs and began fingering me with fury.
You stood and watched as Matt fucked me mercilessly for hours. He was young, but ruthless with his hands and cock. He fucked me raw in my ass and pussy and came all over my face. My makeup was ruined, and my lingerie ripped to shreds by the time he was finished. The only thing left intact was the pretty bow around my neck. Matt thanked you and left the room. You climbed on top of my cum soaked body, and grabbed ahold of the ribbon. You began to pull it tight and I couldn’t breathe. Your use for me was over, and as my vision blurred and I choked for air, the last thing I ever saw was that evil grin of yours.  

I’m Hungry

I’ve been here all day waiting for you. You haven’t fed me for days and my hunger pains are the only thing letting me know I am still really alive. The rest of my body aches when I move from all the torture you inflicted on me last night. The needles in my nipples and pussy are gone, but the pain is sore and sharp even after you removed them. You showed no mercy when you whipped me, and since I am chained here, I have no escape.

But for some reason I long to see you. I can’t wait for you to come back through that door. The thought of your black eyes glaring at me, and wanting to hurt me again, make my tiny little battered pussy begin to throb. I need everything you give me. The fresh cuts from your blade make my ears ring in pleasure. There is no other way to get what this little pain whore needs – and you are the Master of pain.

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I can’t let you know that I secretly want it. I know you would lose interest and go find another worthless slut like me. I can’t lose you like that. You are my addiction and without your heavy hands forcing my tiny body into your painful fantasies, I am nothing. I need to feel your hatred and I want to see your cock rise when you hear me screaming. I want to watch you cum from my terror. I am your little pain whore, and I crave your anger. I don’t deserve the rush I get, and yet you continue to abuse me. Hurry home, Master, I am scared and wet and hungry…

Bloody phone sex with Toni: Bathtime

bloody phone sex

Whenever my bathtub is full of blood I’m a very happy girl. I like to treat myself to a nice warm blood bath about one a month, sometimes more if I can. It doesn’t always take more than one victim to fill the tub, it’s just more fun if there’s more. I guess I never grew out of playing with my toys in the bath because it’s seriously one of my favorite things. Nothing beats bringing a scared little bitch home, slitting her throat and filling your bathtub with her blood. Usually, I keep the second victim alive and let them watch the show. Obviously, I don’t keep them alive to entertain them.bloody phone sex No one likes taking a cold bath so I keep the second victim around to keep my bath warm. They’re very unlucky too bloody phone sexbecause their deaths are never as quick as the ones they witness. In order to keep my blood bath warm for a longer period of time I have to bleed them slowly. Sometimes I start with the wrists, other times I get more creative, but either way they die before it’s over.bloody phone sex
The blood baths started to get boring so lately I’ve changed it up a bit. Everyone knows that a bath can more fun with company. What I’ve learned lately is that I enjoy my blood baths more if have a big hard prick to play with in the tub. My pathetic victim will be begging for his life and screaming while his blood is pouring into the tub. But nothing that he says or does will be enough to save his life. The more he cries and struggles, the more turned on I get and when I get that excited I only get more ravenous. What I love to do most is fuck their massive cocks while we soak in their blood, even if they faint or die before I get around to it. I never stop until I cum. Sometimes a dead cock is better, but for a blood bath I prefer for them to be alive. I love killing them after they cum deep inside me, that’s the only mercy I’ll ever show them.

Women Wanted for Snuff Porn: Be Prepared to Die

snuff porn mommy tortureMy master instructed me to get three of my prettiest girlfriends together and come to his warehouse for a special party. I was so excited because normally I am alone in his warehouse being beaten and humiliated, not partying with my besties. I should have known better. Master is not a benevolent sort. As soon as I arrived, we were all shoved in cages. Master had a female accomplice this time. The warehouse was set up with camera equipment, this was a first.

I looked at my friends, apologized. I had no idea what was in store for us. “Snuff porn,” master said.  I brought my girlfriends to their death I feared. I screamed, yelled, pleaded for their mercy. But one by one, he plucked them from their cages and forced me to watch as he killed my friends. Tortured, mutilated and snuffed out, the only female friends I had.

Sandy was first. A sweet innocent soccer mom. Unlike me, she never fucked her offspring. She was a bored trophy wife who thought we were going dancing and drinking. And now she was tied to chair being fucked by a big sharp knife. The knife slid in and out of her pussy, shredding her vaginal wall. Blood poured out between her legs. She was screaming in pain. Master put the knife in her ass, she screamed even more. His accomplice was filming her being gutted. I was screaming for her. Master didn’t care. He wanted it real. There was nothing more real than her pain, her tears, her blood, her death. He shoved the knife in her face, killing her.

snuff porn bloody sexCindy got strapped down to a table and cut a thousand times. Shoved a knife in her stomach, split her open like an animal. Her insides spilled out on the table. I threw up at the sight. I brought my friend to her death. I brought them all to their death. She died looking at me. Joy was the last pulled from her cage. Master put her in a box, slit her throat  and filmed her bleeding out. He completely drained her while the camera caught the life literally running out of her. He then jacked off on her bloody, lifeless tits.

I thought I was the next to die. I was not so lucky. Master has other plans for me. I am to bring him girls for his snuff porn films. Every week I bring him at least one girl to kill and I get to live. A lot of women are going to die because of me. Better them than me.

Snuff Porn Addiction

Snuff porn can become an addiction and a rather jading experience. There was a guy I knew that had to have his partners body cold in order to even get it up. It helps if she was pale and frail and he could really feel like he was fucking the dead.

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One night we were hanging out and partying with a few others and this guy wanted to go down to the cemetery. Not normally a big deal, except I knew him well enough. He gets this urge to try drugging a girl up and wants to do a snuff porn with her unconscious. In fact he would strangle her while pounding her ass, or one time he wanted to cut a slit in the chicks gut so he’d have a new hole to violate.

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This dude was way out there sometimes. Once we were getting super wasted and I actually went out and grabbed a crack ho off the streets for him. I lured her in and actually started torturing her on camera for this dude. I swear he thought he was in love with me, but I showed him. The snuff porn ended with his life slowly burning out like a candle’s flame.

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