Category: Roleplay phone sex

Torture sex with my little body for unc

“Little slut bitches like you need Torture sex to keep you in line” my unc says as he pulls his cock out. My little body trembles because I know what is about to happen. That’s when he picked me up by the neck and ripped my panties off. After I fall to the ground, he uses them to tie my hands behind my back. Since I have tears streaming down my face, uncle rubs his hard pcock all over them. “That’s right cry little slut lube my cock up even more, it’ll make it easy to fuck your holes.

Torture sex

Then my unc holds me down by my neck and forces my legs open. Before he starts to rip me open, he spanks my young bald cunty over and over. He was hitting me so hard that my pussy lips were swollen and puffy. “Which hole should I rip open tonight,” my uncle says thinking out loud. After that you slap my face telling me that I should be putting up a better fight. But I learned after many torture fucks that the harder I fight the more my uncle likes it. Therefore, I just give into his abuse.

Hoping it would end faster, but my uncle just tortures me more in the hopes I would fight back. Therefore, he lays me on my back, “if you won’t fight back then I’ll fuck your limp body” my uncle said with a smirk. His hands started to strangle me and by instinct I started to fight back. “That’s it bitch” he moans as his cock rams in my tight young little asshole. While holding me down by my neck my uncle ripped my assjole open.

All I wanted was for him to finish before I couldn’t breathe. His hard pdick rips me open and I start to smell blood before I see stars. My body starts to go limp, and I start to see black. “Pass away while your uncle abuses your ass and fills you up” he grunts. As I tried to catch a breath, I could feel his big pdick pump his sperm in me and I was relieved it was over.

Over indulge on Bloody phone sex, feast on the gore

Bloody phone sex Over indulge on Bloody phone sex. I know I’ve been feeling the heat recently, my depraved cravings spiraling out of control. My master took me to a decrepit, rundown motel in the heart of obscurity. 

As I stepped into the master suite, the scent of blood wafted through the air, and so much blood everywhere. I guess there were at least three fellow whores had met their end here.

I suppressed the shiver crawling down my spine, aware that I may very well be the next sacrifice to soak this chamber. I was pushed onto the blood-soaked bed. 

There was a horde of eager cocks standing at attention, primed to take their turn fucking the ever living shit out of me. The world seemed to blur around me as I gave my all to each hungry cock.

The torment was incessant, and the Torture sex made me cum so much. In a moment of twisted, depraved craving, my tormentors held a spark of recognition when they soaked my holes in jizz.

They took it to the next level. If I wanted to live through the night I had to feast on the gore of their last victim.  And so, I ate, I indulged, and found myself utterly consumed by savage ecstasy.

Now, I beckon to you, my future accomplices, to join me in the depths of undeniable debauchery, where we can revel in the all-consuming darkness together. 

No limits, no strings attached, just a den of hedonistic indulgence, waiting to swallow you whole. So come, let your depraved fantasies run wild, and together, we’ll paint this world red and I’ll make you cum with some Killer phone sex!

Ass rape porn is the way to my fucking juices.

            Ass rape porn is the way to my fucking juices. To begin with you don’t fucking ask if you can. You fucking take it. I need help guiding it in. That not fucking fantasy rape. Listen up little boys you need me as you accomplice to fucking show you how it is done.

 Ass rape porn           To begin with, I was sold. Now I am the leader. You want fucking wet and nasty sex. Then you will learn to just take what you like. See it, like it, fuck it. Make that the damn motto.

            Next is the ass porn that you need to be watching. See how they are slamming that ass. Not once have they asked for permission. Grow a damn pair.

As your Accomplice phone sex whore, you get help.

Obviously, I expect you to know how to do something. Anything. At the same time as your helper, I will guide you to the sites that you need. Walking you through. Telling you just how fucking hot I think it is.

Listening to the screams. Pleading to go easy. Are you going to? Of course not. Fuck. You want to get to these fucking juices? Then crank up the Ass porn and let us get it on.

To be sure you are going to be fucking this god damn ass. Fucking hop to it if you want to be hearing any of the fantasy rape stores that I have. They include little teen whores. Just like you would like to have them be.

First thing you need to do is bring a victim. Fine, I will bring the victim you just have to tell me how old you want the bitch whore to be that is getting plowed.

Snuff Porn Star Blair Forced into Furry Beast Porn

snuff pornSome folks think of me as a snuff porn star. Yet others see me as too old for snuff flicks anymore. Everyone wants to rough up cute young things. Not an old mommy whore with loose fuck holes. That’s what this one director told me last week when I auditioned for him. The seedy dangerous underworld of snuff pays better than vanilla porn. So, that’s why I travel in these circles. But I needed money to get coke. And no one wants to trade my old fuck holes anymore.

However, I am resilient. I don’t give up just because one guy passed on me. But I did need to go deeper into the risky world of snuff movies to find a guy willing to hire me. We agreed on a price. And of course he wanted a rough anal scene. Everyone wants to use my asshole in the dark films I make. My ass gets used so much, my prolapse comes out easily. Just one push, and I have a natural cock sleave for men.

I am Getting too Old Even for the Snuff World

I asked about my costar, and I figured it would be him or some other big, strong man. Nope. He wanted a furry beast to sodomize me. Not that I have not had red rockets in my fuck holes before, because I have. But I never enjoy it. Just something that happens when I get fucked up. But sometimes, most times, a druggy whore needs to do things she does not like to keep the party going.

I just tried to think of something else as this furry drooling beast mounted me. I could feel that slimy rocket locked into my asshole like a hook. It drooled down my back and shoulders.  I felt humiliated being this beast’s ass rape porn star. Seemed like his red rocket was hooked inside of me for hours. But it ended finely with a slimy nut. I took my money and left with an ass full of a beast’s cum.

Vampires Are Fucking Sexy

I have always been tuned on by vampires. I love the concept of seducing someone with my undead pussy and adding them to my army of night creatures. In my fantasy, I am prowling around a club looking for a live cock to turn into an undead cock with my bite.  I finally found my target. It is easy to lure him into my lair AKA my apartment with the promise of an all-night fucking session. I am not lying he will get fucked like he has never been fucked before just by the end of it he will be a creature of the night. The first thing I do is out his cock into my slutty undead mouth and I gave him the. best blow job he has ever had. His eyes are rolling into the back of his head. I have powers of seduction. Then he gets a look at my tits. They are perfect. Once you become a vampire you are physical perfection.  He starts to lick them and suck my nipples. I am now moaning at the top of my lungs and can’t wait to sink my fangs into him.  He is a really good fuck and he will be a great addition to my army of undead fuck boys. He finally slips his enormous cock into my wet pussy and it feels so fucking good. He was fucking me so hard, that he was oblivious to the fact I just popped my fangs out.  As he is cumming I am going to sink them into his neck,  I felt his cock begin to spasm and I made my mood. I sank my teeth deep into his neck and got a taste of his blood. It was exquisite. After his cock was drained he began his transformation. he was now physical perfection and ready t fuck some more.  I think I am going to send him out to get me some young girls for my undead fuck club.

gothic phone sex


Blasphemy sex in the Catholic reformatory for the Devil

Blasphemy sexBlasphemy sex happens when a man or woman of faith gets seduced by a demonic brat! Daddy tried to fend off the evil from my soul when I was little. Mommy Put me in a Catholic boarding school and threatened exorcisms if I didn’t change my ways. 

Hit one little girl in the head and stick a toy up her cunny, and suddenly you are evil! As if daddy’s extracurricular activities of bring home whores and making them disappear had nothing to do with me emulating what I had seen. God, Mommy was such a dumb cunt.  Being the daughter of a serial rape fantasy killer had its effect on me.

Blasphemy sex in the Catholic reformatory for the Devil

Little did they know how evil I would really turn out to be. So off to catholic school I go to ruin some men and women of the cloth. My plans were not a ceremonial Gangbang rape porn for the dark lord. Being who I am, I was inclined to corrupt the most pious of church elders. The nuns who taught me were pent-up with sexual need. They thought they were mean, but I was meaner. One swat to my hands with the ruler and the nun would find herself being fisted and choked in the kitchen.

I made nuns and priest go evil

That would not be enough, so I decided to call on Satan’s powers to disseminate the whole school and fore sinister orgasm on every one under the roof.  I called upon the darkness and watched as the school was transformed into a scene of debauchery.

Gangbang rape porn in the Catholic school

As wave over wave of demonic ecstasy washed over the adults, I giggled, knowing soon they would do what every one knows to be true. Girls and boys were pulled into piles of fuck meat. The nuns were trembling with pleasure and the elders were trembling with fear. With No restraint they fucked each other and all the young students including me. Watching as the scene unfolds, I know I ruined so many lives by bringing evil where ever I go! Taboo phone sex with an evil brat gets blasphemous.

Rape phone sex fantasies with your wife using little sis cunt

Once you have been used for Rape phone sex fantasies it’s like men know and want to use you for that too. It was unlike for me that I got hired to be a babysitter for my neighbors a few houses down. They went out and came back drunk. When I woke up, he was stroking his cock in my face. “You look like my youngest sister when she was a teeny slut” he moaned as he kept stroking his cock. Since my uncle had done this many times I froze. “I think it’s time for me to go home,” I said as I started to get up.

Rape phone sex fantasies

That’s when his wife, who was naked, grabbed me from behind. “She does look like your sis did,” she teased. “We should do what we did to her back then” she suggested as her hands started to tie mine up. Once my hands were tied up, I just gave up. My uncle would get me the same way and the more I fought the better he liked it. They both ripped my clothes off and laid me down. She started to rub my clit and I couldn’t help but get wet. “This little rapewhore likes it” she said as she licked her fingers. “Open her legs,” he said as his cock started to leak. Therefore, she mounted my face, and I knew I had to lick her.

As I licked her clit, she opened my legs, and he rammed his big cock in my teeny pussy. “Fuck this bitch has been fucked before” he grunted as he fucked me. She forced me to enjoy it by rubbing my clit. It didn’t take much more licking before she started to feed me her juices. “Cum in her like you did your little sis that night” she moaned at the same time. Remembering his little sister’s abuse, made him cum hard. “Fuck I wanted to save my loaf for her ass” he moaned. “We can make some Ass rape porn, we paid for the whole night” she said teasingly.

Bound, Blindfolded & Helpless: My Sickening Submission

“Chris” the name alone sends shivers down my spine. Last night, this hateful man tied me up and left me at his mercy. Merciless. That’s the word. He was fucking merciless!

He started by binding my wrists and ankles, leaving me vulnerable and utterly helpless. A devious smirk played on his lips as he walked around me, his eyes dark and full of promise. Chris knew exactly what he was doing to me, and the power he held over me only made me wetter.

He began to torture me, using toys and his clever fingers to drive me wild. My body squirmed and strained against my bonds, but I was trapped, his prisoner, and I loved it! He took his time, teasing and denial, keeping me on the edge for what felt like hours. I was dripping wet, my body twisted and my nerves on fire.

Then, he Shoved his meaty cock inside of me. Chris’s big, hard cock filled me up, and the feeling was indescribable. He pounded into me, each thrust forceful and precise, sending me hurtling toward ecstasy. I couldn’t think or breathe, his pace was relentless, but the pleasure was too much to bear in the best possible way!

My body convulsed as wave after wave of ecstasy washed over me. I squirted all over, my juices soaking the bed. Chris showed no mercy, continuing to pound me until I could barely stand it. And just when I thought I’d burst, he released me from my bonds and kept pounding away.

The aftermath left me spent and panting, my body quivering from the most intense orgasm I’d ever experienced. Chris had left me a mess, and I loved every second of it.

Domination Phone Sex with a Sexy Switch Equals the Best of Both Worlds

domination phone sexDomination phone sex with a sexy switch equals the best of both worlds. You can use me as your accomplice for your darker desires. Or you can use me as your victim for that. But if you use me as both, that might make things more interesting. My former master towards the end of our relationship used me as both. During the day, I lured one little girl after another to him, sealing their fate. Those girls either died at the hands of my former master, or he sold them into slavery once he used up their tight holes.

However, after I brought him a younger, tighter version of me, he used me as his ass rape porn star. He [possessed an insatiable appetite. One day, he decided I could go. But to earn my freedom I brought him 100 little girls in a year. Perhaps, I should feel bad about luring girls into their worst nightmare. But in the world that I live in, it’s a survival of the fittest mentality. And I did not have much of a choice. If I had not bought my freedom one young girl at a time, my body would be in a ditch somewhere.

My former master and I have an agreement now. If I bring him young flesh, he must first pay me for my services. And he pays me handsomely too. He needed help finding a very young ginger girl for a client. And he used me as the go between. I procure talent for him and his clients. Although the age he wanted would be tougher to lure away because girls that age are almost never alone, I knew I could do it.

I Can Be Your Sexy Accomplice and Procure Little Angels for You

Although, breaking and entering and forcible kidnapping is not something I have much experience with, I managed to pull it off and bring this girl to her worst nightmare. My former master does not just explore rape phone sex fantasies, he also snuffs these girls after he destroys their holes so much that they no longer feel tight to him. And something so tiny does not stay tight long with his big dick. But my payday seemed to be the only thing I cared about.

Girls disappear daily. And I have learned that it’s much easier to do today than 20 years ago. No one ever pays 100% attention to their young ones anymore. So, if I kidnapped a girl for you, what age and ethnicity would you desire the most.

Kidnapping Phone Sex Fantasies Turn Me On

kidnapping phone sexDo you have kidnapping phone sex fantasies? You can admit that with me. As a submissive whore, I cater to all fantasies. But I like the darkest ones the most. Maybe because I like to party. And when I party, I become a nasty freak. Just ask Frank. We did a hot role play where I pretended to be a young mother with two small daughters stranded on the side of the road.

Frank stopped to help us, but he seemed sketchy to me, so I declined his offer to help. And told him a lie about my husband coming to rescue us. Frank sensed that I was lying, and he circled back and forced my girls and I into the back of his truck. He held a gun to us, so we had no choice. Scared, we got into his cab with him. While I pleaded with him not to hurt us, he tied us up and gagged our mouths. My daughters looked so scared. I tried to reason with him, but he seemed very pissed off. Even told me this could have been avoided if I had not lied to him.

I am Down for Any Sadistic Role Play

I feared he harbored rape phone sex fantasies for us, or worse. And I felt like we had been bound and gagged forever when we finally stopped. But we did not leave the back of his cab. He played some sick games with me. First, with a gun to the back of my head, he made me eat and finger my daughters’ pussies. I felt sick to my stomach.

But my only other option involved a bullet to the head. So, I did it. He started jacking his cock. My daughters cried while I did as he instructed. But I was not sure what the end game was here. And I did not want to know. Even though I tried to think of ways out of this mess, I did not think we could escape.

Eventually, he tied me back up and made me watch him fuck my little angels. He destroyed their tiny little bodies. We all cried too. But Frank forced me to keep my eyes open. My daughters’ tiny little cunts looked destroyed. Their tiny bodies took a beating that if they survived the night, might ruin them for life. I pleaded with him to leave them alone, and he turned his focus on me. As he force fucked me, I looked at my scared and hurt little girls feeling so helpless.

Frank dumped us on the side of the road, battered and bloody with no clue where we were. To say this was sadistic phone sex, is an understatement, but I am a subby whore up for any role play.