Tag: killer phone sex

Over indulge on Bloody phone sex, feast on the gore

Bloody phone sex Over indulge on Bloody phone sex. I know I’ve been feeling the heat recently, my depraved cravings spiraling out of control. My master took me to a decrepit, rundown motel in the heart of obscurity. 

As I stepped into the master suite, the scent of blood wafted through the air, and so much blood everywhere. I guess there were at least three fellow whores had met their end here.

I suppressed the shiver crawling down my spine, aware that I may very well be the next sacrifice to soak this chamber. I was pushed onto the blood-soaked bed. 

There was a horde of eager cocks standing at attention, primed to take their turn fucking the ever living shit out of me. The world seemed to blur around me as I gave my all to each hungry cock.

The torment was incessant, and the Torture sex made me cum so much. In a moment of twisted, depraved craving, my tormentors held a spark of recognition when they soaked my holes in jizz.

They took it to the next level. If I wanted to live through the night I had to feast on the gore of their last victim.  And so, I ate, I indulged, and found myself utterly consumed by savage ecstasy.

Now, I beckon to you, my future accomplices, to join me in the depths of undeniable debauchery, where we can revel in the all-consuming darkness together. 

No limits, no strings attached, just a den of hedonistic indulgence, waiting to swallow you whole. So come, let your depraved fantasies run wild, and together, we’ll paint this world red and I’ll make you cum with some Killer phone sex!

Snuff Sex Makes My Pussy Squirt

I have always been very into snuff. I have an evil streak that when I see someone getting hurt my pussy tingles, My ultimate snuff fantasy is to suffocate a nice young innocent girl by sitting on her face. I want the last thing she tastes and smells is my pussy. I can imagine how it would feel to have her fighting for her life and it wouldn’t do her any good, she is completely overpowered by me. Then while I am sitting on her face suffocating the life force out of her my man can be violating her pussy and every other hole he desires.  If you are looking at it. I am doing her a favor,  She will have the ultimate pleasure. They say the best orgasm ever is one you have when you are suffocating.

snuff sex

I want her to die while struggling to breathe and choking on my fucking cum.  As she struggles and moves her face around to try to save herself she will rub my clit and that is going to make me squirt right into her little face. When she is finally still, I am going to live my ultimate fantasy and watch my man fuck the shit out of the little cold-dead bitch.  I want him to fuck her little tiny dead pussy and then I want to see her little dead ass get sodomized. I would love to see his dick in her little dead mouth.  I am going to have to play with my pussy extra hard when he fills that little lifeless mouth with cum. I know I am an evil sadistic bitch and I am proud of it.  Writing this blog got me really thinking about my fantasy and now I have a date with my vibrator. I need to cum so fucking bad!

Evil Phone Sex Fantasies Help Us Deal with Stress

evil phone sexEvil phone sex cures the dog days of summer. Seems to be a heat wave across the country. Politics pissing people off. Heat pissing people off. And we all need a little escape. I know I do. And killing and torturing people helps me deal with stress. Plus, it makes the world a better place because I rid the world of assholes and bitches.

And yesterday, I murdered an annoying couple I met by happenstance. As a Goth chick with a murderous streak, I still do regular things like grocery shop. And while I was in the produce aisle a couple hit on me. I mean they wanted to go Goth for a moment. Do I look like the kind of woman you can approach about having a threesome? No, I don’t. I look like the kind of woman who will put you in snuff movies.

Although I politely declined, they followed me through the aisles talking about their Goth girl curiosity. No means no. And if I need to tell you more than once, you better pray for your life. After their final attempt, I agreed. But I was not fucking these vapid swingers. I had something else in mind. Sexual mutilation and murder.

Evil Fantasies Cure Those Summer Blues

When I showed up, they offered me a drink. I carry these strips around with me that let me know if a drink is spiked. And sure, enough it was. I do not think they wanted to fuck me. But I drugged them before finishing my drink. Their plant enjoyed my roofied wine. And I enjoyed the torture sex. When they woke up, they discovered that I tied them up. And they did not appear happy. But they appeared even less happy when I sexually mutilated their junk.

I carved up her pussy. And afterwards it resembled raw hamburger meat. And of course, I removed his balls. But I put his severed testicles in his wife’s mouth for shits and giggles. I spent hours there. Even though I enjoyed torturing them, I had to kill them. They saw my face. So, I slit their throats and left them to bleed out on their bed. Least they can go to hell together.

Accomplice phone sex; you, me, and victim.

Accomplice phone sex            Accomplice phone sex; you, me, and victim. That makes three. You want me to be the helper or you the helper. I do so like making you the helper. Taking charge is what I do. I like the killer fun time that is to be had. After all, what is the killer bee if not the executioner. Want to make it dirty and nasty naughty. Then to be sure let us make it bloody awful.

            Pick the tools of the trade. As my accomplice you need to be prepared for everything. All in all, I am a knife wielding fucking whore. Like to cut up the inside and yank them out with a flick of the wrist. Too bloody for you. Need something to warm up too.

            We can always start with a suffocation phone sex call. A pillow over the face. Start with dry drowning. The possibilities. As long as you are getting hard. You must try screwing them once they have been snuffed out. Once they are caput the muscles contract. It will be the tightest passage you have every fucked. We will move up until you are used to the blood. The gore.

            The pain and suffering.

Snuff Sex is What Men Get When They Break My Rules

snuff sexSnuff sex I consider the only sex. I do not make love to men. And I do not form attachments to them either. Men provide little use to me. But like most women, I do have sexual needs. But consider me a Praying Mantis of sorts. I will behead a lover for trying to get rough with me or attempting to cuddle or anything remotely romantic or mushy.

I do not date. But I do fuck sometimes. And I needed dick last night, so I got on Tinder. Callers talk about Tinder all the time as a great way to enjoy anonymous, discreet fucking. So, I did my thing. Swiped right on the first nice cock I saw and went to a no tell motel since he was married. He has a thing for Goth girls. The fucking was great and delivered just what I needed too.

However, after he came, he got all mushy and love dovey. Puke. After this third warning, I decided to introduce him to my snuff porn side. And I smothered him. Choked him too. All I did was tell him I was into erotic asphyxiation, and he gave up his power to me. He did not know who he just fucked. I kill most of my lovers because they cannot abide by my rules. What happened to men just wanting to fuck? Most men nowadays start planning our future after one cum. Fuck that shit.

Consider Me a Praying Mantis in Bed

I do not care how big your cock is or how big your wallet is either. Men exist to serve me. And once I have been served, I want nothing more to do with them. Nothing. But this dumb ass wanted to date and introduce me to his family. After one fuck? I mean sure, I am a good lay, but to plan our future after one cum means you are some love lorn puppy dog and I do not have the desire to deal with that level of bullshit. So, I killed him.

With his cock in my pussy, and my hands around his throat, he took his last breath as I came. Strangulation phone sex never felt so good. I am tiny, but I am mighty. I managed to take his life without a knife. Using only my bare hands, I killed him. Left his body in the no tell motel. When will men learn to listen to me?

Violent phone sex includes whips, chains, bloody stumps.

Violent phone sex             Violent phone sex includes whips, chains, bloody stumps. Water torture. The violence of it all. It all makes me wet. Horny. Gasping. To be sure it is the best time to fuck. Be it water, whips, chains, oh the pleasure, and it must be remembered the pain. Have you ever used water torture? Try it. By all means use it at on me. As shown above I am a freak for pain.

            Now I may just be the Queen bee killer. I do like every aspect of violence. Whether it is doling it out or receiving some of the pain. Knowing how to water board, to torture using chain, whips, most assuredly water. Turn them into bloody stumps.

            Give me that Torture sex. I need to have it. Watch as I get wetter. Let the juices flow.  You start with the torture and this hot blonde will finish you the only way. That way is to finally make you explode from the pressure.

            In summary you need the torture as much as I do. Going to show you the bloody stumps. Using whips, chains, and water hoses. As shown above it will make it raw and bloody.

Knife Play Phone Sex Kills on the 4th of July are the Best

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex heated up Thursday night. I went out trolling for a victim. Did you know that 4th of July is the perfect kill day. With all the fireworks going off no one hears gunshots or screams. Now, I am not a gun fan. Why? Because it takes little skill. It ends up being mostly luck and it’s over quick. To me, there is no fun in that. I want to enjoy my kills. But more importantly I want to savor the suffering.

I have too many tales of murder that night to share them all. But I did kill 18 men, and two chicks. Outside of mass murder, I think that’s an impressive kill rate for a single evening.  But I am a snuff porn fan. I did have to shave some time off the suffering so I could cram more kills in before the fireworks noise died down.

This one cunt become victim number one of the night. We had a chance encounter at a convenience store, and she acted like a total twat to me. Made some Goth girl insult and then started calling me a bitch and a cunt when I told her to eat my pale ass. She fucked with the wrong bitch.  I went into the store just to get some matches but bought some fireworks too. And I followed the bitch to her house. I saw no other cars. I waited a bit to see if I saw anyone else and I did not.

Fourth of July is the Best Kill Day of the Year

Normally, I plan better but I can be less cautious on the 4th of July because of the noise. I waited until it got dark, and her neighbors began letting off fireworks. I broke into the back of her house and caught her off guard. Loser. She had no plans for the 4th of July. She was watching some Lifetime movie. Although she screamed, it sounded like WW III outside. So no one would hear her. Did not take long to tie her up on the floor. I ripped her nightgown off and pulled her panties down.

She tried to apologize to me, but too late. I rammed a bunch of sparklers up her cunt and lit them. Now she really screamed. But no one could hear her still. I could smell the flesh burning. And that kind of torture sex turns me on. I put some firecrackers up her ass too. She went into shock when I blew a big hole in her ass. So, I let her bleed out on her living room floor and went off to kill 19 more poor souls no one would miss.

Uncategorized killer queen bee takes everything.

Uncategorized            Uncategorized killer queen bee takes everything. After all that is what some bees do. Like how the males are kicked out as soon as the Queen is done breeding with them. Use them and toss them. They are the victims right alongside the worker bees. All women those bees. Buzzing around. Abusing the males. Join the ranks to be abused, to be fucked, and finally to be snuffed.

            As soon as you are brought to the Queen you have a job to do. See how gorgeous she is. Immediately you know you are going to do her bidding. On bended knee. The Roleplay will continue until you have finally been finished off. Permanently. After all that is what a Killer queen bee does, she takes everything.

            Now that you know that I will be sucking on your cock. Pulling all your nectar out. Using you up. Take all that you have. Time after time. First thing to remember is that I will use you, abuse you, take you, drain you, among many other things. In fact, I may decide to pimp you out to the workers.

            That is to say this will all be done before I finally finish you off. To point out that you will go out happy is a consolation for you though. Being snuffed is a great way to go when you are having one last sexcapade in your miserable existence.

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Come True If You Try to Fuck Me

murder phone sex fantasiesMurder phone sex fantasies can come true with the right accomplice. I may not be the right one because I will kill you and take your money if you look at me wrong. My murderous impulses become harder and harder to control as time passes. And it is not that I have less tolerance for stupidity. There are just more stupid people around. And that can get overwhelming sometimes.

I met James in a no tell motel to discuss the plans of the kill he hired me for. Protecting myself, I take seriously. So, I do not even use burner phones. Initial communication I arrange on the dark web, then we meet to discuss the specifics.  I record all my meetings and hide the convo on an external drive I hide very well. Security in case some loser tries to blackmail me or set me up.

And just because I am your accomplice phone sex partner, does not make you immune from me. I kill men for looking at me twice. And I have killed my share of accomplices too. Your money only goes so far. And I had to kill James in the seedy hotel because he tried to fuck me. I told him I was not his bitch, but his partner. And to add insult to injury, his dick appeared minuscule. Like I would fuck some loser who is too much of a pussy to kill a bitch on his own? And who has a small dick too. He needed to die for the insult alone.

Do Not Mistake Me, I Will Kill My Accomplice Too

When he pounced on me, he landed on my knife. Big knife too. Might as well be a sword. I keep a big knife always strapped to my thigh. A girl cannot be too careful. And my reflexes are quick. Even though I would have preferred a slow snuff sex death because it turns me on when someone suffers, I needed to act quickly. No one tries to fuck me against my will and lives to talk about it.

I do not like killing some one impulsively. However, people sometimes act too stupidly, that I cannot allow them to continue to breathe. We cannot show mercy to the morons. If they are too stupid to follow my rules, they deserve to die. Because I acted impulsively, I had to stage the death to look like a hooker / John scenario that went horribly wrong. I could almost predict the morning headline.

But I cleaned up the scene. Removed any evidence I was even there. And his death will remain a mystery because I know how to remove myself from any equation.

Killer phone sex luck be a lady tonight.

         Killer phone sex   Killer phone sex luck be a lady tonight. It’s a beautiful night. Ready for some fun. Going to find the perfect woman. She is going to know the pain. Just what evil fantasy do you have? After all I am the Snuff Queen and fucking someone while plotting their demise is indeed a fantasy of mine.

            In fact, I on a regular basis sit and fantasize about what I would do with someone. Would be the blade? Killer instinct is ingrained in me. The pain. The torture. The pleasure. As long as someone is screaming in agony, I am getting fucking wet. At the same time, it is driving me to even higher heights of dastardly deeds. Come along for the ride. Be the accomplice.

            Know that while it is Evil Fantasy phone sex at its finest, I don’t need a helper. Not in the least. Luck is the lady of the night. For to survive you must be lucky indeed. There is a killer out there that does like sex and coming up with evil ways to filet a body. See how they work. Now I have always been told animals don’t feel pain. Well, a human is an animal so join me in the realms of the impossible and we shall see if an animal can feel pain or not.

            The binds are going to cut. The knife will be sharp. That is to say to begin with it will have an edge. Time will go by, and it will become dull. Tell me you fantasize about the pain. It gets you off as much as it does I. Then we will cum together or I will while you are the one I have snuff sex with.