Category: Young voice phone sex

Evil phone sex: Back Alley Bating

 Evil phone sex


I ran into this dude’s gaze at the bar, and damn, his eyes were like a chainsaw to my panties. They held a bloody lust that got my cunt dripping.

He dragged me to the alley like a stray dog on a leash. Lucky me.

Against the wall, he choked me with his meaty hands, and I loved it. That’s the kink I craved—a dominator who’d treat me like the filthy whore I am.His nasty fingers ripped apart my dress, leaving me exposed. Perfect.He growled like a wild animal, declaring me his possession. Yeah, sure, we’ve heard it all before, but the way he said it… sent shivers down my spine.

He went straight for the kill, plunging his face into my cunt and lapping up my juices like they were the last drops of water on earth. I writhed and moaned, practically begging him to suffocate me with his dick.He called me a ‘good little cum slut’, and that turned me the fuck on.

After some nasty oral foreplay, he slammed into me. No romance, just raw, unfiltered banging. My tits bounced like basketballs, and my ass cheeks rattled with each thrust.I begged him to spank me, to leave his mark. The more I pleaded, the rougher he got, slapping my face and pulling my hair.

We were animals—no, devils—in a back alley orgy from hell. And I loved every second of it.

His final thrusts were violent, like he wanted to fuck me into the afterlife. And when he unleashed his load, I felt like the whore that I am—drenched in sweat, cum, and dirty af.

Torture phone sex Teen deserves all the pain you can inflict.

Torture phone sexTorture phone sex Teen deserves all the pain you can inflict. I make no qualms about being a pain slut so early in life. My body is yours to mutilate and degrade in any way you see fit. Women see a little tiny 100 lb waif with tattoos and crazy hair they know that there’s something inherently fucked up with her. And that’s me I’ve been a torture Dolly since I was just a little girl and well I don’t delight in it, I do find pleasure in the pain. I’ve spent most of my teen years finding other cuteness to have you do the things that were done to me. But in hard times I’m always a standing for that big daddy meat to torture me. Pull my hair and slide your cock down my throat until I can’t breathe. Place your hands around my neck and strangle me while you’re forcing your cock down my throat. Slap and beat me to the beat of your cock jerking.

Torture phone sex Teen deserves all the pain you can inflict.

 In this tale of Babysitter phone sex gone wrong, this time I have bit off more than I can chew. Sadistic daddies are my weakness and while I thought what he really wants is his own little fuck tots, its me he is punishing. Straight off a serial killer documentary, he has meat hooks hanging in his secret room in the basement. What I am not telling you is that I have secretly wished for someone to string me up and make me pay for all the things I have done. Pussy lips pulled roughly as he shoves his fist up inside me, wasn’t on my bingo card though. My cunts are small and so am I. How am I going to last hours at his hands if he fists my pussy makes me bleed. And who is going to watch his brats while he tortures, fucks and possibly kills me?

Tortured Ecstasy: My Anonymous Kinky Adventure

 Torture phone sex

Oh, yeah, torture sex. Now we’re talking about some real fun. Let me tell you about the time I got into some heavy kink with my anonymous fuck buddy. It was an online thing, and we’d been chatting for a while, trading kinky stories and pushing each other’s limits. He really knew how to make my panties wet with his twisted imagination.

One night, he suggested a live session, and I was beyond eager. When we met up, it was like an instant connection. He had this cocky smirk that told me he was used to being in control. We didn’t waste time with pleasantries. He threw me on the bed, and the show began.

It started with some good old ball busting. His fists were unexpected pleasure shocks on my vulnerably exposed balls. Then, he brought out the water torture. Water slamming into my body—it’s a sensation like no other. The pain is intense, but the pleasure? Oh, the pleasure is so filthy and indulgent.

He’d switch it up, going from scalding hot to icy cold, making sure my body was on edge, guessing his next move. All the while, he’d dig his fingers into my cunt, stretching and pulling my labia, making me squeal. He bit my ass cheeks, leaving marks that would bruise. I loved every second of it.

But he wanted more. I felt like his plaything as he bound me, keeping the ropes tight enough to leave marks. My legs were spread so wide I thought they’d break. And the fucking began. It was hard, rough, and unmatched. My body was on fire, the pain exquisite.

I came so hard I saw stars, begging for more even though my body was spent. Anonymous sex has its perks, and this was one hell of a story to tell.

The Silent Lover: My Necrophilia Odyssey

 Necrophilia phone sex

Yeah, I’m that girl—the one who finds dead men appealing. You see, I have a thing for silence, and a fresh grave has never looked so good.

The whole ‘babe’ and ‘honey’ thing during sex turns me off big time. So, I took matters into my own hands, literally. If I can’t find a guy who fits my bizarre needs, I kill him. Simple as that. And guess what? A dead guy’s cock is a girl’s best friend.

Rigor mortis and an erection? Now, that’s a winning combination. The best part is, they don’t talk back, don’t expect anything from you, and their cocks stay rock hard for hours. It’s a necrophile’s dream!

My latest conquest was a tall, handsome hunk with hands that screamed ‘big dick’. I seduced him, knowing full well what I’d do. We headed to his place, and as I rode his thick cock, I pulled out my trusty knife. One swift movement, and his life was history.

His blood drenched me as it gushed from his neck wound, becoming my personal lube. And guess what? His cock twitched as his life ebbed away. The rush of power was insane!

I rode that stiff cock like my life depended on it—which it technically did, in a twisted kind of way. The silence, the sense of dominance, the sheer ecstasy of it all—it’s like nothing else.

Sorry, fellas, but if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. And if you cross me, I might just send you to the great bedroom in the sky—where the sex is silent and the lovers are lifeless!

Torture sex is my only purpose in this pathetic life

It’s all true, Torture sex is my only purpose in my pathetic life! As I sit here, chained to the dirty, cold concrete floor of my master’s basement, I can’t help but think about the twisted and vulgar path that led me to this point. I was once a bright-eyed, innocent young woman, eager to explore the world and experience all it had to offer. But that was before I became my Master’s slave.Torture sex Now, I am nothing more than a plaything for the sick and depraved individuals who pay my master to use my body in the most horrific ways imaginable. I have been stretched, torn, and violated in ways that would make most people cringe. And yet, I am powerless to resist.

My Master has complete control over me, and I am forced to submit to his every whim. He makes me perform the most taboo sex acts, and I am powerless to say no. I am his property, his toy, his whore.

But despite the pain and degradation I am forced to endure, there is a certain sick thrill that comes from being used in such a way. I have become addicted to the adrenaline rush that comes from being pushed to my limits, from being dominated and degraded. And so, I continue to serve my Master and his depraved clients, as a  Snuff sex slave, no matter the cost to my own humanity.

If you crave to dominate, to make me suffer and bleed, then I am your perfect fantasy. I am willing and able to fulfill your every sick desire, no matter how twisted or taboo. So why not give me a call and see just how far I am willing to go to satisfy your every need?

I am waiting to fulfill your every sick desire. Whether you want to hear me scream in pain as I am stretched and torn, or you want to dominate me and make me your own personal plaything, I am here to serve. So don’t hesitate, pick up the phone and call me now for some Taboo phone sex. 


Taboo Training: A Shocking Tale of Ass rape porn

 Rape phone sex fantasies

If you’re into some good old fashioned taboo shit, I’ve got a story that’ll make your toes curl.

See, I used to be an ass-rape porn star, yeah! Wild stuff. My ex-master had a thing for training young sluts to take his cock up the butt. Me? I was his go-to girl for that. I’d help him break them in, these little innocents who had no clue what was coming.

But here’s the twist, dude. Turns out, the latest girl he wanted to turn into his personal anal queen was none other than his own daughter! Crazy, right? I was shocked too, but money talks, and when he offered me a fat stack to train his daughter, I couldn’t say no.

She was a tearful, screaming mess as I began her initiation. I shoved a dildo up her tiny butt, and the poor girl couldn’t handle it. But hey, that’s the price of admission to the big leagues.

Soon, Daddy Dearest was there, and he showed no mercy. He fucked her ass raw, and the poor thing suffered through it, screaming and crying. But hey, that’s the kink, right?

What’s crazy is, his daughter could take a lot more than your average chick. Taboo shit has a way of turning you on, huh? I mean, it’s fucked up, but damn it felt good to watch her struggle.

That’s my story, bro. Training a teary young girl to be a total ass slave. And you know what? I loved every minute of it!

Gangbang rape porn wrecked my cunt and scarred me for life

Let me tell you, friends, about the time that Gangbang rape porn wrecked my cunt and scarred me for life. When my Master tells me I need to work, I get to work. He brings me to different shoots a few times a month. I make me real good money too. I am proud I can serve my Master well living in the dirty, depraved world of porn. But little did I know that this shoot would be different from any other I had done before.Gangbang rape porn

I was on set for 12 hours straight, with no breaks, getting fucked by cock after cock. At first, I was into it, I mean, that’s why I’m in this business, right? But after a while, it started to get to me. I was sore, I was tired, and I was scared. But did they care? No. They just kept on fucking me, harder and harder, like I was some kind of toy for them to play with.

I felt like a true Torture sex slave, completely at the mercy of my masters. I begged them to stop, I really did. But they just talked over me, acting like they couldn’t hear me. I was just a prop to them, something to use to get their rocks off. And when I started to bleed, that’s when they really got into it. They pulled out their favorite toys and went to town on me, leaving me beaten and slashed, dripping with blood and cum.

It was terrifying, but also exhilarating. I’ve always had a fascination with torture and pain, and this was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. But even though I loved every minute of it, I can’t deny that it took a toll on me. I’m still recovering, both physically and mentally. I have scars all over my body, and my cunt will never be the same again. But that’s the price I have to pay for this kind of work.

So if you’re into terror-fueled Torture phone sex, then I’m your girl. I’ve been through it all, and I’m always up for more. Just call me up and let’s see how far we can take it. Who knows, maybe you’ll be the one to leave me begging for mercy.

I was pushed to my limits, both physically and mentally, and I came out the other side with a new appreciation for pain and torture. So if you’re looking for a hot snuff slave whore to fulfill your darkest fantasies, then look no further. I’m your girl. Just call me up and let’s get started. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed.


Kidnapping Phone Sex: The Dark Side

Alright, prepare yourself for a twisted tale that’ll make your toes curl.

I was minding my own business when suddenly, out of nowhere, I was kidnapped. These two perverts had been watching me, planning my abduction. I was thrown into a dark van, my screams silenced by a dirty rag shoved in my mouth.

When they finally let me go, I found myself in a dingy warehouse. It smelled of decay and despair. They call each other Zach and his buddy. Fucker had a strange kick – he got off on dominating and breaking people. I was just another toy to him.

They stripped me naked, chaining me to a cold wall. Zach’s pal started playing with my body, groping and pinching my flesh as if I was some kind of doll. I felt so helpless.

It got worse. Much worse. Zach brought out his toys – whips, chains, and goddamn electrical devices. The pain was excruciating. They enjoyed watching me suffer, laughing hysterically like maniacs.

But that wasn’t the end. Oh no, these freaks had a dark chamber where they took me. A room filled with strange devices and kinky contraptions. I was strapped down and at their mercy.

They took turns using my body for their twisted pleasures. It was a never-ending nightmare.

I’m still here, waiting for my chance to escape. But with these monsters, there’s no telling what tomorrow brings.

Blasphemy Phone Sex Fantasies From a Former Catholic School Girl

Blasphemy phone sexSo many memories being bent over daddy’s knee in my little Catholic School girl skirt and being punished for the blasphemy phone sex that day. I always could eye a closeted freak and Catholic schools are full them. I started realizing if I got in trouble with Sister Mary, she’d bring me to Father John for a confessional. I sensed the sexual chemistry between them and thought this was my chance.  Wearing no panties to school wasn’t a new thing but I noticed when I’d put a thick black marker up my cunt during class, sister Mary couldn’t stop watching.  I started giving her quite the show. She was the hottest nun by far, young and innocent.  First time she brought me to Father John and told him, he asked me to demonstrate. I told him the markers he had werent thick enough.  But noticed a banana on his desk. I grabbed that and laid on his floor with both of them watching eyes wide open. I started fucking my cunt with the bannana right on Father Johns floor.  I noticed he started playing with his cock and a shy Sister Mary took over her nun outfit wearing a simple hot sexy dress with you guessed it no panties. She got down sucking Father Johns Cock as I kept fucking my pussy with the thick banana.

They fucked for a good bit and then Father John looked at me and told me he wanted a young cum dumpster and would I take his cum. I told him only if he fucked me better than the bannana.  Sister Mary grabbed and pulled the banana out of my pussy and like the slutty nun she was, started sucking my cum off it.  She then put Father Johns bulging hard dick inside his little bad Catholic School girl.

Father John was a blessed man, a good 13 inches and thick.  I told him I thought priests liked little boys while he was pounding th shit out of cunt. He said he tried but their assholes were way too tight for his big dick so he was moving onto little slutty girls like myeself.  I told him I’d take his big cock anytime any day. In fact I probably fucked Father John and Sister Mary 2-3 times a day the rest of my time at that school. Father John would be late on Sundays a lot of time and come from me giving him head in his office.

Teen Rape porn Star Keisha gets forced at the library!

Teen rape porn is part of my everyday life. I get taken advantage of constantly, today events were quite interesting though and actually accidental but man my pussy hasn’t never been fucked so good. So what happened was I was in the library, and I was in a corner to myself because I needed to study for an exam. I had drunk a lot of water that day, so I was up and down going to the bathroom while I was there. On my way back to my corner, the librarian tells me I need stay in my seat or he will give it away. I roll my eyes and tell the librarian fuck you loser and laugh. I don’t take the guy seriously, he’s a little man. Like a real life midget.

Teen rape porn

I guess he wasn’t having it with my disrespect today, because next thing I know I got this little mother fucker chasing in behind me. I couldn’t believe what was happening and oddly no one was around to save me. I was running too fast so to catch up with me, he threw a book at my foot, and I tripped and fell into a bookshelf and hit the floor.

The little man stood over me and forced his cock into my mouth. I tried to close and even tried to bite him, but he punched me in the head and pried my mouth open with his hands and filled my throat with his midget dick. He got little baby dick hard and then forced me to have some anal torture sex. He fucked my ass until it was bleeding, and I was creaming out of my pussy hole. I didn’t know whether to beg him to stop or to keep going. My pussy was wet but the more he filled my ass, I just kept getting wetter. He pulled his wittle dick out of my pussy and came all over my face!