Category: Necrophilia phone sex

Over indulge on Bloody phone sex, feast on the gore

Bloody phone sex Over indulge on Bloody phone sex. I know I’ve been feeling the heat recently, my depraved cravings spiraling out of control. My master took me to a decrepit, rundown motel in the heart of obscurity. 

As I stepped into the master suite, the scent of blood wafted through the air, and so much blood everywhere. I guess there were at least three fellow whores had met their end here.

I suppressed the shiver crawling down my spine, aware that I may very well be the next sacrifice to soak this chamber. I was pushed onto the blood-soaked bed. 

There was a horde of eager cocks standing at attention, primed to take their turn fucking the ever living shit out of me. The world seemed to blur around me as I gave my all to each hungry cock.

The torment was incessant, and the Torture sex made me cum so much. In a moment of twisted, depraved craving, my tormentors held a spark of recognition when they soaked my holes in jizz.

They took it to the next level. If I wanted to live through the night I had to feast on the gore of their last victim.  And so, I ate, I indulged, and found myself utterly consumed by savage ecstasy.

Now, I beckon to you, my future accomplices, to join me in the depths of undeniable debauchery, where we can revel in the all-consuming darkness together. 

No limits, no strings attached, just a den of hedonistic indulgence, waiting to swallow you whole. So come, let your depraved fantasies run wild, and together, we’ll paint this world red and I’ll make you cum with some Killer phone sex!

I hate to admit it but I love Sex with dead bodies

When my Master introduced me to Sex with dead bodies, I was sick with terror. The first time he made me do it with a long-departed companion, I was repulsed, the stench of decay overwhelming my senses. But as time went by, that very smell became an aphrodisiac, a sweet aroma that would set my heart racing.Sex with dead bodiesI have a appetite for the deceased. My desires have pushed me to the farthest corners of taboo, and I make no apologies for it. As the saying goes, ‘If it feels good, do it.’ And trust me, there’s nothing quite like the thrill of fucking the dead.

I know there are a lot of us out there, Snuff sex fanatics. Could you imagine if we were the ones to rule this Earth? We could have so much fun without any worry of getting caught. When you jerk off, do you dream of a freshly dead angel or does the blue, bloated skin make your cock explode? No judgements here, I love it all.

My Master loves it when I grind my pussy on a corpse. The coldness feels so good against my red hot lust. I’ll take their fingers and stick as many as can fit inside me. If I grind too hard a finger or two will break off, but I don’t mind. I just move to the other hand and fuck that stiff until there is nothing left. 

The stiffness of their limbs, the silence, it all brings a twisted pleasure that I crave. As I find myself deeper and deeper in this world, I’ve realized something profound, there’s no limit to how depraved one can be. I’ll love to hear your Murder phone sex Fantasies. We can laugh as we get each other off to the sickest shit.


Tortured Ecstasy: My Anonymous Kinky Adventure

 Torture phone sex

Oh, yeah, torture sex. Now we’re talking about some real fun. Let me tell you about the time I got into some heavy kink with my anonymous fuck buddy. It was an online thing, and we’d been chatting for a while, trading kinky stories and pushing each other’s limits. He really knew how to make my panties wet with his twisted imagination.

One night, he suggested a live session, and I was beyond eager. When we met up, it was like an instant connection. He had this cocky smirk that told me he was used to being in control. We didn’t waste time with pleasantries. He threw me on the bed, and the show began.

It started with some good old ball busting. His fists were unexpected pleasure shocks on my vulnerably exposed balls. Then, he brought out the water torture. Water slamming into my body—it’s a sensation like no other. The pain is intense, but the pleasure? Oh, the pleasure is so filthy and indulgent.

He’d switch it up, going from scalding hot to icy cold, making sure my body was on edge, guessing his next move. All the while, he’d dig his fingers into my cunt, stretching and pulling my labia, making me squeal. He bit my ass cheeks, leaving marks that would bruise. I loved every second of it.

But he wanted more. I felt like his plaything as he bound me, keeping the ropes tight enough to leave marks. My legs were spread so wide I thought they’d break. And the fucking began. It was hard, rough, and unmatched. My body was on fire, the pain exquisite.

I came so hard I saw stars, begging for more even though my body was spent. Anonymous sex has its perks, and this was one hell of a story to tell.

The Silent Lover: My Necrophilia Odyssey

 Necrophilia phone sex

Yeah, I’m that girl—the one who finds dead men appealing. You see, I have a thing for silence, and a fresh grave has never looked so good.

The whole ‘babe’ and ‘honey’ thing during sex turns me off big time. So, I took matters into my own hands, literally. If I can’t find a guy who fits my bizarre needs, I kill him. Simple as that. And guess what? A dead guy’s cock is a girl’s best friend.

Rigor mortis and an erection? Now, that’s a winning combination. The best part is, they don’t talk back, don’t expect anything from you, and their cocks stay rock hard for hours. It’s a necrophile’s dream!

My latest conquest was a tall, handsome hunk with hands that screamed ‘big dick’. I seduced him, knowing full well what I’d do. We headed to his place, and as I rode his thick cock, I pulled out my trusty knife. One swift movement, and his life was history.

His blood drenched me as it gushed from his neck wound, becoming my personal lube. And guess what? His cock twitched as his life ebbed away. The rush of power was insane!

I rode that stiff cock like my life depended on it—which it technically did, in a twisted kind of way. The silence, the sense of dominance, the sheer ecstasy of it all—it’s like nothing else.

Sorry, fellas, but if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. And if you cross me, I might just send you to the great bedroom in the sky—where the sex is silent and the lovers are lifeless!

Accomplice for your nasty Rape phone sex fantasies

I’ve always been an accomplice to your Rape phone sex fantasies. That’s because my cunt drips at the sight of that small young bald pussy getting ripped open. “Bitch tie her up” my unc used to say as soon as he ripped the clothes off her young body. Now I rip her shit off myself. While you jack off, I tie her little body up. I get pleasure knowing the pain she feels from the rope burning her body.

That is what I used to feel when my uncle was fucking me. Now I get to see a young dumb slut get torture fucked too. “Make her choke on your dick until she passes out” I say as I set the camera up. I love to film every moment of the torture she gets until she takes her last breath. I spread her cunt and lube her right up. Her little bald pussy will be ripped open, and I want her to take every inch. As she passes out with tears running down her face, my cunt twitches.

Just like when my uncle was about to force his cock inside then I would start to water in between my legs. “Fuck her hole open for the camera” I moan as I play with my cunt. Then I watch as he gets all the Torture sex, he needs to make his perversions come true with a young fuck doll. Her little body just flopped, and he fucked her hard. His cock rammed deep inside her, that he was using her blood to keep his cock lubed up. It was too much for me to handle.

Rape phone sex fantasies

I slammed my cunt right on her face and fucked her lips hard. I didn’t even care that she couldn’t breathe and was screaming into my pussy. The vibrations made it better. “I’m about to fill this young bitch up for the camera baby” you moaned out. Knowing that is what my uncle used to do to me, and I have helped many do, I started squirting in her mouth. I could hear her gargling and drowning in my juices, but I didn’t give a fuck if she ended. As long as her body didn’t stick, I was going to film her getting fucked.

Giving This Dead Little Hottie A Great Send Off


necrophilia phone sex

I work part-time at a funeral home to make ends meet. I love my job for all the wrong reasons. I am dating a man who has a fetish for dead bodies the same way I do. I love the summer! We get all the drownings. This means nice young bodies that are mostly intact. We had the hottest little 19-year-old bitch the other day. This girl had the nicest tits, cute little pussy, and a delectable ass. She was so cold and stiff. the minute I saw her my pussy got soaked and I called my man. When he arrived he wasted no time. He started fucking that little cold pussy and I was playing with my nice wet one. It turned me the fuck on so much to see him fucking this little dead cunt. He also fucked her mouth and her ass. he filled every single little lifeless hole full of cum. I prepared her for her viewing and kept smiling to myself that it was my secret she was full of cum!

Necrophilia Phone Sex Because Dead Men Don’t Talk

necrophilia phone sexNecrophilia phone sex, anyone? I find a man more appealing after I killed him. Why? Because dead men don’t talk.  And nothing ruins sex more for me than some dude calling me babe or honey. Or a guy who wants to spoon me afterwards. I am not your girlfriend. I do not require cock like most girls. So, do not confuse me for some horny bimbo. Since I find it more challenging to just fuck a guy lately, I changed my way of doing things.

Now, if I spot a guy I like, I kill him first. If I kill a man right as he gets an erection, his dick stays hard. And you can fuck for a good hour or so postmortem. An when rigor mortis sinks in, sex with dead bodies becomes more fun.  A dead dude’s cock gives me more pleasure than any cock could. Sorry fellows, but your dead dick is so hard that I can get off multiple times.

Dead Men Do Not Talk and That’s What I Want When Fucking: Silence

And last night’s dead dick got me off well too. Handsome man. Tall and all the signs of a big dick like big hands. He has a thing for Goth chicks, so I let him think I wanted to fuck. Although I did want to fuck, I did not want to talk, spoon, date, plan our futures or any of that stupid coupling stuff.

But I knew he could still give me pleasure after death. So, I went home with him. And while I rode him, I pulled out my big knife. And I slit his throat. He never saw it coming. As his blood spurted out his neck, it sprayed me. His blood became my lube. And I felt his cock twitch as he took his last breath.

As he died, I rode his dick harder. In the 20 or so minutes that I rode his dead dick, I realized I really do enjoy fucking dead men more. Some folks might think why not just ride a dildo if I do not want bedroom talk? But I am a sadistic phone sex bitch. Where is the fun in that. So, fuck me if you dare!

Necrophilia phone sex is what my ex used before I helped

I found my ex on Necrophilia phone sex, and he was moaning about needing a limp body milking his cock. “I want to rip her holes open before she stops moving” he was moaning as he speed jacked his dick. A man like him is exactly like my uncle. Therefore, I knew it was time to be an accomplice again. It didn’t take long before I found an uncared-for young slut.

Her parents are druggies and always gone. This little slut was too easy to lure to my place. No one knew she was even gone. As soon as we got to my place, I gave her a special drink. Soon she was loopy, and I was able to undress her. Her small body and bald cunt is what drives men wild. The animal in them comes out and they want to be able to fuck and do whatever they want to her.

Necrophilia phone sex

After that I tied her legs apart and her bald cunt was glistening. Something told me she has done this before. So, I started rubbing her bald cunty and she giggled. Before I knew it, my boyfriend walked in as I was playing with her. His mouth dropped to the floor and his cock stiffened, poking through his pants. “What is going on here?” He asked me. “The same thing you spoke on the phone to get” I said with a smile.

“Now you have your very own Rape phone sex fantasies doll, you can use well after life has left her body. With a huge smile on his face he lubed his cock up. “This is the best gift any girlfriend has ever given me,” my boyfriend said as he started to rip her little cunt open. “The more you fight back the better it feels” he moaned out as he fucked her.

It didn’t take long before he started squeezing her neck. I could tell her body was fighting back as hard as she could. That only made his cock get fucked even harder. “I’m about to fill this bitch up” he moaned out as her body stopped moving. Just like my uncle when her body finally went limp that’s when he busted his sperm inside her.

Necrophilia phone sex with Harper for Evil dead girl fucking

Necrophilia phone sexNecrophilia phone sex with your little teen who is evil inside keeps your cock intrigued.  Sometimes I wonder how many of these angelic baby faces I will take out in my lifetime. But you want little tiny treats in pigtails and school girl outfits.

Cute baby girls of the middle class suburban type kidnapped just to be gutted is my modus operandi. I love to watch them scream and beg for mercy, knowing that their cries will fall on deaf ears. The pleasure I get from seeing them suffer is worth it.

Necrophilia phone sex

Your dick loves it when I get little girls dressed up just for you in short little skirts, tights and panties. So fucking spoiled rotten are these white class bitches to degrade and destroy. Do not worry, I can make it all look like an accident for our Accomplice phone sex games. Sometimes I can’t contain my evil laugh of death.

Accomplice phone sex

Her game will over no refunds once she meets these deadly hands! But first I have to put her to bed after a good anal cleanse and lotion rub down. When you find our sleeping beauty, I know you won’t be able to help rip off her outfit.  Hearing her scream and beg as your big evil cock ripped her pussy to her ass. Fuck up those fresh untouched holes! So hairless and pink was she between her young legs!

Murder phone sex Fantasies

I couldn’t help but slide my knife in her cunny as I held her down and slowly sliced her body, draining the blood. It was extreme fun to hear her whimpers as my Murder phone sex fantasies prepared her for you. Keeping fucking her as she begins to feel like a dead cold fish! No one gives you murdered little whores to fuck like I do!

Cheap Phone Sex with Nasty Whore Ursla

cheap phone sex


Cheap phone sex is about the only thing I can do, because no one would want to pay full price for my nasty ass. I’ve learned that a whore like me is only good for one thing, and that’s for being used.  I’m the definition of ridden hard and put up wet. But the good thing is, I won’t fight back.

I’ll let you fuck the shit out of my ass as long as I’m getting paid for it. I’ll do everything you ask of me, shove a big dido up my ass dry, or put a safety pin through my clit so you can hear me scream in pain.

Whatever it takes to get you off, that’s my job. I’m a filthy disgusting piece of trailer trash that’s never been good enough for anyone. That’s why I’ve had to resort to cheap phone sex as a job. I gotta pay my bills somehow, right? So here I am, my flabby ass tits, my gaping hole of a pussy, and a loose asshole.

Sitting here ready to do whatever it is you want to do with me. You wanna rape me? That’s not possible.

You can’t rape someone who is already willing to give up her body for money. Is Sadistic phone sex on your mind? Tie me up? Sure, why not, it’s not like I’m going to scream or beg you to stop. I deserve whatever’s coming to me. Fuck my ass so hard till there’s blood all over your cock, and then make me lick you clean.

Use me as a toilet and piss all over me for all I care. Hell, you can even snuff me out if you want to, at this point I don’t even care anymore. I’m a worthless skank anyways. Once you choke the life out of me, you can use my lifeless corpse as a cum dumpster.

Just make sure you get rid of my body before I start to bloat and smell disgusting. I’m already putrid enough, better not let me sit in the hot summer heat or someone might figure out where I went. Sex with dead bodies is easier than someone bitching and complaining.