Category: Snuff movies

Snuff Porn Star Blair Forced into Furry Beast Porn

snuff pornSome folks think of me as a snuff porn star. Yet others see me as too old for snuff flicks anymore. Everyone wants to rough up cute young things. Not an old mommy whore with loose fuck holes. That’s what this one director told me last week when I auditioned for him. The seedy dangerous underworld of snuff pays better than vanilla porn. So, that’s why I travel in these circles. But I needed money to get coke. And no one wants to trade my old fuck holes anymore.

However, I am resilient. I don’t give up just because one guy passed on me. But I did need to go deeper into the risky world of snuff movies to find a guy willing to hire me. We agreed on a price. And of course he wanted a rough anal scene. Everyone wants to use my asshole in the dark films I make. My ass gets used so much, my prolapse comes out easily. Just one push, and I have a natural cock sleave for men.

I am Getting too Old Even for the Snuff World

I asked about my costar, and I figured it would be him or some other big, strong man. Nope. He wanted a furry beast to sodomize me. Not that I have not had red rockets in my fuck holes before, because I have. But I never enjoy it. Just something that happens when I get fucked up. But sometimes, most times, a druggy whore needs to do things she does not like to keep the party going.

I just tried to think of something else as this furry drooling beast mounted me. I could feel that slimy rocket locked into my asshole like a hook. It drooled down my back and shoulders.  I felt humiliated being this beast’s ass rape porn star. Seemed like his red rocket was hooked inside of me for hours. But it ended finely with a slimy nut. I took my money and left with an ass full of a beast’s cum.

Gangbang Rape Porn Of An Excited Back Door Bride

Being a back door angel all started with a hot cameo in a Gangbang rape porn. I played the hot young school girl that was quickly transformed into an anal princess. The opening scene is me walking in with my textbook of sex ed in hand and my short plaid skirt with a white blouse.

Obviously, one factor or the elephant in the room was my tender bubbly ass. Of course my plump breasts on the tight young body also stood out. Then suddenly, the scene shifts to me on all fours.

Now, there I was. Just distraught and whimpering with my eye make-up smeared down my face. I was having my butt pounded out raw and deep. This tender white ass was blazing red and this anal meat was red as a rose.

Soon enough though I was backing the fuck up on those big dicks and taking them deeper each butt fucking thrust liberated me to pure sextacy.

Gangbang rape porn

Snuff Porn Makes Me Wet Like It Makes Your Hard

snuff pornSnuff porn gets me wet just like it gets you hard. And I love to watch a little snuff flick as foreplay. Turns me on to see some other blonde bimbo get gang banged, ass fucked and tortured.  Used to be me. Not so much anymore. I morphed into the accomplice role. One of my newest lovers wants me to help train his niece to be a fuck slut. Get this. I had no clue she’d been missing for over a year. He kidnapped her and made it look like she ran away. And she’s been living in a bunker under his house.

When he told me that, I was not sure if I should fear him or fuck him. Seriously, he had a more devious mind than I ever thought. This young girl appears to be the age where she is not quite a girl anymore, however, she is not quite a woman yet. The kind of girl men pay good money to explore their rape phone sex fantasies with. Honestly, this new lover’s mind might be as devious as my last master.

Let Me Be Your Accomplice Partner

I soon discovered he sought me out to date just so I could play house with him and his kidnapped niece. He fucked her already. I mean how could he hold off. She’s been in his dungeon for over a year now. We went down to see her. She looked well cared for. No visible marks, well feed and clean too. However, she did look scared. I would be too if I was in her shoes. Her cage appeared bigger than a jail cell. She could move around. He gave her a toilet, TV and refrigerator. She looked better cared for than my father cared for me.

I went into the cage and ate her pussy. His idea. Get her warmed up to me. I do not think he plans on ever killing her. But I told him he might have to eventually. She will age out for him like all teen rape porn stars do eventually. But in the meantime, I get to help train her to be the best little whore she can be. Our journey has just begun. I can make a lot of a snuff flicks with them. What would you do with a sweet young thing in your basement?

Snuff Porn Star Blair Pimped Out

snuff pornHe told me I was born to be a snuff porn star. And I believed him. But in my defense, he got me fucked up on some strong coke. He picked me up at a bar where he found me on a pool table, drunk, high and letting men use me. Just a typical night for a cheating druggy whore. When Max came into the bar, I think he was looking for easy prey. And he found me already doused in cum.

He took me home. But not to my home. I would not call Max a gentleman. He took me to some warehouse in the middle of nowhere. Perfect location to make snuff movies he told me because no one can hear the screams. I felt too fucked up to really process what he said to me at the time.

Since I am no stranger to men using me, I thought that was all Max planned for me. But besides a gang bang these men wanted to torture me too. As about 50 men stood around me, I watched Max collect money. He pimped me out. Profited off them fucking me. And torturing me too.

I am Destined for Snuff Stardom

Some of the men just fucked me like a whore and left. However, others showed their misogynistic side. Some men choked me and slapped me while fucking me. Yet others burned my flesh with their cigarettes. A few of the men used me as their private toilets too. They forced me to guzzle their urine as well as their cum. One guy had what felt like a gallon of piss. He held my noise until I swallowed it all.

Max used me as his gangbang rape porn star. Although I have no idea how much money he made, he seemed very pleased with the outcome. He gave me some coke and left me in the dark, damp warehouse to find my own way home. At least I survived the night.

Snuff sex whore fell victim to violent BBC

No one is safe from him. Anyone that gets on my Master’s radar is in for it. Doesn’t matter if you are his family. Certainly didn’t matter to Master to turn his faggot little brother into Snuff sex whore. When my Master found out his little brother’s love for BBC, it gave him inspiration. He tricked the poor little faggot, he surprised him with methed up crazed black hard cock. Snuff sex

The cameras were rolling and they got to it. At first he tried to get away but as soon as those guys grabbed him he submitted. I loved the way they savaged him. Big black cock became utterly violent stretching out his tight little hole! That hole was turned into a cum dump for big black cocks, and it was everything I could have hoped for.

The blood splattered every where, it made me want to get a taste too. While BBC is stretching out his tight bloody bussy, I got on my knees and sucked on some black bloody balls.My Master, trying to hold in his laughter, seemed to really enjoy himself, watching his little brother become a snuff whore right before his eyes.

That fag took to his new role like a fish to water, becoming the ultimate Snuff porn star! His ass was ripped wide open, bleeding profusely, I had to bathe myself in it. With every brutal thrust of those big black cocks he begged for mercy, but never got it. 

His hole was completely wrecked when they were done with him. His bloodied bussy was over flowing with cum. I of course did what a good slave whore would do and suck all that yummy cum. All of that sperm and blood filled my mouth. I didn’t swallow it. I spit it in that little fag’s dying face. The last thing he got to see was this beautiful face.

Torture sex is not for everyone I guess, but I think those fucks are just cowards. Only the brave go beyond, challenging the status quo. I even think the fag was brave for truly fulling his purpose. 


Evil Phone Sex Fantasies Help Us Deal with Stress

evil phone sexEvil phone sex cures the dog days of summer. Seems to be a heat wave across the country. Politics pissing people off. Heat pissing people off. And we all need a little escape. I know I do. And killing and torturing people helps me deal with stress. Plus, it makes the world a better place because I rid the world of assholes and bitches.

And yesterday, I murdered an annoying couple I met by happenstance. As a Goth chick with a murderous streak, I still do regular things like grocery shop. And while I was in the produce aisle a couple hit on me. I mean they wanted to go Goth for a moment. Do I look like the kind of woman you can approach about having a threesome? No, I don’t. I look like the kind of woman who will put you in snuff movies.

Although I politely declined, they followed me through the aisles talking about their Goth girl curiosity. No means no. And if I need to tell you more than once, you better pray for your life. After their final attempt, I agreed. But I was not fucking these vapid swingers. I had something else in mind. Sexual mutilation and murder.

Evil Fantasies Cure Those Summer Blues

When I showed up, they offered me a drink. I carry these strips around with me that let me know if a drink is spiked. And sure, enough it was. I do not think they wanted to fuck me. But I drugged them before finishing my drink. Their plant enjoyed my roofied wine. And I enjoyed the torture sex. When they woke up, they discovered that I tied them up. And they did not appear happy. But they appeared even less happy when I sexually mutilated their junk.

I carved up her pussy. And afterwards it resembled raw hamburger meat. And of course, I removed his balls. But I put his severed testicles in his wife’s mouth for shits and giggles. I spent hours there. Even though I enjoyed torturing them, I had to kill them. They saw my face. So, I slit their throats and left them to bleed out on their bed. Least they can go to hell together.

I hate to admit it but I love Sex with dead bodies

When my Master introduced me to Sex with dead bodies, I was sick with terror. The first time he made me do it with a long-departed companion, I was repulsed, the stench of decay overwhelming my senses. But as time went by, that very smell became an aphrodisiac, a sweet aroma that would set my heart racing.Sex with dead bodiesI have a appetite for the deceased. My desires have pushed me to the farthest corners of taboo, and I make no apologies for it. As the saying goes, ‘If it feels good, do it.’ And trust me, there’s nothing quite like the thrill of fucking the dead.

I know there are a lot of us out there, Snuff sex fanatics. Could you imagine if we were the ones to rule this Earth? We could have so much fun without any worry of getting caught. When you jerk off, do you dream of a freshly dead angel or does the blue, bloated skin make your cock explode? No judgements here, I love it all.

My Master loves it when I grind my pussy on a corpse. The coldness feels so good against my red hot lust. I’ll take their fingers and stick as many as can fit inside me. If I grind too hard a finger or two will break off, but I don’t mind. I just move to the other hand and fuck that stiff until there is nothing left. 

The stiffness of their limbs, the silence, it all brings a twisted pleasure that I crave. As I find myself deeper and deeper in this world, I’ve realized something profound, there’s no limit to how depraved one can be. I’ll love to hear your Murder phone sex Fantasies. We can laugh as we get each other off to the sickest shit.


The Silent Lover: My Necrophilia Odyssey

 Necrophilia phone sex

Yeah, I’m that girl—the one who finds dead men appealing. You see, I have a thing for silence, and a fresh grave has never looked so good.

The whole ‘babe’ and ‘honey’ thing during sex turns me off big time. So, I took matters into my own hands, literally. If I can’t find a guy who fits my bizarre needs, I kill him. Simple as that. And guess what? A dead guy’s cock is a girl’s best friend.

Rigor mortis and an erection? Now, that’s a winning combination. The best part is, they don’t talk back, don’t expect anything from you, and their cocks stay rock hard for hours. It’s a necrophile’s dream!

My latest conquest was a tall, handsome hunk with hands that screamed ‘big dick’. I seduced him, knowing full well what I’d do. We headed to his place, and as I rode his thick cock, I pulled out my trusty knife. One swift movement, and his life was history.

His blood drenched me as it gushed from his neck wound, becoming my personal lube. And guess what? His cock twitched as his life ebbed away. The rush of power was insane!

I rode that stiff cock like my life depended on it—which it technically did, in a twisted kind of way. The silence, the sense of dominance, the sheer ecstasy of it all—it’s like nothing else.

Sorry, fellas, but if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. And if you cross me, I might just send you to the great bedroom in the sky—where the sex is silent and the lovers are lifeless!

Snuff Porn Fantasty With Rena an

The hottest snuff porn I’ve ever watched was a scene where two young girls were kidnapped from their school bus. They were taken to an abandoned warehouse and forced into performing all sorts of depraved acts on each other while being filmed for the viewing pleasure of others like us who crave this kind of darkness.

One girl had long blonde hair that cascaded down her back as she sucked on her captor’s cock, eyes filled with fear yet desire at the same time. Her cunt glistened wetly between his rough hands as he thrust into her roughly, making her cry out in both pain and pleasure. Meanwhile, the other girl knelt beside them watching intently – waiting for her turn to feel that same brutal ecstasy coursing through her veins!

As things escalated (and they always did), they moved onto more extreme measures: fisting, anal penetration…even urination! But nothing compared to when one girl finally broke free from her restraints only to be shot dead by the camera man holding it – splattering blood everywhere including onto both their faces! It was then that I realized how truly twisted our desires have become; seeking out not just sex but death itself wrapped up in a pretty little package called “snuff porn”.

As we watched the video over and over again, our arousal only grew stronger with each viewing. We discussed how much better it would be if we could experience such carnage firsthand; feeling those warm bodies quiver underneath us as life slipped away in a pool of their own blood!

But alas, here we are – separated by bars and guards who think they can contain what lies within us both. But fear not my love, for soon enough this charade will end one way or another…and when it does? Well let’s just say I have plans for you that involve more than just fucking innocent girls until they die!snuff porn

Giving This Dead Little Hottie A Great Send Off


necrophilia phone sex

I work part-time at a funeral home to make ends meet. I love my job for all the wrong reasons. I am dating a man who has a fetish for dead bodies the same way I do. I love the summer! We get all the drownings. This means nice young bodies that are mostly intact. We had the hottest little 19-year-old bitch the other day. This girl had the nicest tits, cute little pussy, and a delectable ass. She was so cold and stiff. the minute I saw her my pussy got soaked and I called my man. When he arrived he wasted no time. He started fucking that little cold pussy and I was playing with my nice wet one. It turned me the fuck on so much to see him fucking this little dead cunt. He also fucked her mouth and her ass. he filled every single little lifeless hole full of cum. I prepared her for her viewing and kept smiling to myself that it was my secret she was full of cum!