Category: Knife play phone sex

Over indulge on Bloody phone sex, feast on the gore

Bloody phone sex Over indulge on Bloody phone sex. I know I’ve been feeling the heat recently, my depraved cravings spiraling out of control. My master took me to a decrepit, rundown motel in the heart of obscurity. 

As I stepped into the master suite, the scent of blood wafted through the air, and so much blood everywhere. I guess there were at least three fellow whores had met their end here.

I suppressed the shiver crawling down my spine, aware that I may very well be the next sacrifice to soak this chamber. I was pushed onto the blood-soaked bed. 

There was a horde of eager cocks standing at attention, primed to take their turn fucking the ever living shit out of me. The world seemed to blur around me as I gave my all to each hungry cock.

The torment was incessant, and the Torture sex made me cum so much. In a moment of twisted, depraved craving, my tormentors held a spark of recognition when they soaked my holes in jizz.

They took it to the next level. If I wanted to live through the night I had to feast on the gore of their last victim.  And so, I ate, I indulged, and found myself utterly consumed by savage ecstasy.

Now, I beckon to you, my future accomplices, to join me in the depths of undeniable debauchery, where we can revel in the all-consuming darkness together. 

No limits, no strings attached, just a den of hedonistic indulgence, waiting to swallow you whole. So come, let your depraved fantasies run wild, and together, we’ll paint this world red and I’ll make you cum with some Killer phone sex!

Domination phone sex with me leading the way to destroy souls and young bodies!

Domination phone sexDomination phone sex with me is letting loose of your inner badass. Letting chaos and destruction take over your mind. My ultimate desire is to dominate and destroy every slutty cunt I know. The ways in which I will torture them varies, but one thing is a fact, they will bleed, scream and be ruined forever!

Domination phone sex with Sadistic Teen Harper

 I want to tie them up, ravage their pussies until they are pieces of raw fuck meat, and unless! ‘ll even cut off their clits, just to ensure they never feel any kind of sexual satisfaction again. They are only fuck holes for us to tear into and mutilate!  Their bodies will be ours and their souls will be damned. Together we will break them and destroy every last trace of them! In the end, they will be nothing but a pile of cum filled flesh! 

Mutilation phone sex before the kill!

 And I need your help to make it happen; teasing these sluts with spiked dildos and huge, ungodly sized cocks! Shred and tear them up, and make sure you coat those innards with a hot blast of demon semen! Wicked Little bitch accomplice wishes that they will beg us to stop, but we’ll only fuck them harder, watching as they squirt all over your face while you pour boiling hot oils on their skin.  After that, We’ll gag them with cock until they turn purple and blue, and lose consciousness. 

Help me destroy and kill after your get your fill!

The sound of their muffled pleas will only make me giggle, knowing we have no mercy for them. Admit it, the pain and crying only makes you harder! The biggest cum load is near, and they will have no choice but to take it. They’ll be our playthings, and we’ll use them however we want. What the fun of killing if we can’t engage in Mutilation phone sex first!

Castration Phone Sex Revenge Serves as Therapy for Women

castration phone sexCastration phone sex weekends seem perfect for a sick bitch like me. And when I saw this woman’s post on the dark web looking for assistance to neuter some enemies, I knew I would be the right sadistic bitch for the job. So, I took it. Seemed like an easy gig.

However, when I met with my client, I discovered she was not a woman. A teen girl hired me to get revenge on the high school boys who drugged her, assaulted her and then bragged about it to their school friends. And soon the whole school turned against her.

Although what she told me seemed right out of a Lifetime movie, I had no reason to doubt her. She showed me all the mean comments and posts her fellow teens made on her social media. Poor girl. She seemed to be living in a nightmare she did not know how to end. But I know revenge can help ease the mind and heal the soul.

I took this job for free. A teen girl the victim of a high school gangbang rape porn, deserved her revenge. Although I am not the most charitable person in the world, I wanted to help end her nightmare. And revenge could do that for her. So, I neutered her enemies, one by one this weekend.

Sometimes, Revenge Helps Ease the Pain

What fun I had too. I stopped 6 predators from growing into adult predators. She helped me lure each of her attackers to me. My cabin in the woods transformed into a teen boy torture chamber. As each boy arrived, he discovered one of his buddies drugged, naked and tied up on the floor. Usually, I utilize my castration chair, but this marked the first time I ever participated in a mass castration. And this way seemed more efficient.

Each boy started to wake up from the drugs I gave them. And they each realized they had a castration band around their balls. I told them what would happen to them soon enough. And I discussed the ramifications of their actions. They turned this schoolgirl into their teen rape porn star and thought they got away with it.

I let their victim get her revenge and power back. She severed their balls with a knife, and I cauterized the wound. I wanted to kill them. No way any authorities would believe a young innocent girl could murder 6 strapping teen boys. But she wanted them to live with the daily reminder of what they did to her. So, I let them live. But they will live neutered and unable to procreate or fuck normally ever again. Felt good to help this girl. I think my brand of therapy might have been just what she needed.

Accomplice phone sex; you, me, and victim.

Accomplice phone sex            Accomplice phone sex; you, me, and victim. That makes three. You want me to be the helper or you the helper. I do so like making you the helper. Taking charge is what I do. I like the killer fun time that is to be had. After all, what is the killer bee if not the executioner. Want to make it dirty and nasty naughty. Then to be sure let us make it bloody awful.

            Pick the tools of the trade. As my accomplice you need to be prepared for everything. All in all, I am a knife wielding fucking whore. Like to cut up the inside and yank them out with a flick of the wrist. Too bloody for you. Need something to warm up too.

            We can always start with a suffocation phone sex call. A pillow over the face. Start with dry drowning. The possibilities. As long as you are getting hard. You must try screwing them once they have been snuffed out. Once they are caput the muscles contract. It will be the tightest passage you have every fucked. We will move up until you are used to the blood. The gore.

            The pain and suffering.

Torture Phone Sex Brings the Bloodlust out of Layla

Torture Phone Sex Makes My Pussy Sex

Torture phone sex makes my cunt wet, even when I’m the one getting tortured. There’s nothing like locking my hands and feet down on the wrack. Then tightening it until I first start to scream. You take this big, sharp nice and gently drag it from my belly button to my tits. You barely grazed my skin, but when I forced myself to look I was still bleeding. The site of my blood made my pussy tighten around nothing. I begged for you to stop. I knew it would make your cock ache. But really I wanted you to go so much further. 

You grabbed my hair and forced me to look at my tits and dragged the knife against my tits. I felt the searing pain this time. And it felt so good. Bloody phone sex must have brainwashed me. My pussy leaked every time the blood did. You were taunting me. Telling me that you’re going to saw my head off with that knife and then fuck my corpse. Then you tightened the wrack even more. The pain sent tingles down my spine. I couldn’t pretend to hate it anymore. It just felt so good every time you hurt me. 

torture phone sex

Brutalize My Pussy for Torture Sex

“Please. I want to be your victim.” You saw how wet my pussy was and knew I wasn’t lying. You saw how fucking wet my pussy was. First, you forced your fingers into my cunt. And when I didn’t react you stabbed the knife into my pussy instead. “Yessss!” You pulled your hard cock out while you shanked my cunt. You pulled the knife out and pushed your cock into that bloody destroyed pussy.

The blood and cunt juice mixture made your cock so slippery, but my pussy was still tight enough to brutally fuck. You forced me to watch again, then pressed the knife to my neck. It sliced through my windpipe so easy. I started suffocating on the blood while you brutalized my pussy. I was so close to cumming on your cock. What a great way to die

I hate to admit it but I love Sex with dead bodies

When my Master introduced me to Sex with dead bodies, I was sick with terror. The first time he made me do it with a long-departed companion, I was repulsed, the stench of decay overwhelming my senses. But as time went by, that very smell became an aphrodisiac, a sweet aroma that would set my heart racing.Sex with dead bodiesI have a appetite for the deceased. My desires have pushed me to the farthest corners of taboo, and I make no apologies for it. As the saying goes, ‘If it feels good, do it.’ And trust me, there’s nothing quite like the thrill of fucking the dead.

I know there are a lot of us out there, Snuff sex fanatics. Could you imagine if we were the ones to rule this Earth? We could have so much fun without any worry of getting caught. When you jerk off, do you dream of a freshly dead angel or does the blue, bloated skin make your cock explode? No judgements here, I love it all.

My Master loves it when I grind my pussy on a corpse. The coldness feels so good against my red hot lust. I’ll take their fingers and stick as many as can fit inside me. If I grind too hard a finger or two will break off, but I don’t mind. I just move to the other hand and fuck that stiff until there is nothing left. 

The stiffness of their limbs, the silence, it all brings a twisted pleasure that I crave. As I find myself deeper and deeper in this world, I’ve realized something profound, there’s no limit to how depraved one can be. I’ll love to hear your Murder phone sex Fantasies. We can laugh as we get each other off to the sickest shit.


Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Turn into a Nightmare for Men with Small Dicks

rape phone sex fantasiesRape phone sex fantasies seem prevalent in men with little dicks. Just something I have noticed over the decades. Some of the most violent men in my life, like my daddy and his friends, all sported tiny pricks. And later in life, I met men just like daddy. And they had tiny clits for dicks too. So, I think men with small dicks might have a propensity to violence.

Perhaps all that anger over a little dick combined with rejection from females makes them angry. You know little men have a Napoleon complex often and seem to be the angriest people around. And the combination of anger and backed up balls leads those men to assault women. But I am a switch now. And the size of the dick matters to me. No small dicks can fuck my pussy.

So, when Trey tried to make me his ass rape porn star with a 4-inch dick, I needed t o switch the game. And he never saw it coming. But do not feel sorry for him. I went home with him willingly. Honestly, I never would have guessed he had a small dick. But when I put the brakes on, he decided he wanted to take what I would have given him if he appeared to be a real man. I told him my days of rolling over for just any man seem to be in my rear view. I like big cocks. Trey asked for this with his actions.

I am a Switch Now, So if You Have a Small Dick, I Will Not Roll Over for You

So, I mutilated his junk. With a small carving knife, I wrote my name on his cock. But his dick appeared too small to display Cassandra, so I settled for Cass, LOL. Oh, how did I subdue him? Easy. I spiked his drink. Drugged him. Even though I am taller than him in high heels, he still could have overpowered me. But he needed a tough lesson. He needed to know that he can’t always get what he wants.

Now he has a constant reminder of that because I gave him my best cock and ball torture sex. Castrated his balls with a band and carved up his dick. He will never get hard again. And he will be too embarrassed for women to see his junk now that I carved my name on the side of his cock and pervert on the other. Wanted to write predator, but his dick once again appeared too small.

I do not care if you are angry. If you have a little dick, you get nothing form a hot babe like me but mutilation of your junk.

Knife Play Phone Sex Kills on the 4th of July are the Best

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex heated up Thursday night. I went out trolling for a victim. Did you know that 4th of July is the perfect kill day. With all the fireworks going off no one hears gunshots or screams. Now, I am not a gun fan. Why? Because it takes little skill. It ends up being mostly luck and it’s over quick. To me, there is no fun in that. I want to enjoy my kills. But more importantly I want to savor the suffering.

I have too many tales of murder that night to share them all. But I did kill 18 men, and two chicks. Outside of mass murder, I think that’s an impressive kill rate for a single evening.  But I am a snuff porn fan. I did have to shave some time off the suffering so I could cram more kills in before the fireworks noise died down.

This one cunt become victim number one of the night. We had a chance encounter at a convenience store, and she acted like a total twat to me. Made some Goth girl insult and then started calling me a bitch and a cunt when I told her to eat my pale ass. She fucked with the wrong bitch.  I went into the store just to get some matches but bought some fireworks too. And I followed the bitch to her house. I saw no other cars. I waited a bit to see if I saw anyone else and I did not.

Fourth of July is the Best Kill Day of the Year

Normally, I plan better but I can be less cautious on the 4th of July because of the noise. I waited until it got dark, and her neighbors began letting off fireworks. I broke into the back of her house and caught her off guard. Loser. She had no plans for the 4th of July. She was watching some Lifetime movie. Although she screamed, it sounded like WW III outside. So no one would hear her. Did not take long to tie her up on the floor. I ripped her nightgown off and pulled her panties down.

She tried to apologize to me, but too late. I rammed a bunch of sparklers up her cunt and lit them. Now she really screamed. But no one could hear her still. I could smell the flesh burning. And that kind of torture sex turns me on. I put some firecrackers up her ass too. She went into shock when I blew a big hole in her ass. So, I let her bleed out on her living room floor and went off to kill 19 more poor souls no one would miss.

Torture Sex of the Male Anatomy Brings Me Joy

torture sexAlthough I enjoy all sorts of torture sex, cock and ball torture remains my favorite. Sure, I am happy to mutilate a young cunt with you. We can dissect her like a frog and enjoy her pain. But there is just something about destroying a man’s junk that gives me pleasure. And for me to enjoy the CBT fun the most, you get to live. Live with the constant reminder that a bad ass Goth Chick ruined sex for you for eternity.

Let me tell you about Chuck. He’s a predator. He likes to prey on drunk Goth girls and Steampunk princesses. Not on my watch. When I get wind of a predator hitting the Goth bars in my state, I go to great measures to discover who and put an end to his reign of terror. I think that men prey on Goth chicks because they view us as lesser than some cute coed slut. And I cannot stand men like that.

Although it took a few days sitting in Goth bars pretending to be drunk, I found my predator. And I wanted to kill him. Really, I did. So, it took all my strength to spare his life. However, I did not spare his cock and balls. Castration phone sex junkies like me always mutilate the junk. To men I am a wicked butcher. The butcher of their junk. A sadistic Lorena Bobbit. And I never mind the comparison.

I am The Wicked Butcher of Your Junk

Once I had Charlie in my underground dungeon, and he saw all my torture devices, he realized I was the wicked butcher men talk about. Almost like I am some sort of folklore creature or a mythological beast. But I love men wondering if I am real or not. Chuck knows I am real now. And I have his cock and mutilated balls in a jar to prove it. I carved Predator on his cock first. And I basked in his pain and suffering. If he does not care about Goth chicks, we don’t care about him.

I chopped his dick off a little slice at a time and fed the bits to my dog. And while I chopped his cock like I was making a charcuterie board, I had a castration band around his worthless balls turning them black. Once you cut the flow of oxygen to the balls, they turn purple, shrivel up and eventually resemble deflated black tires. Even though I wanted to kill him, I spared him the snuff porn death he deserved. Instead, I left him with a constant reminder that he is no longer a man. But I doubt he ever really was a man.

Cannibalism Call Left My Pussy Throbbing

I had my first cannibalism call and it turned me the fuck on.  It involved picking up a crotch goblin at a park. We took her little innocent ass home and played with that sweet little body.  We tied her little legs apart and shoved all kinds of things in her little bald pussy. We shoved a candle, a bottle, a dildo, I ate her little pussy good and finally, my accomplice fucked the shit out of her every hole.  I wanted some fun too so I grabbed her by the hair and made her eat my pussy. That is the last thing she ever did. We hog-tied her and cooked her over an open flame. we did not another to end her before. The pain and stress would make the meat more tender.  When the little bitch was cooked we feasted on her flesh and started planning our next dinner party.

Cannibalism phone sex