Category: Sex with dead bodies

Torture sex with my little body for unc

“Little slut bitches like you need Torture sex to keep you in line” my unc says as he pulls his cock out. My little body trembles because I know what is about to happen. That’s when he picked me up by the neck and ripped my panties off. After I fall to the ground, he uses them to tie my hands behind my back. Since I have tears streaming down my face, uncle rubs his hard pcock all over them. “That’s right cry little slut lube my cock up even more, it’ll make it easy to fuck your holes.

Torture sex

Then my unc holds me down by my neck and forces my legs open. Before he starts to rip me open, he spanks my young bald cunty over and over. He was hitting me so hard that my pussy lips were swollen and puffy. “Which hole should I rip open tonight,” my uncle says thinking out loud. After that you slap my face telling me that I should be putting up a better fight. But I learned after many torture fucks that the harder I fight the more my uncle likes it. Therefore, I just give into his abuse.

Hoping it would end faster, but my uncle just tortures me more in the hopes I would fight back. Therefore, he lays me on my back, “if you won’t fight back then I’ll fuck your limp body” my uncle said with a smirk. His hands started to strangle me and by instinct I started to fight back. “That’s it bitch” he moans as his cock rams in my tight young little asshole. While holding me down by my neck my uncle ripped my assjole open.

All I wanted was for him to finish before I couldn’t breathe. His hard pdick rips me open and I start to smell blood before I see stars. My body starts to go limp, and I start to see black. “Pass away while your uncle abuses your ass and fills you up” he grunts. As I tried to catch a breath, I could feel his big pdick pump his sperm in me and I was relieved it was over.

Domination phone sex with me leading the way to destroy souls and young bodies!

Domination phone sexDomination phone sex with me is letting loose of your inner badass. Letting chaos and destruction take over your mind. My ultimate desire is to dominate and destroy every slutty cunt I know. The ways in which I will torture them varies, but one thing is a fact, they will bleed, scream and be ruined forever!

Domination phone sex with Sadistic Teen Harper

 I want to tie them up, ravage their pussies until they are pieces of raw fuck meat, and unless! ‘ll even cut off their clits, just to ensure they never feel any kind of sexual satisfaction again. They are only fuck holes for us to tear into and mutilate!  Their bodies will be ours and their souls will be damned. Together we will break them and destroy every last trace of them! In the end, they will be nothing but a pile of cum filled flesh! 

Mutilation phone sex before the kill!

 And I need your help to make it happen; teasing these sluts with spiked dildos and huge, ungodly sized cocks! Shred and tear them up, and make sure you coat those innards with a hot blast of demon semen! Wicked Little bitch accomplice wishes that they will beg us to stop, but we’ll only fuck them harder, watching as they squirt all over your face while you pour boiling hot oils on their skin.  After that, We’ll gag them with cock until they turn purple and blue, and lose consciousness. 

Help me destroy and kill after your get your fill!

The sound of their muffled pleas will only make me giggle, knowing we have no mercy for them. Admit it, the pain and crying only makes you harder! The biggest cum load is near, and they will have no choice but to take it. They’ll be our playthings, and we’ll use them however we want. What the fun of killing if we can’t engage in Mutilation phone sex first!

Vampires Are Fucking Sexy

I have always been tuned on by vampires. I love the concept of seducing someone with my undead pussy and adding them to my army of night creatures. In my fantasy, I am prowling around a club looking for a live cock to turn into an undead cock with my bite.  I finally found my target. It is easy to lure him into my lair AKA my apartment with the promise of an all-night fucking session. I am not lying he will get fucked like he has never been fucked before just by the end of it he will be a creature of the night. The first thing I do is out his cock into my slutty undead mouth and I gave him the. best blow job he has ever had. His eyes are rolling into the back of his head. I have powers of seduction. Then he gets a look at my tits. They are perfect. Once you become a vampire you are physical perfection.  He starts to lick them and suck my nipples. I am now moaning at the top of my lungs and can’t wait to sink my fangs into him.  He is a really good fuck and he will be a great addition to my army of undead fuck boys. He finally slips his enormous cock into my wet pussy and it feels so fucking good. He was fucking me so hard, that he was oblivious to the fact I just popped my fangs out.  As he is cumming I am going to sink them into his neck,  I felt his cock begin to spasm and I made my mood. I sank my teeth deep into his neck and got a taste of his blood. It was exquisite. After his cock was drained he began his transformation. he was now physical perfection and ready t fuck some more.  I think I am going to send him out to get me some young girls for my undead fuck club.

gothic phone sex


Snuff sex whore fell victim to violent BBC

No one is safe from him. Anyone that gets on my Master’s radar is in for it. Doesn’t matter if you are his family. Certainly didn’t matter to Master to turn his faggot little brother into Snuff sex whore. When my Master found out his little brother’s love for BBC, it gave him inspiration. He tricked the poor little faggot, he surprised him with methed up crazed black hard cock. Snuff sex

The cameras were rolling and they got to it. At first he tried to get away but as soon as those guys grabbed him he submitted. I loved the way they savaged him. Big black cock became utterly violent stretching out his tight little hole! That hole was turned into a cum dump for big black cocks, and it was everything I could have hoped for.

The blood splattered every where, it made me want to get a taste too. While BBC is stretching out his tight bloody bussy, I got on my knees and sucked on some black bloody balls.My Master, trying to hold in his laughter, seemed to really enjoy himself, watching his little brother become a snuff whore right before his eyes.

That fag took to his new role like a fish to water, becoming the ultimate Snuff porn star! His ass was ripped wide open, bleeding profusely, I had to bathe myself in it. With every brutal thrust of those big black cocks he begged for mercy, but never got it. 

His hole was completely wrecked when they were done with him. His bloodied bussy was over flowing with cum. I of course did what a good slave whore would do and suck all that yummy cum. All of that sperm and blood filled my mouth. I didn’t swallow it. I spit it in that little fag’s dying face. The last thing he got to see was this beautiful face.

Torture sex is not for everyone I guess, but I think those fucks are just cowards. Only the brave go beyond, challenging the status quo. I even think the fag was brave for truly fulling his purpose. 


Bound, Blindfolded & Helpless: My Sickening Submission

“Chris” the name alone sends shivers down my spine. Last night, this hateful man tied me up and left me at his mercy. Merciless. That’s the word. He was fucking merciless!

He started by binding my wrists and ankles, leaving me vulnerable and utterly helpless. A devious smirk played on his lips as he walked around me, his eyes dark and full of promise. Chris knew exactly what he was doing to me, and the power he held over me only made me wetter.

He began to torture me, using toys and his clever fingers to drive me wild. My body squirmed and strained against my bonds, but I was trapped, his prisoner, and I loved it! He took his time, teasing and denial, keeping me on the edge for what felt like hours. I was dripping wet, my body twisted and my nerves on fire.

Then, he Shoved his meaty cock inside of me. Chris’s big, hard cock filled me up, and the feeling was indescribable. He pounded into me, each thrust forceful and precise, sending me hurtling toward ecstasy. I couldn’t think or breathe, his pace was relentless, but the pleasure was too much to bear in the best possible way!

My body convulsed as wave after wave of ecstasy washed over me. I squirted all over, my juices soaking the bed. Chris showed no mercy, continuing to pound me until I could barely stand it. And just when I thought I’d burst, he released me from my bonds and kept pounding away.

The aftermath left me spent and panting, my body quivering from the most intense orgasm I’d ever experienced. Chris had left me a mess, and I loved every second of it.

Unc needs Sex with dead bodies

After all the torture I got, watching my uncle have Sex with dead bodies started to get me wet. My uncle would use me to lure little sluts to the basement where he would torture then to death. He almost got me like that. First, we have to tie her up. Once she is tied up my uncle likes to rip her clothes up and beat her. “I like when you fight back” my uncle says as he chokes her while stuffing his cock in her little mouth. Her body is so small he can pick her up with one hand.

As she chokes on his cock, I can see the tears streaming down her face and it reminds me of the first time my uncle fucked my holes. The pain was so hard it shot through my body and made me piss myself, but he didn’t care. His cock kept ramming inside me until I passed out. When I woke up, he said “you are lucky you are family, or I would have snuffed you”. “Lick her cunt and get her ready for me” my uncle instructed me to do. I know not to disobey him.

Therefore, I lick every little slut he face fucks. Once I taste her and push my tongue inside her, my pussy starts to twitch. That’s because I know that is what she will be doing to my pussy while my unc uses her for his Rape phone sex fantasies. After he lays her on her back, he suffocates her until she passes out. He likes to bring them back to life with his cock ripping them open. That is exactly what he did. “Sit on her face” my uncle said sternly. I sat my secretly wet pussy on her mouth, forcing her to eat my young pussy.

Sex with dead bodies

As my unc ripped her young pussy open I rode her face and when I came, she started drowning in my juices. But that made my uncle fuck her harder. “Smother the bitch” he yelled. So, I sat my pussy harder covering her mouth and nose. I could tell she couldn’t breathe because her body was shaking and fighting for air. What she didn’t know it only excited my unc even more. Finally, her body stopped moving and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. “Good job dumb slut” my unc said as he continued to fuck her limp body. As he filled her up, he said “Now you can’t fight back, you are already gone”.

I hate to admit it but I love Sex with dead bodies

When my Master introduced me to Sex with dead bodies, I was sick with terror. The first time he made me do it with a long-departed companion, I was repulsed, the stench of decay overwhelming my senses. But as time went by, that very smell became an aphrodisiac, a sweet aroma that would set my heart racing.Sex with dead bodiesI have a appetite for the deceased. My desires have pushed me to the farthest corners of taboo, and I make no apologies for it. As the saying goes, ‘If it feels good, do it.’ And trust me, there’s nothing quite like the thrill of fucking the dead.

I know there are a lot of us out there, Snuff sex fanatics. Could you imagine if we were the ones to rule this Earth? We could have so much fun without any worry of getting caught. When you jerk off, do you dream of a freshly dead angel or does the blue, bloated skin make your cock explode? No judgements here, I love it all.

My Master loves it when I grind my pussy on a corpse. The coldness feels so good against my red hot lust. I’ll take their fingers and stick as many as can fit inside me. If I grind too hard a finger or two will break off, but I don’t mind. I just move to the other hand and fuck that stiff until there is nothing left. 

The stiffness of their limbs, the silence, it all brings a twisted pleasure that I crave. As I find myself deeper and deeper in this world, I’ve realized something profound, there’s no limit to how depraved one can be. I’ll love to hear your Murder phone sex Fantasies. We can laugh as we get each other off to the sickest shit.


Snuff Sex Threesome with Mutilated Body and Evil Slut Layla

Snuff sex gets more gruesome with a satanic slut like me as your accomplice. Men can’t resist me. Your evil slut walks into a room and picks the perfect piggy to seduce and slaughter. All they see is fat tits and a thick ass. They happily follow me home to their painful butchering. They don’t even question why a vixen as sexy as me would ever speak to them. Sometimes they get suspicious when they see the plastic sheets on the floor and all over the furniture. I tell them I’m painting soon. And I will. Painting everything in the room with their insides. 

Reward Your Bloody Accomplice with Rough Snuff Sex

snuff sex

You wait to walk into the room while I’m naked on my knees. I’m stroking his cock and asking him if he’s ready. The moment he says yes, you slam the axe down on the center of his skull. We love the sick crack and the splatter of his blood and brains raining down on me. The murder phone sex fantasies start running rampant in my mind. I love when the axe doesn’t hit deep enough to end him immediately. Then they’re like lobotomized zombies with hard cocks. You pry the axe from his head and hand it to me. 

You kiss my bloody neck while I start hacking at him. I can feel your cock getting hard for me the more he moans in pain. My swing hit him right between the ribs. He falls on his back. I throw the axe and then I climb on top of him and spread my holes. Let’s fuck on top of his body until it turns into a necro threesome. Pound your cock into my wet pussy while he takes his last few breaths. Your evil phone sex is ready to get brutally fucked

The Silent Lover: My Necrophilia Odyssey

 Necrophilia phone sex

Yeah, I’m that girl—the one who finds dead men appealing. You see, I have a thing for silence, and a fresh grave has never looked so good.

The whole ‘babe’ and ‘honey’ thing during sex turns me off big time. So, I took matters into my own hands, literally. If I can’t find a guy who fits my bizarre needs, I kill him. Simple as that. And guess what? A dead guy’s cock is a girl’s best friend.

Rigor mortis and an erection? Now, that’s a winning combination. The best part is, they don’t talk back, don’t expect anything from you, and their cocks stay rock hard for hours. It’s a necrophile’s dream!

My latest conquest was a tall, handsome hunk with hands that screamed ‘big dick’. I seduced him, knowing full well what I’d do. We headed to his place, and as I rode his thick cock, I pulled out my trusty knife. One swift movement, and his life was history.

His blood drenched me as it gushed from his neck wound, becoming my personal lube. And guess what? His cock twitched as his life ebbed away. The rush of power was insane!

I rode that stiff cock like my life depended on it—which it technically did, in a twisted kind of way. The silence, the sense of dominance, the sheer ecstasy of it all—it’s like nothing else.

Sorry, fellas, but if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. And if you cross me, I might just send you to the great bedroom in the sky—where the sex is silent and the lovers are lifeless!

Giving This Dead Little Hottie A Great Send Off


necrophilia phone sex

I work part-time at a funeral home to make ends meet. I love my job for all the wrong reasons. I am dating a man who has a fetish for dead bodies the same way I do. I love the summer! We get all the drownings. This means nice young bodies that are mostly intact. We had the hottest little 19-year-old bitch the other day. This girl had the nicest tits, cute little pussy, and a delectable ass. She was so cold and stiff. the minute I saw her my pussy got soaked and I called my man. When he arrived he wasted no time. He started fucking that little cold pussy and I was playing with my nice wet one. It turned me the fuck on so much to see him fucking this little dead cunt. He also fucked her mouth and her ass. he filled every single little lifeless hole full of cum. I prepared her for her viewing and kept smiling to myself that it was my secret she was full of cum!