Category: Torture phone sex

Jonathan’s Fuck Toy

My neighbor Jonathan and I have been best friends for what seems like forever. We basically grew up together and know everything about one another. Jonathan is such a sexy guy, all of my friends want to date him because he’s known to fuck girls so good that they fall in love with him and beg him to get them pregnant. My friends have no idea that I love fucking Jonathan too, and I suck his dick while he’s playing his PS5 games. It’s so funny watching him moan and groan and shove my head further down his cock which I choke and cough on his dick. The idea of having his long hard dick shoved deep in my pretty tight pink pussy hole makes me so horny. Sometimes while we are in his bedroom I sit on his bed, spread my legs wide open and masturbate in front of him. I like him watching rub my pussy until I cum and I lick my fingers clean. When he’s done playing his games, he love to stick his dick in my pussy and my eyes immediately roll to the back of my head. He sucks on my titties so hard that they get hickeys on them. He fucks me hard and fast and smacks my face making my cheeks turn red. “Give me a baby Jonathan, I want to be your baby mama”. Jonathan loved to fuck me and spend all his time with me. He fills my pussy up with his hot cum and promises to give me a baby one day.teen phone sex

Torture sex with my little body for unc

“Little slut bitches like you need Torture sex to keep you in line” my unc says as he pulls his cock out. My little body trembles because I know what is about to happen. That’s when he picked me up by the neck and ripped my panties off. After I fall to the ground, he uses them to tie my hands behind my back. Since I have tears streaming down my face, uncle rubs his hard pcock all over them. “That’s right cry little slut lube my cock up even more, it’ll make it easy to fuck your holes.

Torture sex

Then my unc holds me down by my neck and forces my legs open. Before he starts to rip me open, he spanks my young bald cunty over and over. He was hitting me so hard that my pussy lips were swollen and puffy. “Which hole should I rip open tonight,” my uncle says thinking out loud. After that you slap my face telling me that I should be putting up a better fight. But I learned after many torture fucks that the harder I fight the more my uncle likes it. Therefore, I just give into his abuse.

Hoping it would end faster, but my uncle just tortures me more in the hopes I would fight back. Therefore, he lays me on my back, “if you won’t fight back then I’ll fuck your limp body” my uncle said with a smirk. His hands started to strangle me and by instinct I started to fight back. “That’s it bitch” he moans as his cock rams in my tight young little asshole. While holding me down by my neck my uncle ripped my assjole open.

All I wanted was for him to finish before I couldn’t breathe. His hard pdick rips me open and I start to smell blood before I see stars. My body starts to go limp, and I start to see black. “Pass away while your uncle abuses your ass and fills you up” he grunts. As I tried to catch a breath, I could feel his big pdick pump his sperm in me and I was relieved it was over.

Vibrating Despair: A Journey to Filthy Sadistic phone sex

 Sadistic phone sex

I was at the mercy of my tormentor. His cold, steely fingers trailed down my body, measuring my curves like a butcher assessing his meat. I shivered in anticipation and fear—this man was a force to be reckoned with, a true sadist. But I was his willing victim.

The vibrator, oh that wicked device, was producing sounds that whispered promises of agony and ecstasy. He teased me with it, running the buzz along my soaking slit, making me beg for release. But he was in no rush. Instead, he lingered, enjoying my desperation.He angled the toy, pressing it against my aching clit. The vibrations were intoxicating, sending volts of pleasure through my body. But it was his cruelty that really got me going. He knew how to push me over the edge, and I was desperate to fall.

The toy disappeared, only to be rammed inside me roughly. I felt like a helpless rag doll as he penetrated my core with vicious determination. The vibrator’s buzz massaged my insides, and the sheer power of it had me seeing hallucinations of erotic delight.My captor’s lips were against my ear as he hissed filthy nothings. He called me a “useless little slut,” a “whore begging for release.” It was degrading, humiliating, and yet, it turned me on even more.

The toy’s relentless vibrations continued, sending me into spasms. My body quaked and convulsed as I squirted, the fluids soaking the floor. Yet, the tormentor showed no mercy, no signs of slowing down. He wanted to push me further, past the boundaries of endurance.

I was left a shaking mess, my cunt aching, and my body begging for more.


Rape phone sex fantasies with your wife using little sis cunt

Once you have been used for Rape phone sex fantasies it’s like men know and want to use you for that too. It was unlike for me that I got hired to be a babysitter for my neighbors a few houses down. They went out and came back drunk. When I woke up, he was stroking his cock in my face. “You look like my youngest sister when she was a teeny slut” he moaned as he kept stroking his cock. Since my uncle had done this many times I froze. “I think it’s time for me to go home,” I said as I started to get up.

Rape phone sex fantasies

That’s when his wife, who was naked, grabbed me from behind. “She does look like your sis did,” she teased. “We should do what we did to her back then” she suggested as her hands started to tie mine up. Once my hands were tied up, I just gave up. My uncle would get me the same way and the more I fought the better he liked it. They both ripped my clothes off and laid me down. She started to rub my clit and I couldn’t help but get wet. “This little rapewhore likes it” she said as she licked her fingers. “Open her legs,” he said as his cock started to leak. Therefore, she mounted my face, and I knew I had to lick her.

As I licked her clit, she opened my legs, and he rammed his big cock in my teeny pussy. “Fuck this bitch has been fucked before” he grunted as he fucked me. She forced me to enjoy it by rubbing my clit. It didn’t take much more licking before she started to feed me her juices. “Cum in her like you did your little sis that night” she moaned at the same time. Remembering his little sister’s abuse, made him cum hard. “Fuck I wanted to save my loaf for her ass” he moaned. “We can make some Ass rape porn, we paid for the whole night” she said teasingly.

Evil phone sex: Back Alley Bating

 Evil phone sex


I ran into this dude’s gaze at the bar, and damn, his eyes were like a chainsaw to my panties. They held a bloody lust that got my cunt dripping.

He dragged me to the alley like a stray dog on a leash. Lucky me.

Against the wall, he choked me with his meaty hands, and I loved it. That’s the kink I craved—a dominator who’d treat me like the filthy whore I am.His nasty fingers ripped apart my dress, leaving me exposed. Perfect.He growled like a wild animal, declaring me his possession. Yeah, sure, we’ve heard it all before, but the way he said it… sent shivers down my spine.

He went straight for the kill, plunging his face into my cunt and lapping up my juices like they were the last drops of water on earth. I writhed and moaned, practically begging him to suffocate me with his dick.He called me a ‘good little cum slut’, and that turned me the fuck on.

After some nasty oral foreplay, he slammed into me. No romance, just raw, unfiltered banging. My tits bounced like basketballs, and my ass cheeks rattled with each thrust.I begged him to spank me, to leave his mark. The more I pleaded, the rougher he got, slapping my face and pulling my hair.

We were animals—no, devils—in a back alley orgy from hell. And I loved every second of it.

His final thrusts were violent, like he wanted to fuck me into the afterlife. And when he unleashed his load, I felt like the whore that I am—drenched in sweat, cum, and dirty af.

Snuff sex whore fell victim to violent BBC

No one is safe from him. Anyone that gets on my Master’s radar is in for it. Doesn’t matter if you are his family. Certainly didn’t matter to Master to turn his faggot little brother into Snuff sex whore. When my Master found out his little brother’s love for BBC, it gave him inspiration. He tricked the poor little faggot, he surprised him with methed up crazed black hard cock. Snuff sex

The cameras were rolling and they got to it. At first he tried to get away but as soon as those guys grabbed him he submitted. I loved the way they savaged him. Big black cock became utterly violent stretching out his tight little hole! That hole was turned into a cum dump for big black cocks, and it was everything I could have hoped for.

The blood splattered every where, it made me want to get a taste too. While BBC is stretching out his tight bloody bussy, I got on my knees and sucked on some black bloody balls.My Master, trying to hold in his laughter, seemed to really enjoy himself, watching his little brother become a snuff whore right before his eyes.

That fag took to his new role like a fish to water, becoming the ultimate Snuff porn star! His ass was ripped wide open, bleeding profusely, I had to bathe myself in it. With every brutal thrust of those big black cocks he begged for mercy, but never got it. 

His hole was completely wrecked when they were done with him. His bloodied bussy was over flowing with cum. I of course did what a good slave whore would do and suck all that yummy cum. All of that sperm and blood filled my mouth. I didn’t swallow it. I spit it in that little fag’s dying face. The last thing he got to see was this beautiful face.

Torture sex is not for everyone I guess, but I think those fucks are just cowards. Only the brave go beyond, challenging the status quo. I even think the fag was brave for truly fulling his purpose. 


Accomplice phone sex; you, me, and victim.

Accomplice phone sex            Accomplice phone sex; you, me, and victim. That makes three. You want me to be the helper or you the helper. I do so like making you the helper. Taking charge is what I do. I like the killer fun time that is to be had. After all, what is the killer bee if not the executioner. Want to make it dirty and nasty naughty. Then to be sure let us make it bloody awful.

            Pick the tools of the trade. As my accomplice you need to be prepared for everything. All in all, I am a knife wielding fucking whore. Like to cut up the inside and yank them out with a flick of the wrist. Too bloody for you. Need something to warm up too.

            We can always start with a suffocation phone sex call. A pillow over the face. Start with dry drowning. The possibilities. As long as you are getting hard. You must try screwing them once they have been snuffed out. Once they are caput the muscles contract. It will be the tightest passage you have every fucked. We will move up until you are used to the blood. The gore.

            The pain and suffering.

Torture phone sex with Stephanie

torture phone sex

 Let me be your kinky, torture phone sex accomplice tonight. I have years under my belt of dishing out pain and torture, all for the pleasure of various sick and twisted masters who’s commands I followed perfectly. I have so many methods I use to inflict pain on my victims so what I do all depends on how fucked up you like it. You name it and I’ve already tortured someone in that way. From needles and rusted nails shoved up under the skin to razor blades shoved under her eyelids to slice into her eyeballs every time she blinks or winces in pain. I’ve grown a new love for this choke collar and chain that I picked up at a pet store a while back. I strap the collar around my victims’ throats and yank back on the chain as hard as I can so that the spikes rip into their skin and cause a cascade of blood to run down their body. That’s what I dip my fingers into, to rub my slut cunt for Master. I finger fuck my whore cunt and watch while my victims get their fuck holes reamed and ruined. Once my master finished emptying his nuts and having his fun, I get back to torturing my victims. I don’t snuff them out just yet though. Like an animal playing with it’s prey I like to play with them until they go cold and limp. I like to end my hot and bloody snuff sessions by making my victims lie there, bleeding out, gurgling and moaning while I let my Master use my whore mouth to clean the blood, shit and cum off of his cock.

Bound, Blindfolded & Helpless: My Sickening Submission

“Chris” the name alone sends shivers down my spine. Last night, this hateful man tied me up and left me at his mercy. Merciless. That’s the word. He was fucking merciless!

He started by binding my wrists and ankles, leaving me vulnerable and utterly helpless. A devious smirk played on his lips as he walked around me, his eyes dark and full of promise. Chris knew exactly what he was doing to me, and the power he held over me only made me wetter.

He began to torture me, using toys and his clever fingers to drive me wild. My body squirmed and strained against my bonds, but I was trapped, his prisoner, and I loved it! He took his time, teasing and denial, keeping me on the edge for what felt like hours. I was dripping wet, my body twisted and my nerves on fire.

Then, he Shoved his meaty cock inside of me. Chris’s big, hard cock filled me up, and the feeling was indescribable. He pounded into me, each thrust forceful and precise, sending me hurtling toward ecstasy. I couldn’t think or breathe, his pace was relentless, but the pleasure was too much to bear in the best possible way!

My body convulsed as wave after wave of ecstasy washed over me. I squirted all over, my juices soaking the bed. Chris showed no mercy, continuing to pound me until I could barely stand it. And just when I thought I’d burst, he released me from my bonds and kept pounding away.

The aftermath left me spent and panting, my body quivering from the most intense orgasm I’d ever experienced. Chris had left me a mess, and I loved every second of it.

Torture Phone Sex Brings the Bloodlust out of Layla

Torture Phone Sex Makes My Pussy Sex

Torture phone sex makes my cunt wet, even when I’m the one getting tortured. There’s nothing like locking my hands and feet down on the wrack. Then tightening it until I first start to scream. You take this big, sharp nice and gently drag it from my belly button to my tits. You barely grazed my skin, but when I forced myself to look I was still bleeding. The site of my blood made my pussy tighten around nothing. I begged for you to stop. I knew it would make your cock ache. But really I wanted you to go so much further. 

You grabbed my hair and forced me to look at my tits and dragged the knife against my tits. I felt the searing pain this time. And it felt so good. Bloody phone sex must have brainwashed me. My pussy leaked every time the blood did. You were taunting me. Telling me that you’re going to saw my head off with that knife and then fuck my corpse. Then you tightened the wrack even more. The pain sent tingles down my spine. I couldn’t pretend to hate it anymore. It just felt so good every time you hurt me. 

torture phone sex

Brutalize My Pussy for Torture Sex

“Please. I want to be your victim.” You saw how wet my pussy was and knew I wasn’t lying. You saw how fucking wet my pussy was. First, you forced your fingers into my cunt. And when I didn’t react you stabbed the knife into my pussy instead. “Yessss!” You pulled your hard cock out while you shanked my cunt. You pulled the knife out and pushed your cock into that bloody destroyed pussy.

The blood and cunt juice mixture made your cock so slippery, but my pussy was still tight enough to brutally fuck. You forced me to watch again, then pressed the knife to my neck. It sliced through my windpipe so easy. I started suffocating on the blood while you brutalized my pussy. I was so close to cumming on your cock. What a great way to die