Category: Home invasion phone sex

Accomplice phone sex whore destroys families!

Accomplice phone sex Accomplice phone sex whore destroys families! I’m talking your family left bloody, violated and in shackles by the time I set fire to your house. Fucking with a little psycho, like me, isn’t for the weak. I have developed a reputation for being a twisted, mentally fucked mess. Make me believe you’re going to be my main man and all I have to do is remove the barriers to our love affair. I always wanted a nice tall daddy who was into the same things as me.

Lair Lair I’m going to fuck your family up and set your house on fire!

I even fucking brought you a little red head for you to act out your nasty P-man fantasies. My tight pussy substituted well until this last year, when you spiraled deeper into your p daddy filth. You block me and cut me off all of a sudden, and I know it’s that bitch of a wife and those loud mouth brats of yours keeping you away from me.

Accomplice phone sex whore destroys families!

Did she find out? Oh, But she’s fixing to find out way more. I’m going to show her all the teen rape porn we made! Before my Goon brothers force fuck her holes until she bleeds. Now your tiny tots are going to be strangled and suffocated right in front of her. Well not fast. Slowly with much abuse down to those pincushions! See daddy we can be together forever now! What shall we do with your wife and your offspring’s corpses?

Ass Rape Porn Can Be Exciting And Satisfying

Ass rape porn really turns me on. That feeling of the throbbing hard dick slamming deep in my butt is excruciating when it thrusts in the tight pucker of my anus. The dry penetration is intensely painful causing me to cry out. In fact I grunt biting into my lip until it bleeds.

Then, without any mercy that big thick cock just thrusts further and deeper continuously penetrating and fucking out my butt. Yes, I know I have a nice round ass. And I am nothing but a fantasy rape doll. So, essentially I suppose I deserve every bit of pain that is thrust upon me with that throbbing big dick.

Once that big fat cock gets my tight pucker stretched and gaped after endless minutes of intense pain and penetration my ass gave in. When i say my ass gave in I simply mean that my butt became juicy and wet.

Finally my anal violator just took that as a sign. What was that wet ass juice lubed hole a sign for? To go harder and deeper of course. His foot went to my face and he rammed it in my ass like a pile driver pounding out a hole in cement. Yes it was That intense.

Just Use My Ass for your Pleasure

Then, that point came. Mr. Anal violator blasted a hot load of nut in my butt. As he finished jizzing that seed in my ass, he grabbed me by the neck and strangled me until I passed out. And when I awoke I swear my ass felt ripped up and I bled all over my bed. It looked like a murder scene and boy did my ass get gaped.

Finally my ass is back in shape for another round. Are you needing a good anal whore to use? I hope so, because I need it.

Ass rape porn

Gothic Phone Sex Drains Your Lifeline For Ultimate Pleasure

Warm sensations caress your naked flesh as you are awakened to a Gothic Phone Sex Mistress standing before you. A succubus with glowing eyes and flesh as pale as a white rose. I’m Morticia, and I am your best fantasy.

The whisper fades quickly as the movement of Succubus Goddess Morticia crawls on top of you. You are frozen and excited. The inability to move as I crawl and cover your throbbing cock with my warm moist cunt.

Then as I ride your cock I am digging my nails into your chest as I scrape down your body. The blood, the vibrant red hue that excites me starts to seep from the wounds. I smile with my canines shimmering in the moonlight as I lean in and lap at the delightful treat.

You are unable to resist and cum deep inside of my cunt. I clench my cunt lips around your cock and milk every last drop of seed from your balls. As I drain your balls, with an evil moan and laugh.

Finally in a flash and slash of my tongue my fangs sink deep into your neck. The sensation of orgasm continues as I slowly, deeply suck every last drop of life force from your body.

This is your last dance and my body is the temple where your life comes to an end within. All life force is feeding my youth. For I am Morticia, Goddess of the Night.

Gothic Phone Sex

Knife Play Phone Sex Might Be My Favorite Way to Kill

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex might be my favorite as a sick bitch. I know knives make many men squeamish, especially in the hands of a wicked butcher like me. Perhaps they fear what I will do to their junk, or they think I might kill them. Both assumptions would be true. I do not need men like most woman. So, men should be leery of me.

However, I can make an excellent partner in crime if you do not get lovey dovey with me. I hate that shit. So, keep your hands to yourself and we might just get along smoothly.  Jason and I had a splendid time Friday night. We met in a chat room for snuff porn fans. Started a conversation that cumulated in us planning to kill a whore. And he knew the whore he wanted to turn into a snuff star.

We fantasized about killing her before we killed her. But we added in a lot of torture and mutilation first. The woman we killed he used to work with. An alpha female who climbed the ladder quickly because she threw men under the bus to get to the top. Now, I do not fault women for doing that. But this guy paid me to help him kill her. So, I took his money and killed and tortured a successful woman.

I Love Being Your Accomplice, But You Need to Follow My Lead

I might prefer to use my knife on men, but I will kill a bitch who looks at me wrong in a heartbeat too. We had to break into her house, and it appeared to have better security than Ft. Knox. But I got through her system. Jason had revenge on his mind and ran upstairs in a frenzied state. He needed me to reel him in. I am not an impulse killer. For one, it’s how folks get caught. And two, a frenzied quick kill leaves no time for torture sex.

He listened to me thankfully. Because I would have killed him too, he if didn’t. And we killed her, eventually. But first we sliced off her nipples and made her eat them. We sliced her clit off too. The sexual mutilation lasted for hours. And so did the torture. Eventually, she died, and I helped dispose of her body. That’s key. Destroy the evidence of a crime. No body, no DNA. And no body, no crime.

Home invasion phone sex for dumb sluts who need hurt and force fucked

Home invasion phone sexHome invasion phone sex has an extra added layer of fear for victims. Waking up to a strange man hovering over your bed is a fear every coed has. Although, most dumb college girls in my town forget to lock windows and sleep with the cool, fresh air.

I swear, some of these bitches just want an unknown assailant to fuck and kill them. Personally, I masturbate with my windows open when I travel to the boondocks. Hoping some rouge figure comes and beats me and my pussy up. I leave a scent like a bitch in heat for my horny bad men to follow. Every day I get asked if I can help a man out with his Rape phone sex fantasies. 

Home invasion phone sex 👣

In every scene I want him to break in with a big hunting knife and make me perform for him. I like acting like the innocent brats you really want to do these horrible things to. And yes, I know what it feels like to be violently violated. I’m a little dumb dope whore and I have gotten mixed up a time or two with forced fucking that hurt my tiny frame.  I’m sure I’ll do it again soon.

This young slut is always looking for new guys to hurt me. Not only that, but I love the feeling of submission and knowing that I’m being punished for my stupidity. My Taboo phone sex is all about getting what you want, no matter the cost to me or any of your other victims! 

Rape phone sex fantasies🍒

So pull that cock out and send me back in time to when a man was standing over my bed, cutting my clothes off and I didn’t know if I would live or die. Sometimes I wish he would have killed me, instead of wrecking my tiny holes after he cut and beat me!

Home Invasion Phone Sex Where Randy’s BBC Takes Rena Over

Home invasion phone sexWith any home invasion phone sex scenario, I am always on edge. When I was tucked in my little bed with my pink blankie and the only lights from the city gleaming into my window, I wasn’t ready for what came next.  I clutched onto my little teddy bear and heard a noise.  Mom and dad were gone and it was first time I had been home alone.  I had a little pink nighty on over my silky new G-string panties that mommy never let me wear but I wanted to that night.

I hear footsteps coming closer until I see a tall dark and handsome man at my bedroom door. A black mask covered his face. He approached my bed and told me his name was Randy and he was taking me as his victim tonight.  I was frozen with fear as he took his pants off and out popped a huge black cock. He grabbed my hair and shoved my face down on it bobbing my little tight mouth up and down on that BBC.  I could barely breath as he pouded my mouth so hard.  Spit was falling out of the sides and I was gagging profusely.

He pulled me off his cock by my hair and took my panties off. He proceeded to spit and lick and put fingers up holes I didn’t even know you put things up yet.  After some time with that he threw me over the side of the bed, holding my hands behind my back and thrust that big black cock into my wet pussy. I was flinching from how hard he shoved it in at first. It stretched out after awhile and he proceeded to get it as deep as he could. He told me to keep saying his name- “Randy”

What did Randy do next, give me a call and let’s give Randy a very happy ending, if you catch my drigt!

The Night of Debauchery: A Snuff phone sex Fantasy

 Snuff phone sex

Let me take you on a journey, a descent into the perverse and forbidden. A phone call ignited a fire, a mysterious stranger with a voice like molten chocolate. Our conversations ignited the darkest corners of our minds, a match struck in the depths of depravity.

I yearned for the darkness he promised, a world where pleasure and pain intertwined. I was his willing participant, eager to explore the edges of morality. One fateful night, he suggested a game, a twisted fantasy of power and submission. I played along, curious and aroused, as he painted a scene of exotic torture.

In person, he was a vision of sin and desire. His eyes, like sharp knives, pierced my soul, the thrill indescribable. He bound me, a delicate sacrifice at his alter of pleasure. The night unfolded, a tapestry of sensation. Whips whispered across my skin, leaving it sore . The crack of leather, mixed with my euphoric screams, echoed through the chambers of our lust.

His teeth marked my body, claiming me as his possession. The true masterpiece, however, was yet to come. With a gleam of wickedness, he produced a scalpel, its cold touch against my flesh sending shivers down my spine. He sliced open the tender petals of my core, and I peaked, screaming his name in ecstasy.

They found me, satiated and drenched in desire’s aftermath. A wicked grin adorned my lips, a testament to the erotic horror I had experienced. This is a tale of caution, a woman’s plunge into her wildest dreams—a journey some may never return from.

Torture Phone Sex: I Need to Be Careful What I Ak For

torture phone sexI am no stranger to torture phone sex. Honestly, I love pain. Perhaps, I am a masochist. Which is something I struggle with sometimes. I possess two sides to me. One is the soccer mom who lives in the suburbs and shuffles young ones around to school and games. I have a loving family including a doting husband. However, the other side of me likes to snort copious amounts of cocaine and explore dark fantasies. And of course, the higher I get, the wilder I become.

Friday night, I was home alone. My husband took the boys to a soccer tournament out of the city. And because of work, I stayed home. I told myself I would do some Spring cleaning and maybe pamper myself too. But I did way too much coke. And I guess I texted this one dealer I use occasionally that I had some home invasion phone sex fantasies I wanted to explore. The problem with me is that I get high and forget who I texted and what I said.

I Get High and Ask for Pain

By the time I realized what I had done, it was too late to back out. I was on the couch half passed out when I noticed I was not home alone any longer. About six masked intruders surrounded me. One guy pulled me off the couch and tossed me to the floor. He began yelling at me and degrading me for being a whore mother. While he yelled and berated me, his friends pinned me down and ripped my clothes off.

Suddenly, I realized I asked for this. But I could not back out because these men came here with a purpose. They came here to gang bang the coked-up soccer mom. Part of me wanted it too. They turned me into a gangbang rape porn star. No matter how much I pleaded, they did not stop. And truthfully, I did not want them to stop either. But I am a pain slut who loves to be used, hurt and violated.

They fucked me for hours before they left. And when they left my asshole appeared to be hanging on the outside rather than inside. I had bruises and ligature marks forming on my body. And I smelled like a men’s public urinal. I need to be careful what I ask for.

Ursla enjoys rape phone sex fantasies

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

Rape phone sex fantasies are such a fucking turn on.  Imagine I’m your ex GF, who cheated on you and left you. I want you to slip in while I’m sleeping. Jump on top of me and start tying my ass to the bed. Nice and tight, with me screaming and moving all over the bed. Kick me and punch the shit out of me to make stop moving.

Scream at me and tell me that if I don’t stop moving, that you’re going to slit my fucking throat. You shove a sock in my mouth so no one can hear me. Now that I’m tied to the bed what the fuck are you waiting for?  You rip off my fucking clothes. My muffled screams you can hear, but you don’t give a shit. All you want is to force your throbbing hard cock deep into my tight pussy. I never would give up my pussy to you when you wanted it, so now you’re going to take it. Shove it in nice and fucking deep, make me fucking take it.

All that aggression you have towards me, take it out on me. Slap my tits and squeeze my nipples. I want you to use your teeth and bite my nipples until you can taste my blood. You feel me squirm while you’re shoving in your cock as hard and deep as you can get it. You look down at your cock sliding in and out and notice blood, you’ve torn my pussy from fucking me so hard. Your cocks all nice and shiny from my blood.

Pull it out. Force feed me my own bloody pussy juices. You remove the sock and before I can say a single word you shove your bloody cock down my throat. Forcing your cock down my throat. Not letting me get any air. My mouth and face covered in my own pussy blood. You straddle my chest, fucking my mouth harder and harder, and right as you’re about to cum, you pull out and cum all over my face. 

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Come True

About two weeks ago, my rape phone sex fantasies came true.  I was home alone and a man broke into my house. To some, this would be terrifying but to me, it was fucking exciting! The minute I saw him standing in my living room with a mask on his face and a knife in his hand my pussy started to heat up and drip. I have always fantasized about a stranger coming into my home and taking me against my will in the most violent way possible. He grabbed me and ripped my robe off and ran the knife along my tits. I let out a moan and this seemed to egg him on. All of a sudden I was against the wall and he was squeezing and biting my fucking  tits viciously. He had one hand on my tits and the other around my neck, strangling me which only made my pussy tingle more.

rape phone sex fantasies

The harder he bit the more my pussy reacted.  I am such a fucking pain slut.  I couldn’t contain my moans and was being loud as fuck. He slapped me across the face and forced me to my knees. . He took out his cock and put the knife to my throat. This was such a fucking thrill, now my pussy was so wet my juices were dripping down my legs. He shoved his cock in my mouth while pulling my hair and growled you better not bite me you fucking whore. I hungrily sucked that fucking cock with a knife at my throat and fuck all I could think about was that cock deep inside my slutty pussy. He blew a fucking load in my mouth and I swallowed every drop.  My sexy intruder threw me on the couch and forced my legs open. My pussy was wet as fuck and throbbing I wanted that cock so mother fucking bad. He shoved his huge cock inside me and I let out a moan. He began fucking me hard and rough. I am sure the neighbors heard my moans. I was about to cum and the orgasm was going to be massive. All of a sudden my whole body shuddered and I had the most massive orgasm I have ever had. When he put his cum deep inside me he growled don’t call the police or I’ll come back and kill you cunt. I said I wouldn’t call the police if you promised to come back again.