Category: Snuff phone sex

Vibrating Despair: A Journey to Filthy Sadistic phone sex

 Sadistic phone sex

I was at the mercy of my tormentor. His cold, steely fingers trailed down my body, measuring my curves like a butcher assessing his meat. I shivered in anticipation and fear—this man was a force to be reckoned with, a true sadist. But I was his willing victim.

The vibrator, oh that wicked device, was producing sounds that whispered promises of agony and ecstasy. He teased me with it, running the buzz along my soaking slit, making me beg for release. But he was in no rush. Instead, he lingered, enjoying my desperation.He angled the toy, pressing it against my aching clit. The vibrations were intoxicating, sending volts of pleasure through my body. But it was his cruelty that really got me going. He knew how to push me over the edge, and I was desperate to fall.

The toy disappeared, only to be rammed inside me roughly. I felt like a helpless rag doll as he penetrated my core with vicious determination. The vibrator’s buzz massaged my insides, and the sheer power of it had me seeing hallucinations of erotic delight.My captor’s lips were against my ear as he hissed filthy nothings. He called me a “useless little slut,” a “whore begging for release.” It was degrading, humiliating, and yet, it turned me on even more.

The toy’s relentless vibrations continued, sending me into spasms. My body quaked and convulsed as I squirted, the fluids soaking the floor. Yet, the tormentor showed no mercy, no signs of slowing down. He wanted to push me further, past the boundaries of endurance.

I was left a shaking mess, my cunt aching, and my body begging for more.


Gangbang Rape Porn Of An Excited Back Door Bride

Being a back door angel all started with a hot cameo in a Gangbang rape porn. I played the hot young school girl that was quickly transformed into an anal princess. The opening scene is me walking in with my textbook of sex ed in hand and my short plaid skirt with a white blouse.

Obviously, one factor or the elephant in the room was my tender bubbly ass. Of course my plump breasts on the tight young body also stood out. Then suddenly, the scene shifts to me on all fours.

Now, there I was. Just distraught and whimpering with my eye make-up smeared down my face. I was having my butt pounded out raw and deep. This tender white ass was blazing red and this anal meat was red as a rose.

Soon enough though I was backing the fuck up on those big dicks and taking them deeper each butt fucking thrust liberated me to pure sextacy.

Gangbang rape porn

Evil Phone Sex is My Exciting Way to Fuck Your Mind

Have you ever had just really fucked up and sadistic fantasies. Perhaps Evil Phone Sex with an Sadistic accomplice is just the better way for you to get off. I know it’s the best way for me to get off. The more blood and evil I get to be, the better.

Now if it’s wanting to ask me a bunch of personal questions. Well nothing dries my cunt up more than feeling like I am sitting in some kind of interrogation room. Honestly, I fail at tests often. This is purely for the fact that putting me on the spot will shut me down. All because you are riddling me with fucking questions So, don’t do it.

However, if you have a great need to be tortured and destroyed, like with castration even, then I am your girl Friday. When I get a shiny sharp blade in my hand, all I can think about is slicing into tender flesh.

Perhaps we kidnap a nice piece of young ass to have our way with?

Evil Phone Sex

Snuff sex whore fell victim to violent BBC

No one is safe from him. Anyone that gets on my Master’s radar is in for it. Doesn’t matter if you are his family. Certainly didn’t matter to Master to turn his faggot little brother into Snuff sex whore. When my Master found out his little brother’s love for BBC, it gave him inspiration. He tricked the poor little faggot, he surprised him with methed up crazed black hard cock. Snuff sex

The cameras were rolling and they got to it. At first he tried to get away but as soon as those guys grabbed him he submitted. I loved the way they savaged him. Big black cock became utterly violent stretching out his tight little hole! That hole was turned into a cum dump for big black cocks, and it was everything I could have hoped for.

The blood splattered every where, it made me want to get a taste too. While BBC is stretching out his tight bloody bussy, I got on my knees and sucked on some black bloody balls.My Master, trying to hold in his laughter, seemed to really enjoy himself, watching his little brother become a snuff whore right before his eyes.

That fag took to his new role like a fish to water, becoming the ultimate Snuff porn star! His ass was ripped wide open, bleeding profusely, I had to bathe myself in it. With every brutal thrust of those big black cocks he begged for mercy, but never got it. 

His hole was completely wrecked when they were done with him. His bloodied bussy was over flowing with cum. I of course did what a good slave whore would do and suck all that yummy cum. All of that sperm and blood filled my mouth. I didn’t swallow it. I spit it in that little fag’s dying face. The last thing he got to see was this beautiful face.

Torture sex is not for everyone I guess, but I think those fucks are just cowards. Only the brave go beyond, challenging the status quo. I even think the fag was brave for truly fulling his purpose. 


Torture phone sex with Stephanie

torture phone sex

 Let me be your kinky, torture phone sex accomplice tonight. I have years under my belt of dishing out pain and torture, all for the pleasure of various sick and twisted masters who’s commands I followed perfectly. I have so many methods I use to inflict pain on my victims so what I do all depends on how fucked up you like it. You name it and I’ve already tortured someone in that way. From needles and rusted nails shoved up under the skin to razor blades shoved under her eyelids to slice into her eyeballs every time she blinks or winces in pain. I’ve grown a new love for this choke collar and chain that I picked up at a pet store a while back. I strap the collar around my victims’ throats and yank back on the chain as hard as I can so that the spikes rip into their skin and cause a cascade of blood to run down their body. That’s what I dip my fingers into, to rub my slut cunt for Master. I finger fuck my whore cunt and watch while my victims get their fuck holes reamed and ruined. Once my master finished emptying his nuts and having his fun, I get back to torturing my victims. I don’t snuff them out just yet though. Like an animal playing with it’s prey I like to play with them until they go cold and limp. I like to end my hot and bloody snuff sessions by making my victims lie there, bleeding out, gurgling and moaning while I let my Master use my whore mouth to clean the blood, shit and cum off of his cock.

Unc needs Sex with dead bodies

After all the torture I got, watching my uncle have Sex with dead bodies started to get me wet. My uncle would use me to lure little sluts to the basement where he would torture then to death. He almost got me like that. First, we have to tie her up. Once she is tied up my uncle likes to rip her clothes up and beat her. “I like when you fight back” my uncle says as he chokes her while stuffing his cock in her little mouth. Her body is so small he can pick her up with one hand.

As she chokes on his cock, I can see the tears streaming down her face and it reminds me of the first time my uncle fucked my holes. The pain was so hard it shot through my body and made me piss myself, but he didn’t care. His cock kept ramming inside me until I passed out. When I woke up, he said “you are lucky you are family, or I would have snuffed you”. “Lick her cunt and get her ready for me” my uncle instructed me to do. I know not to disobey him.

Therefore, I lick every little slut he face fucks. Once I taste her and push my tongue inside her, my pussy starts to twitch. That’s because I know that is what she will be doing to my pussy while my unc uses her for his Rape phone sex fantasies. After he lays her on her back, he suffocates her until she passes out. He likes to bring them back to life with his cock ripping them open. That is exactly what he did. “Sit on her face” my uncle said sternly. I sat my secretly wet pussy on her mouth, forcing her to eat my young pussy.

Sex with dead bodies

As my unc ripped her young pussy open I rode her face and when I came, she started drowning in my juices. But that made my uncle fuck her harder. “Smother the bitch” he yelled. So, I sat my pussy harder covering her mouth and nose. I could tell she couldn’t breathe because her body was shaking and fighting for air. What she didn’t know it only excited my unc even more. Finally, her body stopped moving and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. “Good job dumb slut” my unc said as he continued to fuck her limp body. As he filled her up, he said “Now you can’t fight back, you are already gone”.

Bloody phone sex Massacres are my Christmas in July!!!

Bloody phone sexBloody phone sex Massacres are my Christmas in July!!! Once Upon a time eMidnight dreary, the summer heat had gotten to me in a bad way.

All I can think of is when I murdered that family on Christmas and how warm and fuzzy it made me feel. Im little and pale as fuck so the sun and I are not friends at all! As the heat rises my need to kill and feel festive rises in me as well.

The Holidays are prime hunting grounds when moms and dads are stressed out. Turns out the hot days of summer might be prime for parents sick of brats and needing free time. Now is the perfect time for bloody phone sex Xmas In July. 

Enter babysitter Harper, who has made a Christmas in July daycare themed event for little brats! Mommies and daddies are eager to give me little bitches and bastards for my holiday play land. They even pay me to “take care” of brats in cute holiday attire.  I’m ready with my candy canes and wrapping paper, and I’m ready to show them the true meaning of Christmas in July! Wrapping up fuck tots and fucking them with candy canes is nil compared to what me and big Santa Claus dick is going to do them.

Bloody phone sex Massacres are my Christmas in July!!!

I baked cookies with shards of glass to start off our bloody phone sex, Ginger Bread that cuts their mouths up makes quite the spectacle! Be our Santa and kiss bloody lips as you fuck little elf pussy and ass. I’ll take the boys and drill those asses with some reindeer antlers I found in the attic.

Let me dip the boy penis in some chocolate for us to suck clean! I know that bag of presents you brought contains such freaky sex toys! A saddle fuck machine for the girls, and some cock rings and ass plugs for the boys. I know it’s the heat of summer but Christmas in July is perfect for big bad Santa’s who need to empty that sack! Let me help make our Young victims nice and bloody as you fuck them merrily!

Bloody phone sex

Rena Loves Being an Accomplice Phone Sex Evil Freak

Accomplice phone sexAs your accomplice phone sex chosen one, I am the one who will lure the little ones into your van. I will use my young innocent look to gain trust. Somewhere where lots of little ones floating around.  Parents distracted on their phones so will be easy to lure them away with toys and candy.  You asked for a boy and a girl. Brother and sister if possible.  Young ones that you can manipulate and make into your little slaves for sex.

I bring you exactly what you want. You have a dungeon hidden in your backyard. We enter through the shed and go through the secret entrance down the stairs.  The little ones bound and gagged with their feet free to walk.  They are a little groggy. There are lights and mattresses downstairs and it’s fairly clean for a dungeon but very dark at the same time and cold.  You make me get them ready. Sponge baths and undressing them both.  After I get every crevice of their young bodies, I lay the girl on the mattress first.  You have her tied to the mattress with the straps that go underneath. An intricate rope entanglement designed so she can’t get away.  The boy, blindfolded and groggy, is bound to a chair.

I start sucking your cock, knowing I can get it very hard fast because I can read it in your eyes how eager you are to be inside these kidnappped young ones.  I get your rock hard then spread those young bald pussy lips for you as you start licking the girls clit.  She squirms and smiles, oh she loves it for sure.  Shes thrusting her hips up like she wants more.

Let’s continue this fantasy on a call, what do you say? I brought them to you, now what else shall we do?

I hate to admit it but I love Sex with dead bodies

When my Master introduced me to Sex with dead bodies, I was sick with terror. The first time he made me do it with a long-departed companion, I was repulsed, the stench of decay overwhelming my senses. But as time went by, that very smell became an aphrodisiac, a sweet aroma that would set my heart racing.Sex with dead bodiesI have a appetite for the deceased. My desires have pushed me to the farthest corners of taboo, and I make no apologies for it. As the saying goes, ‘If it feels good, do it.’ And trust me, there’s nothing quite like the thrill of fucking the dead.

I know there are a lot of us out there, Snuff sex fanatics. Could you imagine if we were the ones to rule this Earth? We could have so much fun without any worry of getting caught. When you jerk off, do you dream of a freshly dead angel or does the blue, bloated skin make your cock explode? No judgements here, I love it all.

My Master loves it when I grind my pussy on a corpse. The coldness feels so good against my red hot lust. I’ll take their fingers and stick as many as can fit inside me. If I grind too hard a finger or two will break off, but I don’t mind. I just move to the other hand and fuck that stiff until there is nothing left. 

The stiffness of their limbs, the silence, it all brings a twisted pleasure that I crave. As I find myself deeper and deeper in this world, I’ve realized something profound, there’s no limit to how depraved one can be. I’ll love to hear your Murder phone sex Fantasies. We can laugh as we get each other off to the sickest shit.


Snuff Sex is What Men Get When They Break My Rules

snuff sexSnuff sex I consider the only sex. I do not make love to men. And I do not form attachments to them either. Men provide little use to me. But like most women, I do have sexual needs. But consider me a Praying Mantis of sorts. I will behead a lover for trying to get rough with me or attempting to cuddle or anything remotely romantic or mushy.

I do not date. But I do fuck sometimes. And I needed dick last night, so I got on Tinder. Callers talk about Tinder all the time as a great way to enjoy anonymous, discreet fucking. So, I did my thing. Swiped right on the first nice cock I saw and went to a no tell motel since he was married. He has a thing for Goth girls. The fucking was great and delivered just what I needed too.

However, after he came, he got all mushy and love dovey. Puke. After this third warning, I decided to introduce him to my snuff porn side. And I smothered him. Choked him too. All I did was tell him I was into erotic asphyxiation, and he gave up his power to me. He did not know who he just fucked. I kill most of my lovers because they cannot abide by my rules. What happened to men just wanting to fuck? Most men nowadays start planning our future after one cum. Fuck that shit.

Consider Me a Praying Mantis in Bed

I do not care how big your cock is or how big your wallet is either. Men exist to serve me. And once I have been served, I want nothing more to do with them. Nothing. But this dumb ass wanted to date and introduce me to his family. After one fuck? I mean sure, I am a good lay, but to plan our future after one cum means you are some love lorn puppy dog and I do not have the desire to deal with that level of bullshit. So, I killed him.

With his cock in my pussy, and my hands around his throat, he took his last breath as I came. Strangulation phone sex never felt so good. I am tiny, but I am mighty. I managed to take his life without a knife. Using only my bare hands, I killed him. Left his body in the no tell motel. When will men learn to listen to me?