Tag: snuff porn

Snuff Porn Star Blair Forced into Furry Beast Porn

snuff pornSome folks think of me as a snuff porn star. Yet others see me as too old for snuff flicks anymore. Everyone wants to rough up cute young things. Not an old mommy whore with loose fuck holes. That’s what this one director told me last week when I auditioned for him. The seedy dangerous underworld of snuff pays better than vanilla porn. So, that’s why I travel in these circles. But I needed money to get coke. And no one wants to trade my old fuck holes anymore.

However, I am resilient. I don’t give up just because one guy passed on me. But I did need to go deeper into the risky world of snuff movies to find a guy willing to hire me. We agreed on a price. And of course he wanted a rough anal scene. Everyone wants to use my asshole in the dark films I make. My ass gets used so much, my prolapse comes out easily. Just one push, and I have a natural cock sleave for men.

I am Getting too Old Even for the Snuff World

I asked about my costar, and I figured it would be him or some other big, strong man. Nope. He wanted a furry beast to sodomize me. Not that I have not had red rockets in my fuck holes before, because I have. But I never enjoy it. Just something that happens when I get fucked up. But sometimes, most times, a druggy whore needs to do things she does not like to keep the party going.

I just tried to think of something else as this furry drooling beast mounted me. I could feel that slimy rocket locked into my asshole like a hook. It drooled down my back and shoulders.  I felt humiliated being this beast’s ass rape porn star. Seemed like his red rocket was hooked inside of me for hours. But it ended finely with a slimy nut. I took my money and left with an ass full of a beast’s cum.

Snuff Porn Makes Me Wet Like It Makes Your Hard

snuff pornSnuff porn gets me wet just like it gets you hard. And I love to watch a little snuff flick as foreplay. Turns me on to see some other blonde bimbo get gang banged, ass fucked and tortured.  Used to be me. Not so much anymore. I morphed into the accomplice role. One of my newest lovers wants me to help train his niece to be a fuck slut. Get this. I had no clue she’d been missing for over a year. He kidnapped her and made it look like she ran away. And she’s been living in a bunker under his house.

When he told me that, I was not sure if I should fear him or fuck him. Seriously, he had a more devious mind than I ever thought. This young girl appears to be the age where she is not quite a girl anymore, however, she is not quite a woman yet. The kind of girl men pay good money to explore their rape phone sex fantasies with. Honestly, this new lover’s mind might be as devious as my last master.

Let Me Be Your Accomplice Partner

I soon discovered he sought me out to date just so I could play house with him and his kidnapped niece. He fucked her already. I mean how could he hold off. She’s been in his dungeon for over a year now. We went down to see her. She looked well cared for. No visible marks, well feed and clean too. However, she did look scared. I would be too if I was in her shoes. Her cage appeared bigger than a jail cell. She could move around. He gave her a toilet, TV and refrigerator. She looked better cared for than my father cared for me.

I went into the cage and ate her pussy. His idea. Get her warmed up to me. I do not think he plans on ever killing her. But I told him he might have to eventually. She will age out for him like all teen rape porn stars do eventually. But in the meantime, I get to help train her to be the best little whore she can be. Our journey has just begun. I can make a lot of a snuff flicks with them. What would you do with a sweet young thing in your basement?

Snuff Porn Star Blair Pimped Out

snuff pornHe told me I was born to be a snuff porn star. And I believed him. But in my defense, he got me fucked up on some strong coke. He picked me up at a bar where he found me on a pool table, drunk, high and letting men use me. Just a typical night for a cheating druggy whore. When Max came into the bar, I think he was looking for easy prey. And he found me already doused in cum.

He took me home. But not to my home. I would not call Max a gentleman. He took me to some warehouse in the middle of nowhere. Perfect location to make snuff movies he told me because no one can hear the screams. I felt too fucked up to really process what he said to me at the time.

Since I am no stranger to men using me, I thought that was all Max planned for me. But besides a gang bang these men wanted to torture me too. As about 50 men stood around me, I watched Max collect money. He pimped me out. Profited off them fucking me. And torturing me too.

I am Destined for Snuff Stardom

Some of the men just fucked me like a whore and left. However, others showed their misogynistic side. Some men choked me and slapped me while fucking me. Yet others burned my flesh with their cigarettes. A few of the men used me as their private toilets too. They forced me to guzzle their urine as well as their cum. One guy had what felt like a gallon of piss. He held my noise until I swallowed it all.

Max used me as his gangbang rape porn star. Although I have no idea how much money he made, he seemed very pleased with the outcome. He gave me some coke and left me in the dark, damp warehouse to find my own way home. At least I survived the night.

Snuff sex whore fell victim to violent BBC

No one is safe from him. Anyone that gets on my Master’s radar is in for it. Doesn’t matter if you are his family. Certainly didn’t matter to Master to turn his faggot little brother into Snuff sex whore. When my Master found out his little brother’s love for BBC, it gave him inspiration. He tricked the poor little faggot, he surprised him with methed up crazed black hard cock. Snuff sex

The cameras were rolling and they got to it. At first he tried to get away but as soon as those guys grabbed him he submitted. I loved the way they savaged him. Big black cock became utterly violent stretching out his tight little hole! That hole was turned into a cum dump for big black cocks, and it was everything I could have hoped for.

The blood splattered every where, it made me want to get a taste too. While BBC is stretching out his tight bloody bussy, I got on my knees and sucked on some black bloody balls.My Master, trying to hold in his laughter, seemed to really enjoy himself, watching his little brother become a snuff whore right before his eyes.

That fag took to his new role like a fish to water, becoming the ultimate Snuff porn star! His ass was ripped wide open, bleeding profusely, I had to bathe myself in it. With every brutal thrust of those big black cocks he begged for mercy, but never got it. 

His hole was completely wrecked when they were done with him. His bloodied bussy was over flowing with cum. I of course did what a good slave whore would do and suck all that yummy cum. All of that sperm and blood filled my mouth. I didn’t swallow it. I spit it in that little fag’s dying face. The last thing he got to see was this beautiful face.

Torture sex is not for everyone I guess, but I think those fucks are just cowards. Only the brave go beyond, challenging the status quo. I even think the fag was brave for truly fulling his purpose. 


Snuff Call Made My Pussy So Wet, I Killed My Vibrator

snuff sexLet me start by saying I am one sick twisted cunt! I readily admit that and I am not ashamed. I had a snuff call the other day that not only did I get off during the call, but it made my pussy so fucking horny  I wore out the batteries in my vibrator. I came at least three times sticking it up my fuckhole over and over. Here is the fantasy and just know I am playing with my cunt while I am typing this, Just thinking about is getting my fuck juices running. So we waited by the bus stop and grabbed ourselves a semen demon. It was a delectable little one. We wasted no goddamn time and took her little ass to our cabin. The first thing we did was strip the little miscreant. Her little flat nipples were so mother fucking sexy and her bald little cunt was so soft. She was so scared she was crying and shaking. The harder she cried the wetter my pussy got. I could not wait for one more second, I needed to get my hands on her. I started by sticking my fist up her fucking ass. Her screams were food for my soul.  Now it was time to rape her little virgin cunt and i was going to enjoy every second of her agony.  I loved watching a big cock come in and out of her little tiny pussy and watching it stretch beyond its limits. After we fucked the shit out of her it was time to put the little whore down. I decided the best way was to smother her with my pussy. I sat on her little face and started grinding my pussy into her. All her mother fucking air was cut off.  Every time she struggled fighting for her life it sent my pussy into convulsions. I smothered her and drowned her with my pussy juice.

Accomplice Phone Sex Partners Procure Little Ones for You

accomplice phone sexI love being your accomplice phone sex partner. Initially, I did not want to be an accomplice. I felt bad for young girls. For many years, I was someone’s bitch. And I did not want to be either. But I did not know how to get out of a life I seem destined to live. As much as I tried to leave a life of slavery, I never could until I aged out with my last master. If I had not bartered my freedom one young girl at a time, I’d be dead or in servitude still.

Although I felt awful about bringing young girls to a man who I knew would hurt them, maybe even kill them, I needed to be free. But guess what? It gets easier and easier to do over time. And now, I am a professional accomplice. I went from a snuff porn star to an accomplice. And I make a good living at helping men with their most depraved fantasies, especially ones involving young ones.

I Can Help You Fuck a Young Cunt or a Tight Boy Butt

Mick hired me last week to find him a young boy to fuck. First time a guy paid me for a boy ass. I do not judge though. If you want a boy ass or a girl cunnie, I will find it for you. For a price though. I have no problem luring young girls away. But never tried with a boy. But turns out all you need to do is flash them your tits and they will follow you anywhere.

Mick enjoyed the little boy I found him. A cute little blond boy with a cute tight boy butt. For a moment, when the boy cried for his mommy, I felt bad. But I remembered how much Mick was paying me and told the boy to stop his whining.  Before long he passed out and that shut him up. Mick destroyed his boy pussy. The boy did not survive the night. But that’s why men pay me so much. As your taboo phone sex accomplice, I hide the bodies after you had your fun.

Snuff Sex is What Men Get When They Break My Rules

snuff sexSnuff sex I consider the only sex. I do not make love to men. And I do not form attachments to them either. Men provide little use to me. But like most women, I do have sexual needs. But consider me a Praying Mantis of sorts. I will behead a lover for trying to get rough with me or attempting to cuddle or anything remotely romantic or mushy.

I do not date. But I do fuck sometimes. And I needed dick last night, so I got on Tinder. Callers talk about Tinder all the time as a great way to enjoy anonymous, discreet fucking. So, I did my thing. Swiped right on the first nice cock I saw and went to a no tell motel since he was married. He has a thing for Goth girls. The fucking was great and delivered just what I needed too.

However, after he came, he got all mushy and love dovey. Puke. After this third warning, I decided to introduce him to my snuff porn side. And I smothered him. Choked him too. All I did was tell him I was into erotic asphyxiation, and he gave up his power to me. He did not know who he just fucked. I kill most of my lovers because they cannot abide by my rules. What happened to men just wanting to fuck? Most men nowadays start planning our future after one cum. Fuck that shit.

Consider Me a Praying Mantis in Bed

I do not care how big your cock is or how big your wallet is either. Men exist to serve me. And once I have been served, I want nothing more to do with them. Nothing. But this dumb ass wanted to date and introduce me to his family. After one fuck? I mean sure, I am a good lay, but to plan our future after one cum means you are some love lorn puppy dog and I do not have the desire to deal with that level of bullshit. So, I killed him.

With his cock in my pussy, and my hands around his throat, he took his last breath as I came. Strangulation phone sex never felt so good. I am tiny, but I am mighty. I managed to take his life without a knife. Using only my bare hands, I killed him. Left his body in the no tell motel. When will men learn to listen to me?

Knife Play Phone Sex Kills on the 4th of July are the Best

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex heated up Thursday night. I went out trolling for a victim. Did you know that 4th of July is the perfect kill day. With all the fireworks going off no one hears gunshots or screams. Now, I am not a gun fan. Why? Because it takes little skill. It ends up being mostly luck and it’s over quick. To me, there is no fun in that. I want to enjoy my kills. But more importantly I want to savor the suffering.

I have too many tales of murder that night to share them all. But I did kill 18 men, and two chicks. Outside of mass murder, I think that’s an impressive kill rate for a single evening.  But I am a snuff porn fan. I did have to shave some time off the suffering so I could cram more kills in before the fireworks noise died down.

This one cunt become victim number one of the night. We had a chance encounter at a convenience store, and she acted like a total twat to me. Made some Goth girl insult and then started calling me a bitch and a cunt when I told her to eat my pale ass. She fucked with the wrong bitch.  I went into the store just to get some matches but bought some fireworks too. And I followed the bitch to her house. I saw no other cars. I waited a bit to see if I saw anyone else and I did not.

Fourth of July is the Best Kill Day of the Year

Normally, I plan better but I can be less cautious on the 4th of July because of the noise. I waited until it got dark, and her neighbors began letting off fireworks. I broke into the back of her house and caught her off guard. Loser. She had no plans for the 4th of July. She was watching some Lifetime movie. Although she screamed, it sounded like WW III outside. So no one would hear her. Did not take long to tie her up on the floor. I ripped her nightgown off and pulled her panties down.

She tried to apologize to me, but too late. I rammed a bunch of sparklers up her cunt and lit them. Now she really screamed. But no one could hear her still. I could smell the flesh burning. And that kind of torture sex turns me on. I put some firecrackers up her ass too. She went into shock when I blew a big hole in her ass. So, I let her bleed out on her living room floor and went off to kill 19 more poor souls no one would miss.

Anal Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Explored with a Druggy Mommy

rape phone sex fantasiesRape phone sex fantasies get men off. And since I am a submissive mommy whore, I want to explore any rape fantasies you may have. Since I am a druggy whore too, I often find myself in a pickle with men who want to violently fuck me in exchange for coke. So, even in my real life, I explore rape fantasies. So, if men can force fuck me in real life, they can in their fantasy world too.

My fellow druggy milf friend tagged along with me. Her husband discovered her coke addiction and cut her allowance. So, now she needs to be resourceful like me in finding coke. We went to this man I know who makes really hardcore ass rape porn and offered up our asses for coke or money to get coke. And he took the bait. But he made us work for it.

Anal Whores Do What They Must for Coke

We had to fuck each other with a double-sided monster dildo. The length did not scare me. However, the girth did. I think the best way to describe this dildo would be to tell you to think about a tree trunk in your asshole. My fellow milf friend and I shared a tree trunk up our assholes while this drug dealer filmed us. Not sure if the movie would be part of his spank bank. Or perhaps he planned on streaming it like my stepson does.

Either way, we did not care. We just needed the coke. Housewives with no or little income never need to pay for coke. Not if they do not mind making anal torture sex movies.  Although that monster dildo prolapsed both of our asses, we continued to work it like a big black cock. We need our coke for the long holiday weekend. This guy never touched us. But he did enjoy watching us ruin our assholes for him. He made us fist each other too. And that hurt just as much as the monster dildo. But we did what we had to do. And now we can party like rock stars all weekend long.

Snuff Sex Threesome with Mutilated Body and Evil Slut Layla

Snuff sex gets more gruesome with a satanic slut like me as your accomplice. Men can’t resist me. Your evil slut walks into a room and picks the perfect piggy to seduce and slaughter. All they see is fat tits and a thick ass. They happily follow me home to their painful butchering. They don’t even question why a vixen as sexy as me would ever speak to them. Sometimes they get suspicious when they see the plastic sheets on the floor and all over the furniture. I tell them I’m painting soon. And I will. Painting everything in the room with their insides. 

Reward Your Bloody Accomplice with Rough Snuff Sex

snuff sex

You wait to walk into the room while I’m naked on my knees. I’m stroking his cock and asking him if he’s ready. The moment he says yes, you slam the axe down on the center of his skull. We love the sick crack and the splatter of his blood and brains raining down on me. The murder phone sex fantasies start running rampant in my mind. I love when the axe doesn’t hit deep enough to end him immediately. Then they’re like lobotomized zombies with hard cocks. You pry the axe from his head and hand it to me. 

You kiss my bloody neck while I start hacking at him. I can feel your cock getting hard for me the more he moans in pain. My swing hit him right between the ribs. He falls on his back. I throw the axe and then I climb on top of him and spread my holes. Let’s fuck on top of his body until it turns into a necro threesome. Pound your cock into my wet pussy while he takes his last few breaths. Your evil phone sex is ready to get brutally fucked