Category: Blasphemy sex

Torture Sex With Rena’s Evil Brother

My brother, Alex is a torture phone sex adddict.  He had a way with words that made even the shyest of girls blush and giggle uncontrollably in his presence. I remember how he would bring these little girls back to our room, promising them the world on a silver platter. He’d tell them stories about how we could make their first time special, how we knew all sorts of tricks to make them feel good. And me? Well, I played my part perfectly – I’d sit there quietly while he worked his magic on them; sometimes even helping him tie them up or restrain them if needed.

Their innocent faces lit up like Christmas trees as they entered our room for the first time; unaware of what horrors awaited them inside those four walls. They thought they were coming over for some harmless fun but instead found themselves at the mercy of two depraved siblings who took pleasure in defiling their tight holes day after day after day.

Alex would start by undressing himself slowly, teasing both himself and his victim as he did so. His cock would harden under their curious gazes before finally springing free from its confines within his pants. Then it was my turn – I’d crawl over to where they were bound and begin licking at their sensitive areas – ears first then neck then breasts until finally reaching between their legs where I’d lap away at their juices like a hungry dog lapping up water from a bowl on a hot summer day . . . all while whispering dirty things into their ears about how much better it would feel when my brother’s cock was inside them.

The look of terror mixed with arousal on their faces never failed to excite us both even more. Once they were sufficiently wet and ready for him, Alex would position himself at the entrance of their virgin holes and push his massive cock inside slowly but surely until he felt resistance – then he’d thrust harder forcing himself deeper into them than any man ever had before . . . claiming every inch as his own personal property while I watched on eagerly waiting for my turn later on once he’d had enough fun breaking her in properly.

Vibrating Despair: A Journey to Filthy Sadistic phone sex

 Sadistic phone sex

I was at the mercy of my tormentor. His cold, steely fingers trailed down my body, measuring my curves like a butcher assessing his meat. I shivered in anticipation and fear—this man was a force to be reckoned with, a true sadist. But I was his willing victim.

The vibrator, oh that wicked device, was producing sounds that whispered promises of agony and ecstasy. He teased me with it, running the buzz along my soaking slit, making me beg for release. But he was in no rush. Instead, he lingered, enjoying my desperation.He angled the toy, pressing it against my aching clit. The vibrations were intoxicating, sending volts of pleasure through my body. But it was his cruelty that really got me going. He knew how to push me over the edge, and I was desperate to fall.

The toy disappeared, only to be rammed inside me roughly. I felt like a helpless rag doll as he penetrated my core with vicious determination. The vibrator’s buzz massaged my insides, and the sheer power of it had me seeing hallucinations of erotic delight.My captor’s lips were against my ear as he hissed filthy nothings. He called me a “useless little slut,” a “whore begging for release.” It was degrading, humiliating, and yet, it turned me on even more.

The toy’s relentless vibrations continued, sending me into spasms. My body quaked and convulsed as I squirted, the fluids soaking the floor. Yet, the tormentor showed no mercy, no signs of slowing down. He wanted to push me further, past the boundaries of endurance.

I was left a shaking mess, my cunt aching, and my body begging for more.


Evil Phone Sex is My Exciting Way to Fuck Your Mind

Have you ever had just really fucked up and sadistic fantasies. Perhaps Evil Phone Sex with an Sadistic accomplice is just the better way for you to get off. I know it’s the best way for me to get off. The more blood and evil I get to be, the better.

Now if it’s wanting to ask me a bunch of personal questions. Well nothing dries my cunt up more than feeling like I am sitting in some kind of interrogation room. Honestly, I fail at tests often. This is purely for the fact that putting me on the spot will shut me down. All because you are riddling me with fucking questions So, don’t do it.

However, if you have a great need to be tortured and destroyed, like with castration even, then I am your girl Friday. When I get a shiny sharp blade in my hand, all I can think about is slicing into tender flesh.

Perhaps we kidnap a nice piece of young ass to have our way with?

Evil Phone Sex

Vampires Are Fucking Sexy

I have always been tuned on by vampires. I love the concept of seducing someone with my undead pussy and adding them to my army of night creatures. In my fantasy, I am prowling around a club looking for a live cock to turn into an undead cock with my bite.  I finally found my target. It is easy to lure him into my lair AKA my apartment with the promise of an all-night fucking session. I am not lying he will get fucked like he has never been fucked before just by the end of it he will be a creature of the night. The first thing I do is out his cock into my slutty undead mouth and I gave him the. best blow job he has ever had. His eyes are rolling into the back of his head. I have powers of seduction. Then he gets a look at my tits. They are perfect. Once you become a vampire you are physical perfection.  He starts to lick them and suck my nipples. I am now moaning at the top of my lungs and can’t wait to sink my fangs into him.  He is a really good fuck and he will be a great addition to my army of undead fuck boys. He finally slips his enormous cock into my wet pussy and it feels so fucking good. He was fucking me so hard, that he was oblivious to the fact I just popped my fangs out.  As he is cumming I am going to sink them into his neck,  I felt his cock begin to spasm and I made my mood. I sank my teeth deep into his neck and got a taste of his blood. It was exquisite. After his cock was drained he began his transformation. he was now physical perfection and ready t fuck some more.  I think I am going to send him out to get me some young girls for my undead fuck club.

gothic phone sex


Blasphemy sex in the Catholic reformatory for the Devil

Blasphemy sexBlasphemy sex happens when a man or woman of faith gets seduced by a demonic brat! Daddy tried to fend off the evil from my soul when I was little. Mommy Put me in a Catholic boarding school and threatened exorcisms if I didn’t change my ways. 

Hit one little girl in the head and stick a toy up her cunny, and suddenly you are evil! As if daddy’s extracurricular activities of bring home whores and making them disappear had nothing to do with me emulating what I had seen. God, Mommy was such a dumb cunt.  Being the daughter of a serial rape fantasy killer had its effect on me.

Blasphemy sex in the Catholic reformatory for the Devil

Little did they know how evil I would really turn out to be. So off to catholic school I go to ruin some men and women of the cloth. My plans were not a ceremonial Gangbang rape porn for the dark lord. Being who I am, I was inclined to corrupt the most pious of church elders. The nuns who taught me were pent-up with sexual need. They thought they were mean, but I was meaner. One swat to my hands with the ruler and the nun would find herself being fisted and choked in the kitchen.

I made nuns and priest go evil

That would not be enough, so I decided to call on Satan’s powers to disseminate the whole school and fore sinister orgasm on every one under the roof.  I called upon the darkness and watched as the school was transformed into a scene of debauchery.

Gangbang rape porn in the Catholic school

As wave over wave of demonic ecstasy washed over the adults, I giggled, knowing soon they would do what every one knows to be true. Girls and boys were pulled into piles of fuck meat. The nuns were trembling with pleasure and the elders were trembling with fear. With No restraint they fucked each other and all the young students including me. Watching as the scene unfolds, I know I ruined so many lives by bringing evil where ever I go! Taboo phone sex with an evil brat gets blasphemous.

Ass Rape Porn Fucking Christ on My Satanic Dick is Ultimate

When it comes to the Ultimate fucking blasphemous fantasy lets make ass rape porn! In this fantasy I go under a deep spell of my Satanic magic. Ultimately I grow a menacing big white cock. With this cock I seek out a Jesus looking dude and fuck that ass raw.

My raw ass fucking of Jesus Christ is best as I put a crown of thorns cock ring on his pathetic penis. Those thorns become a living torture device like a breathing moving and growing vine. Continually that vine twists and rips into his penis flesh.

Finally as my victim screams from pain my dick grows harder. In this moment I also have a vagina still. And this cunt is extremely wet. Then, once I ejaculate my Demonic seed within Jesus’s fucking ass  things happen. First off my cunt grows teeth. Next, I mount that bleeding thorn embedded cock and bite it off with my cunt.

Finally as I now ingest Jesus fucking penis within my vagina I gain even more power like the Virgin Mary as Elizabeth Bathory bathing in virgin blood becomes youthful.

Ass rape porn

Cannibalism Call Left My Pussy Throbbing

I had my first cannibalism call and it turned me the fuck on.  It involved picking up a crotch goblin at a park. We took her little innocent ass home and played with that sweet little body.  We tied her little legs apart and shoved all kinds of things in her little bald pussy. We shoved a candle, a bottle, a dildo, I ate her little pussy good and finally, my accomplice fucked the shit out of her every hole.  I wanted some fun too so I grabbed her by the hair and made her eat my pussy. That is the last thing she ever did. We hog-tied her and cooked her over an open flame. we did not another to end her before. The pain and stress would make the meat more tender.  When the little bitch was cooked we feasted on her flesh and started planning our next dinner party.

Cannibalism phone sex

Gangbang rape porn wrecked my cunt and scarred me for life

Let me tell you, friends, about the time that Gangbang rape porn wrecked my cunt and scarred me for life. When my Master tells me I need to work, I get to work. He brings me to different shoots a few times a month. I make me real good money too. I am proud I can serve my Master well living in the dirty, depraved world of porn. But little did I know that this shoot would be different from any other I had done before.Gangbang rape porn

I was on set for 12 hours straight, with no breaks, getting fucked by cock after cock. At first, I was into it, I mean, that’s why I’m in this business, right? But after a while, it started to get to me. I was sore, I was tired, and I was scared. But did they care? No. They just kept on fucking me, harder and harder, like I was some kind of toy for them to play with.

I felt like a true Torture sex slave, completely at the mercy of my masters. I begged them to stop, I really did. But they just talked over me, acting like they couldn’t hear me. I was just a prop to them, something to use to get their rocks off. And when I started to bleed, that’s when they really got into it. They pulled out their favorite toys and went to town on me, leaving me beaten and slashed, dripping with blood and cum.

It was terrifying, but also exhilarating. I’ve always had a fascination with torture and pain, and this was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. But even though I loved every minute of it, I can’t deny that it took a toll on me. I’m still recovering, both physically and mentally. I have scars all over my body, and my cunt will never be the same again. But that’s the price I have to pay for this kind of work.

So if you’re into terror-fueled Torture phone sex, then I’m your girl. I’ve been through it all, and I’m always up for more. Just call me up and let’s see how far we can take it. Who knows, maybe you’ll be the one to leave me begging for mercy.

I was pushed to my limits, both physically and mentally, and I came out the other side with a new appreciation for pain and torture. So if you’re looking for a hot snuff slave whore to fulfill your darkest fantasies, then look no further. I’m your girl. Just call me up and let’s get started. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed.


Blasphemy Phone Sex Call Makes Me Cum Hard

I am very into blasphemy sex and I got the best call the other day. The fantasy was that I was going to be his accomplice when kidnapping and ravaging a nun. The fantasy was hot as fuck. We grabbed her right outside the convent and took her to an abandoned warehouse.  There we stripped her and he started to touch her pussy that had never been touched before. I ripped off the cross she had around her neck and made her watch me as I fucked myself with it.  He started biting her tits and she screamed in agony. He worked his way down to her pussy and viciously bit her clit. Her screams were delicious! Now it was time for the best part of the night. We were going to abuse that untouched cunt in every way we could think of. I forced her legs open and he tasted her pussy. It tasted sweet, he kissed me deeply and I tasted her juices. She was crying and kept repeating she was the bride of Christ. so I told her like any good bride you are going to give your virginity to your husband, he took the crucifix and shoved it deep in her pussy. The crucifix ended up full of her juices and virgin blood,  The night was just beginning.

blasphemy phone sex

Babysitter phone sex turns bloody when my Master stops in

Babysitter phone sex I was ready to have hot Babysitter phone sex with my Master’s niece. I didn’t expect him to show up, I thought she was going to be safe but I am too much of a stupid whore. Of course she wasn’t safe, even if she was his niece. He has been lusting after her for a while now, ever since she was really small.

We were sitting there watching cartoons. We had just finished showering and were in our cotton panties, feeling all clean and fresh. Everything was peaceful, and I was even braiding the her hair, waiting for calls. I should have known that shit was too good to be true.

My Master walked in with a boner that would put a fucking horse to shame. I knew right away that she was totally fucked. She was terrified as he plowed his cock down her throat. Her little gags were desperate, and I could see the fear in her eyes. But what could I do? 

He made me lick her little pussy, telling me to tongue fuck her virginal hole for Satan. Since I am a proper Blasphemy sex slave, I got her so wet that it was like she was almost enjoying it. I felt that little pussy gush all over my face. My Master was so proud how ready I got it for him. He pulled out his cock from her throat and defiled her sweet flower, chanting some weird language that I couldn’t understand. His eyes turned completely black, like another being had taken control of his body.

He shuddered and twitched, jerking his body around like something out of a fucking horror movie. His cum shot into her and blasted her halfway across the room. It was like I was watching a fucking demon possess him. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

But then, my Master turned his attention to me. He told me to get on my knees, and I did, like the stupid whore that I am. He fucked me hard, punishing me. After he had his fun, I didn’t get to do the sweet innocent babysitter play I was looking forward too. No, it was pure Blasphemy phone sex!