Category: Medical fetish phone sex

Over indulge on Bloody phone sex, feast on the gore

Bloody phone sex Over indulge on Bloody phone sex. I know I’ve been feeling the heat recently, my depraved cravings spiraling out of control. My master took me to a decrepit, rundown motel in the heart of obscurity. 

As I stepped into the master suite, the scent of blood wafted through the air, and so much blood everywhere. I guess there were at least three fellow whores had met their end here.

I suppressed the shiver crawling down my spine, aware that I may very well be the next sacrifice to soak this chamber. I was pushed onto the blood-soaked bed. 

There was a horde of eager cocks standing at attention, primed to take their turn fucking the ever living shit out of me. The world seemed to blur around me as I gave my all to each hungry cock.

The torment was incessant, and the Torture sex made me cum so much. In a moment of twisted, depraved craving, my tormentors held a spark of recognition when they soaked my holes in jizz.

They took it to the next level. If I wanted to live through the night I had to feast on the gore of their last victim.  And so, I ate, I indulged, and found myself utterly consumed by savage ecstasy.

Now, I beckon to you, my future accomplices, to join me in the depths of undeniable debauchery, where we can revel in the all-consuming darkness together. 

No limits, no strings attached, just a den of hedonistic indulgence, waiting to swallow you whole. So come, let your depraved fantasies run wild, and together, we’ll paint this world red and I’ll make you cum with some Killer phone sex!

Torture Sex is Taking it in the Ass

Torture sex is taking it in the ass. However, like a good little slut, I will take it. Even if I start screaming and crying, it doesn’t matter. After all, I am nothing but a fantasy rape doll. And using me is all part of the magic.

Now that everybody has learned how much of a fucking little anal whore I am, there is no compromise. in fact, the more I fight the more I cry the more they hurt me. One thing that should be noted, actually, Is the fact my Cunt will tell a different story.

Coincidentally the more I get hurt the more pain that has caused to me the wet my Cunt gets. Finally forcing me down, wrapping your hands around my neck and ripping the fuck out of my, will make my cunt squirt. And this is why I am an anal sex whore.

Torture sex

Beg for Torture Sex You Will Get More Than You Bargined For

torture sexHe begged for torture sex. And you never need to beg me to hurt a bitch. It is my pleasure to carve a guy or a woman or even a brat up like a Thanksgiving turkey. Todd met me online. I have a handle called Dark Angel on the Dark net. I am a dark angel of death. Pain and torture too. Cock and ball torture excites me. I make a decent living at it too. But some days, I feel generous and do it for free.

Todd experienced an almost free castration. He hired me to torture him. We agreed I could mutilate his body if I left his cock and balls alone. For some reason he seemed proud of his junk. But to me it was nothing impressive at all. And I would have abided by his rules if he had not seemed so proud of a worthless dick.

What is the obsession with your junk? I mean I know men beat off a lot. Even when they have a woman in their lives. But to hold so much value in something worthless just begs for castration phone sex if you ask me. So, after I tied Todd up and cut his flesh up, I decided to cut off his balls. I told him it was a free add on for being such a small dick wonder. If his dick measured 4-inches, I would have been surprised.

If You Want Me to Torture You, Consider Me Ready

I put a ball gag in his mouth, so I did hot need to hear him bitch about his precious dick and balls. I promised him no woman thought his dick was the Holy Grail of cocks. And I took the balls off slowly with a razor blade to prolong his agony. Once I had one nut removed, I used that severed ball as the gag in his mouth. What can I say? I am a sadist.  It brought me pleasure to see him choking on his ball. Since they appeared small like his dick, when I cut the other nut off, I put that in his mouth too.

Although I thought about taking his worthless dick too, leaving it will be a constant reminder that he is no man. He is just lucky I did not make him a snuff porn star. But I took the wind out of his sails. He will never beat off or fuck again. And he will never procreate. And that is a win for everyone.

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Consume Many People

murder phone sex fantasiesMurder phone sex fantasies consume many people, me included. But unlike most people, I do not hold back. If someone fills me with rage, it’s usually for a good reason. And I snuff them out. But I never kill quickly. There is no fun in that. Torture serves as foreplay for me. So, when I bring a man home to kill him in my new underground torture chamber, I  make it last hours, days or even weeks.

Marcus resides in my dungeon currently. I plan on keeping this  mother fucker alive for as long as possible because he deserves to suffer. He hired me off the dark web last month to help him kill his business partner. I never ask why someone wants another person dead. It’s a job for me. I do it for the money. However, Marcus tried to renege on our deal and demanded a refund. Do I look like I offer refunds?

No One Backs Out of a Deal with the Devil and Lives to Talk About It

I am a snuff porn broker. Marcus got cold feet. He feared the murder would be tied to him because he stood to gain financially from his partner’s death. However, we set him up with an airtight alibi. I put a lot of work into planning this kill. And he insulted me when he wanted a refund. But he angered me when he tried to assault me when I said no refund. And he has been tied up in my kill shelter under my house ever since.

I’ve dismembered every toe and finger he had. Plus, I took a blow torch to his balls and the soles of his feet. And I sliced off his nipples and castrated him too. Now, I am slowly letting the blood drip from his body. Exsanguination is a painful and a very slow death. The average person holds 8-10 pints of blood in their body. So, I let about a half a pint drip from his body a day. He has about 4 days left until he dies from blood loss.

Once he dies, I will feed him to the wildlife, and he will never be seen again. Teach him to fuck with the snuff sex queen.

Medical Fetish Phone Sex I Might Enjoy More Than You

medical fetish phone sexMedical fetish phone sex, I enjoy. Why? Because I am a sadist. And I enjoy inflicting pain. Now on the phone, I never really know if you are listening to me and doing the things I request like using a sounding device in your pee hole or slamming your balls in a book. Or my favorite, jacking off with Icy Hot, LOL. But in person, when I am the one torturing your junk, I know the pain is real.

Holiday weekends bring out my sadistic side. Perhaps, because I have no tolerance for stupidity. And most people act like drunk fools on the holidays. When this drunk preppie type came into the Goth bar I hang out at, I knew he would be my victim. His smug look. His drunk antics. And his insulting nature put him to the top of the list of potential victims. I drugged his drink and took him to my new underground torture chamber I built. It’s soundproof and well hidden. Very basic structure, but nothing basic occurs there.

This tool needed castration phone sex. But he needed a lot of CBT first. When woke up, he realized he was bound, naked and gagged. I put a castration band on his worthless balls. Where to begin? I lubed up the sounding device with Icy Hot and inserted it in his pee hole. The tears streaming down his face told me I hit a nerve. Even three sheets to the wind and still a little drugged up from my bar concoction, he felt that burning sensation.

I Love Destroying a Man’s Junk

However, that kind of pain was nothing compared to what came next. I used a razor blade to peel the skin off his worthless balls and cock. Sure, he bled a lot, but it would not kill him. Just make him wish he was dead. Once the skin came off his balls and worthless dick, I lubed my hands up with the Icy Hot and jacked him off. I told him if he could cum through the pain, I would not inflict anymore pain.

I knew that the torture sex felt too intense to cum though. He just cried some more. The long weekend is not over yet though. So, this preppie loser is still tied to a chair in my dungeon awaiting lots more cock and ball torture.

Medical Fetish Phone Sex Makes My Pussy Throb

medical fetish phone sex

Medical Fetish phone sex is one of my favorites. I have always had a thing for doctors and anything medical. I think it is because of the family doctor I went to as a kid. I would look forward to my checkups like Christmas. Dr. Tanner had a rule, children were seen and treated for free but the parents would have to drop them off. I remember one particular day I was dropped off for my yearly physical.  As soon as I came in the nurse took me to a back room and stripped me completely.  My little pussy was exposed and so was everything else. When the doctor came in he looked at me like a piece of meat.  He couldn’t wait to get his hands on my little young body. He sat me up on top of the exam table and had me lie down and spread my legs. he examined my little pussy lips and started probing my hole with his fingers. He put my legs in restraints to keep them open while he did what he wanted with my little bald pussy. I was completely exposed and his for the taking. He licked my little sweet pussy and raped both my holes with his tongue. Then he got on top of me and shoved his cock deep inside. he fucked my little cunt long and hard. He filled me with his cum. I am all grown up now but I still go to the same doctor for the same treatment. 

Never Enough Time for all the Snuff Phone Sex Folks Deserve

snuff phone sexSnuff phone sex, I could do all day long. Fuck. I can do it in my sleep. My mind gets full of vengeful thoughts and plots to rid the world of useless folks. And let me tell you there are some many useless folks in this world. Think about it. If we could kill off the annoying fucks, tiny dick losers, stupid politicians, whiney spoiled brats, and dipshits in this world, wouldn’t that be the only way to make America great again, LOL?

My tolerance for people appears less and less each year. I get older and just do not have the same threshold for stupidity I once had. Although, my tolerance for stupid fucks never seemed high, LOL. When I went to the grocery store, some yuppie looking white guy in a Rolex thought he could cut through a line of folks waiting patiently to check out. He thought he was special because he was white, male and rich. Nothing special to me. No man is.

I watched him be rude to everyone in line and the check out girl. So, I followed him. Of course he got into an Italian sports car. He screamed small dick energy. And that’s when I fantasized about giving him cock and ball torture sex. But my fantasies never stay fantasies for long. That self-entitled prick needed me to put him in his place. And I did.

I Enjoy Taking Away a Man’s Small Dick Energy

I followed him for a few days. Learned his habits and saw that he was more of a tool than I could have imagined. He was easy to capture. He likes to party. So, I lured him with coke. But I cut it with a little fentanyl. Not much. Just enough to paralyze his body so I could castrate him and ruin sex for him. Castration takes the wind out of a blowhard quickly. But I did not castrate him slowly. Where is the fun in that?

Nothing slow with me. Not when it comes to castration phone sex. I carved up his worthless junk slowly. Although I wanted to kill this tool because the world would be much better without him, I also wanted to neuter the prick. Turn him into shell of his former self.

Men hold too much value in their junk. And I am here to take the wind out of their sails. I deflated his balls first. Then I removed them. And not very neatly either. But the best part? I carved my name in his worthless limp cock. Now when he sees his even more worthless dick, he will always remember me. My guess though, more men will soon not forget me either. The world is full of tools and losers.

Sometimes Accomplice Phone Sex Calls Wreck Me

accomplice phone sexI do not get many accomplice phone sex calls. However, when I do, I relish them. Feels good to not be the one taking the abuse for once. I mean my ass needs a break sometimes. Last night I got a call from a man I have filmed content with for his underground snuff world. In the past, I lent him my body to use in one of his little snuff flicks and he gave me a month’s supply of coke in return. But this time he promised me the same thing, but he did not want to use my body. He wanted to use the body of a super young girl.

As a mother I thought about it. I do not want to ruin some girl’s life. But the druggy whore on my shoulder said fuck that little twat, you need coke. So, ultimately, I shut off my conscious and helped him with his underground teen rape porn. This young girl looked trafficked. She did not look like the girl next door. She looked like a whore whose been passed around and used by thousands of men. I guess she looked like me but only at a quarter of my age.

Sometimes I Feel Guilty About Being The Accomplice

I apologized to her as I sat on her face and smothered her with my mommy pussy. While she licked my cunt and ate my ass, my accomplice sodomized her. He put nipple clamps on her with heavy weights too. Gave her cow udders and she’s never been pregnant. At least I hoped not at her young age. In fact, I was not even sure she could get pregnant yet. But I focused on the coke. I was not there to rescue the girl. I was there to get my coke.

He brutalized her ass. Even put a speculum in her butt after he came so the cum would pour out on to my face for cleanup. I tried my best to soothe her battered holes. But he did some damage to already damaged holes. And my tongue would not make that better. With the amount of coke he gave me, I got high and forgot all about that young girl who could have been my daughter

Ass rape porn with my dirty doctor!

Ass rape pornI was due for a physical doctor visit before starting school this year; I really did not want to go but I had no choice. My stupid ass parents told me I had to get my body checked out to make sure I was okay. I felt completely violated because now they were going to know how much I love Ass rape porn. I have been taking cock and cum for years. I had to figure something out so they wouldn’t freak out once they found out how damaged my fuck holes are for my age. So I made an apt at clinic and made sure it was with a man; I knew I could pull a fast one on my idiotic prude parents.

We went to the appointment and my mom and dad waited in the main room while I went back to see my doctor. He was pretty cute and nice and tall; I figured he probably had a decent sized dick for me to play with. He sat down and asked me a bunch of questions and I could tell he was intrigued by me and my choice of attire. I had on a mini skirt with a thong that barely covered anything along with a tight tank top that showed my nipples. He walked me through the procedure of how this would work and that’s when I stopped him from talking. I straight up told him I needed his help forging my medical records to my parents so they wouldn’t find out how much I love anal.

He was totally stunned and taken back; at first I didn’t even think it would work out for me. When he stood up and tried to tell me to get off the table I ripped off my clothes and spread my legs. Naturally he could not stop himself from tracing his eyes back over to me. He moved closer on the seat and told me to prove how much I liked getting my shit hole fucked. I took my fist and shoved it up my ass hole; it hurt so bad but I had no choice. He had his cock in his hand and stood up right away; he smile and said ” I will forge the records after I blow my load up your disgusting teen ass”.

It went on for about 20 minutes and he nutted up my ass pipe, made me suck his cock clean and then he gave me an ass hole/pussy hole inspection. He said he never lets a bitch leave his office without making sure every single hole has been properly inspected!

Strangleholdthreshold: A Choking Game Paradise

  Strangulation phone sex


For the daring and the bold, I present a thrilling tale of a peculiar fetish—strangulation phone sex. Prepare to blush and breathe deeply as we venture into this kinky realm…

Oh, my, what a kinky thought—a beautiful throat adorned with strong hands, applying just the right amount of pressure. A delicious fantasy indeed!

But tonight, we shall make it a reality. I have a plethora of ideas—a veritable arsenal of strangulation methods at our disposal. Electrical cords, robust ropes, or everyday belts—each offering a unique sensation, leaving their mark on my tender neck.

Imagine me, helpless on the bed, my hands bound above me. You, my mysterious strangler, have the upper hand—a delicious power trip. With each tool, I moan and Capitulate—an orchestra of ecstasy, each note carefully conducted.

The toaster cord, a sleek instrument, winds around my throat, the heat a welcome hug. The hairdryer, a powerful beast, offers a force to be reckoned with—my struggles futile, yet so arousing. And the belt—a personal favorite—snugly embraces my neck, your strong pull sending shivers down my spine.

Each method has its charms, leaving different patterns on my skin—a visible sign of our intimate battle. But the pleasure, ah, the pleasure is mine. I yearn for the tightness, the loss of breath, the sensation of being dominated by your strong hands.

My secret desire… a risky business, but oh so enticing!