She called because she wanted me to take her under my wing and teach her how to be a Sadistic. She read all my blogs and told me how hot she thought they were. How my evil and sadistic thoughts made her pussy wet. How she spent hours on line with me in secret, fucking herself and getting lost in my twisted and demented ways. Her voice was soft as silk and I knew she didn’t have an evil bone in her body. She was hypnotized by the dark side, But I know she wasn’t ready for it. The more we talked the more I pulled her in to my world. Teasing her with the allure of embracing evil. Enticing her with the satisfaction of letting go of all that is good and embracing all that is taboo and forbidden. Finally I invited her over for dinner and a movie. We were going to watch The Serbian Film. It seemed like the perfect fit. What she didn’t know was that she was going to be dinner. I had everything ready for her arrival. Of course I knew she wouldn’t be able to handle the movie and I was right. By the time it was all over with, I could smell the fear seeping out of her pours. She was trying to hide it. All I could think of was how good that fear was going to taste. Taking her to the kitchen, I asked her to take all her clothes off and lay on the table. She didn’t even notice she was laying on the cooking tray. She followed my every instruction as I tied her into a fetal position, legs up wrists tied to her ankles. I couldn’t let the opportunity pass by and I licked her sweet pussy until she came on my face. Then I began placing apples around her and herbs and oils all over her body. She moaned, enjoying my touch and oblivious to her coming fate. When I began shaving her head before placing her over the fire in my large hearth is when she began to panic. The sheer joy of the whole process made me cum. I continued to fuck myself to her brief screams as her skin crackled while being crisped and her flesh began to cook. I was so hungry and couldn’t wait to eat, again.
Category: Cannibalism phone sex
Dinner And A Movie
Bloody Thanksgiving with Venus
Every year for Thanksgiving my entire family gets together for dinner. I hate most of my family. Last year, I invited my friend John. He is sort of my accomplice/lover. We both share dark desires. We both like to watch people suffer, especially people we don’t like. I am the middle girl, the Jan Brady of the family. I have an older brother and a younger sister. Both pretty much suck. My sister was always a bitch to me, and my brother use to sneak in my room late at night and fuck me against my will. Both deserved to suffer. In fact I always told people I had no siblings. Now it’s true.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is one of my favorite movies and provided inspiration for last year’s bloody Thanksgiving. John and I slipped some roofies in everyone’s cocktails. Not enough to make them pass out, but
enough to make them unable to fight and somewhat incoherent. My brother the molester was the worst offender. We started with him. I went into the kitchen under the premise to get the appetizers, and came back with a chainsaw. My family was laughing. They were so high they didn’t realize I was not joking. I took that chainsaw to my brother. It was my first use of a chainsaw. Blood spurted everywhere. It was really hot. I looked at John and he had a hardon. He had some blood splatter on his face. I kissed him, tasting my brother’s blood. My brother was not dead, but he would be soon. He fell on the dining room table, bleeding out. John gutted him like a pig as he was still twitching. The plan was to cook his intestines and serve it to the family.
My family was covered in blood. They were still laughing, thinking I was pulling some elaborate hoax on them. The next to suffer was my stupid cunt of a sister. We had special plans for her. I cornered her in the hallway, took the chainsaw to her throat. Blood gushed out all over John and I. We wanted to fuck in the pool of blood, but dinner was waiting. By this time my remaining family members were starting to get restless so John tied them to their seats while I prepared the main course. I came back out an hour later and served my sister for dinner. I had her seasoned, stuffed with dressing and covered in a yummy gravy sauce. She was sweet and tender. John got a tender breast. I had a yummy thigh. We force fed my family the rest of her. They balked at first, but once they tasted her flesh, they shut the fuck up. You see human flesh is very delectable. Among the tastiest meat anyone will ever have, if brave enough to try.
You want be at your family events and gatherings. I am a twisted sick bitch not afraid to act on all your dark fantasies. Family is overrated. We choose our real family. Like I chose John.
Holiday Feast
Most everyone is getting ready to have one of the biggest family meals of the year. There are some however who prefer to have an intimate celebration with just a few very close friends. This is how I Myself spend the Holiday. A few like minded friends from My very small circle of Friends come to My home to enjoy a tasty gourmet dinner made by yours truly.
Before I can start the main course there are certain preparations that must be attended to. I have two “sous chefs” that help me in this area. They are two of the Ladies that attend the same type of Worship Services I do. They take a perverse pleasure of doing the prep work. It makes Me smile as I sit down to enjoy a bit of Highland Park Scotch while they joyfully go about their tasks.
Nothing is ever wasted from our main course. What cannot be consumed today will be stored to be used for ceremonial purposes throughout the year ahead. I find this very environmentally friendly, do you not agree? After everything is done, We (as it takes the three of Us) put the Holiday Feast into the specialized oven.
Then all We need do is sit back, mingle with My guests, and enjoy the savory aroma that permeates My house until dinner is ready. I hope you enjoy your Holiday as much as I know I will.
Cannibalism Phone Sex with Cassandra: Thanksgiving Dinner
I was on my way to yoga when I got a flat tire. This nice young guy came to my assistance and gave me a lift. He did not take me home or to the garage. He took me to his place where he preceded to break me into submission. He said I was a stupid worthless whore, but he could find a good purpose for me; he just had to break me first. After a week in a cage deprived of my narcissistic wants, I came to accept that I had a greater purpose in life; one that revolved around serving and helping others.
During this month of thanks, I now find myself grateful for my healthy, ample body. You see at 5’9 170 lbs with good muscle tone and excellent health, I can feed a less fortunate family for an entire year. I lack the financial means to support an impoverished family; I can barely support myself. However, I can nourish them; provide a warm meal on a cold day. My life has purpose now. HE made me see that. I have been eating like a bird and working out daily and using all sorts of chemicals on my hair and body to just be a vacuous dumb Barbie who only serves her own good. That all changed the day I met HIM.
HE had been watching me, stalking me, knew I needed to find meaning in my life. To give back for the gift of beauty and health I was given. My tire being flat was not a random act; there are no random acts in life. It was a calculated chance to renew my life; to become a better person. I just needed HIS help to realize this. In that cage for a week being fed cornmeal and protein shakes, I realized with HIS assistance that I can give the ultimate sacrifice to help others.
So, this Thanksgiving, dinner will be served and I will be the main course. HE has been preparing me for a feast. HE has been preparing other lucky women too. From my feeding cage I can see him harvesting organs, preparing them in a special manner as to provide the most nourishment for others. All the women HE has collected have a purpose. I am just happy to be the main course. I will soon have a large skewer up my ass, an apple in my mouth and thermometer in my cunt as I slow roast over an open flame.
I love cannibalism phone sex. How can I serve you? Or perhaps the better question is, how will you serve me? Maybe with a butter base, carrots and potatoes?
Pregnant Cows
Aren’t pregnant women beautiful? Doesn’t it bring a smile to your face every time you see one? That ‘glow’, the swollen belly, the pure joy on their faces? What the fuck is wrong with you? There is nothing special about a fat swollen cow carrying around a parasite. Something that sucks the very life from you. Pregnant women are nasty. Sweaty, complaining constantly, puking, pissing themselves, walking around thinking they are special because they have a lump of meat growing inside them. So the fuck what? All female life forms can reproduce.
So now what do we have? A woman that forgot to take her birth control who is now super fat, huffing and puffing through the day acting like they are a queen. Who gives a shit? Not me. I call them cows because that’s exactly what they look like. Eating shit all the time, expanding to epic proportions. The good thing about all this is, that cows get slaughtered. That is right, cut up into nice bite sized bits. And if that bovine just happens to be carrying a calf inside her, that just means double the protein.
Cannibalism Phone Sex with Cassandra: The Ultimate Sacrifice
When my car broke down, I started to walk for help. I didn’t get far when an arrow hit my back. It was a flesh wound, but disabled me. He had been watching me, stalking me. He scooped me up like a dead animal, threw me over his shoulder and carted me off to his cabin in the woods. Tossed me in the basement. Trembling, I asked him what his intentions were. He told me I was a “delectable piece of meat.” I thought he was going to force himself on me, but his intentions were way darker.
He told me I smelled like a dirty tramp and needed to be bathed; to be cleansed of all the chemicals ruining my natural aroma, my natural taste. He submerged me in warm water and scrubbed my skin. He hogtied me so he could inspect every ounce of my flesh. He was fixated on my fleshy thighs and ass. Just kept telling me I was going to taste delectable. Said I had tender flesh, the kind that could nourish a sturdy man like himself for weeks, but not all of me was meaty. My belly was flat and toned, lacking his preferred substance. He force fed me peanut butter milkshakes for days in a cage he kept me in, plumping me up. He even charted my growth, measuring my body parts daily.
Once he decided I was plump enough for him, he brought out a spit pole and a big bowl of some sort of butter sauce. He poured it over me, then he lubed the pole with it and patted my head. Said, “thank you for dinner.” I felt cold metal pierce through my anus, tearing my insides apart. It came out my mouth. I was bleeding, in pain, barely alive. He carried me out side. I could see the fire pit. I knew what came next. As I was roasting over the open flames, feeling my flesh singe and burn, I heard him say, “Thank you Cassandra.” I paid the ultimate sacrifice. I hope I tasted yummy to him. I hope he savored every last morsel of my flesh. I hope I provided the needed nourishment.
I am here for your pleasure. Your darkest desires. Use me, beat me, fuck me, kill me, cook me, eat me…. Thanksgiving is approaching. I would look great adorning your table.
Special Thanksgiving Dinner
I have a new accomplice, Rick, who is helping me better appreciate my victims. See, it is wasteful to just dump their bodies in some swallow grave or in the woods for the wild animals. I can use their flesh to feed myself and my friends. Turns out human flesh is quite tasty, not to mention nourishing. My new friend taught me all about the choice cuts, how to properly season my dinner and how to plump it up to make it more delectable. I am in an apprentice stage, still learning, but in the spirit of learning, I kidnapped a young couple at the mall. Well not so much kidnapped as duped into thinking they were going to have a threesome with me. Well it’s more like an orgy, an orgy of flesh. They would be joining me and my friends for dinner.
I slipped them some roofies in their wine, then practiced my culinary skills. I want to impress Rick. I made sure the couple I selected was in good health and meaty. I then prepared a good sauce. I made this pineapple sauce that I found online often used for roasting pigs. I bound their legs and hands, put an apple in their mouth, some stuffing in their holes, and basted them in my tangy pineapple sauce. I put them in the oven mixed with some potatoes and veggies and slow roasted them. I have to admit the smell was intoxicating. Of course they woke up and started screaming. I just looked at them through the glass and watched them slowly cook to death with a smile on my face. I can’t wait to have Rick come over to share the dinner I made for him.
I’m gonna be practicing for awhile now as I want to have a special Thanksgiving dinner for all my friends. I am harvesting organs for then too. I’m curious about the different flavors and aromas of the heart, the kidneys, the lungs, the brain, the sex organs….I’m no Hannibal Lector, yet, but I am looking forward to having folks for dinner. Join me? Human flesh is an acquired taste, but it is so much fun acquiring it.
Tricks and Treats “Cannibal Anniversary Part I”
What’s my “trick”? I get her to go trick-or-treating with me, which isn’t easy. She thinks going out on Halloween to trick-or-treat is for little brats, not her. She’d rather dress like her friends who think they know what to do with their new curves, pert little boobs, and sweet untried pussies. Her costume is a “slutty vampire” and I have to bite my cheek to keep from laughing when she walks downstairs practically tripping over her high heels she’s never worn before. Her corset is cinched tight, pushing her small breast up into a hint of cleavage; her skirt is short, showing off long legs that would one day be a knock out on a more mature woman that she will never become .
She gets excited when I tell her we will be doing our own form of “treats”, by stopping at your house and picking up some weed before we go party (like FOR REALZ college girls!). She all but claps her hands and squeals, making her whoreish make up even more out place on her young, innocent face. I text you and send you a selfie with her arm around me. I tell you to get the room ready, that I was bringing you a romantic dinner for just the two of us.
On the ride to your house all I can think of is how much I look forward to watching the expression on her face when she realizes just how much danger she is in. My mouth salivates and my pussy gets wet when I imagine her struggling in the cuffs and ropes you are prepping at that very moment. She prattles on about things that are about to no longer matter; school, boys, her big life plans…unaware that she is about to get kidnapped, stripped, bound, abused, raped, snuffed, and eaten by a pair of cannibals for their romantic anniversary dinner!
To be continued….
Accomplice Phone Sex with Venus: Let’s Hunt Our Dinner
Looking for accomplice phone sex? Well, I am a sadistic bitch always hunting prey, which is always more fun with an equally twisted partner. Winter is approaching and I have this creepy little cabin in the mountains where bodies are easily hidden. You see hunting prey in the snow is better because no one will find the bodies for months. And, if they do, they are in an advanced stage of decomposition making identification difficult. My little kill shack is off the beaten path, but near enough to a ski lodge that we can kidnap victims easily. You would be amazed how many novice skiers get off the bunny slope and end up in my backyard by mistake, which makes them trespassers, which makes them free to hunt. It is just as easy to stalk our prey at the nearby ski lodge too. Hell this last time, my accomplice John and I just told this couple we wanted to have them for dinner. Once they arrived, we were liberal with the libations to cushion the blow that we were literally going to have them for dinner. The blizzard had rendered us unable to get to the store and our food supply was dwindling. Flesh may not be our preferred choice of meat, but the will to survive sometimes calls for extreme measures. Funny, how no couple believes us until we show them the chainsaw, knives, bow and arrows…
We like to hunt; it’s an art form. Anything worth having is worth working for, and dinner is no exception. Hunting your food not only makes it taste better, but gives you a better appreciation for the gift of sustenance. We like to make it challenging so we give dinner a head start. Amanda and Jim were provided snow shoes, and a survival back pack that included a compass, protein bars, bottled water and heat packs. It was snowing really hard, which made this hunt more challenging because we could not follow their tracks. Turns out that was really not a problem because Amanda and Jim were dumbasses. You are being hunted by two strangers, in the mountains, in the snow and you pee? Not up against a tree, but along your trail. They gave us a urine road map straight to them. Guess maybe giving them wine was not really fair. John and I were in the woods not very long when we picked up the scent of human piss. From there it was easy to track them. We actually spotted them early in the hunt, but where is the fun in killing your prey, even stupid prey, so soon? We let them think they were smarter than us. We let them think they might actually escape our horror winter wonderland. We gave them until sunrise. Stalked them, laughed at how stupid they were. They apparently never thought to use the compass we gave them. I was not feeling bad at all about eating them. Stupid people don’t taste worse than smart people. You just feel better eradicating more stupidity in the world.
They got to this ice pond and well, my tummy was gurgling. John and I were in agreement that the hunt was over. I got all Catniss like, drew my bow and got Amanda right in the head, then her meaty companion. Their blood spilled onto the ice turning it a crimson red. We scooped up their dead carcasses, attached them to a thick branch we found, and carried them back to the cabin to join us for supper. In the basement, John used his chainsaw to sever the body parts. I used my knives to skin the flesh off the bones. I cut out the organs to freeze for later meals, and used the flesh to make a nice hearty stew. The skin of two healthy humans makes enough flesh stew to feed two for at least a month. Throw in some potatoes and seasonings and I swear it taste like chicken soup.
My sexy accomplice threw the bones and clothes out back. Either the coyotes will carry it away, or the snow will bury the evidence of our survival games. John and I hunt well together. We fuck like wild animals after every kill too. Hunting our dinner is foreplay. Having an accomplice that understands your dark desires, your taboo fantasies, your sick pleasures is important. Life is too short to kill alone. Let’s hunt, kill and fuck together.
When I thought it couldn’t get worse, it did. He slaughtered that poor girl and stuffed her severed limps inside a freezer. Two nights in a row he’s had friends over dinner and they’re all aware she’s being served as the main course. After I refused to eat any he tortured and starved me. Today, I finally gave in. I couldn’t take anymore my stomach ached, the beatings were awful too.
Her meat was still sizzling on my plate which made me feel a little queasy. Still, I left my plate clean. He laughed and mocked me as I ate, but I hardly felt guilty anymore. She tasted so good, nice and juicy. It’s hard to tell if I only enjoyed it because I was so hungry…not that it really matters… I’m a murderer and a cannibal now.
He didn’t even really force me or threaten me, it almost took nothing at all for me to crack. Maybe he thinks I’m a horrible person that deserves this? I used to think I was a good girl, but maybe I was wrong.