Tag: Torture phone sex

Worth the Pain

Pain can be such a release for a little fuck slut like me. I’ve been outcast all my life for being different and too thin and being too withdrawn. I was an easy victim for my latest Master. He has tortured me for months with needles and pain and humilation. Yet, once in awhile there was something almost kind about him. The way he would say my name at times, rather than just calling me a little cum dumpster. He would say it with a smooth silky tone, and let it roll off his tongue. And I noticed as much pain as he inflicted on me, he suffered his own pain. His cock stayed limp.

If he caught me looking, he made me pay dearly for it. He would stick needles through my clit and nipples and bruise me so badly that I felt it for weeks. Yet, he didn’t hide his flaccid cock. He had me so mind-fucked that for some reason I wanted to help him. I wondered if pain could help heal his mind the way it heals mine. Its a need, an addiction. Its the only thing that gets my cunt wet. So maybe, just maybe… I could try to turn the tables. Just once. I lay on my cot at night dreaming of what it would be like to inflict pain on him.

One night, ashe was arranging his tools to torture my little body on his table, I reached out and gently stroked his cock. He grabbed my arm so hard that I thought he broke it. He let go and then slapped me so hard I saw stars. But I persisted and reached out again and touched his flaccid cock. He raised his hand to strike me again, but caught my gaze and stopped. I took my chance and grabbed a clamp off the tool table. He watched my every move, but he didn’t say a word. I reached the clamp up to his cock and slowly opened it up.

I took the clamp and placed it on the skin right below the head of his soft penis. He inhaled like it was the first time he had felt anything. He grabbed my tiny breast as if to hold on to something. I took a needle from the table and inserted it through the head of his cock. He turned his head away, as if he couldn’t watch. I inserted another needle and added another clamp. I couldn’t believe my eyes – his cock actually started to grow! It was working… his cock needed the pain. No sooner did I think this before he turned his head back andlooked at me – furious – he reached down and yanked the clamps off and the needles out. His cock went down immediately.

He proceeded to torture my body for hours that night, never letting up with the clamps and needles and making me bleed from every hole I have. He was relentless. I had crossed the line… but I knew his weakness… and it was worth it. I knew one day I would try again.

Cooking With Ivy

Dr. Walter Jones is a idol of mine. In 1900’s he experimented with boiling hot water. He believed it would cure illness, which of-coarse it did not. It did however expose him to a whole new world. He conducted these experiments for years, with no result of it healing any kind of illness. I believe he did it to amuse himself. I think he watched his precious patients as they shrieked  in pain. I idolize his work with the boiling water. It turns me on to thing of some whore having boiling hot water poured on her clit makes me so fucking lustful I have to rub my pussy. 

Accomplice phone sex  Ivy 3


Like Dr Jones, I too conducted some experiments of my own. Pouring hot water on this whore I caught looking at my mate. She had beautiful skin. So soft, and white. She looked at my mate with her come fuck me eyes. So I set up for her to meet up with him at my house. I was all alone, and doing research on the good Dr’s experiments. I also had all four of the burners on my stove going with boiling hot water. 

Accomplice phone sex  Ivy2

When she knocked on the door I showed her in, She was in a skin tight red dress that made her skin flawless. As she walked through the door she turned her back on me. That is all she remembers. Now that she is tied up and waking up I can’t help myself.. I start to hit her with my riding crop, hitting her hard enough to make little cuts in her skin so the boiling hot water gets in them and burns her even more. I grab the pots of water, and I start at her perfect titties that I’m sure she paid shit ton of money for.. I can’t even explain to you how mind blowing it was to watch her skin puff up with burns and blisters. She passed out from the pain which is a no no. So I took the hose and sprayed her full blast on her clit and face until she woke up with from pain or pleasure. 

Accomplice phone sex  Ivy


I loved watching her skin boil off.. I sat myself on her face and made her eat my pussy until I came all over her perfect face. Well I guess it’s not so perfect now.. 

Your lusty little secret!

snuff phone sex- macey finalI am here for the taking, look I am all alone just waiting for you and your friends. Bring as many as you like to play, the more the merrier.  My pussy needs a good pounding by a few big cocks at one time. God I am getting wet just thinking about you, and how you can hold me down and take whatever hole you want. Take my body over, fuck me hard, and don’t be nice about it. Rape me, I like it that way.

Bring your friends for a gang bang, so each one of you can have a turn abusing each of my fuck holes. I am cumming just thinking about you and your friends, holding me down and punching me. Tie me up, hit me, fuck every hole I have to offer you. Hurt me in the way that makes me cum for you.

snuff phone sex- maceyLook and see how bad I need your friends and you  to abuse me. Take me in every way you can, torture me, because the more pain I get the harder I will cum for you. My cunt is soaking wet, dripping down my legs just knowing that I will have cocks surrounding me. Taking anything and everything from me that they want. I even have a new play toy for you and your friends to torture my cunt with. I am laying on the table in this abandon warehouse all strapped and ready to get fucked, beat tortured, and rapped by all.

He Only Had One Condition

torture phonesex angie

She is his fucking whore. A cheap little slut that knows her sole purpose in life is to be abused at his hand. He has her trained well. When he found out how much I love to torture and fuck up bitches he made me a deal I couldn’t refuse. I could have her for the night to do with as I wanted. I could hurt her as badly as I wanted. He just wanted her alive when it was over and he wanted to be able to watch the whole thing. He promised he wouldn’t interfere in any way. He was to tired after a long weeks work to do it himself but he needed the pleasure of her pain. He needed the stress relief he derived from her suffering. Of course my cunt was delighted with the idea. I spent the day rigging up my torture device. Her legs will be bound to the floor spread eagle, her wrists to the ceiling also spread wide. I will bind her tits until they are purple and blue. But the Pièce de résistance will be the sharp metal cord that will be firmly attached to the ceiling behind her and  run down her back, between her ass and pussy lips and back up to the wench wheel in the ceiling in front of her. Attached to the end will be a weight which I will add to slowly with her watching as the torture goes on. With each added weight the steel cord will pull deeper into her ass crack and pussy. Eventually the metal cord will cut her skin. If it was up to me I would split her ass all the way up the middle from ass hole to nose and watch it slowly slice her in half. But I promised I wouldn’t kill her so it won’t go that far. Poor Cassandra when I am done with her she will have earned what she believes to be her worthless purpose here on earth, To be tortured while her man enjoys it. He won’t have to do anything but sit back and cum and I will gladly cum while administering the pain for our pleasure. torture phone sex cassandra

There Is An Art To Strangulation Phone Sex

strangulation phone sex angieBeing a visual person when it comes to torturing and snuffing my victims, I have never been one to enjoy the art of strangulation…..until recently that is. I don’t receive the same pleasure that I do when I can see, touch and taste blood, however I have discovered a fine art to strangulation that I find very satisfying. I am finding that the ways to administer this particular brand of torture are infinite. There are ways to tie my victim up so that each time he/she struggles or moves they cause their own strangulation. Very satisfying to watch the fear build and to watch them try to not move despite the pain that I am administering. I also have figured out how to use my rack to slowly increase the pressure of a rope around the neck over a drawn out period while the torture continues and the airway is closed slowly and meticulously. I am finding the most delight however in wrapping a strap around the neck and looking into the eyes of my victim as I tighten it, cutting off the airway. The way the face turns red and the eyes begin to bulge out of the skull is particularly satisfying to me. the best part is I can release that pressure at just the right moment before they loose consciousness and let them gasp for life giving air, continuing to torture until I feel the need to administer the pressure again, draining the life from them and relishing in the discoloration of their face and the way it contorts, Over and over again, for hours I can enjoy this method of snuffing a bitch. Hell I can even keep her for days like this. Yes strangulation phone sex has become very satisfying and the more I experiment and play with it, the more I like it.strangulation phone sex

SOON . . .

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies


* * * * * His journal entry …Sunday, November 10th… * * * * *


“Some people like their play toys with a little meat on them. Plump.  I can dig that, too.  But my favorite plaything is not only small, but skinny.  Tiny — just enough skin and bone to hang some skimpy little whore outfit on her.  I have this one friend… her daughter is like that.  Sometimes when I stay over there I watch her prance around the house in her cotton shorts and tank top.  I’ll pretend to rough house with her, kind of play wrestle and get a good grab of her.  Feel her tiny thigh. Her fucking toothpick arms.  I’ll laugh and grab her throat with one had and pull her toward me and stare into her eyes..  Only I know what I’m thinking.  But I try to communicate it to her through my eyes.  Let her know that what I really want to do is laugh harder while I kick her boney body into the basement and get my camera and baseball bat and “play” with her.  Someday.  Someday.”

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Teen Lydia

I can’t wait to help you fulfill this. You’ll need someone by your side that looks sweet and innocent, but definitely isn’t! And of course, you’ll need someone to dispose of all those little body parts. We can’t have you getting in trouble for something that she had coming to her can we? Giggles!

Accomplice Phone Sex with Toni: Looking for a Partner in Crime…

accomplice phone sex toni dbsm 00

It’s hard to find the perfect partner in crime and lately it’s all I think about. I day dream about you and I going on a killing spree, living a trail of bodies behind everywhere we go. During the day we’ll plow through all the zombie peasants and at night we’ll do evil things to our helpless kidnapped slave.
In preparation for my new reality I’ve built some of my own torture devices. I love explaining it to people when they ask about my “hobbies”. So far I’ve made my own Heretic’s Fork and various other neck torture devices, but I plan to make even more. Looking at my creations and thinking about how we’ll use them is enough to make me cum. I don’t have a lot of patience so I hope it happens soon.

accomplice phone sex toni sjhs
For now I’ll just continue to dream about the torment we’ll put our victims through. I want to hear them beg us to spare their pathetic lives, but we won’t. If we ever show mercy it will only be to give them false hope. We’ll fuck on top on their dying bodies and you’ll cum into their screaming mouths.

accomplice phone sex toni sjh

Tortured Phone Sex with Cassandra: Bloody Bats

torture phone sex evil submissiveI went  to sleep in my bed, but woke up in a dingy basement.  I was cuffed to a cell door. I heard screaming. Someone was being tortured.  Darkness was all around me. I heard a strange noise. It was a fast clicking sound, almost chirping. It was getting louder and louder but not loud enough to drown out the horrific screaming. Then I could feel it. Tiny claws on my legs, or was it teeth? My flesh was being bitten, scratched it was painful. My hands were bound so I had no choice but to let the creatures tear my flesh.

The screaming got louder, then sudden silence. Silence is never a good sign. At least if screaming, still breathing. I said hello several times.  I heard another woman’s voice say hello back. Then another and another and another. There were at least 10 other women in cells too. We tried to keep each other calm.  They too had something living in the cell with them, eating their flesh. Rats? Then another woman started screaming. This went on and on for hours. Screaming then silence. It was harrowing. Before long it was just me and the woman in the next cell. Then I heard the keys and her struggling. After a few minutes she started screaming. I was yelling frantically. Then keys unlocked my cell, I was dragged by my hair in the dark and the lights came on.

torture phone sex sodomized whoreI wanted to puke. I never seen such carnage. Dead bloody women with baseball bats shoved up their asses piled up like garbage. The baseball bats covered in blood. Shit, blood, urine, and human tissue on the floor. Bats drinking out of bowls of blood. Women were being sodomized to death to feed bats? That must have been what was biting my flesh. I was so scared. I was the only woman left. Only one still alive. I begged to be spared. Explained I came from money, that my parents would pay good money for my life. Money was not what they wanted.  He dragged me to the center of the floor. Made me suck the bat that would likely kill me, eviscerate me. While I was face down, I grabbed the bowls of blood on either side of me and threw them on my tormentor. The bats swarmed him like bees on honey giving me my moment. I grabbed the bat and swung hard against the back of his head. I heard his skull crack. He fell to the floor, blood gushing out his head. The bats were drinking his blood.

Perhaps if I had  not been the last chosen for death, I would not have walked out of that torture chamber alone. Apparently my will to survive is stronger than I imagined. I had my captor’s blood on my hands and it made my cunt wet. I love survival games. Being pushed to my limits, forced to survive. Maybe with you I will live, maybe I won’t.

torture phone sex  blood pain

Cooking With Raven

Accomplice phone sexWelcome to my kitchen.  It’s a bit of a mess, but no worries.  Today we are going to be making the best cupcakes EVER!  Sure you can get cupcakes anywhere, but these…THESE are extra special.  They are not only made with a false sense of love and care, they are made with blood, sweat and tears.  Not mine mind you, but they are used none the less.  First, you will need to find an unwilling victim.  This is easy, just grab someone.  Next, you will want to make sure they have good veins.  I would stay away from any type of Intravenous drug user, or drug user of any type.  Who wants cupcakes all Herioney tasting? Not me.  I suggest something sweet, young, and innocent.  Full of spice and everything nice don’t you know.  You want to make sure they are trussed up nice and tight at this point, because this is how you get those blood sweat and tears I was speaking of earlier.  The secret ingredient so to speak.

Rape phone sex fantasiesYou will want to take a kitchen utensil, whatever is handy.  I am using a spoon for demonstration purposes.  You take your utensil of choice and start shoving it into places no kitchen utensil should ever been shoved.  Up little tight cunts, small tight assholes, back of throats, or just skip the utensil all together and use glass.  I only use the spoon to get the sweat and tears really, glass however is used for the blood.  I find that a few pieces jammed into the lower part of the inside arm in a diagonal direction seems to produce the best amount of blood.  Put the blood, the tears that you have collected, and some sweat from their forehead into a mixing bowl along with some Betty Crocker cake mix.  Your choice of flavor, it’s fucking Betty Crocker, all her shit is good.  Then mix and bake according to the directions on the package.  Do NOT remove the glass from the arm, you will need that in the next step.  After you have taken them out of the oven, place the hot from the oven cupcake pan on your victims back to cool.  Once they have cooled, it is time to decorate.

Snuff phone sex

Grab a can of frosting, swirl that shit on top, then for the piece de resistance…remove those glass shards from your young thing’s arm. Make sure you are careful not to drip any blood until you get to the frosted cupcake.  Shaking your hand from side to side, while holding the glass firmly between your thumb and forefinger splatter the top of the cupcake.  Go all Jackson Pollack on it.  Then simply place the glass into the cupcake to complete the decoration process!  Now you have a very dangerous yet rather tasty cupcake.  Feel free to give them to people you hate for a memorable gift.

Mutilation phone sex morticia

Taboo phone sex Morticia


There is nothing better than candy… no I lied… Beating people is better than candy..

That is why I got the idea to beat someone with candy.. 

I know, It sounds weird but listen. 

On Halloween we had a bunch of little dicks from town come up to our place and egg us. 

Some of us went chasing after them but I stayed in the house. 

That is when I caught one little fucker breaking in down stairs. 

Don’t these people know that you don’t go to the scary house?

We will hurt them.. I was alone and all I had was my cast Iron skillet.. 

I know my house like the back of my hand. 

I hid by the door to the basement.. My basement where I do all my bad things… 

He didn’t know what him… When he woke up he was laying on my work bench.. I know he could smell the candy melting… and he saw me working on something. 

Taboo phone sex Morticia 2

I think he was scared but I couldn’t hear his screams… I super glued his lips together! 

I grabbed the boiling pot of melted candy and I poured in onto his exposed chest.. 

The thing about sugar is it burn deep in the skin and nothing really helps that pain. Especially in this basement.

After I poured all the hot sugar on him I let it get hard… 

I knew it was still burning him… 

That is when I grabbed my new flogger… 

It was breath taking to see his young skin and blood break away with every whip… 

He is still down there.. burning.. bleeding…

what should i do next?