Women Wanted for Snuff Porn: Be Prepared to Die

snuff porn mommy tortureMy master instructed me to get three of my prettiest girlfriends together and come to his warehouse for a special party. I was so excited because normally I am alone in his warehouse being beaten and humiliated, not partying with my besties. I should have known better. Master is not a benevolent sort. As soon as I arrived, we were all shoved in cages. Master had a female accomplice this time. The warehouse was set up with camera equipment, this was a first.

I looked at my friends, apologized. I had no idea what was in store for us. “Snuff porn,” master said.  I brought my girlfriends to their death I feared. I screamed, yelled, pleaded for their mercy. But one by one, he plucked them from their cages and forced me to watch as he killed my friends. Tortured, mutilated and snuffed out, the only female friends I had.

Sandy was first. A sweet innocent soccer mom. Unlike me, she never fucked her offspring. She was a bored trophy wife who thought we were going dancing and drinking. And now she was tied to chair being fucked by a big sharp knife. The knife slid in and out of her pussy, shredding her vaginal wall. Blood poured out between her legs. She was screaming in pain. Master put the knife in her ass, she screamed even more. His accomplice was filming her being gutted. I was screaming for her. Master didn’t care. He wanted it real. There was nothing more real than her pain, her tears, her blood, her death. He shoved the knife in her face, killing her.

snuff porn bloody sexCindy got strapped down to a table and cut a thousand times. Shoved a knife in her stomach, split her open like an animal. Her insides spilled out on the table. I threw up at the sight. I brought my friend to her death. I brought them all to their death. She died looking at me. Joy was the last pulled from her cage. Master put her in a box, slit her throat  and filmed her bleeding out. He completely drained her while the camera caught the life literally running out of her. He then jacked off on her bloody, lifeless tits.

I thought I was the next to die. I was not so lucky. Master has other plans for me. I am to bring him girls for his snuff porn films. Every week I bring him at least one girl to kill and I get to live. A lot of women are going to die because of me. Better them than me.

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