Tag: Taboo phone sex

Torture Phone Sex Gets Me Off

torture phone sexMen have all the time in the world for torture phone sex. Unfortunately, I am on the receiving end of their torture fantasies. I met a guy on Redditt not afraid to have a stranger visit him. I knew it was risky, but this confinement shit is driving me insane. A submissive whore needs men to dominate her. She does not need to sit at home and watch Facebook explode with conspiracy theories. A friend told me about Redditt. I thought it was just for hobbyists and crafters, but there are a ton of nasty freaks on Redditt. I found a bondage and BDSM room. From there, I chatted individually with a few guys and found one only 45 minutes away from me. I could go see him. I got out of the house and I did not cross state lines. My head told me it was dangerous. My pussy said go. My pussy always wins, but my head is always right. He greeted me in normal clothes. He was handsome. We had some drinks and conversation first, then we went to his dungeon. He had every piece of BDSM equipment possible. I was nervous and aroused. He donned an executioner’s mask and I think I came. I was so desperate for some rough sex. He tied me up, elevated me on a platform and hooked me up to electrodes. He was shocking my body so hard; I was pissing and convulsing like he was a priest exorcising the devil from my soul. He put one of his electrodes up my cunt and then I lost all control. It was foreplay for him. He wanted me wet before he rammed his dick in my fuck holes. I was strapped down as he fucked me. He didn’t want me having pleasure. Little did he know that I am such a torture sex slut and humiliation junkie that I got off hard anyway.

Snuffing Out The Junkies is Hot

Accomplice Phone SexDuring these times people have become desperate for money and that makes it a lot easier for me and daddy to have a little fun. We find druggies on the street and offer them a little cash or drugs to come back and make a little video. They never even ask what kind of video, they are desperate. We grabbed a couple of them the other night and after we got them all fucked up, we started. They were dirty and unkept which made it all the hotter. We tied them up and daddy had his way. He didn’t go easy on this group either. He beat them with belts and straps until their skin was broke and blood ran down their bodies. And of course, he let me cut off their tits because that is my thing. For added excitement he used a cattle prod to ram up their dirty nappy pussies, making them scream and shake. It was glorious. My pussy was wet just watching. After torturing them some more he took out his knife and slit their throats as they twitched and gagged on their own blood. Daddy is a sick man so he made sure to get that video camera right up to their faces so he could capture their very last breaths. It was so fucking hot I can’t wait to do it again.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies: Let’s Have Fun on Quarantine

rape phone sex fantasiesDo you have rape phone sex fantasies? Trust me, many men and women do right now. Locked inside with a little cock tease. Seeing little girls play hopscotch on the sidewalk or walking the dog with their parents. I have seen nothing but brats outside. Cute little angels who could use a good fucking from a man like you. I talked to a dirty pervert on Easter Sunday who was looking at twin sisters out his window. They were in pretty Easter dresses looking for hidden Easter eggs. The girls belong to his neighbors. He has known them since they were in diapers. Now, they are schoolgirls and giving him a boner. Like many men, he is stuck at home and has lots of time on his hands to think about the perverted naughty things he would like to do to those girls. Does this sound like you? I can help you like I helped my caller. I hate little cock teasing twats. I know just what to do with them. Now, the reality is it is not wise to fuck the little jailbait cock teases that you know. Too often, you will get busted. A random cunt is what you need. You can pretend she is the little neighbor girl. I told my caller to drive to the next county and scope out talent. I know the world is on quarantine right now, but little ones are out playing in their local parks, walking around neighborhoods, and playing unsupervised in their backyards. I told him to get a dog leash and I told him how to spike a juice box. Little girls want to help even strangers find a lost dog. Give her a juice box and when she starts to slur and stumble, push her in your car. Drive somewhere remote, like the woods and fuck her. Shred her little virgin cunt and ass. Use a douche afterwards on her bloody swollen cunt to dilute the DNA. Kill her or leave her. The drugs will scramble her memory. The douche will scramble your DNA. Go back home and watch the neighbor girl thinking about what you did to her surrogate and jack off some more. No reason you can’t still have fun on quarantine.

I am My Son’s Taboo Phone sex Whore

taboo phone sexI am his taboo phone sex mommy. I need him and he knows it. He takes care of me financially and provides me with my medicine. For a price, of course. I am older now. Gravity is no longer my fan. My skin is saggy. My pussy and cunt loose. I’m skinny and just a shell of what I once was. Men have come and gone in my life, but my son is the only constant. I know deep down inside he loves me. Times are tough now. He needs money so he can support us. I have an expensive coke habit and he has bills to pay. If I am my son’s burden, I need to earn my keep. I’m too old, feeble and stupid for much else in this world. My son knows people on the dark net. He runs a live stream and I am the star. I get to be a snuff porn star for horny men who pay to see my son do things to me. Not the typical things either. My son says I shine when I am black and blue and even purple. He throws a few punches to make me pretty before we start our shows. Don’t feel badly for me. He lets me do big lines of coke, so I feel the pain less. The punches don’t hurt as much as they use too. It might be from nerve damage. I am not sure. What hurts even with my white medicine is when he fucks my pee hole and fists my ass so hard it turns my asshole inside out. He thinks it funny and often puts a zip tie around my prolapsed ass, so I can’t try to put back inside before he is ready. For a few hours, I am my son’s slave for a high paying audience. Think what you want, but I know my son loves me.

Watching Snuff Movies Got Ugly

snuff moviesHe wanted to watch snuff movies. We are stuck at home and he has been feeling antsy. We have only been together a few months. We don’t officially live together, but he doesn’t trust me, so I am shacked up at his place until this pandemic dissipates. I think the reason I am at his house, is so he has easy access to pussy and ass. We were never exclusive until we couldn’t go out anymore. Now that I am stuck with him, I am seeing his sadistic side. I thought he was boyfriend material, but he is just like you. He just wants to fuck me, slap me around and humiliate me for his amusement. He was getting high on meth watching these snuff films and felt inspired. He made me dress up in some sexy lingerie. Why, I don’t know because all he did was soil me up. He punched me until my nose and mouth bled. He spit on me. He whipped me. He pissed in my face while strangling my throat. He whipped my back until it bled too. When I was down on the ground curled up like a wounded animal, he kicked me. I was crying, but that just made his dick hard. He fucked my asshole until it prolapsed. Just like my daddy did when I was a little girl. For hours, I was his punching bag, his human toilet and his ass rape porn star. If this is how it will be for the rest of this quarantine, I may not survive. He told me I was with him, so he had an outlet for his anger and frustration from being unemployed. With a busted lip, a prolapsed asshole and likely some cracked ribs, he made me give sex shows on cam for money. Guys loved seeing a blonde bimbo broken and defeated.

I Love Accomplice Phone Sex

Accomplice Phone SexSometimes Daddy lets me go out with my friends to have a little fun. Tonight, I went out with a girlfriend and we had plans to be really really naughty. We stopped at a local dive a few towns over and picked out our mark. He was an out of towner in for work so he was just perfect. We drank and partied all night and at closing time we took him back to my house for a little fun. We started out taking a few shots and doing a line or two and then we undressed him. We sat him on the bed and we both got between his legs sucking on his massively hard cock. He was moaning loudly and rocking his hips back and forth. We knew he was close so as she continued blowing him, I reached for a blade and just as he started to blow his load, I cut his dick completely off. Blood and cum were flying through the air as he screamed in the background. It was so fucking hot that I almost orgasmed just watching it. Not done with him yet we secured his hands and feet to the bed and gagged him. We then took our sweet time as we cut his balls off and then continued to dismember him piece by piece. Once we were done, we looked at our work and it was so bloody that I put on a strap on and fucked her sweet hole as he breathed his last breath.

Bloody Phone Sex Surprise

bloody phone sexBloody phone sex was not on my agenda, but sometimes life gives you a sign. A fucking little girl knocked on my door. There is a worldwide pandemic going on and this little cunt knocks on my door selling cookies. I told her to come in. I wasn’t buying her cookies. I was buying her cunt. No, technically, I was taking her cunt. I came back with a chloroformed pair of panties. I was bigger, stronger and meaner than that little scout bitch. She passed out quickly. I had been planning a Postmates delivery of wine, but I would much rather drink the blood of a little girl. Did you know that the younger the person is the sweeter the blood tastes? If I have a choice, I will drink young girl blood daily. It is rich in essential vitamins. While my little windfall was passed out, I dumped her in the tub. I started to exsanguinate her slowly. I was in the tub with her because I planned on bathing in her blood. My kind of a special blood bath. I put little cuts on all her major arteries, and she filled my tub with her blood like a faucet. I had my wine glass with me. I dipped it into the blood filling up in the tub and sipped on my favorite drink, young girl blood. She was awake, but weak from blood loss. I was covered in her sweet and sticky blood. I drank her blood and masturbated as she was taking her lasts breaths. She was too weak to fight me. Too weak to even question me. I am sure it felt like being trapped in a horror movie. I was not planning on making snuff movies today, but the little slut came to me. It was fate.

I lured her in

taboo phone sexSome new neighbors moved in across the street and they had a little girl that was just too precious for words. Tiny and delicate, she was perfect for several men I know but all of them were stuck quarantining with their stupid wives. So I took matters into my own hands and I lured her over to my place and made a little movie. I had all the cameras set up in my playroom and since it is soundproof no one would be able to hear her screams as I tortured her. I stripped her naked and tied her to the table spread eagle and made sure her little pussy was center focus. Then I cut little pieces of it off one by one, feeding each to her, forcing her to cannibalize herself. Once I ripped that little cunt to pieces I fucked her tender little fuck holes with my biggest strap on cock. I literally fucked that little whore to death and it was the most fun I’ve had in a long time. Then I put that movie out to the highest bidder, we’ll see soon who gets it.

Torture Sex While My Husband Slept

torture sexTorture sex was called for he said. He needed a punching bag. He needed an outlet for his frustrations. Sound familiar? He had a captive slave. I am trapped in the same house with my stepson. He pulled me out of bed in the middle of the night. I was sleeping next to his father. He threatened to kill my sons if I didn’t go to the basement with him. I didn’t think he would hurt my boys who are his half-brothers, but I didn’t know. He doesn’t have coke right now. He is out of work and stuck living at home again. That means he is pissed off. I am always who he takes out his violent impulses on. He dragged me to the basement. He strung me up by the rafters and tortured me with a cattle prod. He shoved a ball gag in my mouth, so I wouldn’t wake up his father. I don’t think blood curdling screams could wake up my husband. I started convulsing and pissing myself. I made quite the mess, but he just kept torturing me. I thought I had lucked out when the cattle prod blew a fuse and no longer worked. He just switched to his hands. Beat me until I was black and blue. I started puking from the belly punches. He cut me down. With a thud, I landed in a pile of my own piss and vomit. Like a pet who had pissed the rug, he shoved my face in the gross mixture and made me lick it up. I struggled not to puke again. While I was on all fours doing my best to clean up, he fucked my ass. He watches ass rape porn videos all day. He knew how to hurt my ass. I will be glad when life goes back to normal. He is going to kill me if this goes on much longer.

Teen Rape Porn for Master

teen rape pornI found a way to make master happy while I am on captivity away from him. Teen rape porn. The neighbor girl came over last night. She snuck out of her house to come see me. She is bored and going crazy like most of us. She misses her friends. She is just master’s type. Young, blonde and eager to please. She was eager to please me. I think she is at that age where girls experiment with each other. None of her school friends are around, but her sexy blonde neighbor is a few steps away. I made her a drink and I spiked it. I turned on the cam, so master could see what I brought him. Sadly, he was not there to enjoy her sweet tight holes, but since I know how he likes to violate little girls, I acted as his surrogate. When the Xanax kicked in, I stripped her naked. I pulled apart her ass and cunt for master to inspect. She had super pink parts. No hair yet either. When I shoved my finger in her cunt, I could tell she was a virgin. Daddy was already exploring his ass rape porn needs with me when I was her age. This was a fresh, untouched cunt and I had the pleasure of popping that young cherry. I fucked her cunt with a big strap-on while master watched and masturbated. He looked very pleased with me. The dildo was covered in cherry juice. Sweet virginal blood. I licked the dildo clean. I licked her bloody cunt clean. I felt like a vampire tasting all that blood. Master was cumming and cumming watching me violate the Lolita next door. If he was with me, he would have fucked every hole she has, but it was just me. I fucked her ass with a dildo and fisted her cunt. I just wanted to gain favor with master, and I did. I bet I can find you something fun to play with too.