Pandemic Snuff Sex

snuff sexSnuff sex is the only sex I have had during this pandemic. This fucking virus is making many men weak, and desperate. It is like they think they will never fuck a woman again. I do not give off vibes that suggest I want to be your girlfriend. In fact, I go through great lengths to suggest just the opposite. I never make eye contact with men. I do not talk to them wherever I may be. I dress Goth, hiding my figure. I do not go to clubs. Yet every damn day one of you losers thinks I am sending you signals. Horny fucking dogs come sniffing around me every damn day. He hit on me in a fucking gun shop. I was buying a firearm for protection. I prefer knives. I have an extensive collection of over 1,000 sharp blades. But with people losing their shit, I wanted some sort of protection that was quick and easy if one of you mother fuckers breaks into my house or does not respect my 6 feet of space. This asshole was giving me some of the lamest come-ons ever. I had to kill him. If not for me, for my fellow chicks. Nah, for me. I do not do sisterhood either. He was in my car thinking we were going to my place to fuck. He pulled his dick out while I was driving and expected me to give him head while driving a car. Stupid fuck. I bit his cock right off in the car. I continued to drive down the highway with his severed pecker in my mouth like a dog with a bone. His blood smeared on my face. He was bleeding out in my car, so I pushed him out. He rolled out of my car down an embankment at 70 miles per hour. About 10 miles later I tossed out his cock. I doubt they will ever find it to sew it back on like they did with John Bobbit. Another cock bites the dust. You may not survive my castration phone sex.

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