Snuff phone sex is my Sunday gig. I like being blasphemous and murderous on a day so many find sacred. I like to remind people that God is not real, but sadistic bitches like me are very much alive and thriving. There is this sanctimonious couple that just moved into the neighborhood. They have three little demon seeds. All blonde and blue eyed, and very young. The parents are the type that like to let every know they are better than them. I have a single mom friend that they have been tormenting since they arrived. You know, calling her a fornicator and bad role model because she never married the baby daddy and has to use babysitters since she works a real job. I decided that on Sunday, I would rid those annoying twat waffles of their precious spawn. They take pleasure in making others feel inadequate as parents, so I decided to get a male accomplice and kill their pride and joys. I mean what kind of parent doesn’t watch their brats closely at all times? We snuck into their house last night. I chloroformed mommy and daddy while my P accomplice tore up some baby buttholes and cunnies. I could hear the little ones screaming as I walked down the hallway to their adjoining bedrooms. Two girls and a boy. A little boy ass is no different from a girl’s honey pot at that age. He was going Sodom and Gomorrah on their little asses. Pretty sure he was making an ass rape porn with the devil’s spawn. There was blood, piss, shit, puke as they cried for mommy and daddy who never came. After my friend was done filling up their tiny holes with cum, I slit their throats. Their parents will wake up to find their perfect angels murdered and assaulted while they slept soundly not 100 feet away. A little snuff sex will turn their world upside down. That will teach them to judge others.
Tag: Snuff phone sex
Snuff Phone Sex Sunday
Snuff Sex Stripper Cunts Last Dance
My first night at my new Stripper job and someone slipped me a rufi in my post gig drink. I was wasted and stumbling in my 7″ stripper heels in Whore Red. Barely able to stand I was hugging the wall to the ladies room, when this strong assertive woman helped me. I was thanking her and slurring… then I was out.
I awoke in a dank cell like room in someones basement with a collar and chain on me like I was an animal. When I heard deep laughter from behind me I noticed a man and a woman both dressed in leather and wearing masks. The woman came over to me and grabbed my face forcing me to look her in the eyes. “Your Time is Up Slave” was all she said to me and I felt myself getting sodomized and as I started to scream she pulled out a huge Buck knife and slit my throat, severing my vocal chords. Lifeless I fell as I felt the force of his seed erupt into my bloodied and ripped up ass.
Let me be your accomplice
I can be your little accomplice tonight. I would love to go get your little whore of a ex girlfriend and make that bitch remember who she lost. I honestly get so much fucking joy out of making a little bitch cry and scream and beg for me to stop.. We can put her in our van and drive her to the abandon building we found, there we have all of our toys and things. We can strap her down to the table and slowly drag the razor blade across her fucking pussy to rip off her little clit. Then shove her bloody clit right into her mouth and make her eat it. Then we should rip her fucking tongue out for all of the bullshit she ever said to you. We are going to make that bitch suffer!
Torture phone sex
I was lying in bed one night when I felt something prick me and then suddenly falling into the best sleep of my life. When I awakened I began to freak out since my surrounding was completely different, by that I mean I wasn’t in my room or my bed or my house. I sat there panicking wondering where the hell I was and how I got here.
I kept telling my self that I was just dreaming and that I would wake up at any moment. I tried to move but then I noticed the chain that was attached to me and the wall. I tried to scream but my mouth had something soft and squishy inside of it. A shadowy figure came out of the darkness and began to sing to me while taking out medical supplies from a leather bag.
I began to scream but it was muffled since I could see a saw and some scalps. The stranger grabbed a hold of my feet and began to y examine my nice painted toes that were red in color. He rubbed his white surgical gloves across the top of my foot examining how moisturized and pretty my feet are. He pulled out his cock and began rubbing it all over my feet fucking I between my toes and the sole of my feet.
He was so turned on that he just kept Cumming all over my feet and toes making them shiny and sticky. I watched in horror as he continued to rub his cock all over me. The shadow man wanted more of a reaction out of me and decided to unchain me from the wall. Once free from being restrained I began running to the nearest door to try my escape.
I grabbed the door knob and it was locked, I knew now that he was just playing with me. I pulled the object out of my mouth so I could talk and then I realized that I had a persons eye inside my mouth. I began to cry begging him to spare my life. He smiled and assured me that he wouldn’t kill me. He forced me to strip completely naked and began fucking me filling me up with his cum.
I laid there crying watching him fuck my holes open, forcing his cock deeper and deeper inside of me. I begged him to just get it over with quick so I could leave. His response was a laugh while he continued to enjoy my naked sexy body. He licked up my tits and filled me up with his cum and beat me until I could no longer bitch about him hurting me.
All I could do was just watch as he fucked and filled my holes using me like a sex toy to get his cock off. Once I thought it couldn’t get any worse it did. I felt a needle slide into my back causing my waist down to go numb and eventually paralyzed. The guy pulled out his saw and began cutting off my feet sawing them both at the ankle joint.
I screamed as I quickly learned that my body would never be the same and the more then likely I would never be able to walk again. I was left in a parking lot shortly after bleeding out when an ambulance came for me. I guess I got lucky since it could of been my life but still I wonder what he did with my feet.
Violent phone sex with Layla
I burned dinner tonight and my man lost it. He was already mad that we had to spend the money I made prostituting on bills, and he couldn’t buy any drugs. When I ruined dinner it sent him over the edge. He dragged me by hair towards the bedroom. “You stupid bitch!”, he screamed. “I’m going to beat your ass, bitch!”, he yelled. He asked me why was I always pushing him to beat me, like I wanted this. He made me take off all of my clothes, he didn’t want anything between my skin and the leather belt. “Spread you legs, bitch!”, he demanded. “Please don’t do this,baby, I’m sorry!”, I pleaded. “Spread you legs, bitch.”,he said coldly. I knew when he took the bass out of his voice he met business. I spread my legs, exposing my fat, bald pussy. Tears were falling from my eyes before the first swing of the belt. He reared the belt back and sent it flying back towards my delicate flesh. I screamed, the pain was unbearable. I closed my legs instinctively, my brain trying to protect me. “Open your legs, bitch!” he yelled. I opened my legs and again he hit me with the thick leather belt. He hit me over and over until blood splashed across his face. I crawled to the other side our king size bed. I wanted to curl up into a ball, but I couldn’t close my legs. “Baby, I’m sorry”, he said. Now it was time for the regret. He was always sorry. This cycle of abuse never ended. “Baby forgive me”, he said as he put his face between my thighs and softly licked welted flesh.
We went hunting
We went hunting in the ghetto, just looking for some lazy crackhead mother that wasn’t watching her brats properly. They are everywhere down here, it didn’t take us longer than an hour to find the perfect trio of victims! They were all so young and all alone, they had wandered off from their sleeping mother to search for food… well I had a bad of breakfast just waiting for them so it was almost too easy to get them in my car. They were all too happy to go with me, none of them protested at all until we were back at my place and I was ordering them to remove all of their clothes. They all started to cry but that didn’t stop me, I had them all naked and bound in mere moments and then they were all mine to do whatever I wanted to them! We tortured then and fucked all their little virgin holes open, I kept them alive and tormented for days before I finally killed them! It was really amazing!
Snuff Porn Pays My Debt
Do you have snuff porn fantasies? I have been told that I bring out the sadistic desires in men. I had no clue so many men hated a woman with red hair. But I get told regularly how badly someone wants to hurt a ginger girl as in hurt her deadly. I was doing a threesome last week with this dealer guy I know and one of his friends. I was just trying to score some free blow and weed. My dealer was buried balls deep in my ass while his friend was skull fucking me. It was nothing more than rough sex until his friend started strangling me. As he was choking me, he kept saying, “Die you red headed slut.” I thought it was some sort of role play fantasy for him, but he was really hurting me. Hurting me badly too. I could taste blood in my mouth. My vision got blurry and I became light headed. I tried to speak but cock was down my throat and my lungs were filling up with blood. My dealer just kept pounding my ass even though I became lifeless. I was jolted awake by a very hard slap. Everything was blurry, like a film was over my eyes. My dealer’s sick friend had evil in his eyes. I am no stranger to that look. I tried to crawl away but something hit the back of my head. I woke up face down in a pool of my own blood. I was confused and disoriented. I looked up and my dealer and his pal had a camera rolling. They were filming me as I laid there bleeding. They were jacking off watching me bleed and cry. My dealer mentioned me owing him money. I thought the fucking was paying for my drugs; he thought otherwise. Another blow to the face, more blood, some broken teeth and a statement from my dealer that snuff movies bring in good money.
Sex with dead bodies
The room is quiet and a little cold. My nipples are hard and makes my nipples rings feel tight and aching. Everything is still; I remove the sheet and climb on top. It’s hard, but won’t stay that way. I squat over the hard cock and start to bounce up and down. Playing with my clit, this is so hot. I pull on one of my nipple rings and bounce even harder.
Suddenly the door opens. “What are you doing in here this is a morgue!” he says. As he approaches, he starts to look aroused. His hands are on my ass helping me get fucked by this stiff cock. He moves my hand from my clit and starts to play. “This has been a fantasy for years.” He says. Cum you dead body fucking, slut. His finger goes up my ass and I start to cum just like that. “I knew that would make you cum, whore. There are 10 more bodies in here with rigor, you better get going.”
Torture sex
I was at my friends house during a football party and I did not think about all the crazy men there getting drunk off their asses. Me and my friend were the only females there. The night was going great, their team one and they were wanting a more formal way to celebrate. My friends dad grabbed us and pushed us in front of all of his friends.
They demanded that we strip down right then and there. We looked at one another, scared to disobey, so we undressed. Next thing you know all of the guys started to take out their cocks. We were forced on our knees and then quickly put on all fours. Are mouths were forcefully getting shoved full of cocks. We started to cry from not being able to catch any air.
I was surprised when two of those guys forced their cocks into my pussy and ass hole. It hurt so bad as they ripped my tinny little holes open. I looked over at my friend and watched as her face turned red. She was chocking on two cocks and her little body was getting jerked back and forth as they pounded her cunt and ass.
I felt blood from my ass gushing down to my pussy as all the men relentlessly kept taking turns forcing themselves inside of me. They kept laughing at us, spitting on us, and calling us names. They thought we were good whores and where well worked open, but since we weren’t they wanted to take the initiative to make sure they broke us in good enough for the other men in the world.
Rape phone sex fantasies are so romantic!
Rape phone sex fantasies are to me what romantic novels are to most people. My dearest crush, Stephen King put it so perfectly in his book, “Rose Red.” He writes,
“Blood, under the skin. Rationalistic asses like you don’t see it. It’s liquid instead of solid. Hot instead of just warm. It is a world full of mystery…”
That’s how I feel about my snuff world. Where we shed the mundane, the “normal” and the socially acceptable sex we all grew up with. Where we thrive on abductions, on violent fucking. Where dismemberment and stroking your cock with your lover’s removed internal organ. In our world, teeth biting deep into flesh, and gushing blood feed the flames of desire and stoke the primal need for bloody fucking! The animalistic rush as an accomplice, hunting prey with my partner, or presenting a catch to my Master, sets my nerves on fire! Truly, the masochism tango is my mantra!
That hot life force flowing from my mouth and cunt makes my body come alive!
Even the life leaving my body is so deeply sensual.
Take me against my will, use me as your disposable toy, and pay tribute to my body with our blood!
What is your darkest fantasy? Will you share it with me?