Week V of Seven Deadly Sins Sloth

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So our next foray into the seven deadly sins this week will be is sloth. Sloth is a difficult term to describe because it can be defined with a few characteristics within a person, but what it boils down to is someone who just doesn’t want to do a damn thing and doesn’t think about anyone but themselves.
My guy has a friend whose wife is insanely lazy; she doesn’t work, cook, clean or fuck him. Clearly, she is a difficult woman to live with or be married to; so my guy came up with a plan. Her husband would deliver her to us with the notion of motivating her to less…much less slovenly.
She was delivered to us with tape on her mouth, a long trench coat on and a not so happy expression in her eyes. The two men exchanged words, then she was taken by the arm and lead to the basement door. Once my guy got her to the door, she started to scream and struggle as if she knew that was not a place she wanted to be. My guy stood in front of her and slapped her hard across the face until she composed herself. He whispered in her ear that this was going to happen whether she protested or not, but it would go more smoothly if she just cooperated otherwise she would experience a lot more pain than she could imagine. He looked back at her husband and said, well at least she is doing something, even if it is being uncooperative. I am so happy I am on my guy’s good side.

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