Having dreams about him are my favorite nights. My Dark Prince, with his skin that shines with a beautiful red hue. His massive horns adorn his head and remind me of his huge rock hard cock. His body is well defined, muscular chest, six pack abs. His face is chiseled and his eyes glow with lust. His skin is hot to the touch. The sight of him makes my body respond instantly. I can feel the warmth of his breath against my skin as he spreads my legs and inches toward my quivering cunt. His tongue licks my already wet slit, it is rough and thick and I feel it invading and stretching me. I can’t help but grinding my cunt into his face giving him what he wants, my hot flowing cum. I can hear him groaning deep in his throat and chest as he follows the movements of my body, bringing me closer to the edge. Finally I explode in his mouth and in my sleep I feel the fluid covering me. Breathing heavy I wake up in a hot cold sweat, my legs and crotch soaked, my panties sticking to my body. Reaching down and scooping up fingers full of cum i eagerly suck it up. Closing my eyes I fall back to sleep and he reapers. This time his massive cock is hovering over my face. Longing to taste it, I cover it with my mouth and he shoves deep into my throat. It feels as if it grows larger the deeper he pushes into my mouth. Thrusting harder and deeper I can feel his balls begin to tighten and I know that he will be filling my mouth with cum soon. I can’t stop and I just hope that after I have pleasured him with my mouth he will honor me by ripping my cunt open with his huge dick. I want to feel it deep inside me.
Tag: Sadistic phone sex
Mutilation phone sex with Ivy
After last night’s party I really needed to relax and sleep off this massive hang over. I finally got home at sunrise and fell fast asleep when I started hearing screaming. For a second there I thought big daddy had gotten another one. The screaming turned into sounds of little fuckers playing. Fuck! These little fuckers were going hard. I finally got tired of it. I got up some clothes on. Did a line or 3 of my pure crystal rocks and grabbed my special candy. You know the kind of candy your parents always warned you about at Halloween. Some of it was laced with powerful drugs to make a grown man who is 300 pound be fucked up for days, and the other will cut your mouth up.
I grab my sunglasses and go outside. All that noise and it came from two cunts! Oh I was more than ready to make them shut the fuck up. I walked past them knowing they were rude little fucks. “hey lady. what kind of candy is that? I want some. Give me some right now!” I gave them the entire fucking thing. I walked around to the bench covered by the shade and watched as they ate and ate all this candy. I started to laugh as they were tripping balls. One of them started choking and tried to puke but all that came out was blood. She was so high she just kept eating the candy. It made my pussy wet just watching them suffer. I went back to the apartment and woke big daddy up but sliding my wet pussy down on his cock. Today was a good day!
You’re already in Hell
I can’t stand those little girls who think they’re ‘bad’. Every time I see or hear them… I just wanna snuff them out. They have NO CLUE what a true bad girl is, and they are the just the type of girl that needs to see what it’s really all about. The sad thing about these girls is they’ve never actually hurt anyone in their whole life and I go through almost every day ‘hurting’ and getting rid of every single pathetic piece of shit that gets in my way. Nothing gets your point across better than a nice sharp knife. That’s of course my favorite way. It takes a while, it’s painful, and I get to savor the look of innocence on their faces as I slowly but surely end their pitiful little lives. Oh a favorite line from one of these supposed damsels in distress is to tell me how evil I am… and I never deny it. They’re right, I take great pleasure in controlling the lives of others, and it isn’t hard at all to trick and destroy the stupid little girls who think they’re bad bitches when they’re suddenly the ones tied up, dripping blood, and begging me to let them go. Silly little whores – I always finish what I start and after I familiarize you in a little humiliation you can expect nothing but pain from there. Not so big and bad now are you? Your face covered in cum, piss, blood and spit… you’re the disgusting one. But tell me again… what a bad girl you are? Hahahaha! That’s what I thought! Now I’ll watch as you slowly bleed all over the floor praying for your sins in hopes of making it to heaven… oh but my dear you’re already in hell.
Sadistic phone sex Ivy
Welcome to Ivy’s house of pain. After watching my cousin die fucked with my head. Its getting closer and closer to her suicide date and that makes my pussy wet. Just thinking about her swinging there back and forth watching her piss and shit herself made me excited. I laid out a line of my crystal and snorted that shit. I flipped my hair up to see this stupid fucking pregnant cunt crying in-front of me. My strong arm bodyguard is here and his cock is nice and hard. He has been under the table sucking on my pussy as I get high and think about what to do with this pregnant whore. She keeps begging and pleading me to let her go. FUCK THAT! Bitch has seen my face and every tattoo I have. I love watching her bruised belly wiggle and wiggle. Two birds with one stone right!
I do another line right before I cum all over big daddy’s face. He knows that now its time to get to work. ” Big daddy, do you think if we cut out her eyes she won’t be able to tell the cops what we look like?” She started crying and screaming. “Shut her up big daddy, she is killing my high.” I hear his approving grunt as her turns to her and she screams even louder. He punched that cunt right in the throat. He punched her so hard she started coughing up blood. That sparked my high. I told him to do it again. I loved listening to her fight for her breath and spit out the blood. I told him to punch lower. He nodded and waited for me to do another line. He punched her in the tit so fucking hard I heard her breast bone break. It made me giggle because she started having contractions and she couldn’t scream or breath. This is what I wanted.
I have watched life leave a body that was older than a few minutes. I wanted to watch the life slip from that struggling little cunt inside her. Big daddy started punching her over pregnant belly over and over until we saw that little critter fall out of her pussy. It slammed so hard on the ground and broke its umbilical cord. She was still alive after that fall, but her little bones where broken. I snorted another line and took the baby to the table. It’s whore of a mother was still somewhat alive which made me want to hurt this critter even more. Ill save that for our phone call.
Hovering over you I smile. I’m not sure what I enjoy more. You being tied so tightly that you cannot move, or My stocking wrapped firmly around your neck. Are you wondering how you got yourself into this situation? You shouldn’t. You wanted this remember? You answered the ad that I placed looking for a Sadistic play partner. I made it very clear that you would have no say what was done after you agreed to the terms. You had days to decided not to do this, but here you are, in My bed trying so desperately to get free so that you can push Me away.
I have news for you sweetness, that is not going to happen. At first you loved it as I pulled off My stockings in front of you. You commented on how beautiful and long My legs were. You enjoyed when I pulled that silken material over your lips. You said you could smell My perfume on them, and to top it all off, your cock started to get hard. How cute.
Perhaps you didn’t think I would go through with it? Perhaps you thought that I would just keep it on the fantasy level and then after I was done I would untie you, you would fuck Me and then we would have drinks afterward and laugh together. I think not. This is all too real, and I think that with each new tightening twist of my stocking, which is digging deeper and deeper into the flesh around your neck, you are beginning to realize just how real this is.
An Angry Black Man
I met him at a bus stop. He was looking at me to the point where I actually felt uncomfortable. I finally asked him what the fuck was he looking at. He said loudly that I look like the bitch his grandmother works for. I told him that I was not the bitch he thought I was. He said he knew but I still looked like her. I asked him why he referred to the person that his grandmother worked for as a bitch. He told me that she treated his grandmother badly and didn’t pay her enough for all the work she did. This gave me an idea.
I asked him what he would do if he could do what ever he wanted to her to get back at her for the way she treats his grandma. He laughed and said, “If only!” I said, “What if you pretended that I was her since I look a lot like her.” He told me that I must be shitting him, I told him I wasn’t. I gave him my number and made it very clear that he could do what ever he wanted, that I was into pain. I got on my bus and I hadn’t heard from him so I thought he would never call.
Eventually he did. He sounded a bit unsure when I showed up, but I told him that I wouldn’t go to the cops, and I went into great detail about my recent past and how it excited me. He then asked me what if he goes too far, I said then you go to far, I don’t care. It took a bit but he finally got into it. I’ll tell you what, he ragged out my cunt worse than I have ever had it before. He slapped me around, he choked me with not only his hands but his cock as well. He used me and violated me in every way he could come up with.
I had so much cum of his on my face at the end that it looked like I stuck my face in marshmallow fluff. It was just what my pain slut self needed. When he finally was exhausted he went to say he was sorry about how brutal he was. I told him to save it, I loved it and if he ever was that pissed off again at the bitch who employed his grandma that he should call me. I gave him a kiss and left.
Ass rape phone sex fantasies with Marley
Journal Entry
Friday February 6th
They let me go outside. We took the dog to the park. The air was so crisp and cold, the sky was such a beautiful blue. I was breathless at how gorgeous it was. And to think, I never appreciated this. I fell to my knees in awe and bowed my head to a Lord whom I thought had forsaken me. I started to thank Him for this wondrous world when I heard a pop. A sharp sting hit the middle of my spine and I turned to find a guy about my age with a BB gun. He was running to me with a maniacal grin. The fear gripped me like a vice and I jumped up and bolted. He was hot on my heels. I was so scared. Fuck fuck fuck. I tripped over a tree root and fell, cracking my head. I heard a laugh and felt a body crumple on top of me. I felt the butt of the BB gun smash the back of my head. I woke up in the backseat of a tiny car with my pants around my ankles, a dick inside my ass and the gun to my head. “If you scream, I will shoot” I laughed “You’ve got a BB gun” He moved it to my throat and pulled the trigger. I screamed as the pain surged through my neck and he shoved his balled up fist in my mouth as he fucked me harder. “I told you not to fucking scream” I whimpered with his fist in my mouth and he spat on me. He laughed and put the gun back up to my temple. He was balls deep in my pussy, his beady little eyes focused on the pain in my eyes. He started fucking me faster, and he paused and scrunched his face as he spread his baby batter deep inside my butt. He grunted and pulled out, a string of jizz oozing from his softening dick. He punched me, and then once more for good measure. He shook his head. “The family is going to be so disappointed in you” He opened the car door and dumped me out. My body ached. He jumped into the driver’s seat and pulled out as my captors surrounded me. They must have asked a thousand questions and I resigned myself to the beating I was going to get when we got home. Well, so much for thanking the Lord.
Sadistic phone sex with Ivy
It was my luck to find her in the parking garage. All alone she was standing there crying for her mommy. What mother would leave her sweet blonde angel in a scary parking garage. To me she wasn’t wanted to I took her. She was such a whiny little cunt then I should have known better than to snatch her up and take her to him.
He gives me the pure crystal for the pretty young blondes. He has a thing for blondes. But he hates it when the cry for no reason. It made my pussy wet watcing him slam her down on the couch. He thew some toys at her and told her to play. She screamed but then calmed down. He is so good with little ones, its a shame what he does to them. I went into the back with him to get my beautiful crystal rocks to get high but he told me to sit with the brat. I got over to her and sat down. I was still gonna get high, I don’t care what he tells me to do. It’s not like that is the only horrible thing she is gonna see tonight. After doing a few lines I started to get hot and sweaty. I took all my clothes off and sat back down on the plush toys. They were so soft on my skin, I was taken back by how soft they were I didn’t even see him walk up.
He had his black rubber apron on and I knew it was time. She looked at me with here big blue eyes. She was scared and confused, just the way he liked it. He grabbed her by her hair and dragged her screaming and kicking to the cold table. I was right there behind him ready to do my job. I got on top of her and kissed her screaming mouth. I licked up her tears and kissed him. I leaned over her to grab the needle and thread and she bit my fucking tit so hard. I started pounding her in the head to make her let go of me. He was laughing so hard. I smiled a crooked smile and told him to hold her mouth open. There are a few things that the pure crystal makes me do and that is shit like crazy.
He was holding her mouth open and I squatted over her and released my bowels in her mouth and over her stupid fucking face. She started gagging and I didn’t want to have her spit out my smelly runny gift all over the place so I sewed her fucking lips shut. That muffed her gagging and her high pitched screams. He bent me over and licked my ass hole clean and even stuck his tongue in and out of it. I started to moan but knew that this was just the begging. I know that by the end of her life she will be in little tiny pieces and fucked every way possible.
Roleplay phone sex with Makayla
I have been here for so long now. I wonder if my family is looking for me. If they saw me if they would even recognize me. I have a new out look on life now. Daddy says he and the others are all the family I need. I believe him now. I love daddy and all of the other daughters. The black one hasn’t moved for days now. She had the baby but daddy took it away. Tonight is my night. He wants to breed and make a bunch of babies with us.
Daddy came down and took the big heavy chain off my ankle and took me upstairs. I stood there as daddy filled up the bath tub with bubbles and rose pedals. Daddy is so nice to me now that I’m not afraid any more. Daddy undressed me and helped me in the bath tub. he started with my hair. He rubbed the shampoo in and massaged my head. He kissed my forehead telling what a good baby I was. Then he worked his way up and down my body with my purple wash cloth. He got to my special place that is just for daddy.
He put both of his hands in the water and started playing with my holes. My holes are for daddy and daddy only. Before when daddy would touch me I would scream and scream. But he was so much stronger than me. Now its easy and my cunny doesn’t hurt so bad after he is done. Daddy is very loving tonight. He is hard and we haven’t had our date yet. He helps me out of the bath tub but he bent me over the counter and he stuck his big hard cock inside of me. It was like daddy was inside of my head, he whispered in my ear and told me “be a good girl baby doll and you can stay up here all night.” I smiled to my daddy in the mirror. He slid his cock back inside of me and started fucking me again. As he came inside of me I saw his smile.
I love seeing daddy’s smile.
I am here to make him happy.
I am here to fuck him.
I love my new Daddy.
Blasphemy phone sex with Toni: Corrupting Young Minds
Corrupting religious hypocrites is just one of many hobbies and also one of my favorites too. There’s nothing more satisfying so I do it almost every single day. It isn’t always extreme, when I’m too busy I settle for just a little taste. What I’ll do is drive past a private Catholic or Christian school looking for some feeble sheep brains to corrupt. You wouldn’t recognize me most of the time when I do this because I dress like one of them. I’ll wear a school girl uniform even the socks just to get them to trust me and it works like a charm.
Sometimes all I do is plant a seed of doubt in their hollow skulls. That will make them start to question things or completely loose all faith in God right away. Other times I show them things that have been denied or hidden from them by their parents and the church. That is a lot more fun obviously. Even the most innocent lil’ one can be broken in just a few short hours of spending time with me. All I have to do is expose them to drugs, sex, and gore snuff porn. Seeing their eyes glow after I’ve revealed what’s really behind the curtain makes my cunt sloppy wet. At that point it doesn’t matter to me if the person I’m re-educating is a boy or girl, I’m going to play with them whether they like or not.
For the ladies, I have plenty of phallic objects that will stretch their virgin pussies out nice and wide. A lot of girls bleed their first time, but not as much as they will with me. Some of my toys have nails, spikes, or broken glass that slices the flesh deep inside them. Oh, I love the way those stupid bitches scream and squirm while their blood pours out of their busted fuck holes.
Boy’s are almost too easy. All it takes is a slutty outfit or brushing against their cocks, after that they’ll do almost anything I want. But that’s not surprising is it? Once I see their pricks pressing into the tight pair of faggy khakis their mommy forces them to wear I know they’re ready to play. I pull their dick out and do whatever I want with it, they rarely resist or say no. It’s not like that would stop me anyway, it just might be fun if they tried. No matter what hole I force them into, the outcome is the same. Just as their about to cum I pull their cock’s out and aim their cum at whatever religious paraphernalia is around. Usually, it’s their copy of The Bible that I steal from their back pack’s when they aren’t looking. One time I shoved a boy’s rosary down his little piss hole and he hated it so much that it actually made him cry. Obviously I laughed in his face, but at least I was nice enough to lick some of the tears from his face.
Don’t think that I just target foolish brats either because no one is safe. Doesn’t matter if they’re a pastor, priest, nun, or Sunday school teacher their all fair game to me. The last time I had fun like that was about 3 months ago with a Sunday school teacher named John. After about a week of stalking him to learn his habits, I made my move. I waited for the brats to clear out of class and made my way down stairs in a very sexy latex nun costume. When he first saw me he was a little afraid, but It didn’t take a lot for him to let his guard down. What happened that Sunday he’ll regret for the rest of his life because I recorded the entire thing. Now I own his ass! Blackmailing him is a lot more fun than fucking him too, I could hardly feel his pencil dick when it was inside me.