Space Savers

Mutilation phone sexWe have all been there haven’t we?  Found ourselves in a situation where there is just not enough room to fit everything into a given amount of space.  The best way I have found to avoid this is to make sure the person who you have put out of misery is either: 1) Ground up, 2) Dissolved, or 3) Put into a wood chipper.  Think of how amazed and jealous your friends will be over your garden when it comes to life due to the death of a pain in the ass Ex.

My favorite way out of all three is the first.  However, you cannot just stick someone in a meat grinder.  Human bones are very strong, they will tear up the blades or worse yet cause the grinder to become jammed.  Not a great situation if you ask Me.  The first thing you must do is flay off the skin.  Take your time in doing so, see if you can do it perfectly.  I am a bit OCD so I consider this My challenge.  Then you must debone the subject.

This can also be a challenge due to the sinew in the muscle structure.  Also there is cartilage that you must remove, then the finger nails, and teeth.  Yes it is a lot of work, but done properly it will save you a lot of time in the long run.  At this point you can just grind the meat down.  You could make sausage if you wanted to.  Serve it to your annoying In-Laws the next time they visit.  You will want to dissolve the bone, teeth, hair and finger/toe nails in acid.  It will take some time until of course you know of a certain acid that can eat through anything rather rapidly, then use that.  Make sure you only use a heavy gauge plastic bin when doing so, because this type of acid will react with everything except for the plastic.

With your ground meat you can seal it in plastic bags, or you can fertilize your lawn, or spread it in the woods, feed it to the fish.  What ever you would like.  If you wish to keep your prey for what ever reason after the butchering then you will find you can store it in small containers which are more inconspicuous then having huge bio-hazard barrels cluttering up your living room. I hope you found this space saving tip helpful.  Until next time…Happy Hunting.

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