Tag: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Cassandra is a Snuff Sex Accomplice

It is no secret I am a pain slut; a submissive; a total fuck pig and whore. I do whatever I am told. So when this guy I met at a bondage club told me to meet him, I did. The address given to me turned out to be for the abandoned hospital on the outskirts of town. It is known for raves and  underground parties.  I walked in wearing a sexy little black dress and fuck me pumps. I could smell death and urine. The halls were dark, very creepy. It became quite obvious there was no party here. Well, not the kind of party I was dressed for at least.  As I got out my phone to check the address and use my flashlight app, I heard his voice yelling to me.

snuff sexI followed his voice like a good subby bitch to a room that didn’t look as bad. There was a bed, BDSM equipment, even film equipment hooked up to a generator. He likes to film himself punishing me. I wasn’t thrilled about the atmosphere, but my opinion doesn’t matter. “Get naked bitch, assume the position,” he said.  He doesn’t face me when we fuck.  That is romantic love according to him, and I’m not worthy of any of that. He started fucking my ass from behind. His cock is massive so it always hurts. I felt his hands travel up to my throat. His grip tightened like a vice against my jugular. I started choking. I could feel my wind pipe restricting. He was strangling me as he pounded my ass. I passed out.

I woke up chained. He was fucking another girl, strangling her like he did me. She was fighting though. I know better than to resist. He squeezed her throat so hard her eyes started to bleed and bulged out. Master stopped force fucking her, started using her tiny body as a punching bag. I was horrified at the image. I could hear her gurgling on her own blood, hear bones snapping, hear her screaming, hear her dying. Her body went lifeless. He tossed her onto a steel slab, fucked her dead body until he came all over her bloody corpse. I knew better than to show my fear or question what he was doing. I just witnessed snuff sex, which is what happens to bad fuck pigs.  “Don’t worry Cassie. This is just a worthless street whore no one will miss,” he said looking at me as he dismembered her body. sex with dead bodies

He used a chainsaw to cut off her legs at the knees. Blood spurted all over my face. I tried not to react, even though I was frightened. Next he sawed off her hands. I watched covered in a dead whore’s blood, as he used pliers to extract her teeth. He even cut out her tongue.  I knew what he was doing. Making sure she was unidentifiable. Clearly he has killed before. The darkest, most sadistic men always find me. He unchained me. Fucked me in a pool of the dead girl’s blood. Came on my bloody tits. Then got up, put his clothes on, kissed my bloody face and ordered me to help him carry her dead carcass to his van. He made me an accomplice to his kill. We tossed her along the highway. ” I knew you were special Cassie when I saw you. You are going to be the sexiest accomplice I’ve ever had,” he said to me as he pulled up to a street corner to get another whore.

sadistic phone sex

Knife Play Phone sex kills me!

Knife Play Phone Sex


      Knife play phone sex kills me and I was bleeding from my ass and cunny so badly. I was shivering with cold and  didn’t realize that this asshole was really fucking me up right now. The noose was getting tighter around my neck and I could hardly breathe. He was one that would not let up and I knew that if I didn’t fight back I would be a history. What could I do? The fantasy was for me to feel the knife and stab wounds that were in my back I just didn’t realize that it was going to happen so roughly. The fucked part of it was that I was just going to get a little smack just a little tie me over for my exams and he seemed like the perfect person to connect with. He was warm and charming and when I got loaded maybe we could fuck! I had no idea his sinister behavior would cause me to be so fucked up right now. Yes he was rough but I had seem worse on campus.

     As he pushed my head into the water and I tried to breathe as best I could I begin to think that maybe this was going to be ok. I mean he just stabbed me a little bit. What the fuck was I thinking who stabs someone a little bit? He was fucking me up that was for sure and it wasn’t over by a long shot. He was going to fuck me even worse and I knew for the sake of everything that the knife he was using wasn’t a knife at all but his cock rammed in my asshole that had been force fucking me for the last two hours. Was I going to survive I guess not but hey at least that last crank was enough right to end it all!

Underground Snuff Porn Teen Trap

teen rape porn

I can never get enough of making my own underground snuff porn movies. I love getting with a super hot guy who wants to fuck up my friends and willing for me to film it. I wanna watch it over and over again. Becka is a super slut at my school. She thinks that she is real hot shit to. I decided that I was going to make some xxx snuff porn with her dead body. It was not until I found my Mister right that I knew it would be possible. Not only did he say it was okay to make my own snuff, he wanted his own copy. Becka always teased me at school, so I was ready to give that bitch every last bit of what she deserved. I already had my room carefully placed with cameras and Mister right was underground snuff pornwaiting for us to. I waited in the living room for cunt McDumb face to show up so we could get started. My pussy tingled with anticipation for the upcoming carnage. She knocked on my door and instantly stuck out my hand. See I had told her I was going to give her my iPod so that she would no fuck with me for a month. She was so stupid that she thought I would actually give away my prized possession. I told her I had it in my room and asked her to follow me downstairs so that I could give it to her. When we got in the entrance way to my room she paused looking at all the cameras. “You record yourself sleeping? God you are such a fucking freak Harper.” I looked at her with a snarl. “What?” She replied to my dirty look I gave her giving me her own disgusted look. When she steppedxxx snuff porn into my bedroom I grabbed my retractable nightstick and smacked across her head. She fell to the floor with of heavy thump. My Mister grabbed her by the ankles and I grabbed her wrist and tossed her onto the bed. I tied her arms down in front of her. When she began to wake up the real fun started. I wanted he to be fully aware of the pain she was getting ready to receive. I pulled her arms up over her head, dislocating them and hooked them around my rod iron bed frame. We both laughed together as she kicked and screamed. Removing my shoe I took off my sock and shoved it into her mouth. I removed the knife from the back of my pants and sliced up her clothing cutting them away from her. She was not as pretty as I thought she was. Her skin was pimply and full of imperfections. He handed me her ankles and I stretched them far. I removed the sock from her mouth and sat on her face so that could feel her screams in my pussy. I dislocated her thighs from her hips, her screams felt so nice. He had the perfect view of her ass hole and he ripped it open. Blood covered his cock and I came on her face from her struggles. When he was bored I moved to the top of her head and slit her throat. Blood splattered over the two of us and I sucked his cock till he came in my mouth. The warm blood felt so awesome over my skin. I came again as I sucked his dick clean of her ass rape juices. She would not be messing with me anymore, and better yet, I still had my iPod.

Killer Phone Sex Road Rage

     killer phone sex

          Seriously saw the most ignorant thing today and thought I should take care of it myself. This stupid bitch was in her car on her fucking phone blabbing her mouth like a dumb slut. Blah, Blah Blah. I was in the lane ext to her and in front of us was this guy on a bike. This stupid bitch seriously tapped him in the back with her fucking car. I was so pissed, he was so pissed and she wanted to act like it was everyone’s fault in the world except for hers. She even had the nerve to rise up her ugly ass middle finger and flick him off. He started coming at her with a sledge hammer that was for some reason attached to the side of his bike but decided not to. Fuck that, that dumb cunt was about to get it. I stayed next to her till we got nice and deep in the ghetto. This was the perfect are cause around here people did not see sht no matter how much you questioned them. With a quick cut of my wheel I ran that dumb bitch off the road and into the corner of a building. I looked around to see if anyone was nearby and once I realized we were alone I walked up next to her.
         She was sitting in the driver’s seat. Her was busted and nose bleeding. She was groggy and looked up at me. I reached inside the car and grabbed her by her nappy weave opening the door with the other hand. She babbled and snorted as I drug her out of the car. I pulled her along the asphalt towards my car. She fought me trying to pull my hands free. She kicked and screamed but that nigger whore was on her way to my trunk where I was going to do that bitch in. She screamed loud kicking against the trunk

knife play phone sex

trying to escape, we left her piece of shit car crashed into the building. I would come back when I was done with her ad light it up in flames. The cunt was too loud so I knew I would not make it to the warehouse district. I decided to just pick one of the many abandoned buildings and cut that bitch up in there. When I arrived to a whole block of condemned place I knew this would be the spot I wanted. I opened up the trunk giving her a good wack with my retractable night stick across her head. She seemed heavier passed out but I got her in the house and tied her to some support beams exposed by their rotting walls.
        It was not too long till the bitch woke up. She was boo hooing about how she did not know what the fuck she did. That was the problem I guess. I asked her what her name was and she informed me that it was Layla. I asked Layla the idiot savant where the fuck she got her license. I did not get a replay just more crying. I did not like that; I grabbed her up by the throat and pulled the knife out that was tucked in to the back of my jeans. I tore it though her shirt. She begged me not to kill her. I cut off her breast and through them down to the floor. She started to go into shock as blood covered the front of her body. She whimpered and I shoved my knife up her bald wet nigger pussy. She whimpered as blood flowed down all over the floor. She whimpered and begged me to stop. I couldn’t do that, no one eeded this dumb bitch on the streets. I stabbed into her gut with my knife. It went in smoothly and with even force. I laughed as she coughed up blood. I left her there dying and went back to the car grabbing a can of gasoline. I coated her body and torched it and then left going to torch the vehicle as well. Burn mother fucker, burn.

2 girl phone sex

Killer Phone Sex Bathtub Fun

killer phone sex

I got a fun client this week who hired me for a little bit more than my normal slaughter and run. He wanted me to do my normal hunt like I usually did but he wanted it to be less of a bash and grab and more sensual and trust between the two of us. I went out to a local underground gay club. He wanted a pretty chicky and I knew I would be able to pull it off no problem. I sat at the bar and went through lady after lady before the perfect one met me. She had long legs and brown hair, and I knew she was going to be just his type. I was to take her back to his house which I would tell her was my own. When I got there I continued to feed her drink after drink. She was already pretty sloshed but I wanted her nice and wasted so that every sense of hers was down. I asked her to excuse me while I drew a bath for us both to play in and went into the bathroom shutting the door. He sat in a chair in the corner of the dark bathroom. It was a really large one, the kind with not only a bathtub, but also a stand up shower straight across from it. He already had the bathroom ready; candles were everywhere, and enough light to barely see. The tub was full of warm blood, a thin layer of soap suds laid across the top of it. I looked at him and winked leaving the bathroom. I went over to her and kissed along her neck, removing her dress from her shoulders. We undressed each other till we were both naked and I walked her into the dark bathroom.

knife play phone sex
I backed into the tub pulling her in with me. The blood was thick and warm around us, she leaned against the back of the tub and I continued to make up with her slutty face hole. I pushed my hand in between her legs and played with her twat roughly. She whimpered a little bit and asked me not to be so rough. That made me want to be worse, I shoved four of my fingers inside her and leaded forward and bit she side of her neck. She moaned out again a little bit louder. I took a deep breath and then went into the blood searching for her clit with her tongue. When I opened my mouth it greeted my taste buds and lapped at her cunt with excitement of the familiar iron taste in my mouth. I got a little too excited and bit hard at her twat taking it into my teeth. I could feel her just and then I came to the surface. Blood drained down my face as I gave her a menacing smile. Her eyes grew wide and she lifted her hands from the water and looked at the blood draining down her arms. She began to scream, and I slowly lifted myself out of the tub and walked across the room to the sink. I grabbed the knife that was sitting in it and flipped on the light turning to face her. She squealed and begged me not to hurt her. I laughed as she lay in the tub trying to reach her arms out to stop me. I looked over to my client sitting in the chair and her eyes followed in the direction of mine. She gripped the edge of the tub and tried to lift herself out. With a nod from my client I turned to her again and slid my knife across her throat. Blood sprayed across the bathroom and she slowly sank into the tub.

bloody phone sex
I glanced back to my client. He gave me a pleased smile. Blood drained down my naked body. He nodded his head towards the shower and I stepped in. There was a wash cloth and some soap in the shower. He adjusted his chair in between the tub still gurgling with air bubbles and me in the shower. I turned the water on and began to rub the blood all over myself. Slowly it left the surface of my skin and formed in a puddle below my feet. I moved my fingers to my tight bald pussy and began to get myself off. He removed his cock and stated to stroke his throbbing cock alongside me. He dipped his hand into the tub of blood, her hand dead resting on the side and stroked himself with his blood soaked hand. We both came together; it was intense, staring into each other’s eyes. He thanked me and paid me my money and I went about my ways. I had so much fun with him and wished that he would enlist in my services again.

Near Death Torture Sex

torture sex

There is nothing worse than the days that I have to sit caged or tied up in the basement alone and in silence. I hate the things that Mater has done to me, and I hate the way that he makes me feel emotionally. But I would rather endure hours of torture sex than nothing at all. I sat in the dark and cold and cried. I cried but my tears never showed up or drizzled down the sides of my face. I was so thirsty and so hungry but like the slut I was I craved the touch of Master. My wishes came true as he showed up at the top of the stairs. He had me pinned down in a device so that I could only turn my head up to look at the once empty stair case. He came down and undid the shackles. He attached the lease to my collar and began to walk me up the stair. I crawled on my hands and knees, my eyes closed as the bright light of the sun hit my eyes. The air smelled amazing against my skin. He led me into the bathroom where the tub was full of water and ordered me to get in.
It was ice cold and made me lose my breath; he held my head under the water. I gripped my hands onto the edge and began to fight and kick to get my way out. When he allowed me to come up I gasped for breath, the air stinging my lungs. He did it again, this time I got a little bit more air before submersion. When he lifted me I went to gasp for air to be met not with air but the thrust of his cock into my throat hole. I gagged on it and tried to pull free needing air to invade my lungs again. He released me and I got a half a breath of air before he shoved me back under. I screamed into the water, he was trying to kill me, this was it, I was no longer useful to him. I let one last bubble escape from my lung and felt my body begin to slip. Slowly my mind faded and the world began to blur.
I woke up to a huge pain and coughed up access water out of my lungs and all over the soft carpet under my hands. I could hear him grunting as he plowed into my ass hole.

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My body still limp beneath the grasp of his hands on my hips. I tried to prop myself up, the room spinning he reached up and wrapped my wet hair around his hands yanking it firmly in his hand. My whimpered as I could feel some of the roots uplift from the follicles in my scalp. My pussy began to throb as he inserted something into it as he continued to rip my ass hole wide open with the force of his dick. I whimpered and cried for him to stop, it was too much but I was only met with a fist to the back of the head. I passed out again. When I woke up I lay in the same place. I reached to my throbbing pussy, the pain was almost unbearable. I looked at the blood coating my finger tips and then went for another feel. I felt something in me, and removed it. It hurt so badly, when I held it to my face I cried and rolled over into the fetal position laying it on the ground. It was a broken beer bottle. I sobbed, trying to stay quiet, Master has stuffed my pussy with a broken beer bottle and I could not believe it. Maybe he no longer cared of me at all, I wanted to die there, before it got any worse.

Torture Sex Perfection

torture sex angieNothing gets my blood running hot as the fires of hell like torture sex. Being the sick and twisted bitch that I am with a heart as black as coal and ice water running through my veins, I have found a way to combine the desire for torture sex with the life of my all time idol. I have always admired Vlad the Impaler. The image of his pale face with his contrasting dark beard and his jet black eyes sends waves of desire coursing through my body straight to my cunt. I have often imagined his clammy touch and rancid breath on my flesh. He was and still is the king of torture and fear. My kind of man….I love that he impaled his victims. Combining his infamous torture methods with my dark sexual desires has been a journey of trial and error, however it is finally perfected!  Finally I have found just the spot to impale someone for maximum pain and the longest survival time. I have also created a wooden pole that is modified with two wedges that keep the body from sliding down with the pull of gravity. Now I can enjoy the hanging body, blood dripping down the pole and pooling at the base, naked and vulnerable and unable to escape the added sexual tortures that I inflict to the erotic sounds of screams as they slowly become horse and raspy cries followed by groans. Finally the mind shuts down and the dull stare precedes the loss of consciousness. Only then do I leave them to recover enough for me to start over again. I give them just enough water to sustain them and no food. I am trying to break my record of keeping one alive for 10 days of endless torture.

Isn’t biology fun?!

bloody phone sexWhen I was in high school, biology was always one of my favorite subjects…actually it was the only class I liked. Was it the teacher you ask? Nope. My friends? Wrong again…(what friends?) It was the actual class itself on the days we had a lab nonetheless. I’m sure you know what labs were my favorite… That’s right you guessed it! The labs that I was able to dissect things were what I loved to do the most and now that I am out of school I’ve gotten to some dissecting of my own. The human body is so much more complicated and complex than one may think. But I love it…and you know what’s most fun? Doing my little dissecting without giving these fucks any drugs and while keeping them wide awake! Oh how that must hurt! Hahaha. I love causing others pain…nothing is more thrilling and nothing turns me on more! So in my free time I take it upon myself to experiment on every person I get a chance. My latest victim was a squirter. And I don’t mean the cum squirting kind…the blood going everywhere kind! She was super dramatic too. I mean, I was only cutting open her finger and she was screaming like it was the worst pain she’d ever been in! Oops…it probably was – hahaha. But it turned me on so much seeing her in pain, struggling against my tightly secured straps, tears running down her red face and even better the blood that she was squirting everywhere. I don’t mind when things get all messy and bloody. It’s not as if this whole experiment won’t get MUCH messier anyway! I have so much to look at, and cut, and dissect… She’ll stay alive the whole time, suffering probably till she bleeds out or until my knife hits a main artery. Isn’t biology fun?!

Murder Phone sex Fantasies with a Cannibal

Murder phone sex Fantasies


      I felt the teeth in my back and my flesh being ripped off. I knew he was trying to eat me alive but there was nothing I could do to get away. There was nothing I could do but try to brace myself for the surrender of death. I don’t know if I was  going to make it or not at this point I didn’t know if I cared. I just wanted him to hurry up and get whatever he had planned to do to me over with. It didn’t matter what it was as long as it came quickly and took me out of this misery. Unzipping his pants and moving toward me for the umpteenth time made me know what to do. He wanted me to bite down on his cock with all the strength I had left.  I was trying to do that but the pins in my eyes were blinding my vision Blood pooled in my ears and I knew it was going to be all over soon. I tried fighting and yelling but all that came from my lips now was a squeal it was going to be the end.

     Pushing my head down further on his cock he was suffocating me and my eyes began to bulge. But this was not to be the end, further pushing me down he took my head in his hands and slapped me across the face spitting on me. Turning me around he rammed his cock in my ass and I felt his hands around my neck tighten and  I was clawing at him to breathe but it was much too late. I felt the tear of my flesh again and the release of my spirit to Hell. I had gotten what I deserved from this murder fantasy and you with all the sick twisted games have never been caught! Doesn’t that just make your cock hard all over again?

Killer Phone Sex: A verse of Demise

Here is a Killer Phone Sex diddy I wrote based off of the Christmas tune so true to my soul rotting in hell version. I am a sinner, but only to those whom are bigger sinners in that they pretend, lie, and cloak their true selves with flesh masks of soccer moms and dads. Those holier than thou are the biggest sinners. Those of deafening religious righteousness only anger me into hate fucking their sullen skulls.

Killer Phone Sex

Silent Night, Deadly Night
Nothing insight, but the burial site
Pound yer steak, make no mistake
Unholy varmint, so tender and blight
Rotting in a stench ridden night
Rotting in a stench ridden night

Unholy Dead  so rotted and smelly
Hell welcomes them into it’s night
Unholy creatures dredge from below
Unholy hosts chant incantations of murder and sorrow
Undead, the undead have risen
The undead of the netherworld has risen…
Silent Night Deadly night
Son of Sam takes another soul..
Gory secrets from below unfold
Deaths rotting stench fills the nostrils of many
Once the stench is smelt the living become dead
Unholy night, silent cries
Blood curdling screams of death unearthed…
Unliving  evil purged and with blight… Unholy night of innocence lost..
Bludgeoning heads of girls so young
Son of Sam makes my dreams cum true… at last…
Blood curdling screams of innocence now gone.

Mutilation Phone sex