Goth Teen Phone Sex To Die For

Goth teen phone sex

I learned young that this world was a dark place and that no one was going to make it better but myself. I sat and dwelled in the world that was darkness for many years till I found my friend, blood. Something about it and how it bonded with my vamperic like soul made me long for its sweet release. I loved torturing others, it reflected the pain I felt inside for every moment of my life until that very moment. It was beautiful watching death come into someone body. The look in their eyes as their soul voided into the dark space made me long for to be the goth teen phone sex slut that would let others experience the art of death I was gifted with. Both sides in my evil phone sex are vitally important. My clients provide me the scenario in which I need to work my canvas of death. My victim provides me with their expression, their longing to live, their fight. I can work out everything in my murder phone sex fantasies that my client asks for, but my reaction to my pain that I place upon my canvas is something that will never be able to be scripted. The raw mutilation of their bodies and the way the blood chooses it path is something that is rarely predictable. My ears long to hear my dark canvas of death scream into them. Most of all my skin aches when not coated with the sweet blood of my dead victims. It fills my black heart when I hear the music of their death rattle, the last attempt of their lungs to save their souls. I will never stop killing, and I will never stop bathing my body in the blood of my dad canvas. A true artist in the world of darkness.

evil phone sex

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