Tag: Bloody Phone Sex

Random Acts Of Kindness… Right…

Taboo phone sex


I saw the biggest and fattest bitch today. I mean damn! She would make a rhino feel skinny. Any way Big Daddy told me he wasn’t working today. Something about Random Acts of Kindness day bullshit. This nigga ain’t nice what the fuck is he gonna do? Help a old bitch across the street?

Anyway I realized if Big Daddy was gonna be nice today then I will be nice too. But then I saw that cow and I just got so angry. How the fuck can one person get so god damn big? Anyway Fatty was going to be my act of kindness. She was riding around in her scooter that her fat piled over and she could barley squeeze herself out of her door. I fallowed her to the dumpster and offered to help her. This bitch was out of breath riding in a scooter.

Taboo phone sex


Anyway I fallowed her back into her house and one we were there I turned off her scooter. HAHAHA. I grabbed her fat arm and jiggled it. I told her she needed to go on a diet. All I heard was her blah blah blah. I ran to my place and grabbed some diet pills. Well they weren’t diet pills but laxatives. I figured it would be kind to help her lose weight. Even if I had to make her shit herself to death she would have lost some weight.

Well while I was shoving these pills down this fat cunts throat I noticed one of those Electric knives… I giggled with pleasure as my pussy got wet. I grabbed it and started getting closer and closer to the fat whore. She tried to get away but she just flipped her chair over on her big fat leg. She couldn’t get it off herself. I kept laughing. I told her that If I cut a little off the sides of her legs she would be able to move. But then her top half would look funny too. I started hacking and cutting off pieces of her arm fat, watching it jiggle against the blades. Then the damn knife stopped. It got jammed with all her fat . Ugh this bitch smelled like death and she wasn’t even dead yet. She did however lose about 20 pounds.. I was proud of the random act of kindness I did today. I wonder what Big Daddy did.


Taboo phone sex

Paying it Forward with Venus: Practicing Random Acts of Kindness

torture phone sex evil sadisticToday is Random Acts of Kindness Day, actually it is for the whole week. I decided to pay it forward, help those in need. First random act: help a poor Catholic school girl with her religious education.  She called me a freak, so clearly she has forgotten her Bible verses like do onto others. I love tutoring and being a mentor. I think teaching is one of the truly selfless professions. I sat down with this particular school girl and assisted her with her Catechisms. As she recited them, I fucked her tight little virgin cunnie with a cross while I recited the Lord’s Prayer. She needed reminded how much Jesus loved her. Blood squirted out her pink pussy, but I held her down and kept fucking her whore twat until she said knew her catechisms by heart.  Her devotion to God was overwhelming. We all stray off the path of righteousness every now and then. Perhaps I missed my calling. I’d make a hell of a Sunday School teacher.

bloody phone sex sadisticSecond random act: assisted suicide of two very ill girls. They suffered from narcissistic asshole syndrome. Folks who can aid the weak and feeble minded end their worthless lives are so very courageous.  Saints actually. I am no saint, but I can recognize a cry for help when I see one. So when these two  young twats started spewing  obscenities and hate towards me over a parking space at the mall, I knew they clearly wanted to die.  I followed them back to their home, forced myself in, and slit their wrists  with a razor blade. They were obviously too sick to live, and too weak to kill themselves. I channeled Dr. Kevorkian, cut deep enough to hit an artery, and let them bleed out peacefully in their bathtub as to not leave  a mess for their family.  Thank goodness for answered prayers and random acts of kindness.

snuff phone sex bloody sexThird random act: assist an old man getting rid of the source of much turmoil in his life. Some of us have trouble getting rid of the negative energy in our lives. Trouble letting go of someone or something we love very much, but is simply no good for us.  I helped this man recognize how much better his life could be without the evil that resided between his legs. You see he was born with a demon instead of a penis. This demon made him do very bad things to women and little boys, even animals. He lacked the strength, like many do, to part ways with the negative force in his life, so I helped him.  I sat him down and had a come to Jesus talk with him about the nasty, troublesome appendage in his life. Then, I hacked his penis right off, and fed it to his dog.  Blood spurted out all over the wall and floor, but that is a small price to pay for a new beginning. He will clearly be a better person without the this negative force in his life. And, I feel so much better having been able to help him become a better man. As Sir Paul wrote, “We get by with a little help from our friends.”

Blasphemy phone sex virgin sexLife is just too short not to help those in need. I am not Mother Theresa, but I recognize a cry for help when I see one. I’m just so glad my parents  raised me with a do onto others attitude in life, otherwise so many more poor souls would be lost. How can I help you become a better person?

Cruel to be Kind

Snuff Phone Sex ReaganI think many things that are evil can be just as kind. Today is “Random Acts Of Kindness Day.” It is a day to cheer up the ones in your life that need it. I do that quite a bit, if you can believe a sadistic whore can be kind! Take for example one of my last victims. She had been screaming so loud that I finally cut out her tongue. Granted the crushing of her limbs that caused her bones to shatter made her scream, but it was for the best. So here she was, broken and bleeding. She was obviously in a very bad place. We both knew her end was near, so why not give her something to look forward to? I had just that morning mutilated her youngest son. He was a magnificent piece of bloody art. And since I video tape most of my kills, I told her I had a special movie for her! Now she can die knowing her loved one was on the other side waiting for her. Yes, random acts of kindness do go a long way.

My last home invasion is a perfect example. This young couple who were struggling to pay bills. They had the hardest time paying their mortgage. Well I of course entered the home and used my sledge hammer to bash in their skulls. First I doused them and their over priced home with gasoline. Lighting my cigarette with a match I tossed it on their bound bodies and inhaled the intoxicating odor of their flesh burning. Once I realized I could end their suffering much quicker, I smashed their heads and smiled at just how kind of an act that was. Not to mention they wont be struggling any longer! Today I will be kind as can be, can you say the same?

Hit Girl

Murder phone sex fantasiesEvery once in a while you meet someone who is so fucked up in the head you just have to look at them in awe.  Those are my kind of people!  I have a friend who I have known for about two years and he is one of these people.  He will scare you, not jump out and scream BOO scare you, but full on make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up on end when he walks into the room scare you.  I adore him.

This dude managed to fall in love.  Yes this surprised me, along with everyone else.  The woman he fell in love with was for lack of a better term…normal.  Not one freaky thing about her not even any ink or piercings but some how they ‘loved’ each other.  Well, up until a couple of months ago.  Seems that my friend’s craziness got the better of him and started to think his girl was fucking about on him.  Now from what I knew and had seen of her, she didn’t strike me as the type of woman who would do that.  She was always by his side if she wasn’t at work, she used his cell phone because she didn’t have her own, and as far as I know she hardly ever went on the net.  See what I mean about her not striking me as someone who fucks about on their man?

I asked him why he thought that and he said that he found a bunch of guy’s names written down in her appointment book.  I was like, “hello, it’s an appointment book! Of course there are going to be names of guys in there.”  However, he pointed out that there were times for them to meet and when she came back from these meetings she was always off a little bit. Alright, I can see why he thought she was going around on him.  Did he want to break up with her? Nope. Did he want to just stop seeing her? Nope.  Motherfucker wanted me to kill her.

Yup went from being crazy in love to just down right crazy.  Being the good friend I am, I said, “Sure.” That’s what friend’s do right?  Sooooooooooo, I know that before him she was dating a chick.  I know my shit is good so I said I would see if I could get her alone with me then I would do it.  I asked her and she said, that she would love to see me naked but couldn’t do anything because she was in a relationship. Again, not something someone who fucks around says, but I already told him I would.  Now I’m here, sitting and waiting for her to come to my house.  I am going to answer the door naked because less clean up for me if I am nude.  I’m not sure how I am going to do the deed yet, but I am sure I will come up with something.  The shit I do for friends…I swear.

Bloody Phone Sex with Venus: Happy Valentine’s Day to Me

bloody phone sex killer sexBe my bloody Valentine? I’m not a roses and candy kind of girl. I don’t want to watch The Notebook or Titanic. I don’t want to go to a fancy restaurant. I want to stalk, kidnap, torture and kill. I’m lucky, that I have so many men in my life that would rather give me a dead bitch than roses. One such sweetheart gave me a lovely present today. He booked us a romantic cabin in the woods. I knew John was up to something. He knows I’m not a typical romance kind of girl. I played along. The cabin was decorated with rose petals everywhere. A bottle of Pappy Van Winkle (about the best bourbon around) was on the coffee table. And, a trail of blood led to the bathroom.

Like a little girl on an Easter egg hunt, I followed the blood drops. There I found my present. This blonde whore who called me a freak a couple weeks ago when John and I were getting gas. I would have snuffed the bitch out right there if it had not been so public. But he loves me so. He went back, kidnapped her, and has had her on ice since then, waiting to give her to me today. She was bound, gagged, barely alive in the heart shaped tub waiting for me. Best Valentine gift ever. I looked over to the left and saw a table with all my favorite torture instruments. He knows how to turn me on. Normally, I take time to kill a victim. Savor the moment, but I had a romantic idea. I grabbed my big field knife, designed to gut deer and other large animals, shoved it in her belly and slit her wide open. Watched her blood, intestines and entrails spill out in the heart shaped tub.

John tossed her carcass to the side, we got in the tub and fucked in her bloody innards. Covered in her blood and guts, we came so hard. Very romantic. Best Valentine’s Day present ever. What would you give me on such a romantic day to prove your love? John set the bar high; so you better bring your A game or I might just gut you too.

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Cannibalism phone sex with Morticia

Taboo phone sex


Sitting here in this dark room just listening to the sound of moment and her whimpers is making my pussy wet. She is so young. I am thinking about keeping her training her to be my sick and twisted little pet. Who knew that this blonde hair blue eyed cunt would grab me for me in the dark because she is afraid. She must having something wrong with her brain. Or the fact that her parents beat her daily means she would rather be beaten that anything else. That is the kind of pet I want. She didn’t seem to mind eating parts of my last victim. I need to get rid of his body. The dogs only ate so much, mother and her “family” didn’t like how tough the meat was.

Taboo phone sex

I sit here in the dark thinking about everything. If I can train this nasty whore to be my pet things would be so different. I giggle to myself thinking about how long she has been down here in the dark. She must think its been one long night but really she has been locked down here and beaten in the dark for a week now. Fuck! Am I getting soft? Do I need to end this cunts life right now? No, I am still fucked up and crazy. I’ll go beat her for a while. That will make me feel better.

Torture Phone Sex with Toni: Better Than a Snuff Porn Video

Torture phone sex

The snuff porn streaming on the internet is NOTHING compared to the real thing. Hearing bones break and blood drip just doesn’t sound the same through computer speakers. When I hear someone scream, I want it be because of me. I don’t just want to see someone scared, I want to see the fear in their eyes. The smell and taste of blood is only better if it came from a fresh tortured victim. Sometimes I drag a knife across their flesh just to get a quick little taste. Another method I like to use, especially when I’m taking my time, is cutting into their flesh with rose thorns. If I’m in a really sadistic mood I might even fuck their cunt or asshole with it too!

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One time I was feeling really nasty, like I often do and I did something really sick. I took the thorny rose and shoved it down some poor bastard’s piss hole. I’ve never heard a man scream like such a little bitch before so now I do it all the time.
Any day that I get to hurt or torture somebody is a good day for me, It’s my secret addiction. I’m not sure how much of a secret it is anymore, but I still don’t want everyone to know. Do you know how hard it would be to find victims if everyone knew about what I’m up to? I’m sure it would make it more difficult and there’s no way I would want that! I’m enjoying myself too much now and I don’t think I’ll ever stop. Actually, no matter what I’ll never stop! At least not until I leave a lot of bodies behind…

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Pandora’s Box Where Trophies are Stored

Little trophies gathered from my victims I keep near and fucking dear. The darkness that fills my head and the joy I had in school dissecting things. With the frog I kept it’s tongue, the piggy… I had to have it’s heart. It’s no wonder that parents entrust me with their offspring. I suppose my persuasion and magic wins out all the time. rophies are good for magic. The most power one can hold over another is their life.

evil phone sex

I drain life from families, and these young sluts are shamed easily especially when I am taking their daddy’s seed in my mouth or cunt right there in front of them. Oh, and the wife/ mother, hahahaha… she won’t be a problem. The men and fathers I will hold their seed in my pus and when I get home… I take a big ole turkey baster and suck the cum outta my cunt. You may be wondering what I will do with it… I store it in lab specimen bottles and put them into a nitrous filled and sealed vat.

One may wonder why I am going through the trouble… well, I have a sick need of staging scenes and what better than to stage the semen of a girls daddy or their next door neighbor within and around the sweet young thing. Oh I am evil framing a daddy for a young brats death. I see no problem with that and none whatsoever in taking little bits of each sweet kill. 

Evil phone sex

Hunt and gather with me under a full moon, and we’ll see who the hunted will be.


Knife play phone sex with Makayla

Taboo phone sex

After daddy punished me like he did, he wanted to have a big family dinner. All of us are scared. Last time we had a family dinner we lost a girl. Daddy says manners  is real important. We have all kinds of forks and he cuts our meat for us. He says we cant have knifes because things can get messy. We all have to wait until daddy is done cutting up our food. We all know the rules but Charity didn’t wait this time. Daddy caught her eating and he said it was wrong. She didn’t ask permission. Daddy walked up to her and grabbed her by her head. He slammed her head into the table a bunch of times. While he kept asking the rest of us the rules. Then he took his big knife and put her hand out on the table and stabbed it. He made us all watch as he cut little bits off of Charity’s face. We were all scared. We knew this was the last time we would ever see her. It was sad but so excited to watch the life drain from her eyes as we all ate. Daddy was still angry. He threw his plate at Charity to see if she was still alive. She twitched and that made him see red. He made each one of us  stab her. while one was stabbing the her he was fucking us one by one. I am happy to say daddy was please with what I did. He kept me upstairs and made me help him get rid of her. Daddy was very pleased. I am still alive and happy in love with my daddy. 

Taboo phone sex

Mutilation phone sex with Ivy

Taboo phone sex Ivy 3

After last night’s party I really needed to relax and sleep off this massive hang over. I finally got home at sunrise and fell fast asleep when I started hearing screaming. For a second there I thought big daddy had gotten another one. The screaming turned into sounds of little fuckers playing. Fuck! These little fuckers were going hard. I finally got tired of it. I got up some clothes on. Did a line or 3 of my pure crystal rocks and grabbed my special candy. You know the kind of candy your parents always warned you about at Halloween. Some of it was laced with powerful drugs to make a grown man who is 300 pound be fucked up for days, and the other will cut your mouth up.

Taboo phone sex Ivy2

I grab my sunglasses and go outside. All that noise and it came from two cunts! Oh I was more than ready to make them shut the fuck up. I walked past them knowing they were rude little fucks. “hey lady. what kind of candy is that? I want some. Give me some right now!” I gave them the entire fucking thing. I walked around to the bench covered by the shade and watched as they ate and ate all this candy. I started to laugh as they were tripping balls. One of them started choking and tried to puke but all that came out was blood. She was so high she just kept eating the candy. It made my pussy wet just watching them suffer. I went back to the apartment and woke big daddy up but sliding my wet pussy down on his cock. Today was a good day!

Taboo phone sex Ivy