Tag: Bloody Phone Sex

Make mine rare, please.

cannibalism phone sexI have this crazy friend who loves the taste of human flesh. He is always telling me stories of how badly he wants to go out and get a young girl to deep fry. I laughed my ass off until I realized that he was telling the truth. Now I found myself aroused by that thought. With Halloween coming soon, I was feeling pretty wicked. Time to practice my evil skills and offer to be his accomplice.

He knew exactly where to find our victim. A local brat camp filled with the young and tasty. It was an easy grab and run. We brought her back to the dungeon where no one could hear her screams. It was time to prep her. First, we purged her by forcing laxatives down her throat and left her lying in her own piss and feces. A good hot pressure wash removed the nasty along with most of her skin. The sight of her lying there naked and scalded made my friend so horny that he couldn’t resist basting her insides with a few loads of cum. We violated every hole with a cock, bottles, and a piece of pipe. Her screams made me cum so hard. She figured out our plans when we set up a giant turkey fryer full of peanut oil. Her screams died down to pleas for her life and offers of anything we wanted. They all beg. It didn’t make a difference in the end, when my friend held her carcass over the fryer and dropped her in. One shrill cry and she was gone. I have to admit that she was quite tasty even though I prefer my flesh on the rare side.

Halloween is coming. Hide your brats and pets. I’m lurking nearby looking for fresh meat.

Hell Has Arrived

I could feel blood oozing from the 8 gashes he’d left on my body, never in the same place. I peeked one eye open just in time to see him taking the pipe back from Brandy. I took a deep breath, because I knew this next bit would be what would get the screams he was looking for. I squeezed my eyes shut and prepared myself as best I could in the few seconds between that time and the time I heard the pipe slice through the air, landing hard on the fleshy area between my rib cage and my hip on the left side. I shrieked with the pain of that pipe slamming into my innards. He swung it again quickly, striking the other side in about the same place. He hit both sides once more each, then swung lower and hit my hips on each side, then my thighs, drawing stronger screams with each blow.mutilation phone sex

When he finally stopped, I was heaving tearful wails, struggling to catch my breath. After a minute or 2, I realized nothing else had happened in a while, and I finally mustered up my courage to glance in his direction. He was moving closer, but the smile plastered on his face was ferociously scary. I noticed the pipe was still in his hand, and my worries doubled. My heart started racing faster, and I could literally feel the sweat start to pour from my skin. When he got just in front of me, he took that pipe, and he shoved it into my pussy until it hit bottom, then shoved more, almost like he was trying to force that pipe up through my body from my cervix. I screamed and thrashed, but that only made it worse, so I tried my best to be still and just endure it. He pulled it mostly back out, then pounded it deeper into my pussy, shoving harder. After what felt like another 5 minutes of that insistent, drilling pressure in my pussy, I felt it leave me.evil phone sex

I should have been prepared for it, but I wasn’t. Almost immediately after that was removed from my pussy, I felt it rammed into my ass, and I swear it felt like it went straight up my spine and into my neck, so forceful was his hand. I screamed in frustration and I cried. I looked pleadingly at Brandy, and she mouthed an apology for the pain I was going through, but gave me a thumbs up for taking it like a champ.


Daddy’s punishment

taboo phone sex *SMACK* another blow of his palm strikes my face, stinging my flesh. “You have a serious problem following instructions, don’t you, whore?!” I try to speak, but all I manage is a strangled gurgle when he yanks on my leash, making me fall to my face while he drags me across the room.

The concrete is so cold and rough, raking skin off of my face, my lips, my tits, and my knees. Little droplets of blood start forming all over the front of me on my milky, pale skin. “Now get our face in that fucking corner!” he orders. Turning painfully, I face the corner, bending low on my palms. He uses his foot to push my face to the floor. “I said ALL the way into the corner, slut!” I want to cry, but I’m not ready to, not yet. “Now grab those ass cheeks, and show me that nasty poop hole.” I do as I’m told, spreading them nice and wide. My little snatch is already dripping.

“You know you’re my nasty little cunt, don’t you?” here come the tears, “Yes, sir.” I reply. “And you know you upset me, don’t you?” I nod and squeak out “Yes, sir.” He growls under his breath, “Then you know why you’re getting punished.” I close my eyes against the dripping blood, trying to brace myself for whatever was about to come. Suddenly a searing pain tears open my tiny little asshole, filling my completely as he rams his fist into me, twisting and turning. A scream threatens to escape my throat, but I suppress it, and in a trembling voice I manage to say, “Thank you, daddy.”

What do you think my next punishment should be?


taboo phone sex I lay out everything we need on the coffee table, making sure there will be no delay when he arrives. I followed every instruction The note I was left said to. I get naked, and kneel, naked, on the floor between one end of the coffee table and the couch, and I wait. He’s coming up the hallway, I can hear him. The door opens. He’s tall, and his eyes aren’t just colored dark, but look dark. As ordered, I don’t speak. He locks the door behind him. He looks me over, feels the weight of each of my tits, opens my mouth, and sits down. Whipping his cock out, he orders me to move between his knees. He gets what he needs together from the table. “start sucking my junk, whore, I want to be in your throat when this hits.” I do exactly as I’m told. His cock is so dirty, and sweaty. Just how I like them. So I start going to town, cleaning every inch, and sucking him in deep when his meat springs to life. If I’m a good girl, maybe he’ll let me live when he’s done with me.

Brother’s favorite

taboo phone sex“I’m so tired” I thought to myself. I got so very drowsy at dinner tonight. I should have known something was wrong, but my head was just so fuzzy while I struggled to climb the stairs to my room. The next thing I registered, was not the pounding in my head, but the pounding in my ass! My mind frantically grasped and worked to come through the fog, and figure out what was happening to me. OOOHH but it hurt so nicely. I tried to speak, but all I could muster was a loud groan. SLAP across my face! “Shut the fuck up, you dirty little slut, mom will hear us!” Oh my god, that’s my brother’s voice. My big brother is fucking the hell out of my poor, tiny little asshole! My pussy flooded at the knowledge of my very own big brother’s hot, hard cock slamming into my small body again, and again! This isn’t the first time he’s hurt me. He likes drugging me, or surprising me out in the barn and pushing me down to have his way with me. He says if I ever tell on him I’ll be sorry. I struggle a little, but he’s so much bigger than I am! Besides, little does he know, this is exactly the playtime I love!

A Hell This Way Comes

I had an amazing day Sunday. Brandy, a friend of mine from https://fuckaliciousfreaks.com/, called me up and asked me to help her out with a caller. I agreed, because she’s a slammin’ hottie who can fuck like nothing. We usually have a good time.sadistic phone sex

This time, she tied me up immediately upon my agreement, and then hung me from a hook in her ceiling that I hadn’t really noticed before. Then, he walked in. I recognized him from a few of my own chats. My blood froze in my veins. The metal pipe in his hands did nothing to help matters, and my breath caught. I literally couldn’t breathe for several seconds. Brandy looked me in the eyes and promised she’d take care of me after we were done, and thanked me for helping her out. My eyes pleaded with her to let me out of this, but she winked at me and stepped to the side, out of my line of vision. rape phone sex fantasies

When she returned, she was carrying a whip in one hand and a knife in the other. He walked over to her and traded the pipe out for the whip. I closed my eyes and waited. I could literally hear the sound of the whip as it slashed through the air just seconds before I heard and felt the crack of it against my skin. It hit my left breast, gashing it, and I hissed in pain. The whip slashed through the air 7 more times as I gritted my teeth and hummed and grunted with the pain. I knew he enjoyed screams, and I wasn’t ready to grant him that pleasure. When he finally struck that 8th blow, and I heard him sigh, I knew he’d given up on the whip.


Come join me at Dark Fantasies for even more evil.

snuff phone sexWe stuffed her in the trunk, laughing our asses off. The little slut really thought she was going out with you. Oh, it’s gonna be a date all right but not one she’ll live to remember. I could barely wait to rip that slutty little mini skirt off and expose those fake tits.

You first told me about our victim about 6 months ago, how she was stalking your Facebook and following you around. When she showed up at my job telling me to stay away from her boyfriend, I knew she had to die. The bitch done messed with the wrong woman.

We drag her into the basement and tie her down. She is waking up now and starts spewing threats. I pull off her panties and stuff them in her mouth. Her eyes are huge with fear and that makes my pussy wet. You walk into the room clad in a black robe, your face almost covered. A punch to her face knocks several teeth out. Let the games begin.

A few hours later, she is almost beyond recognition. Her face is bruised a nice shade of purple and black. I’ve stabbed holes in her implants and a mixture of blood and silicon is leaking from the holes in her chest. You’ve violated every hole and fucked her with various objects. Now you are standing over her for the grand finale. I grab a scalpel and slide it slowly across her throat. The spurts of blood from her jugular are mixed with spurts of cum from your cock. We fuck like animals in a pool of her blood.

To read more tales of gore and sex, come visit DarkFantasiesphonesex.com for a cock stroking good time. Nothing is too taboo for a snuff girl.

I bet you never thought you would like this!

accomplice phone sexI know that you were under the impression that since I was your accomplice that I would just do whatever you asked without question… well you were very wrong my friend. I want to do things MY way, even if that is very different than what you think you want! This one guy learned that lesson very well yesterday; we had planned on attacking this bitch but what he didn’t know was that this particular woman had a little brat and that little brat was the one that I wanted to see all fucked up. My accomplice said that he wasn’t into girls that young but all men like young pussy… even if they don’t think that they do. I convinced him to let me blindfold him, he thought that I was forcing the mother to suck his cock and he was loving it… that’s when I ripped off the blindfold to reveal that it was the little brat sucking his cock. He was shocked but that didn’t make him stop… if anything it made him fuck her mouth even harder! Turns out that he likes them just as young as I do!

A Dish Served Ice Cold

taboo phone sex Be very careful who you piss off. I am not the one to piss off, that is for sure. Everything is all set up and ready, he just doesn’t know it yet. He thinks we are taking a nice drive in the country tonight to a deserted shack that we know of. He thinks it will be a nice romantic evening.He has no clue. Pulling up the head lights shine on the shack giving it an eerie glow. I spread out a blanket and pull out the wine glasses. Slipping the hallucinogen into his glass is easy and the high will enhance his fear. Fifteen minutes go by and I know the drugs are about to kick in. I take him by the hand and walk him into the old shack. There in the middle of the room is a dick cage attached to a metal steak that is deep in the ground. He doesn’t fight it and lets me lock his cock in giggling at the kinky game he thinks we are about to play. I pull out the knife I brought with me and stick it in the old wooden floor close enough for him to reach before setting the cabin on fire around him as I back away. As I am crossing the threshold he begins to scream frantically. Laughing I tell him he can survive if he cuts his cock off and can get out before he burns to death or bleeds to death.

Fantasy Phone Sex Gone Wild

Ever since I started hitchhiking my way across our amazing country, I’ve had some crazy interesting chats. I’ve been tied up, cut, slapped, punched, choked, kicked, stabbed, shot, strangled, mutilated, and aggressively fucked time and time again. It’s really opened my eyes to the pleasures that can be had through pain and suffering.Accomplice phone sex

I made a new friend the other day, and just today, she told me about one of her sites. https://darkfantasiesphonesex.com/

Apparently, it’s full of girls who live out a man’s deepest, darkest desires on a daily basis. Nothing is taboo, no topics are off limits, and no boundaries can be found anywhere at any time. She told me stories of some of the girls she works with. My adventures paled in comparison to the dark, sadistic pleasures that those ladies have. I have lots of learning to do, and lots of growing too, but I hope one day to find myself on https://darkfantasiesphonesex.com/.  Nothing would please me more than knowing that I can fulfill a man’s deepest and most deliciously painful fantasies.Bloody phone sex