Buckle up baby because this is about to be some real twisted, fucked up taboo phone sex right here. See, I got really fucked up, like the most fucked up I have ever been! I was trippin balls on acid and I did some real messed up shit to this bitch even though I was supposed to be saving her for a client. I had picked her up the night before and had chained the little whore down in my basement, the plan was to starve her for a few days to make her weak and then my friend was going to come and torture her to death. Well that ain’t gonna happen now! I was all fucked up and she made the mistake of screaming her fool head off… in my drug addled state that shit sounded like a wolf howling and all the sudden it was like I was an animal myself! I practically flew down the stairs and jumped on her and just started biting her everywhere, ripping and tearing through her flesh like I was a starving animal! It was all a blur for me, I was just tearing her apart using nothing but my teeth! I was in a total frenzy until my blood lust was quenched and I passed out only to wake up with blood all over me and a sore jaw. Oh well, guess I will have to go hunt a replacement whore tonight…
Category: Torture phone sex
This is some fucked up taboo phone sex!
Ass rape porn
I was selling some washers in he news paper and had someone call me to tell me that he was interested in purchasing them. He showed up at my house later that night and seemed really interested in taking the washers and giving me some really good money for them as well. I Was kind of uncomfortable since he seemed more interested in me then that acual washers that I had for sale. He asked me questions like where is your boy friend, and how do you like living all by your self and where is your furry friend, and does your room mate know you are selling the washers? I had this bad feeling that this guy was going to do something bad to me but I ignored the feeling just because I was really needing the money. I walked him past the garage near the guest bed room when suddenly I was pushed into the bed room and forced on the bed. I screamed and started punching and scratching this man hoping he would go away. I just made him more angry since he kept puching me in the face until I stopped attacking and screaming. My face was covered in blood and I lost the will to fight. The man forced him self on top of me pulling my pants off and forcing his precumed cock inside of me. I laid on the bed as I watched this indvidual use me like a cum rag. Fucking me hard so hard that I came all over his cock from the clitoral stimulation. I guess that turned him on since he had no problem cumming inside of me telling me that he hopes I get pregant with his baby. that man never bothered me again and he never purchased my washers. I guess next time I should just not sell anything with out another person being present.
Torture Phone Sex is My Normal
Everywhere I have gone, and with everything I have done, torture sex has found its way into every aspect of my life. Hitchhiking along the roads and by-ways of the US, I find myself repeatedly kidnapped and subjugated for hours to days at a time. Stopping in small towns to use the restroom, or to visit the beach or local tourist spots, people grab me at random, drag me off to isolated places, and torture sex is had.
No matter what town I find myself in, no matter how good my intentions are or how much I attempt to protect myself, the outcome is inevitable. Torture sex has basically become a fact of life for me, by this point, and I’m not sure I’ll know what to do with myself if it ever stops. I guess I’ll just have to be a nomad, and spend my life criss-crossing our great country, exploring, and looking for the next tortuous fuck. My pussy is getting all wet and throbby just thinking about it.
Don’t Just Fuck Me
Do you want some snuff phone sex? I love my job I get to talk about my evil fantasies and kinky things I have done lately. I would love if you just bent me over and just shoved that hard cock right into my asshole with no lube or no spit. I want to feel it ripping open and blood running down my legs. Then take my blood and just put it right on the rim of my asshole and use it as lube. Just shove that fucking blood deeper in to my asshole. Make it cum out of my mouth! Pinch my nipples untill they bleed! Make them hurt. I love how it hurts and how it stretches me open. I love anal gaping don’t you?
She had to pay her debt somehow!
This stupid bitch got herself in a whole lot of trouble and it is her own damn fault! What did she like was going to happen? That he was going to forgive her debt and just let her live? She must have gotten him all mixed up with a much kinder man because this guy doesn’t believe in mercy and he would never ever forgive a debt… if you can’t pay in money you will pay in blood! That’s why he came to me, he wanted my help tracking her down because she would never suspect a woman like me would have anything to do with any of this… I can look quite innocent if I want to. It was easy, I just showed up at her job and got her to help me bring my purchases out to my car, once we were outside it was a very simple matter to just knock her over the head and shove her into the trunk of my car. Then we were off to my place where her life was about to end in the most viscous, painful way possible!
Ass Rape Porn / Butt Rape Porn: Every Man Enjoys Anally Torturting a Whore
Ass rape porn, butt rape porn, pretty much the same thing. Guys love force fucking women in the ass. At least they love force fucking me in the ass. I was at this dive bar in my neighborhood Friday night looking to score after hours. I wasn’t looking to be gang banged and anally tortured, but that’s what I got. I sat at the bar quietly for a bit doing shots of Tequila as I felt the stare of the me around me. I was working up enough guts to ask strangers where I could get some crack. I guess a tall blonde goddess walks into a dive local bar she either wants to score cock or coke. I decided that I was out of my league there. I got a bad vibe. I try to listen to my gut. I paid my bill, left a nice tip and headed to the door. I had my hand on the handle when my hair was yanked with such force, it made my scalp bleed. “Not so fast whore. Where are your manners,” one guy seethed to me as he pressed a knife against my throat. He shoved me down on my knees and forced me to suck his cock. Normally, I love cock sucking, but I don’t often do it at knife point.
He pressed the knife into my throat hard enough so I bled. I dripped blood onto his cock as he skulled fucked me. More guys gathered around the “blonde skank” to get their turn at a fuck hole. No one wanted to wait their turn, so the leader of the pack dragged me on top of the pool table so the bar flies could gang up on me 2-3 a hole. After my ass was filled with a gallon of cum, one guy rammed a pool stick up my shitter so hard, I felt it tear my insides. I let out a scream, but that just pissed off the ringleader so he slit my throat. I laid in a pool of my own blood making gurgling sounds till everything went dark and cold.
Creamy Cum Dumpster
I stay in bed all day thinking about how badly I need to be fucked. To be manhandled and tortured until knocked unconscious. I need a man who will tie me down and fuck me hard in every hole. He’ll stretch out my tight little asshole while his friends ravage me by fucking my face and my pussy. I’m gagged and bloody already from this hardcore gangbang. They’ll fuck me until they bust their heavy load. Filling me up like a cream filled donut. Then drop me on the floor and jiz all over my stomach and face. Choking me with their thick and steamy cum. I gag hard on that shit, as it fills my nose and mouth, cutting out my breath. My nipples harden at the thought of coming mere moments from death. I’m always craving a good torture fucking gangbang by pussy craving pervs. I didn’t get my wish but I did get a nice and warm creamy filled donut.
Bloody playtime
You smile when you come in and see the present I caught you, all curled up and whimpering in her nasty little cage. I don’t know why she bothers, no one can hear her fucking pathetic little cries here, anyway.
I know I’m your favorite little whore, but I wanted to bring you something special tonight, something tiny. You tell me you want to watch, so I open the cage and drag her little cunt ass out. She’s so small, it’s easy, even for me. I already had everything set up, and decked out with all your favorite sharp, shiny toys. I fasten her to the cold, metal table. She’s thrashing, but a hard slap to her face fixes that.The look of terror in her wide eyes, making my lips drip,
I can feel my cunt ooze, feeling your eyes upon me, getting your hard cock off on what I’m about to do.
I start slicing the little twat apart, one piece at a time. Rubbing her hot blood all over my tits and horny pussy. I lick her tears from her face, and whisper in her ear, “they’re never going to see you again, you little fucking slut.”
Just wait and see what happens next!
Murder phone sex Fantasies about the girl next door.
My neighbor was an older man, I never thought he would be a crazed man looking for sex in a brutal way. He has lived next door to me all of my life. He was always a very nice man. He always had the best decorations at every holiday! Last year he fell while he was taking down his Christmas decorations. He broke his arm and needed help, he offered to pay me by the hour to come help him take everything down. Once I had taken everything down I had to box it up and take it into the basement. The vibe I got while being down there scarred me. He yelled down to me to grab something from the back room down there.. Then the lights went out. I screamed and he yelled down to me how to find the breaker box, but I was in darkness. I couldn’t see anything.. Suddenly someone grabbed me, covered my mouth and told me if I screamed he was going to skin me alive. He blind folded me, stripped me naked and I could hear the flash of his camera.
He tied my hands behind my back with a rope tightly around my neck cutting off my airflow making it very hard for me to catch my breath. If I tried to move I would end up chocking myself. Which is what he wanted. The blind fold came off and there was my neighbor. His arm was out of his cast and just fine. He started slapping my body with a string of lights. I tried to struggle and it made the rope tighten. The tighter it got the worse the torture was. He grabbed one of his Christmas gnomes and started force fucking my pussy with his hat. Shoving inside of me making me fuck it. He kept saying I was such a dirty worthless fucking whore. He showed me the gnome hat and said look at how fucking wet this is, that’s how I know you want me. He start forcing his cock inside of me. Brutally fucking me, making me struggle and slowly choking myself as I started to cum on his cock. Next thing I know I was fully dressed and in my back yard… As if nothing happened to me.. Was it a dream?
I found the perfect victim
I found the perfect little victim for my next snuff sex film, the only problem was the fact that I was going to have to trick my male star into fucking her. See, he likes to think that he only likes grown ass women… I am here to tell you that every man lusts after little girl pussy whether they believe it or not! I came up with a simple plan, I told him that to begin with he would be blindfolded and not allowed to touch the bitch, I lied and said that it was just to build up his excitement and once she gagged on his cock for a bit that I would allow him to remove the blindfold and abuse her. Well, once she had her sweet little mouth on his cock he into it, he was moaning and thrusting it deep down her throat… and that is when I ripped off that blindfold and let him see he was face fucking a little girl. Oh he was shocked but that didn’t stop him from continuing to abuse her in the slightest! He kept right on forcing her to do all sorts of depraved things before we finally killed her and in the end thanked me for pushing his limits!