Category: Taboo phone sex

Castration Phone Sex Revenge Serves as Therapy for Women

castration phone sexCastration phone sex weekends seem perfect for a sick bitch like me. And when I saw this woman’s post on the dark web looking for assistance to neuter some enemies, I knew I would be the right sadistic bitch for the job. So, I took it. Seemed like an easy gig.

However, when I met with my client, I discovered she was not a woman. A teen girl hired me to get revenge on the high school boys who drugged her, assaulted her and then bragged about it to their school friends. And soon the whole school turned against her.

Although what she told me seemed right out of a Lifetime movie, I had no reason to doubt her. She showed me all the mean comments and posts her fellow teens made on her social media. Poor girl. She seemed to be living in a nightmare she did not know how to end. But I know revenge can help ease the mind and heal the soul.

I took this job for free. A teen girl the victim of a high school gangbang rape porn, deserved her revenge. Although I am not the most charitable person in the world, I wanted to help end her nightmare. And revenge could do that for her. So, I neutered her enemies, one by one this weekend.

Sometimes, Revenge Helps Ease the Pain

What fun I had too. I stopped 6 predators from growing into adult predators. She helped me lure each of her attackers to me. My cabin in the woods transformed into a teen boy torture chamber. As each boy arrived, he discovered one of his buddies drugged, naked and tied up on the floor. Usually, I utilize my castration chair, but this marked the first time I ever participated in a mass castration. And this way seemed more efficient.

Each boy started to wake up from the drugs I gave them. And they each realized they had a castration band around their balls. I told them what would happen to them soon enough. And I discussed the ramifications of their actions. They turned this schoolgirl into their teen rape porn star and thought they got away with it.

I let their victim get her revenge and power back. She severed their balls with a knife, and I cauterized the wound. I wanted to kill them. No way any authorities would believe a young innocent girl could murder 6 strapping teen boys. But she wanted them to live with the daily reminder of what they did to her. So, I let them live. But they will live neutered and unable to procreate or fuck normally ever again. Felt good to help this girl. I think my brand of therapy might have been just what she needed.

Snuff Sex Makes My Pussy Squirt

I have always been very into snuff. I have an evil streak that when I see someone getting hurt my pussy tingles, My ultimate snuff fantasy is to suffocate a nice young innocent girl by sitting on her face. I want the last thing she tastes and smells is my pussy. I can imagine how it would feel to have her fighting for her life and it wouldn’t do her any good, she is completely overpowered by me. Then while I am sitting on her face suffocating the life force out of her my man can be violating her pussy and every other hole he desires.  If you are looking at it. I am doing her a favor,  She will have the ultimate pleasure. They say the best orgasm ever is one you have when you are suffocating.

snuff sex

I want her to die while struggling to breathe and choking on my fucking cum.  As she struggles and moves her face around to try to save herself she will rub my clit and that is going to make me squirt right into her little face. When she is finally still, I am going to live my ultimate fantasy and watch my man fuck the shit out of the little cold-dead bitch.  I want him to fuck her little tiny dead pussy and then I want to see her little dead ass get sodomized. I would love to see his dick in her little dead mouth.  I am going to have to play with my pussy extra hard when he fills that little lifeless mouth with cum. I know I am an evil sadistic bitch and I am proud of it.  Writing this blog got me really thinking about my fantasy and now I have a date with my vibrator. I need to cum so fucking bad!

Snuff Porn Makes Me Wet Like It Makes Your Hard

snuff pornSnuff porn gets me wet just like it gets you hard. And I love to watch a little snuff flick as foreplay. Turns me on to see some other blonde bimbo get gang banged, ass fucked and tortured.  Used to be me. Not so much anymore. I morphed into the accomplice role. One of my newest lovers wants me to help train his niece to be a fuck slut. Get this. I had no clue she’d been missing for over a year. He kidnapped her and made it look like she ran away. And she’s been living in a bunker under his house.

When he told me that, I was not sure if I should fear him or fuck him. Seriously, he had a more devious mind than I ever thought. This young girl appears to be the age where she is not quite a girl anymore, however, she is not quite a woman yet. The kind of girl men pay good money to explore their rape phone sex fantasies with. Honestly, this new lover’s mind might be as devious as my last master.

Let Me Be Your Accomplice Partner

I soon discovered he sought me out to date just so I could play house with him and his kidnapped niece. He fucked her already. I mean how could he hold off. She’s been in his dungeon for over a year now. We went down to see her. She looked well cared for. No visible marks, well feed and clean too. However, she did look scared. I would be too if I was in her shoes. Her cage appeared bigger than a jail cell. She could move around. He gave her a toilet, TV and refrigerator. She looked better cared for than my father cared for me.

I went into the cage and ate her pussy. His idea. Get her warmed up to me. I do not think he plans on ever killing her. But I told him he might have to eventually. She will age out for him like all teen rape porn stars do eventually. But in the meantime, I get to help train her to be the best little whore she can be. Our journey has just begun. I can make a lot of a snuff flicks with them. What would you do with a sweet young thing in your basement?

Vampires Are Fucking Sexy

I have always been tuned on by vampires. I love the concept of seducing someone with my undead pussy and adding them to my army of night creatures. In my fantasy, I am prowling around a club looking for a live cock to turn into an undead cock with my bite.  I finally found my target. It is easy to lure him into my lair AKA my apartment with the promise of an all-night fucking session. I am not lying he will get fucked like he has never been fucked before just by the end of it he will be a creature of the night. The first thing I do is out his cock into my slutty undead mouth and I gave him the. best blow job he has ever had. His eyes are rolling into the back of his head. I have powers of seduction. Then he gets a look at my tits. They are perfect. Once you become a vampire you are physical perfection.  He starts to lick them and suck my nipples. I am now moaning at the top of my lungs and can’t wait to sink my fangs into him.  He is a really good fuck and he will be a great addition to my army of undead fuck boys. He finally slips his enormous cock into my wet pussy and it feels so fucking good. He was fucking me so hard, that he was oblivious to the fact I just popped my fangs out.  As he is cumming I am going to sink them into his neck,  I felt his cock begin to spasm and I made my mood. I sank my teeth deep into his neck and got a taste of his blood. It was exquisite. After his cock was drained he began his transformation. he was now physical perfection and ready t fuck some more.  I think I am going to send him out to get me some young girls for my undead fuck club.

gothic phone sex


Blasphemy sex in the Catholic reformatory for the Devil

Blasphemy sexBlasphemy sex happens when a man or woman of faith gets seduced by a demonic brat! Daddy tried to fend off the evil from my soul when I was little. Mommy Put me in a Catholic boarding school and threatened exorcisms if I didn’t change my ways. 

Hit one little girl in the head and stick a toy up her cunny, and suddenly you are evil! As if daddy’s extracurricular activities of bring home whores and making them disappear had nothing to do with me emulating what I had seen. God, Mommy was such a dumb cunt.  Being the daughter of a serial rape fantasy killer had its effect on me.

Blasphemy sex in the Catholic reformatory for the Devil

Little did they know how evil I would really turn out to be. So off to catholic school I go to ruin some men and women of the cloth. My plans were not a ceremonial Gangbang rape porn for the dark lord. Being who I am, I was inclined to corrupt the most pious of church elders. The nuns who taught me were pent-up with sexual need. They thought they were mean, but I was meaner. One swat to my hands with the ruler and the nun would find herself being fisted and choked in the kitchen.

I made nuns and priest go evil

That would not be enough, so I decided to call on Satan’s powers to disseminate the whole school and fore sinister orgasm on every one under the roof.  I called upon the darkness and watched as the school was transformed into a scene of debauchery.

Gangbang rape porn in the Catholic school

As wave over wave of demonic ecstasy washed over the adults, I giggled, knowing soon they would do what every one knows to be true. Girls and boys were pulled into piles of fuck meat. The nuns were trembling with pleasure and the elders were trembling with fear. With No restraint they fucked each other and all the young students including me. Watching as the scene unfolds, I know I ruined so many lives by bringing evil where ever I go! Taboo phone sex with an evil brat gets blasphemous.

Rape phone sex fantasies with your wife using little sis cunt

Once you have been used for Rape phone sex fantasies it’s like men know and want to use you for that too. It was unlike for me that I got hired to be a babysitter for my neighbors a few houses down. They went out and came back drunk. When I woke up, he was stroking his cock in my face. “You look like my youngest sister when she was a teeny slut” he moaned as he kept stroking his cock. Since my uncle had done this many times I froze. “I think it’s time for me to go home,” I said as I started to get up.

Rape phone sex fantasies

That’s when his wife, who was naked, grabbed me from behind. “She does look like your sis did,” she teased. “We should do what we did to her back then” she suggested as her hands started to tie mine up. Once my hands were tied up, I just gave up. My uncle would get me the same way and the more I fought the better he liked it. They both ripped my clothes off and laid me down. She started to rub my clit and I couldn’t help but get wet. “This little rapewhore likes it” she said as she licked her fingers. “Open her legs,” he said as his cock started to leak. Therefore, she mounted my face, and I knew I had to lick her.

As I licked her clit, she opened my legs, and he rammed his big cock in my teeny pussy. “Fuck this bitch has been fucked before” he grunted as he fucked me. She forced me to enjoy it by rubbing my clit. It didn’t take much more licking before she started to feed me her juices. “Cum in her like you did your little sis that night” she moaned at the same time. Remembering his little sister’s abuse, made him cum hard. “Fuck I wanted to save my loaf for her ass” he moaned. “We can make some Ass rape porn, we paid for the whole night” she said teasingly.

Evil phone sex: Back Alley Bating

 Evil phone sex


I ran into this dude’s gaze at the bar, and damn, his eyes were like a chainsaw to my panties. They held a bloody lust that got my cunt dripping.

He dragged me to the alley like a stray dog on a leash. Lucky me.

Against the wall, he choked me with his meaty hands, and I loved it. That’s the kink I craved—a dominator who’d treat me like the filthy whore I am.His nasty fingers ripped apart my dress, leaving me exposed. Perfect.He growled like a wild animal, declaring me his possession. Yeah, sure, we’ve heard it all before, but the way he said it… sent shivers down my spine.

He went straight for the kill, plunging his face into my cunt and lapping up my juices like they were the last drops of water on earth. I writhed and moaned, practically begging him to suffocate me with his dick.He called me a ‘good little cum slut’, and that turned me the fuck on.

After some nasty oral foreplay, he slammed into me. No romance, just raw, unfiltered banging. My tits bounced like basketballs, and my ass cheeks rattled with each thrust.I begged him to spank me, to leave his mark. The more I pleaded, the rougher he got, slapping my face and pulling my hair.

We were animals—no, devils—in a back alley orgy from hell. And I loved every second of it.

His final thrusts were violent, like he wanted to fuck me into the afterlife. And when he unleashed his load, I felt like the whore that I am—drenched in sweat, cum, and dirty af.

Snuff Porn Star Blair Pimped Out

snuff pornHe told me I was born to be a snuff porn star. And I believed him. But in my defense, he got me fucked up on some strong coke. He picked me up at a bar where he found me on a pool table, drunk, high and letting men use me. Just a typical night for a cheating druggy whore. When Max came into the bar, I think he was looking for easy prey. And he found me already doused in cum.

He took me home. But not to my home. I would not call Max a gentleman. He took me to some warehouse in the middle of nowhere. Perfect location to make snuff movies he told me because no one can hear the screams. I felt too fucked up to really process what he said to me at the time.

Since I am no stranger to men using me, I thought that was all Max planned for me. But besides a gang bang these men wanted to torture me too. As about 50 men stood around me, I watched Max collect money. He pimped me out. Profited off them fucking me. And torturing me too.

I am Destined for Snuff Stardom

Some of the men just fucked me like a whore and left. However, others showed their misogynistic side. Some men choked me and slapped me while fucking me. Yet others burned my flesh with their cigarettes. A few of the men used me as their private toilets too. They forced me to guzzle their urine as well as their cum. One guy had what felt like a gallon of piss. He held my noise until I swallowed it all.

Max used me as his gangbang rape porn star. Although I have no idea how much money he made, he seemed very pleased with the outcome. He gave me some coke and left me in the dark, damp warehouse to find my own way home. At least I survived the night.

Snuff sex whore fell victim to violent BBC

No one is safe from him. Anyone that gets on my Master’s radar is in for it. Doesn’t matter if you are his family. Certainly didn’t matter to Master to turn his faggot little brother into Snuff sex whore. When my Master found out his little brother’s love for BBC, it gave him inspiration. He tricked the poor little faggot, he surprised him with methed up crazed black hard cock. Snuff sex

The cameras were rolling and they got to it. At first he tried to get away but as soon as those guys grabbed him he submitted. I loved the way they savaged him. Big black cock became utterly violent stretching out his tight little hole! That hole was turned into a cum dump for big black cocks, and it was everything I could have hoped for.

The blood splattered every where, it made me want to get a taste too. While BBC is stretching out his tight bloody bussy, I got on my knees and sucked on some black bloody balls.My Master, trying to hold in his laughter, seemed to really enjoy himself, watching his little brother become a snuff whore right before his eyes.

That fag took to his new role like a fish to water, becoming the ultimate Snuff porn star! His ass was ripped wide open, bleeding profusely, I had to bathe myself in it. With every brutal thrust of those big black cocks he begged for mercy, but never got it. 

His hole was completely wrecked when they were done with him. His bloodied bussy was over flowing with cum. I of course did what a good slave whore would do and suck all that yummy cum. All of that sperm and blood filled my mouth. I didn’t swallow it. I spit it in that little fag’s dying face. The last thing he got to see was this beautiful face.

Torture sex is not for everyone I guess, but I think those fucks are just cowards. Only the brave go beyond, challenging the status quo. I even think the fag was brave for truly fulling his purpose. 


Evil Phone Sex Fantasies Help Us Deal with Stress

evil phone sexEvil phone sex cures the dog days of summer. Seems to be a heat wave across the country. Politics pissing people off. Heat pissing people off. And we all need a little escape. I know I do. And killing and torturing people helps me deal with stress. Plus, it makes the world a better place because I rid the world of assholes and bitches.

And yesterday, I murdered an annoying couple I met by happenstance. As a Goth chick with a murderous streak, I still do regular things like grocery shop. And while I was in the produce aisle a couple hit on me. I mean they wanted to go Goth for a moment. Do I look like the kind of woman you can approach about having a threesome? No, I don’t. I look like the kind of woman who will put you in snuff movies.

Although I politely declined, they followed me through the aisles talking about their Goth girl curiosity. No means no. And if I need to tell you more than once, you better pray for your life. After their final attempt, I agreed. But I was not fucking these vapid swingers. I had something else in mind. Sexual mutilation and murder.

Evil Fantasies Cure Those Summer Blues

When I showed up, they offered me a drink. I carry these strips around with me that let me know if a drink is spiked. And sure, enough it was. I do not think they wanted to fuck me. But I drugged them before finishing my drink. Their plant enjoyed my roofied wine. And I enjoyed the torture sex. When they woke up, they discovered that I tied them up. And they did not appear happy. But they appeared even less happy when I sexually mutilated their junk.

I carved up her pussy. And afterwards it resembled raw hamburger meat. And of course, I removed his balls. But I put his severed testicles in his wife’s mouth for shits and giggles. I spent hours there. Even though I enjoyed torturing them, I had to kill them. They saw my face. So, I slit their throats and left them to bleed out on their bed. Least they can go to hell together.