Castration phone sex is popular with me. I do a lot of castration calls weekly, but every now and then I meet a candidate for the Darwin Awards. Chuck was this week’s winner in my opinion. I met him months ago. He hired me to castrate him, then backed out at the last minute. It happens more often than I like. It is the reason I take a half payment up front. It is nonrefundable. I will not just let a small dick loser back out of an agreement without getting something out of it for my time. Chuck has been calling for months trying to get me to castrate him again, but I do not give losers a second chance to screw me over. My time is precious and there is a lot of preparation that goes into getting ready for a castration phone sex call.
Two nights ago, this Darwin candidate showed up bleeding at my front door. I was not sure how he knew where I lived. I never give out that information. He must have stalked me. I let him in my house, but he was not going to leave. The fucking idiot tried to castrate himself and ending up taking everything. He took his cock. He wanted to pay me to attach his dick back on. He was not Lorena Bobbitt’s husband, and I was not a nurse. I was not going to attach his Frankenpenis. This stupid mother fucker deserved to die. He was too stupid to live. He managed to cauterize his wound. I could let infection set in and turn his body septic, or I could kill him because he was too stupid to live. I mean he really mutilated his junk. I was surprised he was still walking and talking.
I was a bit disappointed that I could not remove his dick, but he did save me his worthless balls. I do love castration phone sex. I have a lot of sharp knives and even an old death row electrocution chair I converted into a castration chair. No one does more dick removal than me. Since Mr. Darwin Award did most of it for me, I was left with killing him. In his weakened state, he was no match for me. I was able to tie him up and carve up his body. I removed his nipples first. I cut his tongue out too.I saved the balls for last. Well not completely last because I stabbed his asshole with the knife I would have used to cut off his junk. The loser came to a castration queen to save his life. He definitely deserves the Darwin Award because Chuck is the stupidest man alive. Well, he was the stupidest man alive.