Category: Snuff sex

Castration Phone Sex for Darwin Award Winners

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is popular with me. I do a lot of castration calls weekly, but every now and then I meet a candidate for the Darwin Awards. Chuck was this week’s winner in my opinion. I met him months ago. He hired me to castrate him, then backed out at the last minute. It happens more often than I like. It is the reason I take a half payment up front. It is nonrefundable. I will not just let a small dick loser back out of an agreement without getting something out of it for my time. Chuck has been calling for months trying to get me to castrate him again, but I do not give losers a second chance to screw me over. My time is precious and there is a lot of preparation that goes into getting ready for a castration phone sex call. 

castration phone sexTwo nights ago, this Darwin candidate showed up bleeding at my front door. I was not sure how he knew where I lived. I never give out that information. He must have stalked me. I let him in my house, but he was not going to leave. The fucking idiot tried to castrate himself and ending up taking everything. He took  his cock. He wanted to pay me to attach his dick back on. He was not Lorena Bobbitt’s husband, and I was not a nurse. I was not going to attach his Frankenpenis. This stupid mother fucker deserved to die. He was too stupid to live. He managed to cauterize his wound. I could let infection set in and turn his body septic, or I could kill him because he was too stupid to live. I mean he really mutilated his junk. I was surprised he was still walking and talking. 

castration phone sexI was a bit disappointed that I could not remove his dick, but he did save me his worthless balls. I do love castration phone sex. I have a lot of sharp knives and even an old death row electrocution chair I converted into a castration chair. No one does more dick removal than me. Since Mr. Darwin Award did most of it for me, I was left with killing him. In his weakened state, he was no match for me. I was able to tie him up and carve up his body. I removed his nipples first. I cut his tongue out too.I saved the balls for last. Well not completely last because I stabbed his asshole with the knife I would have used to cut off his junk. The loser came to a castration queen to save his life. He definitely deserves the Darwin Award because Chuck is the stupidest man alive. Well, he was the stupidest man alive. 

Snuff me out baby

snuff sex

Come over and make me your stupid slut. I want you to make me have snuff sex with you because I am the dirtiest little bitch ever. I am pretty sure you want to see me bleed out because every time you see me cry, you get extra hard. You know you will make me your little bitch. You don’t even need my consent.

You are free to fuck me over however you want. Women were meant to please men, and we are all pathetic and inferior. Feminist whores need to know their place, and it is beneath a man sucking him off and letting him beat her to a bloody pulp. I have allowed every man that has crossed my path to make me wish I was dead by all the pain they cause my cunt.

Prostitution For Daddy!

Snuff Sex

Tonight daddy told me to get dressed up really slutty so I could make him some extra money! I woke up to a gift from daddy and brother, a little pink lingerie set with a pretty bow on the back, it was prettier than any of my other clothes so I was excited to wear it. Little did I know that daddy had a plan to rent out my little pussy for some drugs and extra cash. Daddy tied me to the bed and gave me two molly pills so I got really wet and horny for any cock in my cunt. Two guys entered my room together with their dicks so hard, I loved the way they fucked me, they took turns stuffing my holes and making me cum on their dicks. I had a cunny full of cum within a few hours and all I could think of was taking more cock in my holes all night long.

Snuff Porn Sunday

snuff pornSnuff porn Sundays are a thing with my stepson and me. My husband is watching sports all day and I go visit his boy. My husband thinks my relationship with his son is maternal. It is nothing of the sort. I go to visit him so I can get some free coke. Well, I guess it is not really free because I have to work for it. And his relationship to me is out of necessity. He needs me. I am his cash cow. I am his 911 call because if he needs money, I can help him make it. He needed money. I needed coke. We helped each other out early this morning. When I arrived, I knew the drill. I knew I would have to subject myself to his violence. Today was a bit different. He had another woman tied to a chair waiting for me. I was not sure what was going to happen, but I was nervous. Since she was tied to the chair, my guess was she was not there to hurt me. He was going to abuse two hot milfs at once. He started on her, and what he did made me nauseated. He burned her flesh. First, with cigarettes. Then with a hot poker from the fire place. The Bitcoin sounds were going crazy. He was making bank. What was he going to do to me? Her flesh was peeling off her body. He was going to kill her. He has never killed a woman before.  At least not to my knowledge. Then suddenly, he untied me and told me to pick up a poker. It was not a choice. I could tell if I was not his accomplice phone sex partner, I would be tortured to death too. The Bitcoins were on fire and so was this woman. I felt guilty and sick to my stomach over what I did. My stepson is a murderer and I helped him. But I survived and I got coke.

Sadistic phone sex Pleasures

Pleasure for me means pain for you. My Sadistic phone sex pleasures are geared around me destroying a worthless asshat or some little brat. I have no qualms on the age of who I destroy. I am a murderess… a serial killer by profession. The things that get me off is maybe a little psychopathy but it’s good. I am of solid mind and when I am feeling down a little drink and torture of a worthless fuck meats cock is awesome. I feast on blood of virgins. I masturbate with the fluid from brains of my victims. Fuck even the dumbest have fluid full of stem cells that will fuel my own regenerative guidance. I will destroy you bitch and you have nothing but pleasure of me doing what I do.

Sadistic phone sex

So if you want a taste of my kind of fun then we can party like vampires. I will stroll in the cemetery and find you a fresh corpse to dig up and see if you can actually get it up and fuck the dead cunt for me.

Dating a Taboo Phone Sex Whore

taboo phone sex

When you are a taboo phone sex whore, guys call you for all sorts of dark things. When you are dating a man who finds out you work for a snuff line, the same is true. I have been seeing Alex for a few weeks now. We met in a fetish club, so he knew I had some kinks I like to explore. When I told him about my job, he did not freak out. Most men freak out when they find out I do phone sex. They do not want to hear a thing. Alex wanted to know everything. He wanted to hear what men’s most violent fantasies were. He asked about how wet I get on snuff sex calls. He asked me if I would ever meet one of my callers. I explained that we sign a contract for our safety and the safety of the company not to meet anyone. He then asked me if I could meet any of my callers, who would it be. I thought it was a trick question, so I assured him there was no one I talk to that I would want to meet. Then his entire demeanor changed. He got this angry look in his eye, and he punched in the face. My nose and lip started bleeding. I was shocked. Then a nightmare unfolded before my eyes. He was a caller. Not a recent one, and one honestly, I had forgotten about because he was a tad obsessed. He stalked me, found out where I lived, and set me up. He was angry I did not remember him fondly and that I would not want to meet him. My new boyfriend was a psycho killer. His hands were around my throat squeezing so hard, I thought I might puke. I passed out instead. I woke up on a burning bed, screaming for my life. Pleading for my life, but he just sat there with sad eyes and a psychotic smile watching me burn to death.

Murder, Mayhem & a Slutty Cunt

Murder, Mayhem and a slutty cunt are the makings for a horror movie, but it’s my life. As a snuff whore I make it barely out of the weekend alive. It’s totally true that I love to be destroyed, over and over again. I live the life of a dark and filthy overture that is on an endless loop. Some days it feels like a death loop to be real. I wish I did die some of these nights of pure and utter horror. The burning of my cunt when I pee after it being destroyed and looking like ground beef. I fucking swear it practically makes me need to rub one out as I pee in such delirious pain.

My tits get bruised and bloodied. My lips are swollen and a black and blue eye stairs back at me in the bathroom mirror as I see my hair matted with jizz. I am a walking fuck doll after a frat party of hormone high and drunk fraternity boys. They would bash me about and take their turns on me. Every hole left ripped, gaped and jizzed in. I will smell like cheap beer, urine ass and cum. This is my reality and it’s 99% of the time caught on film.

Murder phone sex Fantasies

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

murder phone sex fantasiesDo you have murder phone sex fantasies?  I hope so. I am full of them. People think I am full of rage if I want to kill so many people. Not at all. I just like killing. I do not kill folks I hate or have beef with because that is a trail that leads back to me. I have gotten revenge, but it has been years later and usually done by an accomplice. I like to trade murders. That is where I kill someone who I have no affiliation with for you. And you return the favor. This has long been movie plots, LOL, but it is my way of taking out the trash from my life safely. I am smart and I am patient. That is how I never get caught. Crimes of passion are almost always solved. I met Mark online in a dark net chat room. He had a problem he needed fix. He was looking for a gun for hire to take care of his wife who was milking his millions away in an expensive divorce. He would be suspect number one if he did not have an airtight alibi for the night of her murder. It took me awhile to stalk her and kill her, but that was two years ago. I went to Miami to kill her while he was in Phoenix. I made it look like a robbery gone bad. I told him one day I would need a favor and he could not refuse. I did his murder for hire for free because I knew a day would come when I had a problem that I needed taken care of too. My problem was a former teacher in high school who tried to explore his rape phone sex fantasies with me when I was young. He did not count on me being smarter than him at that age. Even though he was never able to fuck me, I told him one day my revenge would come when he least expected it. I waited almost 20 years for my revenge, and I used Mark to do it. I really wanted to be the one, but it could have come back on me. I thought Mark might balk at it but when I told him the why, he was glad to help. He even castrated the bastard for me. That was his touch. Sexual mutilation is always a female suspect in the eyes of cops, but I would be in the clear. So far no one has come asking questions. Mark and I got away with murder. I will always get away with murder because I am a smart taboo phone sex bitch. 

Born a Snuff Porn Slave

snuff pornI am built for snuff porn. My dad used to tell me I was built for fucking. I think he envisioned me as a grown woman when I was just a schoolgirl to justify the horrible things his friends and him would do to me. I had an awful experience growing up. My youth was riddled with abuse. I ran away as a young teen girl. I do not know if my father or mother are still alive. Hell, I might have siblings. My friends have told me to do the 23 and Me DNA testing thing to see if I have any relatives. I have considered it, but I am afraid my father is still out there. I know he would be so angry. He might even kill me. I was his cash cow as a teen girl and his get out of jail free card. He would offer my holes up to his poker buddies every time he lost. I was offered up to cops to turn the other way too when he did something illegal too. No one ever turned down jail bait pussy. If the Internet was as big as it is now, I have no doubt my father would have pimped me out online too. When I finally had the guts to run away, I ran fast and far to make sure he would never find me again. He haunts my dreams. I wake up in a hot sweat many nights a week afraid I will see him standing over my bed with his cock out ready to explore his rape phone sex fantasies with me again. Men think they can treat me as their snuff doll and break me. Like I am afraid of anything they can bring. No one was worse than my father. He broke me years ago. I guess because he still haunts me, and I fear him finding me, I am still his slave. 

Verbal Abuse Is My Therapy!

One of my favorite ways to dominate is with verbal abuse, I’m the meanest little slut with a wicked tongue for insults and humiliation! When I’ve had a bad day and things are getting to fucking irritating, I like to relieve my tension with some verbal abuse. Nothing satisfies me more than calling disgusting perverts exactly what they deserve to be called—worthless filth holes and disgusting wastes of human vessels. My cunt leaks with excitement as you take every insult I have to offer you, every bit of anger in my body goes to making you understand how utterly disgusted I am at your meaningless existence. While I verbally eviscerate you and drain you for every dollar you are worth, my dark little heart leaps for joy.