Category: Snuff phone sex

Indigodone HCL

Medical fetish phone sexIn honor of National Pharmacist Day I have decided to turn myself into a drug.  Wouldn’t that be fantastic? Me? A drug? I think so and what is a drug without a commercial. Without further ado I give you Indigodone HCL.

If you have experienced Pissing me off, giving me dirty looks, talking about me behind my back, being a full on cunt, being annoying, being worthless, or I just straight up do not like you for no reason in particular, then you should talk to me about Indigodone HCL. 

When taking Indigodone HCL it is important to know the risks.  Side effects have been reported which include: Sudden onset of stab wounds, burn marks, evisceration, beheading, torture, ligature marks, hemorrhaging from your genital areas, forced penetration, widening of your asshole, widening of your cunt, grotesque mutilation, abuse of a corpse, being brutally violated with something sharp, head injuries, and psychological breaks.  In extreme cases death has occurred…who am I kidding, death always occurs.

In a double blind study where those given Indigodone HCL experienced traumatic deaths.  Those who were given a placebo were grateful to survive.

Do not take Indigodone HCL if you are: Pregnant, planning on becoming Pregnant, ever thought of being Pregnant, sat next to a Pregnant woman on a bus, walked past the Maternity section in a store, or asked someone their due date only to find out that they are not pregnant…awkward.

Indigodone HCL is not available over the counter, or in any store.  If you think you would like to try Indigodone HCL then you are one crazy son of a bitch. 

The New Girl

I woke up to loud thumps coming down the stairs. It sounded like something huge and metal was being dragged down to the basement. I knew the sound, as I had experienced it before. You had a new slave and she was being delivered. I tried to sit up to watch the unloading, my heart racing, wondering how long she had been inside the safe. You hate dealing with their screaming when they first arrive – so they get locked away in a safe. Memories of my time in the box came rushing back to me. It had to have been days, but it felt like years.

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I was locked inside by some stranger who had grabbed me, and left there – cramped and starving. By the time the box was opened I was barely alive and nearly blind as the dingy basement lights tried to make my eyes focus. I remember being terrified but so thirsty that I couldn’t scream. That was of course your plan all along. To break us before you even let us out of the safe. To mind fuck us so intensely, leaving us for days to accept that we had been left to die – only to then let us out into our new living hell in the basement.
I watched as you unlocked the lock and swung open the door. Her naked body climbed out, weak but alive. She was bound and blindfolded, but like me, didn’t make a sound. She was already broken. You guided her to the table to introduce her to a new kind of pain. As the feeling came back into her limbs, from being cramped so long, you cut them and burned them and her body just seized on the table from the stimulation. I remember those first cuts and burns and my pussy came uncontrollably.

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She has been added to your collection of whores. We are here for you to experiment all your sexual desires on. I continued to watch her be tortured with the knives, still blindfolded. I knew she had no idea the future pain she will have to endure, and in fact grow to crave like a sick addiction. I felt myself drooling at the site of the blades cutting her fresh skin. I wanted another turn under your cruel hands. I needed to be touched, even if it only brings agony. I was jealous of this new whore. I wanted to go back to the day that I had first come out of the box….

The Devil Inside

The drugs were beginning to wear off, and as my vision started to clear and my hearing return, I began to feel their hands all over me. My head was spinning, and I ached all over, especially between my legs. I sensed at least two men groping my body and grabbing my tits so hard that I could feel sharp pain even in my altered state. I began to moan in agony, and their grip got harder on my naked body. I had no idea where I was or how I got there.

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I tried to focus and understand what was going on, and I reached my hands out trying to feel my surroundings. Yes, there were two men. I could feel their hot breath on my neck and chest. They were fondling my breasts and one has his hand down between my legs rubbing my raw pussy. It felt like fire as he kept grinding his fingers up inside me. It felt as if I had been fucked for hours already. They must have been fucking me while I was asleep.
I felt like I was outside of my body looking down, and I began to see them more clearly. They were very strong, and I was their plaything. Their cocks were hard as rocks and one of them even had blood on him. Judging from the fire between my legs, I knew the blood had come from there. My pussy ached and throbbed and felt so swollen that it could burst. My awakening had aroused them again, and they placed my reaching hands on their hard cocks. I saw one of their faces, and began to remember.

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He was the man from the party. The one who had been wearing the devil mask, and whispering in my ear that he was going to make me his satanic slave whore. His tongue had felt amazing on my neck, and I had let him grab my body in front of everyone that was watching. I don’t remember anything after that. I am certain he must have drugged me and brought me here. How long had him and this other man been taking my body? I have no idea, and before I could try to piece any more memories together, they put me on my hands an knees and made me take their cocks again.

Snuff Porn Sends Geneva to Her Grave

The day was just another day as I followed my usual routine, and headed out on my run. Usual route and a normal day, except for what follows.

Snuff Porn Geneva 00

I stopped to answer a text and do some stretches before continuing on my run. As I was kneeling down to fix my shoe laces a shadow fell over me. I quickly stood to find a large statured man standing over me. I tried pardoning myself and getting by this man as he grabbed my arm. Alarmed I tried yanking away and he pulled a gun on me. As I froze I could barely breath and I’m certain the color left my face.

Lured into a dark SUV with tinted windows I was shoved in the backseat. I was then blind folded and my wrists and ankles were bound. I was then given something to drink which knocked me out. The driver was already pulling out into traffic as I fought to keep from passing out.

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The whole time I was out they drug me into an old farm house where I was beaten, and fucked to near death. I was completely knocked out so had no recollection of what happened to me. I just know I was sore, bruised, bloody and my ass and cunt ached. I was in so much pain I wished they had killed me. My pussy and asshole were stretched ass gaping and filled with cum.

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When I came to I found myself in a large dirt hole, a shallow grave and started screaming. I was still bound and couldn’t move. I could barely talk or breathe and don’t know how I mustered up the ability to call out and eventually someone found me. Later I received a copy of the snuff porn that was made that day and I nearly orgasmed right then.

Venus’s Super Virus to Cleanse the World of Assholes

evil phone sex taboo goth girlEvery day I hear something about some self entitled asshole shooting an innocent person, or taking his family with him because he is too much of a sorry ass loser to just take his own worthless life. I hate people, not all, but most. It’s because most of society thinks the world revolves around them; that they are entitled to shit without working for it; that they can do whatever the fuck they want to whomever they want and the rules don’t apply to them. These are the useless folks I want to snuff out. Hitler was on to something with his gas chambers and ovens to eradicate big groups of people. He just targeted the wrong people.

medical fetish phone sex evil sexSo my evil mind has been thinking up super viruses. Much like Nazi pseudo science, my virus would be torturous and deadly, and designed to eradicate large populations of people, namely worthless pricks and useless cunts, otherwise known as assholes . I have an evil accomplice who is a biologist. We have been playing in his lab, creating the perfect super virus, one that recognizes folks with the “arsehole gene” which leads to the creation of an asshole. Our super virus will only kill folks who carry the arsehole gene. When this virus finds a host  carrying the gene, it will attach itself, mutate and kill. And not kill as in a heart attack, but kill as in completely exterminate. Carriers of the areshole gene will  be infected with a deadly virus that literally eats their bodies from the inside out. Internal organs will eviscerate; skin will turn carcinogenic;  and before long the asshole or future asshole, will be a pile of melted flesh and bones. Because it is a designer virus, it will resemble Ebola or Bird Flu, making it hard for the medical community to recognize that this is a man made virus designed for a sort of ethnic cleansing.

medical fetish phone sex snuffThe only way to ensure the well being of everyone is to rid the world of assholes. If you are an asshole, get your affairs together now, because you won’t be able to hide from my virus. Or just call me and have me snuff you out before hand in a swifter, less agonizing way. If you know an asshole and you need them gone before my super virus is perfected, call me to be your nasty accomplice. Killing assholes is much more fun with a sick twisted bitch. Let’s just say I really enjoy getting rid of garbage.

Bed Time Nightmares With Reagan * Chapter One: The Torture Sex Snuff Studio

Torture Sex Reagan She had no idea the Torture Sex snuff house was the location of her newest nightmare. “$2,500 is paid after film is completed. Room and board provided for the week of production. Meals included and transportation is provided throughout your time here at the house.” Shaking his hand she thought it seemed like a good deal. She only had to endure a week of the actual filming. Something she, and probably 99% of the woman in this world, had always said they would never do. But never say never. She then wondered about how the porn industry flourishes during these times, when almost all of America seems to be having economical hardships. How many woman did this industry soak up? She shrugged it off and was more than ready to start this week. She was ready for it to be next Saturday for sure. That day she would be walking out of this house, cash in hand.. and hoping for at least 15% of her self respect and dignity left. She would never see that day.Torture Sex Reagan

Her first day she was told to meet downstairs in the common room. This was more like a living room, but since this was once a boarding house, it was the common place of the renters. She almost felt comfortable in this room. Something would not let her completely relax, she just assumed it was the day ahead and what she was preparing to do. He joined her within a few moments and re introduced himself as Collin.

When she entered the basement she noticed it was bare. This was odd, and her brain immediately started to try to make sense of it. Should there not be a film crew down here? Before she could connect any reason as to why she was not on the set of a pornography film, but in the basement of a house where no one was aware of her location, she felt a sharp pain in her neck. The world went black.

Sense of smell entered her mind first.. damp, metallic, and sour. Hearing flooded her brain.. feet shuffling, several male voices where she was able to make out the few words “rape, torture, snuff film”. Still unable to move and not sure if it was the bindings she was beginning to be aware of, or her being half unconscious. Fearful to open her eyes, she was not sure of when that was available.Torture Sex Reagan

For the next few days her world turned to horrifying pain. She lived longer then most. Endured gang bang after bloody gang bang. Her flesh torn off of her body inch by inch. With each cock she was forced to pleasure they slowly peeled a token off of her tortured body. Some stuffed her ass with her own skin chunks while others ate them as they dumped their cum all over her gaping wounds. And a time or two was forced to eat her own bloody chunks. Machines were hooked to her in various places to deliver electric shock during her violation. At one point, her captors used a needle and thread to close her cunt and ass, only to rip through her flesh with spiked rubber cocks. In the end, Collin reappeared to costar in her last scene. As he entered her mutilated and gaping hole with a baseball bat, one last slice opened her gut. As her insides leaked onto the floor he was pushing them throughout with that wooden bat. Empty, bloody, and now snuffed, he coated her face with his sticky seed. And just in time to check in the next fuck pig.


You Lied to Me

I should have known that you were too eager to hire me to house sit while you were out of town. My folks told me that you were leaving town for three weeks and I could make a hundred bucks just by bringing in your mail and watering your plants once a day. I didn’t want to be rude and not accept the offer, so I said okay. I met you at your place to get the key and just the way you were looking at me gave me the creeps. You didn’t have any qualms about looking me up and down, and brushing my hand a little too long when handing me the key.

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The next day, when you had supposedly left for your trip, I headed over to water the plants. I let myself in and locked the door behind me. I had the weirdest feeling and the hairs on the back of my neck was standing on end. I kept telling myself I was being silly, but I didn’t feel like I was alone. I went to the kitchen to fill up the pitcher, and i could have sworn I heard a noise in the living room. I stopped to listen, but heard nothing else. I made my way back into the living room to the plants and began to water them.

Just then, you came up behind me and put your hand over my mouth and wrestled me to the floor. You had never left – it was all a ruse to get me here alone. You overpowered me and there was nothing I could do. You kept saying things like this is what I get for walking around the neighborhood like a little tramp and that you were going to show me what happens to dirty cum whores like me. Before I knew it, you had me hog-tied and gagged on your couch and were jerking off above me.

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The things you were saying told me that you had been watching me for a long time. You had finally decided to make a move and I knew instinctively that you were going to hurt me. What scared me even more was that you never once mentioned me not telling anyone. I began to wonder if you were going to snuff me out. You began running your hands all over my naked body, and I cringed at your perverse touch. Your skin felt so rough against mine and your cock was dripping with cum as if it were drooling.

You knew my parents wouldn’t be looking for me, and that you had all afternoon to ravage my body. You did just that. You put your hard cock in all of my holes and never stopped berating me with your words. After hours of being fucked brutally and told what a little teasing whore I was, I began to believe it and my pussy responded by cumming all over your hard cock. Who knew that you, the neighbor who always gave me the creeps, would be the best fuck I ever had?

Demon Cum

I knew you were evil and cruel, but I always thought your delusions about being a demon were a little too much to handle. I had began to change my mind the more you tortured me and the more I got to taste and smell you. Your cum has a certain flavor to it, and every time you cum, I swear I see steam coming off of your loads. I always figured it was the drugs you keep us slaves high on, and that my mind was playing tricks on me.

Last night you were in your full glory, black leather and you even seemed to be hot to the touch. You spoke in tongues I could not understand and I knew that us captives, your cum slut slaves, were in for extreme torture at your hands. I must have stared too long, because you caught my gaze. Your eyes were black and I felt weak immediately.  My legs went limp as you shoved me down on my knees. The darkness of the dungeon seemed to glow red somehow, again it must have been the drugs.

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My pussy began to throb and orgasm as you pulled your cock out above my head. You kept chanting in your other language and even though my heart was racing in fear, my body was responding with lust. I know it is a deadly sin, that much you have shown me over the past year. I belong to you. You stop chanting and tell me to open my satanic mouth. I do as you say. I stick my tongue out, as you stroke your cock, and again I could swear I see steam coming out of the end of your cock. I know its your hot cum, ready to fill my mouth.

What comes next I will never forget. My head was spinning and my pussy kept throbbing over and over with waves of orgasm. You began dripping your cum on the tip of my tongue and it was actually on fire! Your demon seed was real and it was cumming out in flames that burned as they lit my mouth on fire. The heat from the burning cum made my face hot and lit up the room as the other slaves watched. You began chanting again, and I now know that you are everything you ever said you were, and probably even worse.

Snuffed My Sister

You tricked me. You told me that if I got you someone else that you would let me go. I thought it was too simple, too easy, and I was right. The drugs you gave me made me so stupid, and I gave you enough info to find my sister. She doesn’t deserve this. She isn’t like me. But you fooled me, and told me that you were just going to fuck her and that she would never know it was me that told you how to find her alone.

She walks the woods near her house every morning. She’s always alone. Tiny like me. I can’t believe I placed her within your sights. I am such a stupid little cum whore. In an attempt to save my pathetic life, I believed you. Even though I know what an evil monster you are. How could I not know you would fuck me over? I woke up chained in your living room as you brought her through the front door. She was terrified and crying, and I tried to tell her I was sorry but I couldn’t speak through my gag. I began to cry, trying to show her that I was sorry.

When she saw me, I saw the look on her face as she  realized that I had something to do with her being taken by you. She started screaming at me “How could you??!!”. She knows I am a useless slut that lets men like you torture my body for pleasure, and now she knew that I had placed her in your path. The one thing you promised me wouldn’t happen. You threw her down in front of me and she just kept screaming as you beat her and stripped her down and tortured her perfect little body.

All I could do is cry and try to express how sorry I was.  You hit her so hard I saw her eyes roll back and her blood splattered all over me. I watched you cut her open with your knife and her blood pool all over the carpet. You fucked her little body as she bled everywhere. She was still concious and every once in awhile glanced at me. She was dazed, but just awake enough to keep your interest as you pounded her ass. I pulled against the chains trying to make you stop, but it was useless. You had tricked me, and now you had my sister, and the torture continued throughout the day.

I watched you cut off her nipples, so similar to mine. I watched as you ate them while her blood flowed out slower and slower from every wound. I watched her skin turn pale and her lips turn blue. In my head I was so sorry, but my sister would never know. You snuffed her right in front of me, and she left this earth thinking that I had brought her here. Here to you – this hell on earth. And the fucked up part is she was right.  

My Planned Escape

Journal Entry

December 30, 2014knife play phone sex2

It has been a hard few weeks.  I can’t see my family I’m held as their humble servant.  I’m still their money train so until I quit producing they won’t allow me to leave.   I cry and whimper so much I want to escape, maybe with dinner tonight I can conjurer up something to help.

Tonight’s dinner consisted of breaded tenderloin and a baked potatoes.  I been losing weight, I can’t eat with the plastic utensils they provide me.  At this moment I stood my ground if you want me to eat, I need proper fork and I need something to cut this with.  They must have been preoccupied because I got a real fork and a steak knife.  I thought to myself at last maybe I can get free.  I sat and ate feeling accomplished, and planning my departure.  I can’t help but to feel tonight is the night.  After I ate and performed their meagerly tasks they have me do, I put my plan into action.

I sneak up behind one of the captors and apply the knife they left me to their neck.  I apply pressure leaving serrate marks, demanding they let me go.  He rises with me, knife still firmly in place.  At a flash of second he slams me against the door frame. The force is so strong it dislodges the knife from my hand and falls several feet away. I am hopelessly lost.

Next thing I feel is sharp pain in my gut, and fall to floor.  I awaken on a cold steel table, the lights are bright I feel this immense heat near my feet.  I see through blurring vision one of the captors coming toward me with a glowing object.  I hear them whisper in my ear, you will never be free you are ours.  Your body and soul belongs to us, this is just a reminder that you are just merely property.  My skin starts to burn. The pain is intense, with that I become incoherent of my surroundings and drift off.   

I awaken some time later, to smell of burnt flesh.  Its smells raw and scorched.  I try to roll but can’t the pain is too intense.  I look down to see I’ve been branded with the word lackey.  How can this be? The last thing I remember was lying on a cold steel table. I gasp they branded me my memory came flooding back.  They have no intention of ever letting me go. The knife was my last attempt I am theirs forever. knife play phone sex