I went on vacation for a bit after the whole 7 weeks and my ex-guy becoming a mutilated useless, he can’t fuck me, fuck buddy. By no fault of my own, I don’t seek out snuff scenarios, but they seem to find me.
I went to a small tourist area in Mexico. I walked around to the shops and went outside of the small towns limits to see the landscape. As I was walking along taking pictures and taking in the sights, I noticed brightly painted building kind of set into the dense trees and down a dirt road, and so I went to investigate. I approached the building; it had cars and neon signs pointing to the door. The sign read “No Hay Sexo Tabu Limites.” I took Spanish… I know what that means, No taboo sex shows. Well, I was definitely going in there. I walk in and there is a desk right in front, with a woman who asks what you want to see and she points to the signs above each door. They were all in Spanish of course but one was dead body, mutilated body, mom and son, teens… about 10 doors total. I picked the dead body door, why I don’t know, but why not? First time for everything right?
I walk in and it is quiet and dark, a spotlight comes on and there is a body of a dead girl laying on the table, and a guy standing between her legs stroking his cock. I look around and there are 5 guys sitting in the room and all of them are clearly jerking off, and when the show starts, the stroking gets more furious. The guy started pounding the shit out of this dead woman’s body. She has past rigor stage and he was putting her legs all over the place, breaking her joints to get her legs pinned back and hips wide. All the guys around me were very fixed on the scene, so I thought fuck it, I will join in. I lifted my skirt and pulled my panties aside and started playing with my clit. The guy fucking the dead girl went around the table to her head and pulled her jaw wide open and slammed his cock into her mouth. Her eyes very dead and dry looking, her head only moving as he shoved his cock deep into her throat over and over. A few of the guys blew their loads with that. The guy next to me looked over and nodded and smiled at me. When the guy started to cum is when I came. I love a moaning man. The dead girl got a bunch of hot cum in her throat.
Category: Sadistic phone sex
No taboo sex show, Mexico has it all
My new bloody babysitting gig
Babysitter phone sex and my name do not mesh well together. You know how much I hate fucking whiny ass brats. But somehow I got roped into this shit so I think I’ll use it for my perverted pleasure. Sending out this message to all of my warped accomplices and freaky killers. Come get some young stuff. I’m running the day care center this week.
I’d round up all of these little monsters and tie them to chairs. Stuff a rag into those yappy mouths. Bring in a bunch of freaks who love skinny little bodies, little pink balls, and bald pussies. It’ll be like a buffet. With blood and violation and screaming.
Let me give you a hand. I’ve got some rope. Spread those legs wide open. Let’s string a few of them up and let them dangle. They beg for mommy. Too bad, so sad. If they make it back to mommy, they will be little meat carcasses with every hole stretched open wide. Leaking cum and blood. Oh, I do love training the next generation.
Come on, P fuckers. Ready for some head bashing, pussy ripping fun? Quit being a pussy and admit that pain excites you.
Snuff Sex Babysitting Massacre with Gray
First off let me be clear… the babysitting gig isn’t because I love other people’s annoying fucking offspring. Fuck, more like let me do fucking society a favor and the overpopulated Earth a hand, and snuff sex the fuck out of these suburb dwelling fucktards.
I’ll get these desperate dads with some form of gambling debt come to me to take care of things and sacrifice his loser crew to Satan and get his debt forgiven with the taking of his “assets” usually I will take his wife and force her to watch as we rape fantasy the offspring offering and get the blood shedding started. I love ripping into those sweet tight holes with a massive meat shredder of a cock. My steel fuck rod with do so much damage and nothing like force feeding the cock to mommy to taste her little ones sweet meat. Oh the fun and joys of those screams and the muffled hopeless cries.
Are you hungry?
I have been feeling extra naughty lately, and I wanna help you get a little bitch. I want you to fucking tell me what you want, and I wanna go out and find out next meal. I wanted to get one of those drunk girls off the beach, and I will make sure that she is nice and athletic so she will cook very nicely. But prepping the little bitch is my favorite part, rubbing oil all over her body and stuffing her with veggies and seasonings. Then, I will go with tinfoil and cover her nipples and toes so they don’t burn. Then we just wait for the house to smell up like a good tender girl, and then beep we here the alarm go off. She is done, and we are hungry.
Finale of VII deadly Sins: Wrath
Last time my guy was down in the basement torturing a slovenly lusty bitch into submission and obedience. She was pretty stubborn, but then I heard HIM yelling and screaming. I didn’t go down there because I just plain didn’t feel like it. Boy, he was really screaming though, sounds like the tables turned.
It was a few days until all the screaming stopped; I figured they were either dead or exhausted. Finally, I went down there to see how things had ended. It wasn’t pretty gruesome, but I laughed. These two idiots mutilated each other to the point of a useless existence. She had clearly had all of her pleasure zones cut off and he…well, I am sure you can see from the picture I took, he is useless as a man now.
So you might be thinking where is the wrath? Well…this entire span of seven weeks of my guy doing all this stuff to women, and he was fucking them while torturing them. Well, guess what. I am the one that let her out of her restraints and I sat upstairs while they fucked each other up. I guess I am the wrath, and I got off on it when they were fucking each other up. Devious I know.
Ski Mask Love
I have this dark fantasy. I want to be home all alone in my bed, in the dark. I want you to break into my home, wearing a ski mask. I want you to silently come into my room and cover my mouth to keep me drom screaming. I want you to force yourself between my thighs and push your hard cock inside me. Threaten to kill me if I scream out for help as you fuck me hard. Put your hands around my throat and choke me. I want you to fuck me like you hate me. Take my pussy. Take my ass, bend me over and fuck my asshole. Force me to my knees and choke me with your dick. Be mean, be cruel. I need you to take my pussy by force. Slap me around, treat me like trash. Fuck me like this pussy belongs to you.
Ass Rape Porn and Hate Fuck Punishment
So there was this dumb little shit that needed taught a lesson and some ass rape porn just might do the trick here. I mean this little fuckwad was fucking around my bike, this BITCH does NOT like anyone fucking around my baby and I am ready to open some ass on this little faggot son of a bitch. Oh, so the little piece of shit was on a mother fucking fraternity dare or what the fuck ever they call that dumb assed jarhead shit.
I grabbed the faggot by his god damned collar and made the little fucking weasle creep of a fuckwad near piss his pants. I shoved him at my guys telling them to prepare him for his punishment, and it’s doubtful he will see the light of day by the time we finish with him. WHen I step into our clubhouse my two gang brothers have the slobbering miscreant on the slab with wrists shackled and legs spread and ankles shackled. They were rubbing their pricks prepping them for the fun. I had my steel strap on and couldn’t wait to hate fuck that mother fuckers ass to a bloody gaping hole. All the cum my brothers will leave in first as the take his bitch cunt and then I will wield my death cock of fucking DOOM.
My steel ass shredder is rigged for her pleasure *wink* rigged with dermabrasion micro needles that whirl around the fuck stick and as I enter that ass they start penetrating and ripping into that tend anal flesh and allowing that salty semen to ooze its way into the anal tar tar allowing for more pleasure as the screams of pain emit from his bitchboi mouth. When I had enough of his fucking screaming like a little bitch I snapped his goddamned neck.
Night time Home Invasion
Let’s look back at my first experience as an accomplice. It was a home invasion phone sex situation. Dressed in black, we broke into this family home. We weren’t looking to steal anything. But there was this young girl we’d been watching for some time. She was a petite blonde with perky tits. She wore these tight spandex yoga pants that drove you wild. You wanted her bad enough to risk being caught. You knew that I loved a challenge.
We got into the house through the bedroom window. Someone forgot to teach this young lady to lock her bedroom window after her little boyfriend crawled in for a little kiss after the parents went to bed. Oh yes, she was easy pickings.
I slapped duct tape over her face before she could scream. You ripped off her panties and gown. I grabbed her legs and spread them. While you violated her with your rape phone sex fantasies, I began to record it. Helpless victims make me so wet.
You violated every young hole. Her mouth. Her virginal pussy and her tight shithole all got pumped and pounded. Finally you asked me to join in for the finale. A little medical fetish was always fun. I took out my blade and quickly sliced off her nipples and her clit. I dropped the nipples in your shirt pocket and tossed the clit in my mouth. It’s my favorite flavor of gum.
Her body was bucking in pain as we ended her story. A neat slash across her jugular severed any hope of a future. Blood hit the ceiling along with your cum. I feel bad for her poor boyfriend tomorrow trying to explain that he wasn’t her killer. I’m sure her parents will understand.
Forced To Take Pictures
I was walking home from school today when I got distracted. A guy in a yellow VW Beetle Pulled up and asked if I wanted a ride. You were so handsome! I accepted the offer and you asked if I wanted to have a drink at your place. We were getting along fine so I figured why not! We got back to your place and he quickly shut the door behind him, motioning to you sofa. I sat down and took the glass of wine you offered. That’s when you start to spell out the way this situation is going to work. I am going to let you take naked photos of me OR you are going to kill me. Fuck- that’s a bad deal but I guess I have to just listen to you. I start stripping and you start snapping away. I have tears and fear in my eyes. Once I’m naked you walk up and start fucking my face. You hump at my face so hard I start coughing up blood. You pull at my tits and cunt so hard it leaves bruises. I am so scared, I think you plan was to kill me all along. What happens next? Do you kill me or let me live?
Paleo Diet leads to castration phone sex
Before we talk about castration phone sex, let me mention this. My doctor put me on this new Paleo Food Diet. This snuff chick is hangry. I am needing something lacking from my diet. Raw food, the doc explained, will make you so much healthier. Fresh lean meat and some veggies.
So after reading more, I knew exactly what I needed. What is fresher and leaner than the cocks of young men? I was drooling as I set off to do a little “hunting.” Boys are sooo easy.
You were hanging at the library. A real geeky sort. I knew I could easily take you home with me. What could beat the freshness of a high school geek? I bet you were a virgin. Too bad you won’t live long enough to get that first poke into a pussy. You sure aint sampling mine.
To make my story short, like your little cock, let me get to the “point.” You responded to my offer of a ride home and a kiss. I took you straight to my favorite hide-a-way. I’m sure you were expecting something else when I told you how badly I needed your cock. It’s a shame that your talented mind was outwitted by your throbbing fuck stick.
I tied you up, placed your cock on the chopping block. You laughed at first but they quickly tuned to sobs as you begged me to spare you. Oh, I will let you live. You didn’t need your tiny dicklet anyway. No woman would’ve looked at you twice. Loser. You sure will make a pretty butt buddy for someone though.
Your cock was delicious, BTW. I think I really like this new diet. There is so much variety, just like the doctor said. Mmmmmm, Chinese sounds really good tonight.