Severed Cock, It’s what’s for dinner

I’ve been “playing” the victim for a while now and it gets old. One of my best girlfriends from way back has a bit of a fetish. She likes to cut men’s dicks off, why I don’t know. I am going to assume some type of trauma, or she’s a lunatic, but either way, I know who to call.
We meet up at a local outdoor café and get right down to discussing what we have in mind. My thoughts were blah and mundane compared to her ideas. Oddly enough our waiter was being a dickhead. He must have been having a bad day, but not the best table to have a crappy attitude. My friend wrote her address and “let’s fuck” on a napkin and when he came with our bill, she handed it to him and said take a look. He looked down at the napkin and all he did was smile and nod. My friend turned to look at me and winked.
Waiting for the guy to show up we hear the knock. My friend…let’s just call her Nancy, answered the door with lingerie on, we both had the sexiest thing in our delicates collection. Nancy said that if this is going to be his last time with his cock I guess it doesn’t hurt if it’s happy. We brought him to the kitchen; he was surprised to see me but grinned. Must have been thinking he was about to have a 3some. She tells him to get undressed and suddenly pulled out a gun and put it to the waiters head and asked if he was going to have a better attitude than what he displayed at the restaurant. Of course, he flipped out and started yelling saying yes Maam I will always have a better attitude, Ma’am. Nancy smiled and said “Too late” and with one slash his cock was on the counter, severed and still hard. The waiter started to scream and Nancy warned him if he continued he would have a cactus shoved up his ass… he didn’t stop screaming. Well, my cactus is ruined. When she was done with him, he crumpled onto the floor in a ball of sobs. “Aren’t you afraid he is going to go to the cops if you let him go?” Nancy said, “Sure I am, but by the time he’s been through the wood chipper I don’t think it’s going to be a problem.” They guy started to scream again with her comment, so she stuffed his cock in his own mouth. She made him stand up and he was a quivering mass. Nancy took the cock from his mouth and threw it into a hot cast iron skillet and made him tend to cooking it like it was a kielbasa. He kept gagging and crying to please let it stop, and just then she told him to go sit at the kitchen table. He went and sat down ever so slowly, his ass just having been jammed with a cactus. She brought him a fork and a steak knife and a plate with the recently cooked cock. She looked at him and said “Dig in” he looked horrified. She told him he could eat it or she would bury him in sand up to the neck and pour honey all over his head. He still didn’t eat. Nancy came out with a syringe from her pocket and injected something into his beck that made him pass out immediately. He’s scraps in the middle of a garbage truck.
I asked her why she felt like he needed that much for just some bad service. She looked at me and said “That was my boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend. He broke up with me, so this is payback.” She laughs and I join in cause now I’m scared shitless of her, I’m moving to another state in a few months. What would she do to me?

Torture phone sex

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