Category: Murder phone sex Fantasies

 Snuff Sex Fuck Bimbo Geneva

Bimbo sluts like me are really one of those dime a dozen sort of things. Honestly this makes for perfect snuff sex situations. All of us Instagram sluts whoring ourselves with selfies and duck lips. I can’t help it I live to have a body that men want to tear up.

Oh, I am not speaking lightly about tear up either, fuck I mean this pretty damned literally. I have silicone titties, a Botox face and a cunt that get destroyed and resewn regularly. This is my life as a pain slut and worthless cunt whore. Many guys know how to put me in my place and I bet you do as well.

The other night I was just getting a lift ride and ended up in the middle of a gangbang with the lyft driver’s thug friends. They try to grab the hot sluts when they request and take up to a crack house. I was shot up with heroine and used recklessly my a dozen big cocks. This is what happens to me even when I try to play it safe. I’m a fuck whore disposable cunt.

Snuff sex

Killing Lust: The Hunt

Home Invasion Phone Sex

The dark urge struck me the other night as it does when I can’t keep the boredom at bay. With only one corpse on hand at work, and just a boring one at that it was bound to happen. I stared at my utensils for what felt like hours imagining myself taking the tools and cutting them into flesh. Warm fresh flesh, where the blood flows freely and doesn’t dribble out slowly like black goo. I want the warm rich red liquid that replenishes itself as much as it can. Unable to shake the image, I started thinking of the woman I met at the last wake held upstairs. Runs a rug cleaning business out of her home, and it just so happens she gave me her business card. 

Seems like a silly thing to openly put your address on a business card, but it’s also in poor taste to be self-promoting at someone’s wake. Two mistakes she will be regretting very soon. As I turned off my cell and pulled out a local map. I’m not a rookie, I know not to leave a technology trail even if it means taking a few extra steps. I mapped out a route to her house, finished up my work for the evening, and set the course. Parking in the dark shade of trees in a good line of vision to watch her place. Observing her behaviors, and much to my delight confirmed my suspicions that she does live alone. I will keep watch on and off at night, this is not something I ever rush. But I do assure you by this time next week, she will be dead. *Grins*

So Sick Of Suffocation

Suffocation phone sex


I’ve got a couple of clients who love choking bitches out with a breathtaking round of suffocation phone sex, so I did what I do best and kidnapped some dumb cunt so they could have a little fun and I could make a little coin.  This shit’s getting too easy, I’m going to have to find a challenge for myself soon or else I’m going to go ballistic.  They love it, I mean just look at them.  They’re going at her like she’s the last steak on the buffet, but I’m just feeling pretty blah about it.

Yeah, sure the money’s great in snatching up a slut and selling strangle sessions to all of the sick and sadistic sex addicts that run in my circles, but it’s just getting to be so simple that it’s kind of boring me, now.  Stalk and creep on a fine fuck pig, hogtie her and throw her in the van, unload her dumb ass and dump her in my dungeon, call the crew, take their cash and let them get at it.

Of course I keep an eye on things while I go at my gash, but the thrill isn’t the same for me anymore.  Like watching a porn too many times, seeing a couple of hooded hornballs strangle and suffocate some random slut just isn’t doing it for my lady boner, these days.  I don’t know, I think I need to crank it up a notch.  Yeah, I’m going to have to just go in there and take things into my own hands.  I’m not giving any refunds, though.  Fuck that.

Am I going soft?  Do I actually feel bad for the bitch?  They cut off all her air, she doesn’t even know that dude’s big donkey dick is inside of her or see the other guy jerking off in her hair.  I don’t feel bad, she got herself into this position by not being careful.  I don’t feel anything.  Except for boredom.  The only thing that’ll get rid of this feeling is a bloodbath.  I just so happen to have three meat pumps ready to give me exactly what I need.  Like I said, no refunds.


Killer Phone Sex Fantasies Require a Skilled Accomplice

killer phone sexKiller phone sex fantasies run deep. I have always had homicidal urges, but I have never been able to control my urges. Luckily for me, I am a good planner. I know how to avoid getting caught. I can separate emotion from my need to kill. Most of my callers have not honed their urges yet and that is what will get them in trouble. You want to kill a young girl or anyone for that matter? You need me to tell you how to get away with murder. You need a stealth and patient accomplice. I have ice in my veins because I feel zero sympathy for any victim. We can be a victim, or we can be steely bitch like me. The choice is ours.  I have a new client with rape phone sex fantasies for super young girls. He told me he was not a killer though. It is easy to fool yourself like that. But if your need to fuck a tender age brat is that strong, then you can kill too. It becomes a matter of preservation. You cannot fuck a young piece of meat and expect her not to talk. I mean you cannot have taboo fun and leave any evidence. For the men who still cannot kill after my little self-preservation speech, I make them a deal. They pay me for the clean-up. They have their fun, and I keep them out of prison.

John paid me top dollar to clean up his mess this weekend. He acted on impulse with out consulting me. He drugged his daughter’s bestie and fucked her in his home destroying her pussy. No way she was not going to notice the blood bath between her legs and feel the pain. I had to charge him a much higher rate since I was not able to help him plan his perfect teen rape porn scenario. He paid me well and without complaint. I am worth it though. That little bitch was disposed of and all traces of her being in his house erased. I am sure he is still nervous, but I am a good cleaner. He got to have his fun and he will avoid prison if he never pisses me off. I own him for life now.

Domination Of Cunts

Domination Phone Sex Sin

To dominate and destroy every slutty cunt I know is all I desire. To have these bitches’ ties up, fucking and tearing their pussies to shreds so that they may never fuck again. Slicing off those little beans they call clits to remove every bit of pleasure they seek from another tongue. Yes that is what I crave. Help me tie these sluts up and tease them with these dildos and cocks-thinking they are getting ready for an orgasmic night. As we pull them tightly down toward the table and begin their naughty pleasures. When they beg for us to stop- I’ll just fuck them harder watching them squirt all over your face as you pour hot oils all over their skin. Gag them with cocks until they turn purple and blue so they can’t breathe. Ahh the pleasures of them trying to plead but being so muffled in between those balls and the little bit of air they use to gasp makes me laugh thinking they’ll get some sort of mercy.

Necrophilia Phone Sex Confessions

Necrophilia phone sex

I love it when a caller has such a vast and intriguing interest in my work. It’s very telling even before the confessions begin that there is a body starting to decay. One that one wants to preserve for use as long as possible. These necrophilia phone sex confessions never cease to amaze me. I’m well prepared to answer the questions to the best of my ability but you must understand I have a whole morgue of resources. So you will have to be prepared to be creative, resourceful, and pay good attention to time. The trick to making your once-alive sex doll last for long-term use is being fully aware of the decay process. Make sure you are actively giving your preservation treatments to your decaying corpse in timely intervals. Keeping it for a week is easy but it’s when you want to make your body last for let’s say a month, is when it takes careful execution. You can only imagine it does get harder the more time goes on. If you don’t mind the cold you can certainly keep a fuck doll frozen but the more thawing and refreezing you do the worst the wear so do keep that in mind. Do keep me in mind when you need some tips and tricks for keeping your necrophilic friend well preserved.

Ass rape porn watching during Strangulation phone sex

Ass rape porn turns me on so much because i was an accomplice. My daddy was a sick fuck who like to take little sluts who would be walking home alone. He used me to lure her to him and then he knocked them out and put them in his car. In his secret shed in the woods daddy would undress them and tie them up. Bondage turned daddy on. He even used knives to scare the little sluts into submission. He let them think he was going to kill them, so they did anything he asked them to. He would make them choke on his cock until he busted down their throat. Until his cock got hard again, he would choke them and beat them.

Ass rape porn When they were on the verge of going limp. He bent them over and stuffed their assholes with his big hard cock. I got live ass rape porn every time and daddy let me play with my cunt. I watched as daddy fucked their assholes open while he choked them until they went limp. That always daddy cum hard. He would dump their bodies still dripping with his cum before he burned them to just ashes. sometimes he would keep them longer so he could have Sex with dead bodies.

Broken Little Dolls

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

I want to tell you about the three new dolls of mine I have laid out on the slabs right now. Now I’m used to being sick, twisted, and an outright psychopath but let me tell you these girls were really put through the wringer. A shame the sick fuck didn’t offer to sell tickets me and a few friends of mine would have happily enjoyed the show. Whoever you are just now it’s my job to put them back together again, don’t worry though I’ll be enjoying your art every step of the way. From the precise cuts to the very steady and forceful stabs. My only real curious question, and do not take as a criticism I’ve done it myself but why only castrate one of them? Makes me curious if she was a bad girl. I wonder to capture her true charm while I fix her up if I should remember that she was a bad girl. Or maybe you were just experimenting…if so guess you didn’t enjoy it as much as me..unless she was the last one. She does seem fresher than the other two. I wonder if you are not done quite yet, will you be sending more dolls my way? Kind of exciting to think about, it’s like a love letter. You brutalize them, discard them…and they find their way to me to add my own artful twist too. That’s too romantic though, you had no way of knowing your victims would fall into my morgue. For now, I will chop it up to wishful thinking but should more come my way…I may have to stop and ponder the thought.

The Rise And Fall Of Dawn

Accomplice phone sex


Sure, accomplice phone sex sounds great, but the one time I tried to take on a trainee and make a twisted little mentee in my image, it went horribly wrong!  I thought I could create a cute and cum thirsty killer just like me, but, boy, was I wrong.

I was on the prowl one night when I came upon a big piece of property with a small little house on it and an old shed tucked way out in the back forty.  I lurked in the shadows and crossed along the perimeter of the land until I reached the out building, where I could hear muffled screams coming from the inside.  I quietly dashed over to the door and slowly slid it open to find it was a makeshift bedroom obviously set up for abuse and torture.  The target of all of that pain was laying shackled to a bed with big, greasy fuck pig on top of her, rough humping and pushing her face hard into the mattress.

The flashbacks to my past were staggering but fueled my instantaneous rage.  I jumped on that jackass like a jungle cat and started stabbing him in the neck over and over again until he gurgled and spurted and collapsed on top of the captive girl.  I pushed him off of her, unlocked her blood-slick shackles and quickly absconded with her into the darkness.

Of course I felt bad for her so I took her under my wing and brought her into my lethal life of sex, drugs and severe sadism.  I even told her to pick a new name for her new life, just like I did, and, after a little deliberation, she went with “Dawn.”  She was into all of it, didn’t even freak out in any of the weird rooms in my house of horrors!  Dawn took to kidnapping, torture and using whatever lousy fuck she wanted to please her pretty little pussy with no problem.  She took to her new life with vigor and extreme violence.  And that was kind of the problem.  She was a little too into it and way too into me.

Sure, we were lovers, we did a lot of fucking together.  That wasn’t the issue.  She didn’t just want to be with me, she wanted to BE me.  We would plan a simple stalking or subway throat slashing and then Dawn would go off on her own and do it before our agreed upon scheduled time.  Also, every festering little fuck pig we brought home she would take control of the situation and have all of the fun with them herself.  Like she would edge me out of the situation and cut all of the juiciest spots or fuck all of the biggest cocks herself and try to just leave me with some sliced up and bloodied bodies and a bunch of limp dicks!  I was not having it.

The fuck straw that broke the killer camel’s back was when I found her in my bed wearing my lingerie and fucking the corpse of a guy I actually liked.  He didn’t deserve that, he was one of the good ones.  But, in true Jennifer Jason Leigh style, she didn’t like that he and I had any sort of friendly connection for one reason or another so she put a stop to it.  So I put a stop to her.

Sometimes you can’t get close enough to a person, either to have a real connection with them or to simply kill them.  So, when you’ve failed to successfully assimilate them into your lurid life and if you don’t want to risk what they might do to you if they manage to get their hands on you, in that case of having absolutely, positively no other choice at all, I bring out my .45 ACP.  I might not have been able to trust the crazy cunt I created, but I can always trust my Colt.  

Poor Dawn didn’t have a chance.  Truthfully, I should’ve known better.  Sure, we started out the same, but Willow was created and crafted by the dark, but Dawn was created by Willow.  Kind of like a copy of a copy.  I’m an imperfect being, nothing I do will ever be perfect.  But I guarantee you I’ll never try to teach an abused bitch how to be me, ever again.


Pandora’s Mortuary Is Open Again For Deviant Play

Snuff phone sex

Hello once again to my fans of the grotesque, wickedly twisted, and dark corners of the mind. I’m happy to open the mortuary doors once again. Truthfully the pandemic was a real buzz kill, great for business and plenty of corpses. However, due to the amounts, it was required to have more than one mortician around. Keeping my cold formamide smelling work area more populated with the living than usual. Which is such a shame really. You should have seen some of the corpses that came in for me to prepare or just burn. Such beauty and potential gone to waste. 

Now the traffic is steady but no need for extra hands around, I’m able to handle it all once again. I was so happy to be able to let those other workers go. None of them had the spark like me for allowing the dead to be useful to the living in a carnal way. Now I look around the room and see nothing but potential. I’ve renovated it for even more corpse storage and more fun gadgets. Experimenting on the dead is not everyone’s idea of a good time, but it is mine. Sure a lot of these tools are used for autopsies but they make excellent torture devices when the time arises. So you know a little bit about my past few years, what has the rest of the wicked been up to?