Category: Kidnapping phone sex

Knife play phone sex how low can you go?

            Knife play phone sex how low can you go? Like can you slice all the way through? Just a little? It has become a game now, doesn’t it. How low can you go with the knife. That is the point to end him. To be a killer? Looking to make it bloody? If so, then you need to nick the artery with the knife blade. Don’t want it to be bloody, avoid it and you a pin prick on the tip of the knife.

            By all means, sharpen the knife. Make it razor sharp. Next, we find the victim. I will lure her in. Be your Accomplice phone sex whore. That is after all just what you need with your knife at the ready.     

            In fact, you might just say that your knife is like your phallus. An extension to you. All you need to decide in the first place is how they will meet their demise. In other words, let the game begin and may they forever not be in the victims’ favor but in yours.

            Without delay I will bring them in, help you with the pain, the pleasure, and finally the knife play. After all your knife is your phallus and I do so like being a good accomplice and wielding them both.

Knife play phone sex

MISSING: Murder phone sex fantasies slut who loves a good choker

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

I was walking home from school when I was scooped up. I remember feeling so many hands at once just grab me. My feet leave the ground. And I was whisked away.

Of course, being the young one I am, I was prime picking for you. Sweet thing in a cute skirt. Grade A meat in your eyes.

Tying me down wasn’t the easiest, as it was like trying to dress an octopus in a t shirt. You broke a few limbs though, which made it slightly easier. I wasn’t gonna move around as much.

However, stuffing my underwear in my mouth to make me shut up kinda choked me a little. Well, more than a little. You start to notice this as your shoving your dick into my tight little twat.

After forcefully taking my two holes for a few minutes, I guess you realized that I wasn’t breathing anymore. I had turned blue. Lifeless.

However, I don’t think that deterred you any… did it?


Snuff Movies Are The Best Dark Satanic Pleasures

Snuff Movies are some truly dark and twisted movies. And the best Dark Satanic Pleasures are fueled by a goth vixen named Morticia. Don’t let your guard down around this dark seductress as I will surely suck your soul out of your filthy human shell.

In fact my best pleasures are exterminating souls from filthy fucking p daddy perverts. I lured them and entice them with the pleasures of the flesh as I promise them sweet innocence for them to violate. Sometimes I will shape shift, or rather truly just visual and mental manipulation, into being a little girl.

Snuff Movies Night are the Prey and Be Preyed Upon Special Screenings Filmed by Morticia

Once the pervert is lured and suddenly rendered unconscious he becomes my victim. My prey was so much fun to lure and catch. That thing between his legs will soon be Rovers treat. After all a horny pervert is really a threat to young women. And I take onto myself to rid the world of them.

First things first, I will tie my victim up and enjoy watching him wake. Then with a strap-on I have my own special little session of violently violating a fantasy rape on that ass with my big cock. Sometimes guy envision me as a succubus shemale and this, again, is but more satanic manipulation of perception. Or am I just really a succubus shape changing devilish goddess?

Honestly, with my dabbling in the dark arts I have gained a few abilities. But that is not the discussion here. That tender destroyed asshole will be prolapsed and the once man is but a pile of mishaps. Oh but he asked for it. He was preying on young girls. His perverse desires where fulfilled with what he wanted. Tight young pussy.

Lastly the cock and balls are cut off and tossed into my beasts cage. He is a happy boy when he gets another mans boys. Who’s next?

Snuff Movies

Babysitter Phone Sex Means Juicy Pies

babysitter phone sex


Babysitter phone sex makes me extremely hot. You know why? It means another little sacrifice for me. The workaholic moms in the neighborhood need a place to drop off their rug rats. All they know is that I don’t have to work ,since I’m independently wealthy. I’m certainly glad to do it. It’s time to take one for my own pleasure. It means I’ll have to vanish from this town , but who gives a fuck. I hate it here anyway. She’s such a cutie, all plump and supple. She was hungry , so it was easy to drug her ass. The last thing she said was how delicious the stew was. I stripped her and put her on the table completely naked. She won’t feel a thing when I cut into her to rip out her uterus and her heart. The rest of her will be chopped into pieces and her blood drained. The young plumpers always make the best meatloaf, so tasty and moist. This is going to be one of my better sacrifices. It’s much easier when they go to sleep and I can get the organs I need. I can’t help but get excited during the whole thing and stop to play with my pussy. When I um, I just squirt it all into the pot with all the cut up pieces of her to add flavor.

Accomplice Phone Sex is Therapeutic

accomplice phone sexAccomplice phone sex calls will be on the rise in 2025 I predict. As folks stress about the cost of living, they need a creative outlet for their frustration and fear. But for some folks to get up the nerve to take out all their rage, they need a seasoned pro like me. Perhaps, you could call me a mercenary. I am a gun for hire. However, I never use a gun.

I am more of a knife girl. In fact, I have never owned a gun. For protection, I always have a knife or two strapped to my body. And in case of a home invasion, I have knives hidden all over the house. Plus, I keep my favorite knife under my pillow as I sleep. Much harder to find the culprit of a violent crime when the murder weapon appears to be a knife wound. Police can check for gunpowder residue. They can match bullets to where they were purchased.  

If you want to kill someone, knife play phone sex just seems a better and safer option. Plus, a knife death takes skill. However, killing with a gun just takes good aim. A knife can torture your victim better too. And I am a firm believer that if you want to take a ride on the dark side, make it last. We can savor our kill much more when we prolong the death. Thus, providing a more therapeutic experience for the killer.

To Kill Requires Control and Skill and That Can Be Learned

And I am all about therapeutic kills. Work out the rage on a young body. Or anybody, as long as it is not my body, LOL. I would kill an accomplice who even looked at me wrong. But folks who hire this sadistic bitch for a snuff sex kill need my expertise to not get caught. You need impulse control to get out your rage and most people lack the impulse control to safely act alone.

And I know from experience a rage kill requires help. My grandpa cleaned up my first kill when I was a schoolgirl. And he trained me how to harness my rage and kill undetected. Now, I pass that knowledge on to men like you, for a fee of course.

Kidnapping Phone Sex Almost Turned Deadly for Me

kidnapping phone sexKidnapping phone sex was not on my bingo card last night. I planned a nice night in with my two sons and my husband. For once, I had plenty of blow too. But my husband wanted some champagne, and all we had on hand appeared to be rum and wine. So, I volunteered to go to the liquor store since they stayed open until 11 pm last night. Gave me some time to do some coke.

However, I never made it to the liquor store. I got a flat tire, and a couple offered me a ride since it was cold and raining. They looked dressed up for a party. I texted my husband about the car and that I hitched a ride with a nice couple and would be home soon. But I never returned home until this morning. And luckily my family fell asleep waiting for me. I do not think they even went looking for me.

This couple took me to their place under the rouse that she forgot her purse. And since my clothes got soaked, she invited me in so she could give me some warmer clothes. I thought she seemed so nice. Snuff sex never occurred to me. Perhaps, she was nice. But her husband turned out to be a nightmare. He grabbed me, tossed me on the floor and ripped my clothes off. But his wife just stood there frozen. She seemed scared of her husband. Too scared to help me. And I understood.

I Almost Died on New Year’s Eve

While her husband force fucked my ass and my cunt, she looked at me with eyes that told me she felt bad she could not help me. Her husband appeared to be a very violent man who enjoys preying on women. I tried to fight him. But he had strength and size on his side. For a bit, I thought I might die. He had more than just rape phone sex fantasies for me. He wanted to snuff me out. It seemed to me that he wanted to ring in the new year killing a bitch. And he almost did.

While his hands started to choke me, he thrust his cock in my ass. I passed out a few times. And when I did, he slapped me awake. However, the last time he slapped me awake, his wife hit him on the head with something, saving my life. But in saving my life, she put her life in danger. Clearly her man is a sadist. I pleaded with her to run with me. She could stay with my family until she could get her own place. But she had other plans. She gave me the keys to their car so I could get home.

I was not even behind the wheel of their car when I heard the gunshot. And I can only assume she killed the man who almost ended my life. Worst New Year’s Eve of my life. But not sure what was worse. Almost dying or realizing my family never called the police or even worried about me when I never came home.

Kidnapping phone sex it’s meant to be tonight.

            Kidnapping phone sex it’s meant to be tonight.  After all, it is New Years Eve. We bring out the baddies tonight. In fact, going to wear a mask, kidnap an unsuspecting victim. Who shall it be? Someone little? A little older? Man or woman. Will it be you. Are you going to be the victim? Perhaps the accomplice.

            At the present time, it works for you to be the accomplice. Coming in the dark of the night. The marauder carries the supplies and cares as little as I do. Snatch them from their beds. Take them into the night. While the parents are off drinking the night away. We slink into the house.

            Up the stairs, around the corner. The first room we come to is going to have the fantasy rape that you so long to have. The second room is the one where we take the brat along with us. To finish our Rape phone sex fantasies that to be sure will end in the snuff games we play.

            All the nasty ones. They will not only be taboo, but they will also have teens. Now is it going to be teen pussy or teen cock. Namely, either or will be fun for me. For the most part I don’t care which it will be like.

            I just want the accomplice by myside as we kidnap, torture, fantasy rape the little brat. All in all let’s bring in the new year with a BANG!Kidnapping phone sex

Wanna put me on a Milk Cartoon in Kidnapping Phone Sex?

Kidnapping Phone Sex

You stand there horrified. Anger. Rage. Lose. She was supposed to be the one. Right?

Nope. That bitch that you fucked for years? Had a relationship with? All those dreams dashed when you found her in the bed of some rando. Glugging on his cock like a chicken peckin on a worm to eat.

Snapped. That’s what it is.

Dude is already dead. You dispatched him pretty quickly with a click click boom. Make his a quick one too. Right in the middle of the dome. Pink mist.

The perfect shot.

Now, this bitch before you. Crying and pleading saying “It’s not what it looks like”, or “It didn’t mean anything”. You realize that you should give her what she wants. Being nailed hard and long.

You grab her by the face, look into the beautiful doe eyes. And then slowly push her head towards your cock. She just starts sucking with fervor, telling you that this is the only meat she wants in her face from now on. She’ll never do it again.

You know she’ll never do it again. And you’ll make damn sure too. Because as she keeps sucking on that dong of yours, you put your own piece to her head.


You still think about that night all those months ago… and still think her face looks really cute in those missing person posters.


Kidnapped Used And Abused

Kidnapping phone sexKidnapping phone sex.  I was leaving work digging in my purse for my keys when my mouth and nose is covered from behind, everything goes blank, when I wake up  in a strange room,naked  hanging from the ceiling, bound by ropes, a full face gag on my head, I try to squirm and wiggle free but that only makes the ropes tighter. You hear my muffled screams through the door, Shut the fuck up whore! Screaming wont help you now, If you want to make it out of this alive you will keep your fucking mouth shut! you tell me as you run the blade of a very sharp knife across my throat,tears running down my face, you lick them with a sticky tongue that smells of cigarettes and whiskey, I hear your pants unzip, feel a hard cock pressed against my soft ass, my ass cheeks spread wide and your thick cock shoved in my asshole no lube only your funky saliva on the head of your huge fucking cock, fucking me up my ass for what seems like hours first your cock , then a dildo that had to be about 3 inches around,my asshole was on fire its now numb, my whole body is numb from hours and hours of being tortured and abused at the hands of you, I have been tased ,whipped, choked,pissed on, spit on. When your friends arrived you removed my gag so they could rape my mouth, fill it with cum , piss,one of the nasty motherfuckers even spit in my mouth. Just when I think the torture is over, you bring in a furry four leg friend to mount me, filling my sore pussy with his red rocket spewing his load inside me, When his furry cock finally returns to its normal size he gets off me. Thankfully nobody wants to follow up behind him, I’m determined to be useless until one of you decides to take a huge shit on my chest. You blindfold me, wrapping my bruised and abused body in a dirty blanket,Knocking me out with a chemical soaked cloth, When I come to I’m naked in a field covered in shit, piss cum and any other body fluids you can think of. 

Home invasion phone sex wear the red suit.

  Home invasion phone sex           Home invasion phone sex wear the red suit. Dripping and soaked in blood. Big black boots. White pristine gloves. This time of year, breaking in, stealing them blind. It will not be noticed. Just like home alone. All the people are gone. Now we find the loot, take possession. Anyone left…oops be the bloody killer you want to be.

            The red suit will soak up the blood. Home invasions are a great way to kill someone, cut them up, suffocate them, at the same time get your dick wet. Now I know as the misses in the house the cunt will be dripping. Right alongside of you going to help your soak all in.

            Have that Killer phone sex with your whore. Edging you. Santa Claus is perhaps an elf. In some places called good old St. Nick. Dropping to my knees sucking your cock while you are strangling some little brat that is on good list to death.

            Feel the hardness as you wrap your hands around that scrawny neck. Squeeze with all you might. The saying might be Momma had a brat, and the head popped off but I do believe it good old St. Nick came a calling and a bloody massacre happened in the home invasion. It’s a killer time of the year.