Category: Evil phone sex

Snuff Porn Aficionados Unite

Snuff porn Dusty01

Snuff Porn newsgroups are a riot and there will always be something new and interesting going on in them. Of course it is super exciting being the one gaining all the views from subscribers. As my co-conspirator sets up the video equipment in our special basement room, I am out in my Ice cream truck picking up our stars.

The sweet stars of our movie will have a large viewing from all over the world and we love taking requests from them. So this is a popular request and one of my favorites. I get the girls to our play room and we prepare them. We strap them down spread eagle and their heads are placed in the brace that will hold them in place. A screen above them will have their full attention as they view a special movie.

Snuff Porn Dusty 002

P  incestuous hardcore will be the focus for these sweet stars. The walls of the playroom are filled with murals of Satanic and Biker scenes of brutal fucking p porn. A succubus and incubus share in the scenery looking as deviously evil as ever. We take ceremonial daggers and slice the clothes off the prey of our desire. I am handed a mask of Devilishly delicious evil red and black with horns up and a third eye blazing red. My strap-on covered in demon scales is strapped on. My accomplice is wearing a black death mask looking equally Evil with his cock oiled and ready for penetrating a tight cunt. We speed fuck these little darlings making them bleed and scream. The viewers are requesting more. They want a virginal sacrifice, they want blood. I take my dagger to my dolls tender flesh of her neck. As the blood flows into a basin beneath the table I continue ripping her pussy up with my scaled penis strap-on. We continue fucking our prey until their life starts to seep away and the viewers become satisfied. 

 Snuff porn Dusty 00

Ass Rape Porn with the Snowman

I had the craziest nightmare. I guess its all the xmas decorations everywhere and the cold weather combined, and it all got inside my twisted mind. I drove home late last night and had seen a snowman in a neighbors yard. I am sure some neighbors had made it earlier that day, but something about it creeped me out. Instead of having a carrot for a nose, the neighbors had stuck the carrot where his cock would be – I am sure trying to be funny. I figured I was just tired and needed to get inside away from all this xmas crap.

I must have fallen asleep on the couch and next thing I knew it seemed as if I had woke up and it was freezing cold. As cold as it would be outside in the snow. But I was inside. In some house I didn’t recognize. It was dark, but I could see, and I was naked. My nipples were hard from the cold, and I could see something lurking in the corner of the room. It was huge, and it didn’t quite look like a man. It stepped into the light where I could see, and it was the fucking snowman from the neighbor’s yard!

This thing was alive and coming towards me. My heart was racing and everything was going in slow motion like it does in dreams. It grabbed my naked body and its grip sliced into my arms. I tried to pull away, but it pressed its frozen body against mine and it was so cold that it felt like it was burning my naked tits. Then I felt something sharp and cold poking me between my legs, and I remembered the carrot! I tried to pull away again, knowing this thing was going to try to fuck me. It was so strong, and caught me as I spun around.

It gripped me tight from behind and shoved its carrot cock right in my ass. It was sharp and cold and dry and tore my asshole as it stabbed its way in. I felt like I was in the weirdest ass rape porn video ever made. I was screaming for this snow beast to let me go, and just when i felt its arms begin to wrap around my neck and tighten, I woke up. My heart was pounding, and as I gathered my thoughts I realized that I had cum all over the couch. I stood up`to go get a towel, and realized that somehow I was naked, just like in the dream. When I put my feet on the floor I stepped in a huge puddle of ice cold water – it looked like something had melted all over the floor.

I made my way to the window and peeked out to see if the snowman was still there. Sure enough, it was, but it was looking towards my window with that carrot cock pointing straight at me, the tip of it dripping with blood.

Blasphemy Phone Sex

Journal entry

December 11, 2014

I am so tired of being tortured and raped what have I done to deserve this blasphemy.  I pray to god each night does he not hear my prayers. Lord hear my prayer.  Countless promises go unanswered what must I do?  The other night I had a dream that  I had a savior. Could it be that  I’ve been praying to the wrong god.  Curse his name and for what he stands for.  One who says we have chosen our own fate. Jesus who would chose this kind of life.  He claims throughout this book he is here to save me, well where you are. Do you not love me, have I not honored you?

blasphemy sex

 I bow my head in shame deliver me from this life I call upon the devil.  I will sell my soul just to be released from anguish.  Pray, make me your bride deliver me from this hell I am in.  Curse my soul and bring me deliverance and make me whole.  Bring me to your palace I am eternal grateful I will be your honored servant.  As you take me for your bride I pray to the gods in hell I am your whore.

Killer Phone Sex with Venus: Tis the Season to Be Fatal

killer play phone sex evil dominatrixWhen I was just a little girl, my parents knew something was off about me. While other girls my age were idolizing Disney princesses, I was worshiping knife wielding psychopaths. While other girls my age aspired to be nurses,  mommies or lawyers, I wanted to be a killer. Some people called me a bad seed or Satan’s spawn. They didn’t appreciate a young thing who epitomized  the worst aspects of human nature: violence, wrath, greed, revenge…  But I had my mentors, Norman, Michael, Chucky and Patrick. They taught me killing was necessary to rid the world of bad parents, narcissistic assholes,  empty headed Barbie dolls,  and essentially anyone who annoyed me or had something that I wanted or needed.

killer phone sex knife play bitchI have honed my killing skills over the years thanks to a slew of dark, demented role models. When I first started killing it was messy, unorganized, impulsive, lacking in style.  Now, I am meticulous. I research my prey’s habits and routine. I have a plan for disposing of the body. I have rubber gloves and other tools of the trade to obscure any DNA traces that could link back to me. I’m patient and can wait for the right opportunity to kill my victim. I can savor the moment, make sure my victim knows why I selected them, toy with them for awhile. I’m a perfect mimic now too. I can kill anyone and make it look like the work of someone else. I’m actually very proud of my killing skills.

I am YOUR perfect accomplice for all your killer phone sex fantasies and realities. Yes, I prefer knife play on my victims, but variety is the spice of life, and the key to never being caught. So, I have a wide assortment  of killing tools in my arsenal: knives, guns, baseball bats, hammers, rope, blow torch, chainsaw, acid, poisons…. We can have so much fun hunting and killing while others are shopping.  We can even devise a naughty or nice list; what I call a kill list. Whose on your kill list? I  mean it is the season to be fatal.

killer phone sex butcher knifeplay



Snuff Sex Fun

snuff sex angieAs I stand here, the sharpening stone spinning, sparks flying in all directions and cum flowing down the inside of my legs. Each time the ice cream scoop touches the wheel and sharpens a bit more, my pussy sends out another wave of cum. He called and asked if I would be his accomplice. She was a pretty young thing with long blonde hair and freckles trailing across her nose. Her eyes had him spell bound and he had to have her but he wanted my help. He asked me to bring the sharpened scoop that I use for just this type of thing. When he opened the door she was cowered in the corner her smokey greyish blue eyes wide and I could see why he was mesmerized by her. He grabbed her by the hair and dragged her into the bathroom where he shoved her on her knees in front of the toilet. I sat on her back facing the wall and took her hair in my hand. When he was ready in between her legs, dick rock hard and throbbing, I shoved her head into the toilet and held her under the water. My bare pussy rubbing against her back, my clit getting more swollen with ever twitch and fight she put out. I lifted her head and let her take on quick gulp of air before shoving her face back into the commode.  This time when I lifted her head he said he was ready. I got off her with her hair still in my grasp and whipped her around to face him. He pushed her chin up into the air tilting her head back as I brought the ice cream scoop down and scooped her eye right out of the socket. I held her head for him just like he likes it and he shoved the head of his cock in her skull. “Push deeper baby. You know you want to feel her warm soft brain against your dick. And I can’t wait to watch the fluid flow from her ears and nose.” He followed my command and shoved deep into her head, sending fluid flowing from every orifice of her skull and spewing his hot load into her head while I came all over myself. I love being his accomplice and sharing snuff sex fun!

A Peek Into The World of Blasphemy Sex

Blasphemy sexBlasphemy Sex is one of my all time favorite things in the world.  Some people think Anal sex, or sucking on a dirty dick are the nastiest things to do, but then again those people who think that would never ever read this blog, so that leaves you.  And you DO think of things of the more Taboo and Sadistic nature, don’t ya dumplin?  I thought so.

Now let us begin.  Blasphemy Sex is one of those touchy subjects.  There are a lot of religious lines a good majority of people will not cross, even in the fantasy world.  However, I can promise you that if you just give it one try you will feel exhilarated!  It’s the ultimate no no but you have an orgasm from it.  It’s a mixture of self loathing and elation after you are done.

There are different levels of this type of sex as well.  You don’t have to go full on H.P. Lovecraft, you can just maybe have the perfect little pussy riding your big Sunday School Teacher dick while she recites a bible verse.  Or you could take a sweet little thing into the rectory to spank her while she says the Lord’s Prayer because you caught this sweet little thing taking a quarter out of the collection plate.  Then there is the other end of the spectrum with it, you can fuck an unwilling nun while praying to the Angel of Light while a bunch of guys, in robes, chant praises to their Demon God with each thrust.  It all depends on what you want.

So you see, it doesn’t have to be something where your mind will snap if you even attempt it.  It can be dirty, nasty, sacrilegious and cum inducing.  All good things as far as I am concerned.

Bloody Phone Sex with Reagan * Death Cums To Me

Bloody Phone Sex Reagan

As I hide in the shadow, my cunt is screaming for bloody phone sex. One by one they cum down this alley, and I can’t help but laugh as they try to scream. All that is audible is the blood gurgling in the throat from the slash of open  flesh. Fresh blood spatters all around, as my thrusts of this knife become more intense. The last shallow breath is accompanied by that sweet blood choking sound as the lungs fill up with the blood from a badly slashed and severed chest. Admiring how I look covered in so much blood, I smile as I look down at the now unrecognizable victim. My cunt throbbing…

Time to slink into the shadows, knife readied for my next sweet death. I needed more. More screams, more blood, more lust. I smile as I hear another set of foot steps. I do love when death comes to me… I spin around as this one sees the massacre on the ground and is frozen when I step in between my fresh corpse and my new friend. In one motion I slit his chest open. Quick and easy, like a knife through butter.. again the lust takes over and in a split second blood, once more, is covering me while veins and arteries are severed.. shallow breaths..

My sex is on fire as I am engulfed in a crimson flood.. this is the only way. As I rub my now bloody cunt I can feel the fire become so intense my legs shake. I slip the handle of my knife inside my snatch and fuck my cunt so hard. Screaming I finally release and cum all over my dead bodies.. knowing they watch from dead eyes.. I stand up and walk slowly away.. dripping blood and cunt juice I search for more. My cunt hungrier now than it was when I started. I will wait for the next one..

Bloody Phone Sex Reagan


Snuff sex is the only thing that gets me off

snuff sexSnuff sex is something you have to experience before you can truly understand it and sad to say it but there are very few people who truly do understand it the way that I do.So  I was very surprised to find a man that not only understands it, he revels in it just as I do! He shares my passion for killing and is just as fascinated by killers from the past as I am too. Like Jack the Ripper in particular, we both love the way he stalked those whores and ripped them apart the way he did. We talk about him all the time and finally we have decided to pay homage to him by killing whores the same way he did. We found a dark alleyway and hid in the shadows until we found the perfect whore. She was obviously a working girl, probably had a pussy full of cum when we snatched her but we weren’t interested in her cunt all we wanted to do was gut the fucking whore. We completely eviscerated that dumb slut and we left her there spread open for the whole world to see. I wonder who we will pick to be our next victim…

snuff sex

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Not Your Girls Next Door…..

Bloody phone sex knife play tortureFew folks get me, even fewer folks are part of my inner circle. The friends you had when you were younger played with dolls and action figures. I dismembered and disfigured them. You skipped stones in your local creek. I threw stones at my class mates heads. You pushed that cute little school girl you crushed on in the swing. I pushed her off the swing and shoved her lollipop up her ass. You wanted to be a doctor when you grew up. I dreamed of being a mortician. You went to church with your family, while I worshiped in the church of Satan. You went swimming in the local pool. I held you under the water and laughed as you struggled. You listened to Britney Spears and Bare Naked Ladies. I listened to Morbid Angel and Mayhem. You played Life and Sorry, while I was conjuring up evil spirits with my Ouija board. You cried at the Notebook. I got wet at the Hostel and Saw flicks. You wanted to be the next Bill Gates. I wanted to be the next Michael Myers. You loved your family. I murdered mine. You get the picture. I was and always will be a dark bitch.

bloody phone sex evil violenceThat is why I love my job so much. I am among other dark bitches. Evil seductresses; dominate whores; blasphemous beauties; pain sluts; mutilation wenches; p mommies;  willing victims; torture dolls; mayhem maidens; castration junkies; blood lovers; cannibal cunts; violent vixens; knife wielders;  twisted teens….Girls like me cannot have an office job because we would cut a bitch at the water cooler. I am at home here with my fellow sadistic bitches. If you are reading my blogs, or on this site then you don’t like vanilla girls either. You need me or one of my fellow dark accomplices to help you come to terms with your evil thoughts; fulfill your sickest needs.

You can follow our carnage on Twitter and like our bloody triumphs on Facebook. And of course, call us for your most taboo fantasies. There is nothing too sick or perverse or extreme for us. Chances are your sickest thoughts, are tame to us. But don’t fret, we can bring out the evil in Mother Theresa.

bloody phone sex snuff knife play

The Bloodier the Better

bloody phone sex torture gothWhen I was younger, instead of watching cartoons and Disney movies, I watched torture porn horror films. I didn’t want to see romantic little tales of when girl met boy. I wanted  sexy stories about when girl dismembered boy, or when girl disemboweled girl. While other girls my age were experimenting with sex and drugs, I was experimenting with knives. I’d get so turned on by the Hostel and Saw movies that I would have to go hunting. Back then, I rarely killed, just maimed and disfigured. But stalking, hunting, hurting, are just like fucking, the more you do it, the more you love it and the further you go to get off.

We all have our ultimate sexual fantasy though. For some guys it to bang hot sisters or be the star in some Girls Gone Wild movie. For some women it is to get double penetrated by two big black cocks. For me, my ultimate sexual fantasy would be to kidnap some worthless piece of trash and string him or her up above me naked. Masturbate at their fear of not knowing what I am going to do to them next. And, as I am cumming,  I slice them open as their blood and organs cascade over my body bringing me to the pinnacle of my orgasm.

Bloody phone sex, bloody sex turns me on. From stabbing and cutting to castrating and chopping to eviscerating and gutting, the bloodier the better. If you are a worthless fuck pig, then I will kill and gut you like one. If you are like me, a sick, twisted mother fucker who gets off and pain and death, then  let’s go hunting together and see what kind of trouble we can make for others.

bloody phone sex snuff kill