Category: Evil phone sex

Taboo Phone Sex Confessions of Cannibalism

There is just something in the world of Taboo phone sex that gets my pussy so very wet! One specific subject that had me so excited I needed my cunt fucked hard, and that was a guy confessing to cannibalism phone sex. Can you imagine in the heat of fucking passion that your partner just uses his teeth like some mad creature and rips your neck flesh from your body? He went on about this and how he just gnawed at her breasts then savoring every salty bloodied piece of meat in his mouth.

Taboo Phone Sex

I could not imagine being the one alive and feeling… hell Witnessing… my own flesh being ripped away and devoured like some crazy predatory alien species. I would like to hear your stories of cannibalistic endeavors.

Ass Rape Porn for a Druggy Whore

ass rape pornAss rape porn is very popular. Porn nowadays is pretty much rough anal. This makes guys think all women want to be sodomized brutally. No woman really wants her asshole destroyed. Not even me, a druggy whore. I needed a fix badly but my dealer cut me off until I pay him what I owe. So, I went to this nightclub run by a young Hispanic drug dealer. I don’t know much about him or his club, but rumor had it that he had a fetish for redheaded MILFs. Doesn’t hurt to try, right? I was way out of my league. This young man was more akin to Pablo Escobar, than a street dealer. He saw me coming a mile away. He sent his security men to escort me to the bathroom. They stripped my clothes off and force fucked me. They said they had to be sure I was not wearing a wire because women like me don’t belong in this club. I explained I was just trying to score. When Pablo JR. entered the bathroom, his big dick was already out. They denied they sold drugs out of the club. I got passed around like candy to every guy who came into the bathroom. I was afraid if I resisted, I would end up 6 feet under, so I let them use and abuse me like a paid whore. They didn’t just fuck me. They spit on me, even pissed on me. When they were done fucking me, they left me on the floor covered in cum so they could stand over me and piss. As if that was not degrading enough, one of the security goons dragged me by my hair to a filled toilet. Forced my head in a toilet full of shit and piss. I had to do the walk of shame out of the club smelling like a toilet and looking like a dirty whore. No drugs to show for my degradation either. No one even offered me assistance. I guess I was asking for trouble.

Close Call

torture phone sex My hands are shaking and my heart is racing. Being evil and twisted is such a rush. But the thrill of the hunt and the kill would not be the same without the rush of knowing that I could get caught. This morning was a close call. I was almost done chopping up what was left of last night’s fun when the door belle rang. There was no time to really clean up, i was covered in blood. With the car in the drive and the music blaring there was no way I could pretend I wasn’t home. Grabbing my robe I jumped in the shower and rinsed off quickly before throwing the robe over my shoulders and answering the door. There stood a uniformed officer. This is it, I thought. I have finally gotten caught. Smiling he held out is hat and said they were going door to door for donations for the Fraternal Order Of Police Lodge. I grabbed some change off the table by the door and dropped it in the hat with a smile. As soon as I closed the door I felt the cum escaping my cunt.

Eat my Best Friend

Cannibalism phone sexYou know how much I love to go out and party with my friends. I decided to go out with my friend Sam to a bar she had heard about, I was told it is a super cool place to hang out with a lot of hot guys so I agreed. We got there and everything she heard was true. We start dancing and having a great time, this guy comes up and asks us to his VIP room upstairs. They have full rooms upstairs that have beds, and a kitchen. This is only provided to those who pay a special fee, so we are lucky to be there even. Well as we are sitting there he gets us a few drinks, nect thing I know I wake up to the smell og meat cooking. It smells odd but good. I don’t see Sam anywhere, I guess she left. When I come into the kitchen I find the mysterious man cooking. He lets me try it, I ask what it is and tells me, IT IS SAM!!! I am eating part of my best friend and I can’t help but get wet. It is so twisted!! He gives me more, I go sit down and eat but he tells me no. He knows I am wet, he bends me over the table and fucks me while I eat my best friend!

Unique Dinner with a Friend

Cannibalism phone sexI was invited to dinner with a friend last night, and I was so excited to go. Little did I know what sort of dinner it was going to be. When I got there, there was the wonderful aroma of cooking going on in the kitchen, but the strange thing was the dining room. The living room was situated directly across from it, so you could see straight into it from the front door. And, hanging over a plastic-coated table was a naked man. Before I knew what was happening, I was being ushered into the dining room by a masked naked house boy. My friend came in shortly after, and she handed me a blade. The man stared at me in fear, appearing to beg with his eyes. When she crawled on the table and started licking and sucking at his cock, you saw him visibly relax, and I crawled up to help with his balls and ass hole. I realized what was going on the moment it happened. She waited until he was fully erect with a full sack to slice the cock and balls free. The screaming went on for minutes before the blood loss finally knocked him unconscious. We ate his cock and balls, and she explained that the rest of him would be properly butchered and stored for later meals.

Cooking her slowly..

Cannibalism phone sex

She thinks her big tears and snot running down her face is going to stop me. That her begging and pleading for her worthless life is going to stop me from what I am doing.

In fact it turns me on.

The way she screams makes my pussy wet. I am so bad. I keep teasing her with knifes and cheese graters as I do my meal prep. I slowly chop onions, carrots, cellery and potatoes. Lots of them. I walk past her and pinch her, make her taste her own broth soup as she slowly cooks to death. I am so happy she fit in my custom made “pot” It’s really a metal drinking thing for horses and farm animals. It’s big enough for 2 people but I only wanted her.

Those thighs got me.

I almost bit my lip in two watching her thighs rub together as she walked down the dirty highway. She never knew what was coming. She just got paid a shit ton of money to be my muse for the night. Dumb girls will fall for anything as long as you promise them cash or drugs. This bitch came willingly to my home out in the middle of no where. I love being able to talk to her as she boils to death. Her broth is tasting soo good I had her taste it! Working the veggies in and oh my god. I wish I could send you the smell of her body slowly cooking. The meat is just going to fall off the bone so easy!

A nightmare or a fantasy?

Snuff phone sex What is your worst nightmare? You wanna know what mine is. It is a man with a evil sheep thing mask shirtless with a saw. I am walking down the road on my way home from a shoot and he stops and asks me for a ride. I start to run because of the mask and saw, and he parks and takes off after me. I fall into a hole and he picks me up and slams my head into the ground my face is all bloody. He throws me into the back of his truck and takes me into a someone kind of shed. Blood is dripping on my face and I can barley see. He straps me on to a table and all I can see is his mask looking over me. He takes that saw and starts slicing my legs and takes my skin in one strip. There is blood everywhere, and he ripped my stomach off and had all my guts laying everywhere. Mhm a bloody mess sounds so good. Maybe this isn’t a nightmare but one deep fantasy

Yearning For The Taste Of Human Flash

Cannibalism phone sexDaddy has become increasingly violent with me lately. I think its because my uncle who just got out of prison has been staying with us. I overheard him talking about how his years in prison were hard but not as hard as his dick was when he thought about all the painful, torturous things he had done to that girl. Hearing how he had brutally shoved objects deep inside of her pussy and ass and fucked them simultaneously, made me dripping wet. He described to Daddy how much he loved fucking her while wearing a specially made cock ring that was fitted with sharp blades. He described in detail how the warm blood felt as it gushed around his cock. He said he then put it in her tight asshole and ripped it wide open. He said she was gushing blood and the stickiness excited him. He laughed sadistically as he told how he had literally fucked the life out her and continued fucking her dead body until it turned cold. He said the bladed cock ring had turned her pussy into something that looked like ground meat and that the taste was phenomenal. You could see the gleam in Daddy’s eyes as he fantasized about fucking a woman to death and cannibalizing her remains.

He called aloud for me, his worthless whore, to come into the room. As I entered I saw both Daddy and Uncle stroking their large hard cocks. I had never seen Daddy’s swollen quite this large. I undressed as I was ordered to. They approached me with lust in their eyes. I was paralyzed with fear as Uncle ran the knife down the side of my face, my chest, and between my legs. I was relieved when he and Daddy double penetrated me with their cocks, rather than using a bladed object. Even then, they fucked me so hard between them, I screamed in pain as they pounded my holes brutally, but thankful that they were not fucking me to death – at least not yet.

Make mine rare, please.

cannibalism phone sexI have this crazy friend who loves the taste of human flesh. He is always telling me stories of how badly he wants to go out and get a young girl to deep fry. I laughed my ass off until I realized that he was telling the truth. Now I found myself aroused by that thought. With Halloween coming soon, I was feeling pretty wicked. Time to practice my evil skills and offer to be his accomplice.

He knew exactly where to find our victim. A local brat camp filled with the young and tasty. It was an easy grab and run. We brought her back to the dungeon where no one could hear her screams. It was time to prep her. First, we purged her by forcing laxatives down her throat and left her lying in her own piss and feces. A good hot pressure wash removed the nasty along with most of her skin. The sight of her lying there naked and scalded made my friend so horny that he couldn’t resist basting her insides with a few loads of cum. We violated every hole with a cock, bottles, and a piece of pipe. Her screams made me cum so hard. She figured out our plans when we set up a giant turkey fryer full of peanut oil. Her screams died down to pleas for her life and offers of anything we wanted. They all beg. It didn’t make a difference in the end, when my friend held her carcass over the fryer and dropped her in. One shrill cry and she was gone. I have to admit that she was quite tasty even though I prefer my flesh on the rare side.

Halloween is coming. Hide your brats and pets. I’m lurking nearby looking for fresh meat.

Hell Has Arrived

I could feel blood oozing from the 8 gashes he’d left on my body, never in the same place. I peeked one eye open just in time to see him taking the pipe back from Brandy. I took a deep breath, because I knew this next bit would be what would get the screams he was looking for. I squeezed my eyes shut and prepared myself as best I could in the few seconds between that time and the time I heard the pipe slice through the air, landing hard on the fleshy area between my rib cage and my hip on the left side. I shrieked with the pain of that pipe slamming into my innards. He swung it again quickly, striking the other side in about the same place. He hit both sides once more each, then swung lower and hit my hips on each side, then my thighs, drawing stronger screams with each blow.mutilation phone sex

When he finally stopped, I was heaving tearful wails, struggling to catch my breath. After a minute or 2, I realized nothing else had happened in a while, and I finally mustered up my courage to glance in his direction. He was moving closer, but the smile plastered on his face was ferociously scary. I noticed the pipe was still in his hand, and my worries doubled. My heart started racing faster, and I could literally feel the sweat start to pour from my skin. When he got just in front of me, he took that pipe, and he shoved it into my pussy until it hit bottom, then shoved more, almost like he was trying to force that pipe up through my body from my cervix. I screamed and thrashed, but that only made it worse, so I tried my best to be still and just endure it. He pulled it mostly back out, then pounded it deeper into my pussy, shoving harder. After what felt like another 5 minutes of that insistent, drilling pressure in my pussy, I felt it leave me.evil phone sex

I should have been prepared for it, but I wasn’t. Almost immediately after that was removed from my pussy, I felt it rammed into my ass, and I swear it felt like it went straight up my spine and into my neck, so forceful was his hand. I screamed in frustration and I cried. I looked pleadingly at Brandy, and she mouthed an apology for the pain I was going through, but gave me a thumbs up for taking it like a champ.