I wake up still tied to the bed. I’m nausous and My head is very fuzzy. Did I see those fangs for real or was it just the blood loss causing me to hallucinate. It can’t be true. I wouldn’t be alive. The mistress comes into the room. She unties my wrist. They are bruised and sore. I rub them as I asked what happened. She just shrugs her shoulders throws me a dress and leaves. I untie my legs and go to the bathroom. I shower and shave. I slip on the dress. It’s beautiful! I’ve never seen a red silk dress in real life. It fits as if it was made for me. I lay my damp hair around my face and apply my makeup. My hair drys straight and I look gorgeous! I sit in the velvet chair next to the bed. My new master walks in. He smiles softly at me. I can’t get a read on this man. He tells me I look so delicious. No, that’s not weird at all. Maybe the fangs are real. He tells me he won’t tie me up if I’m a good girl. I agree to be good. He brings in dinner and feeds me. It’s amazing food and I was starving. He tells me to lay on the bed. I lay down as he positions himself between my legs… my heart is pumping profusely. I don’t know why I’m so nervous. He cuts my leg. Ouch! I can feel the blood running out. He starts to lick on it. The pain is throbbing up my leg. Then it stops. I look down. The cut is gone. What the fuck is going on. He licks the blood off his face. Then he spreads open my pussy lips…….(to be continued)
Category: Evil phone sex
Let me be your Christmas dinner
I love being tied up like a little hog. Pretending the big red ball gag in my mouth was a apple, and I would be already for you to roast up for your Christmas dinner. I would love to be in the oven getting nice and crispy for you to enjoy. Wrapping my fingers, toes, and nipples so they don’t burn. I would be already shaved and have all the drugs detoxed out of my body so I can taste the best for you. You can shove all your veggies and seasonings into my cunt and ass hole so I can taste so yummy. I promise I will be a good little whore for you. I will let you do whatever you want so I can be your Christmas dinner.
Park Fun
Daddy and I went to the park today. He had me pick out three precious little brats for us to play with! He knows how badly I love to feel them screaming and crying through my pussy as I sit on their face while Daddy violates them. I described them all for Daddy…I pointed at the one on the slide! Her clothing still in the T section and pampers still on her little smooth ass. I held and stroked Daddys cock as he throbbed in my hand. I knew this one was a keeper… I moved on pointing out an even younger princess in the sand box. So little and innocent she could not even keep her own head up she was so fresh and young. I was getting really turned on myself when I spotted the jackpot. I jerked Daddys cock harder and made sure he saw the tiny little twins I was going to bring over for Daddy to fuck, to fuck all the way open. It wasn’t long before Daddy was fucking them bloody, my pussy on their faces and my mouth on Daddys cock poking out the hole I cut in their pathetic tummies. I love it!
Ivy gets off on Violent phone sex
He didn’t learn his lesson from last time. I growing tired of him begging for food, begging for water. He is so fucking needy. I told him upfront that I was a kinky bitch. I guess he didn’t believe me. When I brought him home he thought he was going to get into my panties… Well now he looks so cute in my panties. His cock is so tiny because he is so cold and scared. He should be. I don’t like crybabies. He keeps begging me that his wife is going to start looking for him, that he doesn’t want her to find out that he was trying to cheat. I smiled and asked him how many times he has cheated. He tried to tell me this was his first time. No way, he was smooth and knew what he was doing. I had no idea he was married. I shoved my thin heel into his tied-up balls and asked him again. He screamed out 10. I pushed harder and he screamed out 19. I smiled and asked him what number I would have been? He spit on my shoes and said 20. I slammed my thin heel into his balls, I got my fucking heel stuck in his nut sac. He was screaming so loudly, for a man he was a little fucking bitch. This twat wanted to cheat on his wife so bad, he was wreckless. Now he is ball-less… HAHAHAH!! I think I am going to teach him a lesson for cheating on his wife so much. He just might not have a cock left when I’m done with him.
Holiday long pig
The weather here in Oregon has been rather intense, with heavy snow and powerful winds with temperatures in the single digits. I was on my way home from a shopping trip at a newer little Mennonite store that was opened here in town. I love it there for all of the bulk, raw, whole foods I can get to work with. No processed pesto here! The snow was driving thickly to the ground, and through it I glimpsed some blinking hazard lights from a disabled vehicle. I pulled over to see what the situation was, and was pleasantly surprised to see a thick-thighed beauty pop out of the car waiving. She was wearing these nice, soft leggings that outlined her hips just beautifully, with a smaller waist and bountiful breasts. I opened my passenger door and waived her in.
She sat down and curled up against the shivers racking her body. “Oh thank you! I thought no one would stop. It’s so cold, my car died almost an hour ago, and my cell is still in the shop, so I couldn’t call for help!”
“My goodness! I’m so sorry to hear that! Do you have all of your purse and identification with you? My place isn’t too terribly far away, I’ll take you there and get you warmed up with something hot to drink, and get you a phone so we can get your vehicle taken care of. Do you need to call your mom or anything?” I asked the slightly blue-faced girl.
“No, mom died last year, and I never knew dad. It’s just me.” She said, her teeth still chattering.
I smiled inwardly, no attachments. Even better!
Once I got her inside and sat down, I called Rick downstairs. He smiled graciously at our guest, and asked, “Langley, darling! I had no idea we were having a guest for dinner!?”
“I found her out in the snow all alone. Her vehicle was stranded, the poor dear is all alone in the world, and was nearly half frozen!” I replied as I handed her a cup of steaming hot chocolate.
“Oh my dear young lady! You sip that heat into you and we’ll get you warmed all up. Then we’ll see what to do with you.”
Before she could reply, her eyes were drooping, the “special ingredient” I added was working already. Easy with a chilled, dehydrated body to begin with.
“It’s not often that we have meat that is both frozen, and fresh!” I joked with Rick, getting a warm smile and a chuckle in return.
Once she was thoroughly cleaned inside and out, and shaved nice and smooth, we began rubbing her down with fine coconut oil. I wanted to try some new flavors for the coming up Christmas holiday, so I ground cloves with my ginger root and some allspice, and tossed it with pineapple chunks. I used this to stuff her young, smooth cunt, and her very nicely cleaned little asshole, followed by a wild rice blend I came up with. Then sewed her tightly shut.
I also cut tiny slits, deep and sideays into the thicker parts of her tits, stomach, and thighs, adding a few whole cloves to add to her aroma. I filled her stomach with the same stuffing mix as in her other end, plus some apples. I have a very soft spot for apple stuffing when it comes to the wilder, richer meats.
Together we tied her to the specialized spit, securing her legs slightly apart, her hands and arms were carefully bound with baking twine, and her head fastened to the headrest we had made, so no part of her would wiggle. It’s important for the girl meat to stay exactly where we put it! She began to stir a little bit, whimpering and crying with the sensations of all her holes being full and sewed shut. She tried to cry, beg, to scream. But a throat full of stuffing, and a sewn-shut mouth didn’t allow for words. As hard as she tried to open her lips, she only managed to pull and tug her sutures, making them bleed a little.
Rick lit the fire, and we curled up in our chairs in front of the fire pit to watch her roast. We took turns every so often turning her over and over a few times, so we got a nice, even roast. She cried and sobbed for nearly an hour over the low heat, before her blood finally thickened and boiled within her, making her shut down. around 6 hours in, after the side dishes were prepared, she was done. Her internal temp had reached around 170 degrees, and deep splits were showing on all sides. With the repetitive basting and seasoning while she was roasting, her skin had developed a beautiful dark golden brown finish, and she smelled so beautiful and fragrant!
We served her with a nice festive salad, fresh whole grain bread, and cranberry sauce.
“Happy holidays, Rick. Here’s cheers to many more satisfying shopping trips, and beautiful meals together!’
He smiled, “Happy holidays, Langley. We make a great team! Cheers!”
Cold duck was such a perfect, bubbly drink to wash our holiday roasted long pig down with.
Ass Rape Porn On A Dumb Bi-Sexual Cunt
One of my bartender buds consoled in me a need to set his fiance straight and thought ass rape porn would be perfect for starters. It seems this cunt had been playing on his sister and he walked in on the two of them fucking. Well, this isn’t going over well with Jimbo and I will set his bimbo cunt fiance right. I told him I couldn’t make any guarantees that she will be fuckable for him by the time I’m done. He told me he didn’t give a fuck he was done with that cunt and I could fucking snuff sex that bitch out.
Well we went to her place and he let us in, while he knew her to be asleep. I got my tools of the trade out with the first being the nice big and fucking rigged w/ big steel balls under the silicone sheath around the top of the dildo below the head. These fucking balls make for some great pain with the girth of this bitching 14 inches of fuck her cunt and ass up good times. I strapped it on and grabbed my brass knuckles with the quarter inch steel spikes on each finger hole. My boot knife unsheathed I tossed the covers from the whore and cut her fucking panties off.
I forced her legs apart and slammed my dick in her cunt hard and deep with a hot fucking dry fuck as I shoved a pillow over her mouth. I told Jimbo to shove his dick in the bitches mouth and shut her the fuck up. I dry fucked her cunt then jammed it in her ass and fisted her fucking cunt with the brass knuckles fucking ripping her snatch up. I had that bitch ripped the fuck up and hurting and the whole time I had my blade to her nipples drawing blood then clamped on some alligator clamps with a chain between them and yanked that chain as I thrust in her fuck holes. The bitch was put in shock and bled the fuck out. Jimbo is going to have to feed that tramp to the gators.
orgasm from a monster!
I laid tied down on the bed for what seemed like an eternity before he returned. He walked in and smiled at me. “ now where was we” he said rubbing his chin. I just stared at him. There is something off about this man. I can’t put my finger in it. He sits on the bed next to me. He runs a hand up my leg. His hand feels like ice. I shiver. He runs that hand up to my pussy. He starts to finger me. I expected his fingers would warm up but they didn’t. What is the deal with this guy. Something doesn’t feel right. Not that it ever does. He is fingering me so well. I’m getting so wet. I start to moan. I can’t believe her is pleasuring me. I’m normally tortured. He brings me closer and closer to my peak. His fingers are still icy cold. He rubs my g-spot with the tip of his finger. I burst into and orgasm as my pussy clenches around his finger. The starts kissing my neck. How sweet. I feel so safe at this moment. He bites my neck. He is sucking my neck like a baby suckling on a nipple. My head starts to spin. He is rubbing my clit so fast it feels like a vibrator. How is that possible. He continues to suck on my neck. Everything is going dark. I feel so tired. I fall into the darkness as he lifts his head up. He licks the blood off his lips and smiles. I see it then. His coldness, strength, and how fast he can move. I see the fangs in his mouth. He is a vampire! My mind goes blank.
Blood, tears and blasphemy sex
Blood, tears and blasphemy sex, what more could you possibly need? Well down here in my special church you will see a whole lot of all of those things and more! You see, I don’t believe in your worthless god, why worship some asshole that limits every fucking thing you do? You should worship ME instead, I will be the Goddess of blood and you will kill to please me. Come to my bone church and see the sacrifice I have waiting for you, she is young and firm and we will have so much fun tearing her to pieces before we fuck on her lifeless body. Smear her innocent blood on my naked body while you pray to me, worship me the way you used to worship your old worthless god, dedicate your life to me… at least I am honest about my cruelty!
Successful breeding, but…
As a little time passed, Langley grew very fond of Lo’ Din. There was something about him, in his pheromones, that kept her in constant need of his presence. And constantly horny. The drive to have him inside her, filling her, was in every thought of every waking moment. Until one day, when it just kind of slowed down. Her body still reacted with violent orgasms whenever he touched her, licked her, fucked her body. But something changed. She felt hungry, so hungry, and aggressive. And sad.
Lo’ Din had been gone all day with a hunting party, and she had stayed behind with another girl, Sarah, who had been left in the forest a couple weeks after Langley. The day dragged on, as it got darker, she felt agitated. She didn’t know why, he’d been out hunting countless times, and she had been fine if not a little over horny while he was out. She rested on the floor of their den by the fire. It was so pretty. All of a sudden, pain racked her body, again, and again. Her vision changed. She threw up. and her body jerked and writhed, it seemed she was going to split in two. She passed out. The next she knew she was running through the forest. The moonlight was so bright, she could easily see. Not that she needed to. She could smell Lo’ Din. How could she smell him? The thought left as soon as it arrived, as the need to find him, to have him inside her filled every sense and reaction.
He barely had time to sense her before she was upon him, pinning him down, nipping and biting him, licking him all over. With a massive grown he flipped her, pinning her on her back, with a snarl that nearly reached her throat before he recognized her.
“My little one? Is that you? Why yes, it is you. I know those eyes anywhere. But… You’ve changed! I didn’t know that was possible!”
At his words she looked down at herself, surprised to see a lean, full-breasted, furry body. But she didn’t care, she reached her massively long, new tongue down, wrapping it around his already exposed red rocket, and guided it right to her furry cunt. Before he could gasp she was fucking him hard, slamming him into her faster and faster. They flailed back and fourth, dirt and parts of trees exploded around them. The wildest, carnal fuck she’d ever experienced. They both sang to the night in their orgasms.
As they lay there, spent in each others arms, she faded back to her human, naked form, huddling against him for warmth. He laid his hand on her belly.
“So, my little one. It seems when you’re pregnant, you can change. This is interesting indeed.”
“Wait, what? You mean, I’m.. We’re..” she stammered.
“Yes, you will give us a little one of our own.”
2 Girl Phone Sex Gets Brutal
Venus was a BDSM goddess, that’s for sure. She tortured me alongside the road for a bit longer, leaving welts, gashes, and bite marks at random. Then, she took me back to what I assume was her place. If I’d thought the torment was over, I got a lesson really quickly. She carried, physically carried, me into her place and straight into what looked like a dungeon of horrors. There were chains everywhere, hooks, blades, cattle prods, fireplace pokers, and a wide array of other nefarious-looking items. She laid me down on a table in the middle of the room, and made sure that my bound hands were secured.
She proceeded to grab various instruments to beat, poke, and otherwise torture me with. At one point, she even set one of the fireplace pokers into what could only be called a brazier of smoldering coals. She used the shape to brand me before poking the rod into my side deep enough to leave a cauterized gouge mark. She knew exactly how to make me scream, and every scream that I uttered drove her to want another. Finally, she brought out this massive machete-type blade, and I couldn’t help but groan in terror. She slowly slid it into my cunt and proceeded to fuck me with it, slicing into my flesh with every slow stroke. I could feel myself slowly starting to bleed out from all of the damages….