Snuff sex is the best sex. I picked this guy up at this Steam Punk bar I go to often. He wasn’t really a goth or Steam Punk guy. He just had a thing for goth bitches like me. I wasn’t going to marry him. He just looked like a good fuck. Had money too from the way he was dressed and the gold Amex card he used for his tab. He bought me drinks all night. He was an out of town business man. Married of course. He took his ring off to hit on me, but I saw the tan line still. Nothing much gets by me. Again, his marital status didn’t matter to me. I was fucking him, not marrying him. His hotel was nice. One of those ritzy sky rise places downtown. I felt like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, but I wasn’t a hooker. All eyes were on the Goth girl as she walked in on the arm of older, wealthy frequent flyer. All the staff knew his name. We get to his room and he pours me some Absinthe. The kind that is illegal in the US because of its potency. Something was up. My gut was going off, but I wanted to see it through. I scanned the hotel room. It was clear from little things his wife was on this trip with him. Threesome? I started acting drunk. I figured if I acted out inebriated, his true intentions might come out. They did.
He wanted me to kill his wife. In fact, if I didn’t kill her, he would kill her make it look like I did it. He paraded me through the hotel lobby like a show pony. Everyone would remember the Goth girl at the Carlton. My finger prints were on the glass. He was smart, just not smart enough. I fucked him so his DNA would be inside of me; slipped him a roofie in his drink, waited for him to pass out, then I used his phone to text his wife. Waited for her to come back to the room. She wasn’t happy to see me, but I had her cheating, contract killer hiring husband tied up spread eagle. I explained his plot to her. It’s her money he likes to spend, so I made a deal with her. I castrated her sorry excuse for a husband so he couldn’t cheat on her anymore. In fact, she helped me. She would be my alibi if he tried to go to the cops. She would divorce him and share with the police his murder for hire scheme should he try any bullshit again. I cut his balls off with so much joy. Used a rusty blade. Let him bleed enough to scare the fuck out of him, then cauterized the wound. I left her his worthless balls so she could keep them in her purse. Never mess with a sadistic bitch or a wealthy wife.