Snuff porn

snuff porn

I thought it was kind of weird that my neighbor would invite me over for dinner, especially since he is married. I arrived at his place with a simple cake that I purchased at a local grocery store and just stood there at the door until someone arrived at the door. Once the door opened I was greeted by not only him but his wife as well. I followed them to the kitchen while I engaged in small talk. Once I arrived at the table I was given some tea. It tasted kind of funny , with in moments I began to feel light headed. I felt my body go numb then I suddenly feel on the ground. My neighbors began dragging me into the bathroom. All I could do was watch as they lifted me into a bathtub full of ice . My thoughts were racing wondering what was going to happen to me. The two left me in the bath tub for what felt like an eternity. Once my neighbors returned they arrived in scrubs, surgical gloves and a tool box. I tried to lift my body up but this drug I was on only left me paralyzed. I could do nothing but watch as they began cutting open my chest . The ice began to turn red as my blood began to gush out. The smell of metal and blood began to food the bathroom. I saw my neighbors slicing away at me cutting into my body with scaples. I heard them yelling at one another, they kept saying things like ” we don’t have to do this Jack, we can wait to see if the treatment works, this is someone we know, we cant hurt her like this”. Then he replied “we have no choice its either I die and you never see me again or we kill this bitch take her organs with us and I survive another twenty years, together……” I couldn’t believe that I was set up the way I was. I watched as they began pulling out my intestines, they carefully began cutting out my kidneys and liver. I slowly began to fade in and out until I bled out in the bath tub never to be seen again. My body was drained of all its blood frozen then tossed into a barrel of hydrochloric acid. My remains became nothing but mush.

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