I’m always the obedient accomplice, the observer, the whore…but tonight I want to feed my demons. They crave a taste of blood and I needed to find my first victim, you made it easy for me. Was it the fact that I was barely covered that made you feel I was safe to approach, because I looked easy? Finally looking for my own victim I realize now why my own masters keep me around to be used for bait. You and so many others see me as harmless. A thought that you will regret in just a bit, yes led me to your car. How convenient you parked in the back, I do that too. My hearts pounding as you pulled me into your lap, releasing your cock and rubbing it between my thighs. You comment on how wet I am when you stick your fingers inside me. Mmmm I am wet, as a feel the demon take control. Sliding down on your cock, and being the whore you wanted me to be. Watching as you moan underneath me. Feeling you climax as I reach in my boot as your head goes back as you release your load inside me. Pulling out a small blade I swiftly slashing it across your throat for my climatic moment. The warm blood covering me as I cum listening to your choke on the blood filling your throat and lungs. When finished I step out of the car. Careful not to touch much. I’m not so good at disposal yet so I just grab the gasoline can I stashed nearby and let flames take care of the rest. And carefully slip into the night feeling refreshed and alive.
Category: Bloody phone sex
My Turn
Willing Prey
He said he was coming for me…he said he had been stalking me for a while and that he new everything about me!
The call started out normal enough…I took his info and rang up the card…but when I came back,
He told me that he loves to destroy filthy little whores like me.
There was anger in his voice when he was describing how he would tie my wrists tight enough to snap them…
how he would split my soft tender skin with the snap of his belt…
the way he planned on removing my skin with his glowing hot knife!
He wanted to hear my scream and beg for my life.
But it wouldn’t matter…he was going to gut me anyway!
And while I lay there.
my eyes wide open, frozen in death while I bleed out…
He was going to fuck my tight cunt until it grew cold and tight
So of course I did what any pain loving whore would do!
I left the door open and a plate of cookies on the end table!
Snuff Phone Sex Fantasy
Snuff phone sex gets me horny. I love watching bitches and bimbos like me getting snuffed out. I am on both sides of the snuff film industry. I have been the snuff star and I have helped acquire the talent. I am in my 30s now, so I am no longer a starlet. I have a deal with my master that once I bring him 100 young girls to snuff out on film, I can have my freedom back. I am almost halfway there. I am motivated to be a free whore. I am no longer riddled with guilt over luring young sluts to their death. It is survival of the fittest in the snuff porn world. I found two young Latina whores for him this week. Twin sisters. They were with a coyote who I was able to distract with my whore body. I drugged him and he passed out while fucking me. I then took his two little kidnapped bitches and brought them to my master. He loves race play. I have brought him little whores of all colors. He enjoys those puntas. They had been sold by their parents anyway, I likely just brought them to a sooner less torturous death. Master had a party, and they were the guest stars. A bunch of old white men violated their tiny holes. I am not a complete monster. I gave the gangbang twins some heroin to dull the pain. I filmed the show. They were passed around like candy, used in all their holes, choked, and slapped around. It was like a horror movie. Their little holes were obliterated to the point of gushing blood. If they had not been so fucking high compliments of my needle skills, they would have begged to be killed. Master and his pals came close to exterminating the brats, but I had to do the honors. He said if I want to make it out of the snuff movies, I cannot be afraid to get rid of the talent.
A Twisted Power Play
I’ve had it the fuck up to here with these bratty bimbo bitches thinking they’re better than me. Any whore can see I’m the superior being. I’m strong, powerful, and twisted in the mind. I love the power of the hunt, it makes my pussy wetter than a fresh river of blood streaming from the jugular. I’m strong enough to overtake my victims, and to make sure they stay down when I put them down.
I’m twisted enough to dream up new and improved ways to torture, mutilate, and murder these pathetic meat bags during snuff phone sex. I love vile fantasies. I love making every single one of my nasty dreams come to life, and I’ll even cum if they’re horrific enough. Don’t show up at my door without a plan, honey. We’re going to fuck up some stupid bitch tonight. Impress me, and you can fuck this evil pussy, too.
I don’t get fucked nearly enough, but I really need some filthy bloody phone sex to even get close to cumming on the cock of a man. I used to have a sexy lumberjack boyfriend who’d help me butcher bodies until the cows came home. He and I, we spent so many nights playing in the hot, red wetness spilling forth from lifeless corpses. Blood gets me wet. Bring me something fresh.
Snuff Porn Turns Me On
The night I was taken by daddy was the night I learned exactly what snuff porn was. I was young and when he took me there was another girl waiting in the van. She looked like me, young, flat chested, blonde, untouched and so scared. We held on to each other as we drove through the night deep into the woods. When we got there the metal from the van doors was startling and she began to cry. Apparently, that was a huge turn on for daddy as he grabbed her out of the van first. He came back for me and led me into the barn doors. In front of me the girl was laid on a table, ropes attached to her hands and legs and a guy was videotaping her. Totally exposed and terrified she was crying hysterically. Daddy sat me in the chair and told me to sit still. I was scared but my curiosity was higher. I didn’t cry or scream or even flinch. I remained seated with my eyes fixated on her. Daddy’s friend came in and they took their time with her. I watched as they methodically tortured her. They climbed on top of her and forced themselves inside of her. They hit her and used her body for pleasure. They used razor blades to make small cuts on her body and pissed on them. She screamed so loud and with every scream they hurt her worse. I should have been terrified, but I was mesmerized at what they were doing to her. I watched them bite her and rip her tiny pussy and ass completely open. Blood poured from her rips. They rammed a dildo in her mouth knocking out her front teeth. I couldn’t move my eyes from this scene. A total blood bath but it made me excited. I guess daddy noticed and he came over and took my hand. He handed me a knife and told me to hold it to her throat. I did as I was told, so excited. Then the other man fucked her bloody pussy again. As he let out a moan daddy told me to do it. I instinctively knew and I slid that knife across her throat and watched her bleed out. I loved it and since then I have always loved getting guys off with dirty naughty accomplice phone sex.
Torture Phone Sex Princess
I may enjoy being the victim when it comes to torture phone sex, but every now and then, when I’m being tortured, I think about what it would be like to take my power back. Yes, I’m submissive by nature but nobody in life is a one-trick whore. So my mind takes me to this far away place where I am the one in charge. Where I am the one with the knives, whips, clamps, and hot candle wax. Oh and let’s not forget those dildos that are too big to fit in the holes my torturer intends them to be for. It really gets me through those times when I need my mind to wander.
The first thing I’d do is tie him up so tightly that his arms and legs can’t move at all just like he does to me. I wonder how he is feeling when he sees me break out the nipple clamps with sharp pins in them. I’m gonna twist them on really tight, just like he does to me and I hope his nipples bleed. And speaking of blood, I think I’m going to get a knife out and run it up and down his body to leave him with some scars just like he has done to me. The options are limitless and every time some fucker tortures me, I pick up new ideas of how I will inflict pain on my next victim.
Rip My Heart Out
Oh that dreaded holiday is finally behind us. You didn’t need a valentine, if you want someone’s heart you just take it. Carefully playing with your blades, sharpening and testing the points. Save only the sharpest one for me. Make sure the table is ready and straps tested to be tight and secure. I won’t run away but can’t promise my body won’t react to the craving into my flesh. Make the first cut just the upper left of my chest follow the dotted lines you marked out a complete circle to carve out a little hole in my chest. Pulling off the flesh, with minimum blood giving you a perfect view of the heart currently still pounding in my chest. You tease me as you reach in and ask if I can feel my heart in the palm of your hand. Sharing one last laugh with you, as you grip tight around the beating muscle and tear it right out of my chest. My last sight as the world fades away is you laughing covered in blood splatter, and blood shooting out my chest cavity traveling down my tits and slowly dying down as my blood grows colder. Unable to live on without the missing piece currently in your hand.
Your pain is fun
I want to make you cut your fucking dick off . That small ass shit is pathetic and you don’t deserve to have a cock anyway . I want you to be the dickless pathetic shit that we both know you are ! I want to cum . And the only way I can do it is with your tears . There was one time I drugged a man and tied him all up .and I cut the tip of his cock off. God it made my pussy so wet seeing him struggle and crying out begging me to stop . Have you ever seen the inside of a dick ? Its not as fun as cutting off and eating there stomachs in front of them but hey its something . Then I made him cut the rest of it off starting at the base . He was shaking so bad and ended up passing out . Strangely enough when he woke up he made sure I paid for what I had done. Who knew that I would love to be the victim as well
Snuff Movies Make Me Wet
I thought I’d have to move to Hollywood to get a starring role in a movie, but apparently, that’s not the case. I was talking to this guy in a strip club I was at recently and he asked me if I wanted to be in a homemade sex movie. Of course, I said yes! I wanted the chance to be a star and he told me that he would pay me a shit ton of money. I was also invited to watch the filming of a movie just to make sure I was really up for doing it myself.
When I got there, the room was set up and I asked where the camera crew and the other girl was. That’s when he told me that I was going to be the only star because the other girl backed out. He said it was just a regular scene but with one twist – they were making snuff movies because they’re really popular. He showed me the fake knife and then he started fucking me from behind and when he started cumming, he put that fake knife to my throat. When he was done, he told me that it was a trial run and that we’d do the real thing next time… I wonder what that means?
Getting Fucked By God
He told me that I was a filthy whore and that I needed to be cleansed!
I was searching for redemption and I thought the church would be the perfect place to free myself from the sadistic violent fucking that I crave so badly!
My body was stripped of my black lace and red ribbons and chained to a sterile steel table and I couldn’t help but get moist at the thought of being touched by gods hands ( or at least those that do his bidding)
The cleansing began with sterilizing my body inside and out as scalding hot water was poured over my skin and syphoned into my cunt and ass!
I tried to ignore the instant rush that was made my smooth pussy lips swell with anticipation!
I wanted to be fucked! And the sting of the water only intensified my addiction!
I watched as an iron dildo was heated to a glowing ember and the clergy chanting that this is gods vessel…meant to expel me desires and make me submit to the lord!
The smell of burning flesh filled the air and the thought of God’s vessel plunging into my burning cunt made my hips rise to meet the pain!
I cried in pain as a sweet toxic blend of cum and blood shot from my blistered pussy!
And that is when I knew….I will always be a whore…God’s submissive whore!