I had a special party with a very special centerpiece and it was quite a hit! It took forever to set up, I had to find the perfect girl so I put out an ad for a sushi girl, I wanted her to be comfortable being totally nude and have all the sushi eaten off her naked body. Well this one slut was eager to show me how good she looked naked and seemed turned on by the idea of them eating sushi off her so I hired her on the spot. An whore that eager to show herself off deserves what she got! See, what she didn’t know was that once she laid down, she would never be getting back up! I had the whole table covered in glue… a very powerful glue that melded to her skin almost instantly. She got a little scared then but I reassured her that we only put it there so she would be really still and that once dinner was over we would wash it all off. That was a lie tho, we all ate the sushi off her, fucked all her tight little fuck holes and then made our own sushi out of her flesh! Can’t get any fresher than eating her alive right? You would be amazed how long she lived even with giant chunks of meat gone… she was delicious for sure, I will definitely have to do this again soon!
Tag: Torture phone sex
Sushi, sex and death
Hands Around My Neck
I made so much money tonight walking the streets selling pussy, I was excited to go home and hand the cash over to my man. But no amount of money is ever enough to satisfy him, he’ll always find a way to be angry.
“Bitch, what are you smiling about, this ain’t shit!” he said while counting the cash.
“It’s never enough for you!” I screamed.
And that was my biggest mistake, talking back to my man was a big no no. He threw the money at my face and flew towards me and wrapped his hands around my neck. He squeezed my neck harder and harder. I clawed at his fingers, trying to escape his grip. I finally just stopped fighting and accepted my fate…I was about to die. I faded into darkness.
When I opened my eyes, my man was fucking me. His dick was pumping my pussy hard and fast. His sweat dripped onto my face mixing up with my tears. If I don’t get out of this abusive relationship I was going to die.
The thrill of the kill
I love when he thinks he has full control of me. He wants me as his slave. Not tonight I have a master who sent me out to be a savage beast. My prey for us will be the one that thinks everything is going his way with me. I let him hit me and smack me around with his cock. Let him know I was just the nigger slut bitch that was going to get what was coming to her. He threw me over a chair and violated my asshole. He wasn’t happy until he had seen blood dripping. It was time yet for me to go in for the kill. Like a true predator I played with this one for a while. It made my master happy and horny. Watching this weakling ruff me up and fuck me. He really thought he was in full control. He had slapped me to the ground for the last time. My master had said it was time to take over. As he placed his cock in my mouth what he didn’t notice was the razor blade under my tongue. With a little swivel of my lips I was able to flick out my small tool. He’s grabbing my head forcing his cock down my throat. Then with a devilish grin I started slicing his cock. He attempted to slap me with force behind it. When a voice said to him ” Not a good idea to slap the one with your cock in her mouth. He froze and I bit down taking a healthy chunk of his cock. Blood was everywhere and my master smiled like it was Christmas. He wasn’t going to let me have all the fun. He told this piece of shit that you not suppose to tamper with another man’s property. He poured bleach in alcohol into his fresh wounds. we was going to have a long night of pleasure and torture with this one. I grabbed a broom stick and on command I shoved it up his ass the same way he ripped mine. We tied him upside down and let his blood drip on us as my master began to take over me. I was his prize purchase and he proud that I could be a savage. As my reward I did the final kill by snapping our little friend’s neck ass he bled out while master tasted this juicy cunt.
Cutting Me Up
I was stolen from my home by a man who liked to mutilate sexy teen girls. Pulling me into his basement, he threw me onto a dirty, old futon on the floor. My clothes had already been torn off. Laying there cold and naked, I grimaced as he dropped his pants. In one hand he held a knife. Getting to his knees, he pushed me flat on my back and started hacking away at my nipples.
I screamed in agony as the blood splattered against my face, his chest, and the wall. He diced up each one until he had gone nearly down to the bone on each tit. Sobbing, I whimpered as he held the knife to my neck. He said if I stopped holding my pussy lips open for any reason, he would kill me slowly and painfully. Scared, I complied and spread them open wide.
Taking the knife, he sliced into my clit and pulled out my clit ring before continuing to butcher my pussy. I screamed and cried at the pain. After my hole had been sliced up, he took his throbbing cock and shoved into my mincemeat cunt. As he fucked my gory slit, he took the knife and dug into my stomach. I choked up some blood as I faded away. The last thing I felt was his hot load shooting into me.
Some men will do just about anything to cum as hard as possible. I met up with this guy from school. He came to my house in his big pickup truck and we took off. Telling me he wanted to show me a special spot we could watch the stars in the bed of his truck, he had no trouble luring me to a field in the middle of nowhere. As soon as the truck was in park, he hopped out and let me out on the other side. Jumping down, I turned to look at him, but that’s when he punched me with his powerful fist, which entirely knocked me out.
When I woke up, I was naked and tied up on the ground, face down, and his truck was slowly backing up towards me. I screamed and tried to wiggle out of the way, but I couldn’t move fast enough. The truck backed up and was lined perfectly so it rolled right over my hips, crushing my pelvis. My head was still far enough away from the other tire that my lower back and ass were the only things pinned down under the truck. I gasped and tried to wheeze for air as I was getting smashed by the tire.
The man walked around and dropped his pants before coming up and shoving his cock balls deep into my cunt. The weight of the truck compressed my pussy, making it the tightest fit possible. He forced his dick into my asshole right before the force of his animalistic thrusts combined with the unforgiving pressure of the pickup entirely snapped my spine. Unable to feel my legs, I started to lose consciousness as he blew his load in my ass. When he was finished, he drove the car off of me, then came back out with a sledge hammer. With one final blow, he ended my misery and the only chance of a surviving witness to his crimes.
Are you hungry?
I have been feeling extra naughty lately, and I wanna help you get a little bitch. I want you to fucking tell me what you want, and I wanna go out and find out next meal. I wanted to get one of those drunk girls off the beach, and I will make sure that she is nice and athletic so she will cook very nicely. But prepping the little bitch is my favorite part, rubbing oil all over her body and stuffing her with veggies and seasonings. Then, I will go with tinfoil and cover her nipples and toes so they don’t burn. Then we just wait for the house to smell up like a good tender girl, and then beep we here the alarm go off. She is done, and we are hungry.
Master, I Want it Harder
Master made me strip naked and wait for him with my ass out and ready for his cock. I pulled my cheeks apart when I heard him coming close. Spread wide, I felt his hands explore my pussy and ass as he fingered both holes. He smacked my ass hard, making me squeal. After a few whacks, he grabbed a paddle and spanked me with it until I was red and sore. In between each slap, I had to tell him that I want it harder. And he always complied with that request, regardless that it wasn’t actually what I wanted. When I don’t ask for more, the punishments become much worse, so I know better than to beg for mercy.
But sometimes, fate decides the punishment for me. Something must have made him very upset that day, because I felt a knife pierce through my back. Even still, I choked out, I want it harder! Stab after stab, I asked to get it harder. The blood poured down from my body, pooling around my knees. Filling my lungs, the blood came up from my throat as I coughed. This time, I was no longer able to ask for it harder, as I had lost consciousness, barely clinging to life. In a fit of fury, he dug the knife through my neck, cutting my spinal cord and brain stem. Time for a new slave.
There is nothing left but BLOOD and Semen
I had this nasty sexy fantasy I would love to play out with someone. So it starts out with you kidnapping me from a bar where I am wearing a short little skirt with no panties acting like a little fucking whore, so you want to teach me a lesson. You throw me into a bathroom and I hit my head on the corner of the toilet as I fall. You come over and tell me if I want to be a little a whore your going to treat me like one. You bend me over and start fucking me as hard as you can in my pussy and my ass.
Then once you tore my holes until they where bleeding you told me, “Now that I fucked your holes I am going to have to make new ones and fuck those”. You take a knife and slice all over my body and fuck those holes until all that left is blood and semen.
Through the Meat Grinder
Captured by cannibals, I squealed like a pig from fear. Rattling against the cage they had locked me in, I tried with all my might to loosen the door, but it wouldn’t budge. My wrists were in shackles, chained together. I was in a cold, damp basement. Shivering, I cowered as a tall, scary looking man thundered his way up to my cage. Unlocking the door, he dragged me out by the shackles. I kicked and screamed as he took into a colder room with the terrifying sounds from the largest meat grinder I had ever seen in my life. The gears and blades spun at bone crushing speeds that would tear to shreds in an instant. Horrified, I kicked and tried to fight back, giving it everything I had, but it wasn’t enough. He took the chain connected the shackles and hung it on a hook suspended from the ceiling. It was only just low enough that I could barely stand on my tippy toes. Walking over to the controls, he moved some levers, causing the hook to be lifted into the air, taking me right off my feet. The hook repositioned directly over the spinning blades as I frantically tried to swing away from my impending death. Slowly, I was lowered down into the machine, feet first. The pain of my feet being crushed off was overwhelming. Although the grinder could have made mincemeat of me in seconds, he lowered me in slowly, getting off from watching me scream in pain as I felt bits of my bone and flesh being torn off from my body. I lost consciousness right before I died of blood loss and shock. Damn, he better have made one fucking good burger out of me.
Week VI of Seven Deadly Sins: Lust
We kept the lazy bitch from last week because of her multitude of behavioral problems that her man wanted fixing asap. My guy had been making her earn every single thing she needed. Nothing was being handed to her and she was definitely learning a lesson. She started doing things without being told and that pleased my guy, but we still had the lust part of this wench to deal with.
My guy decided to try the subtle approach. He tied her down the bed in her dungeon in the basement and told her she would be there until she understood the meaning of lusting for your man and not just lusting anyone. Naked on the bed, she would only be let up to shower and use the restroom. The rest of the time, my guy was teasing her pussy getting her to the brink of cumming and stopping. He did this to her for days, each time he went down there you could hear her begging to cum and him laughing about her begging. Her pussy was being put in a constant state of just about to cum and there was nothing she could do to relieve it. Tonight we went down there together and he fucked me right in front of her, his cock slamming in and out of me while she watched. You could see she needed to cum so badly, but that wasn’t to be the case. When my guy was done making me cum and kissing and laughing with me, he suddenly turned very dark and said I could sit and watch this or I could go upstairs. He said it was going to be bloody. I stayed, I’ve seen worse in the last few weeks. He kissed me again and said…now I’m going to show her what all this self-centered sloth and lust will get her.
He went to the wall of knives he has set up and pulls a longer thin-ish knife from the magnets on the wall. He grabbed a large ball gag and went over to our lusty, lazy guest. He put the ball gag on but kept the knife hidden until she was gagged. He pulled the knife from the back of his pants and showed it to her. “This is going to hurt.” He said, and he reached down and with the super sharp thin knife he cut off both of her nipples, and with no hesitation, he went between her legs and cut off her pussy lips and clit. She was screaming up until that point but passed out from the pain.
“Yeah, you can come and pick her up, she will be an obedient fuck hole for you now buddy. She will need a few weeks of recovery but after that, you can fuck her til doomsday…she’s got no clit.” He hangs up the phone and pours clotting powder on her tits and pussy.