Tag: Taboo phone sex

Killer Phone sex Fire Lover Harper

Killer Phone sex

Killer phone sex for all the men in my life who like to play with fire.  Deadly, body-melting fire! I love everything about the hot flames and the white-hot heat that fire gives us. And I just can’t get over how fire consumes everything and it’s path. Fire doesn’t discriminate fire just takes what it wants for fuel melting, burning, and leaving only ashes and bones in its wake. Fire is a living being, breathing, eating, and reproducing all in a matter of seconds. Cultures worship the flame, and rightfully so! The most majestic and delay of all the elements Fire is a perfect addition to snuff play for a killer like me.   One of my favorite hobbies is to go walking through a forest that has caught on fire and seeing all the destruction that it has left.

Bodies of creatures taken by the flames show me how important the fire is for cleansing cleaning out all the rubbish. I’m sure that you understand the amount of destruction fire can bring. If you ever put in a house fire or had your car engine catch on fire and then you know that you are close to death. It takes just a second for fire to take its hold The true killer if there ever was one.

And when you set fire to a body things that happen are just so wonderful. Your flesh starts to melt and cook and crisp up. And all those nerve endings underneath the skin and even into the first layer of your muscle light up bigger than the flames could ever could. Searing intense never-ending pain. I once poured hot boiling water on me and I swear that I was going to die.  Fire is the best accomplice because there are so many ways fire can kill! I remember how It left a nice little blister bubbles and took a while to heal. I was in pain the whole process nothing really helps not pain pills, not creams. Just think about those wards with all those little fire victims The skin grass that has immense pain. Fun fact most people who are set on fire or involved in a fire that is burning out of control, they welcome death by smoke inhalation first.

That’s why the made-up hell of the Christian God always talks about burning because they know it is the most extreme pain and that’s a horrible way to die, imagine never dying of being burned continuously. There would be no mind no rational thought only blazing hurt. So when people talk about the most painful way to die during my accomplice phone sex I always tell them fire. Whether I have to pour gasoline on your body or throw you into a crematorium dying by fire is always the most brutal.  Burn for me, baby!

Snuff Phone Sex is What I Do

snuff phone sexSnuff phone sex is my specialty. I am on a snuff site for a reason. I come with a warning label, “Does not play well with others.” I don’t want to be your mommy. I don’t want to be your girlfriend. I don’t want to change your diaper you pathetic fuck. And I don’t want to be your sissy trainer. I cannot believe the IMs I get daily from losers who do not read. They think because I do phone sex, that I am a do it all kind of phone sex gal. Nope. I only cater to a man’s darker desires. If you want to be killed or castrated, you are in the right place. If you have rape phone sex fantasies for anyone but me, you are in the right place. If you need a partner in crime to help you kidnap, torture, fuck, murder anyone but me, you found your gal. You are starting to get the picture, right?

I had a guy call me last night to change his poopy diaper. I had to ask him twice what he said because I was in such disbelief that a fucking grown ass man would be in a fucking Pamper shitting himself and expect me to be kind and nurturing. Look at me you fucktard. I am a Goth girl holding a knife in almost every picture I have. I am not holding wet wipes or a clean diaper. I think sissies, and adult diaper boys are the dregs of society. I castrate and kill pathetic losers like them. Been doing that long before I ever started doing taboo phone sex. I have no respect or tolerance for callers who cannot figure out that I am not Mary Sunshine. The call did not go as he planned, but one less loser diaper boy stalking us phone sex babes. You have been warned. I am a dark dark bitch.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies for Mommy are Common and Hot

rape phone sex fantasiesRape phone sex fantasies are common in men like you, especially when you see a woman like me. I am a party mom. I am high more often than sober. I fuck a lot of guys. I fuck my sons too, but I get that not all women fuck their boys. I understand how sexually frustrating it must be for a young boy to see his mother spreading her legs for everyone but him. I am no cock teasing mommy. But there are many out there. I never mind role playing the mother who finally gets what is coming to her. Sometimes, I met men in the real world who feel just like my callers do-resentful of mommy for fucking every other young boy but him. I got to do a hot roleplay phone sex scenario with this guy and his friends. It was like straight out of a caller’s fantasy, but this was in a seedy bar bathroom instead. Th guy offered me coke to live out one of his darkest fantasies. I was high but wanted to be higher, so I took the coke and ran with it. My son caught me fucking all his school friends. I was being a wasted, gangbang whore for his friends, but ignoring the horny boy I had at home. My son decided to fuck his mommy in front of his friends. He wanted to show his friends that mommy belonged to him first. I was down for that. With his friends’ cum dripping off my body, my boy through me down on the ground and fucked my ass. He shoved his cock in my ass like a dirty ass rape porn star. I screamed in pain, but the friends did not stop my boy. They enjoyed watching a mommy whore get what was coming to her. It was a hot role play with a bunch of random strangers. I got fucked and I got coke. How could I complain?

Snuff Porn Auditions Help Me Scout Young Talent for Clients Like You


snuff pornI had a snuff porn audition last week. My first in a long time. I was not the young starlet who gets slaughtered for once. I was the sexy executioner. I showed up in jeans and a sexy top. I was immediately hired. I know the director well. We go way back. This is a legitimate snuff outfit. No one is really dying, even though I know sometimes the young starlets wish they were dying. I have been there. The pay was too good to pass up for a day’s work. Plus, I was double dipping in a way. I was looking for a young starlet for a client. He wanted a barely legal girl down on her luck for his private streaming station.  It would be a good dig for a strung-out young woman. She’d get room and board. She’d be given all the drugs she wanted t00. She would just be a torture sex doll on camera. Snuff starlets make the best candidates for gigs like I was scouting for.

Once my makeup was done, the director put me in a tee-shirt that said, “I Love Lesbians.” It makes the starlet feel safer. Like she will not be ravaged as hard if her co-star is not a man. A hard pill for many young girls to learn is that women can be more brutal than any guy. Once the director yelled, “Action,” she quickly learned that lesson. I started fisting her pussy and ass. I choked her. I slapped her. I put on my strapon and ravaged her tiny teen holes. She was legal. She was used, but still tight. I saw the needle marks on her feet. She is a junkie whore trying to hide her addiction. Once we were done with our legal movie, I told her the real money is in underground snuff movies. I took her to meet my client and he was so happy he gave me a bonus. In one day, with one whore, I made enough money to pay all my bills and party like a rockstar for a few months. Snuff pays.

Knife Play Phone Sex is My Favorite

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex is my favorite. I can do so many things with a knife, like slice you open or cut off your balls, or maybe even your dick. I do not mess around. I am a sadistic bitch. I must be nice to some of you because I was told I have an attitude problem. Duh. I do not play well with others. Most humans annoy the fuck out of me. I don’t flirt. I don’t do small talk. If I greet you on the phone or on a chat in a way that seems opposite of my looks or bio, it is because I want to keep my job. It has nothing to do with me liking you or wanting to fuck you. I am not a friendly chick. I am certainly not a flirty one either. John found out the hard way that me saying excuse me as I pushed him out of my way on the way to the restroom does not mean I liked him. The loser followed me into a single restroom because he thought “Excuse Me,” meant “Fuck me please.” I was not at work. I did not have to be nice. I could show him what a snuff sex addict I am. I always have a few knives strapped to my body because you never know when you might have to shank a bitch. John was that bitch. I have no clue his real name. He did not offer it up when he followed me into the bathroom. And I did not ask it before I cut his dick and balls off. He thought he was getting lucky with a Goth Girl. I was the one that got lucky because John was a stupid fucker who cannot read social cues. If he thought he could fuck me with an “Excuse, me,” imagine what he would expect from some girl who smiled or actually said hello. This taboo phone sex bitch did the world a favor by castrating that mother fucker. Consider yourself warned. Do not mistake anything I do as wanting to fuck you. You are my accomplice or my victim.

Accomplice Phone Sex Seducing Young Sluts – Snuff Porn Slut Geneva

Weekends and Accomplice phone sex are a party. I get used in so many ways. Sometimes it is playing bate bitch for some guys I hook up with on the dark web.

These guys need a model like bimbo that can lure their desires of young girls in. They give me their criteria and I go out to the mall and scope out the perfect little whores.

What I do is find the ones that fit the bill and follow them around. They are often in a little group of girls. Girls are always at the mall hanging out without parents around. This makes it easy.

I approach the girl of interest and chat her up letting her know that I think she would be a great model for the shoot that my company is doing. I get her the address and tell her she doesn’t need permission from her parents.

In fact, it would be best to not say anything to her parents and avoid them discouraging her. She will do great, and all of that kind of talk.

The address is given to her to come by and a time. I set up a few different girls and if only one or all show up it will be a great time.

On the day of violating holes these girls will show up and be stripped. Then tied up and beaten. The little whores will be fantasy rape meat and their innocence get me so fucking hot.

Accomplice phone sex

Ass Rape Porn in a Seedy Bar for Party Money

ass rape pornI have the ass for ass rape porn. His words, not mine. The he was this guy I met at a seedy bar. He was not rich, but he had a way for us both to make some fast cash so we could party. And it had to do with my ass. I assumed he meant we could stream some hardcore ass fucking or something. I do that often for guys including my stepson. He did not mean streaming though. He said that would not be instant money because you can’t cash out for 24-48 hours when guys tip and pay for the views. He seemed knowledgeable.  I just wanted to party and I knew I would have to pay for that privilege one way or another. He was thinking more like a live gangbang rape porn. Guys in the bar could fuck any hole they wanted for $50. This was a dive bar we were in. I did not think he could get $50 a pop for any of my fuck holes, but I was surprised. Of course, he sweetened the pot with anything goes fucking me. He told them that they could choke me, fist me, piss on me, even shit in my mouth if they wanted to do that. He billed me as an anything goes whore for the right price. Oh, we got drug money. More drug money than we needed. Even when we had a few hundred to score with, he was still whoring me out because it was easy money. Easy for him. Not easy at all for me. I did all the work. I ate dirty assholes. I swallowed a gallon of piss, and way more cum. I was fisted. I was fucked. I was sodomized with beer bottles. One guy gave me a beer enema. It was anal torture sex. Just different dudes and a different day and a different place. But, I got the party money.

Kidnapping Phone Sex? Yes, Please and Right Now

kidnapping phone sexKidnapping phone sex? Yes, please. I am the perfect accomplice for those dark desires men have for young flesh. Honestly, I love helping men lure young whores away from their safety zones. I have a certain appeal with girls. Most women do. They trust us in a way they do not trust men. I found this hot teen slut at the mall. She was cock teasing old men into buying her shit. I could just tell she would never put out. She just wanted free shit. The younger generation of girls thinks men owe them just for being born. They pay no dues like I did. They wear slutty clothes and cry “Me Too” when a guy looks at them. I am of a different generation. One that understands you must give men what they want before you can start calling the shots. I am all about taking care of men. I do not ever expect something for nothing. I knew this girl would be perfect for your rape phone sex fantasies. I told her I could make her a star. She willingly got into my car with me. I drove her to this place I have in a rural part of the town. It’s an old farm I bought during Covid. I had plans to rehab it and make it a sex pad, but it is rundown and creepy, and much better suited as a snuff pad. The things that have gone on here would shock the distant neighbors. It is like an Ed Gein house of terrors. Ed killed women on his farm and turned their flesh into lampshades and their bones into furniture.  Men just like you have done some very bad things to girls just like Lilly who I have tied up and waiting for the right man to fucking destroy her tight teen rape porn star holes. Are you the right man?

Snuff phone sex slut Stephanie

snuff phone sex

I can’t stop fantasizing about this hot snuff flick I saw today. My evil, slut cunnie is gushing everytime I think about it! I know if you love snuff phone sex like I do then you’re going to be just as turned on when I tell you about it! Like most of the horrifying and twisted videos that make my whore cunt wet, this one was sent to me by Daddy. He knew how hot and horny I would get when I pressed play and saw an older couple being tortured and abused! The old woman was tied up and forced to watch while her husband was skinned alive and force fucked with giant, spiked clubs. She tried to look away a few times and even tried to scream for help but the guys filming just laughed at her. They took a rusty pair of scissors and cut her tongue out and her eyelids off so that she had no choice but to watch in silence as her husband’s face was slowly peeled from his skull. I almost couldn’t finish watching because the screams as his flesh was being ripped away from muscle, had me so turned on that I was already squirting everywhere! Daddy sure knows what gets me going and I bet you can make me just as hot as he can!

Castration Phone Sex is My Kind of Date

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is something I am always in the mood to do. It does not take me much to want to cut a guy’s balls off. Sometimes, I even chop off his worthless cock too. Some guys know they have useless equipment and pay me to make them a Eunuch. I have more fun with the clueless guys like Larry. He is this little broke down dick guy I met on Tinder. The dating app has become my new hunting ground. I am usually only one swipe right away from a man with a big ego and a tiny dick. Those are the guys I plan to meet. Not to fuck though.  I will never fuck some tiny dick loser. I am a taboo phone sex bitch. And I mean bitch in the badass dominant woman way. I don’t need men. I don’t want most of them anyway. Unless a man has a 13-inch cock and a deviant mind, he is useless to me. Larry had a 3-inch scared turtle for a dick. Yet he was bragging on Tinder about satisfying women all over the world. Satisfying how? Maybe he was satisfying them with laughter.

When he arrived, I gave him a spiked beer. His beer gut told me he never passes up a brewsky, LOL. He was stumbling quickly after drinking that beer. I guided him to my bedroom. It was all ready for this loser. I had a tarp on my bed and all my knives and restraints ready. He stumbled right past it all and fell on the bed. He was pulling his shrimp dick out for me. He told me is cock was not sucking itself. I barely waited after that comment. I took a knife and chopped his loser dick off. It flew off his body, hitting my wall with a thud. He screamed in pain. I picked up his cock and shoved it in his mouth. I said, “that dicks is not going to suck itself.” He looked at me in horror as he realized he was sucking his own cock.  I cauterized the wound and sent him on his way. It was just torture sex. I could have whacked his balls off too, but I wanted him to look down and know he is only half a man. He will not be on Tinder anymore, LOL. Loser.