Tag: Taboo phone sex

Goth Teen Phone Sex Accomplice Gets Groomed for Castration

goth teen phone sexGoth teen phone sex accomplices help you explore your darkest desires. I am a seasoned accomplice, but sometimes, I need an accomplice. Although I prefer to work solo, I look at an accomplice as a training experience for a young girl. Every Goth girl should consider herself lucky to meet me. Sasha feels lucky about our chance encounter. She helped me out of jam.  The girl did not know me, but she stopped to help a stranger. In turn, I helped her out.

Sasha attempted to hide her bruises from me. She acted sheepish too. I knew something tragic just happened to her. One good deed deserves another, right? I got the name of her boyfriend out of her. Although, it was not easy for her to tell me his name. Not because she loves him, but because she fears him. I assured her that he would never hurt her again. Her eyes became large and inquisitive. She wanted to know what I had planned for him.

I told Sasha to drive me to his place. Snuff porn music played in my head as I plotted what to do to her boyfriend. Men have tried to lay hands on me before. I killed each one, but not before I mutilated their sex organs. I was not sure Sasha could handle my plans, so I had her stay in the car. When, I approached his door, I knocked on the door, then pushed my way inside. He thought I was Sasha’s sister. Perhaps, I let him believe that. In that moment, I was her sister. Hos, before bros.

Not All Men Deserve Balls

I tied the loser up. Not before I stripped his clothes off though. Sasha entered the house when I had a knife to his balls. I thought she would try to stop me. However, that is not what happened. She begged to be the one to cut off his balls. How could I deny her?  She deserved the chance. Revenge is sweet. So, is finding a hot accomplice into castration phone sex.

Sasha chopped her boyfriend’s balls off with one motion of the wrist. She pulled his balls off with a hard twist, tossed them to the floor and danced on his severed testicles. Brutal does not describe it. Perhaps, brutal, hot and sexy describes what I witnessed best. My pussy started dripping at the cruelty and glee she showed her abusive boyfriend. No hesitation in her. The mousey girl I met on the road when I had a flat tire no longer exists. In that moment, a sick bitch was born. Although, I think that side existed inside her before me. I just helped her reach her full potential. Can I help you reach your full potential too?

Accomplice Phone Sex: It is Better to Be the Helper Than the Dead

accomplice phone sexAccomplice phone sex makes me wet. It is better to be the helper than the victim. I am accustomed to the latter. Being the accomplice is more fun. I guess I am at that age where the seedy crowd I hang with finds me over the hill. I am in my early 40s. Although I do not think that is dead yet, many men do. So, I improvise now when trying to score drugs. I offer up my pussy and if that is not good enough, I promise to bring back something young and tight.

My primary drug dealer stated he still wants to fuck my old holes, but sometimes he craves teen rape porn. And yesterday was one of those days. I gave him what he wanted too. A woman can lure young girls away easier than any man. We do not present a stranger danger to them. Not in the same way you would. I drove around in my soccer mom car until I saw this little teen twat bullying another girl. In that moment, I decided my dealer would love her fuck holes. And he did.

Better a Young Bitch Than Me

The girl got in the car with me because she knew one of my teen sons. I felt badly lying to the girl, but she seemed like a twat. Women need to hold young girls accountable for stealing their men. Anyway, I knew this girl would not survive the night. So, I was not worried that she would turn me into the police. She could not rat me out, buried ten feet under the ground.

My dealer loved her. He thought she was the perfect mix of sugar and spice. She made his dick hard and that was all I cared about. An erection for my dealer means coke for me. My dealer explored his rape phone sex fantasies for hot teen twat last night and I helped him. What did I care? I got my coke. I did need to dispose of the body afterwards. But that was no big deal if I was getting a big bag of coke for my efforts. Keep me coked up and I will bring you anything you want.

Kidnapping Phone Sex Scenarios Make My Pussy Drip

kidnapping phone sexI love a good kidnapping phone sex scenario. This guy that I am seeing likes to plot the kidnapping of young girls while we fuck. It gets my cunt dripping wet to think about some fresh meat tied up near us while we fuck our brains out. He surprised me last night. He brought me a sweet young piece of ass. One of our wicked fantasies came to life in front of me and it was fucking hot as hell. She looked so scared. She peed herself. I could smell it as my man fucked my ass hard. I told her she was next. She was shaking in fear. She was a little ginger girl. Pretty red curls. Freckles and very pale skin. Almost a perfect ivory color. Once my man came in my pussy, we turned our focus to the scared little slut in the corner. My man put his cock in her tiny mouth and warned her not to bite. She was about to be an ass rape porn star. I undressed her. It was more like cutting her clothes off. I tossed her piss soaked panties in the trash. I told her she did not need clothes anymore because she is spending the rest of her time on earth naked and chained. And afraid too. Perhaps I could make my own TV show and call it Naked and Afraid in My Basement. She was forced to spit shine my lover’s cock. I made her eat his cum form my cunt, and all the cum that spilled down my taint too. When he fucked her tiny virgin ass, she let out a blood curdling scream. Yep, she was a virgin. I sucked the cum from her tiny, battered asshole and snowballed it with her. Little bitch tried to spit it out, so I slapped her and pinched her nose, forcing her to swallow his cum. Redheads are feisty at any age apparently. We did not kill her. Not yet. She has teen rape porn star vibes.

Goth teen phone sex succubus

goth teen phone sex

Enchantress of goth teen phone sex harper is a succubus. Your little whore knows that you will never be able to resist all the evil inside of me. I have a way about me that makes men fall into the vilest parts of their souls. I know what happens when I suck your cock and fill your mind with filth. Suddenly every corrupt snuff fantasy you have spills out of you for me to play with. To use against you in my hypnotic way. I have always had to be careful of what I do. I’m the type of little bitch that loves pain, giving, and receiving. I don’t fucking care if she is your daughter, wife, or sister. If you need someone to pull a blade and slice her neck, I’m fucking down. If you need me to split apart your ass and make you into hamburger to feed the homeless tent village, well so be it. I love blood, gore, and pain in all forms.  Taboo phone sex that will make you my evil slave of darkness. 

Knife play makes me Wet!


Knife play phone sex

Imagine calling my Dungeon for a kink session and finding yourself Secured to a wooden chair, Blindfolded, waiting for The Ultimate Knife play phone sex session.

I can smell the fear and anticipation as I enter the room. I can almost hear your heartbeat as I approach you with the long slender blade I have chosen for today’s playtime.

I slowly run it against your hard nipples, Grazing them. You inhale sharply, I giggle.

I then Hold the blade against your neck, slowly stroking your cock with my other hand.

I tell you what a naughty whore you have been. You nod and whimper.

I love the power that I have over you, I love the primal fear that you so obviously feel, and I love how wet that makes my pussy.

Babysitter Phone Sex Pays for My Cocaine Habit

babysitter phone sexI love bad babysitter phone sex. I have been supplementing my income lately. My husband told me that if I wanted coke, I had to pay for it myself. I have whored myself out so much my fuck holes are all loose. Most men will not trade me sex for coke anymore. So, I started babysitting. No, babysitting is not how I make my coke money. I find a cute girl or boy, and I auction off their fuck holes. It is like Ebay on the dark web. I take pictures of them, and who bids the highest gets to come over the next time I babysit that brat. I am selling rape phone sex fantasies. Men pay for those tight virginal holes. Way more than they ever did for my fuck holes. I had this guy bid a few grand to fuck this cute little boy’s ass. Last night was my second night sitting for him. People trust me. I am a mom. I may be a mom, but I am a druggy whore first. This boy was not my son. What did I care what happened to him if I got enough money to stay coked up 365 days of the year? I drugged the boy. I gave him a laxative to clean him out and it was mixed with Valium to knock him out. His butthole would be sore, but it would just look like he had a bad case of diarrhea, which is what I would tell the parents. This boy was cute. He was not awake for the ass rape porn part of the night, but that was how I planned it. My high bidder got to pop the ass cherry of a young boy. I got paid so I could get coke. And that boy will have a sore asshole for a few days. No real damage done, and he will not remember a thing. What would you pay me to fuck a young boy or girl?

Indigo loves medical play!


Medical fetish phone sex

Sometimes I get the urge to get really kinky and that’s when I choose to explore medical fetish phone sex.

Imagine Nurse Indi all dressed up in her latex nurse uniform, strapping you into the special gyno table that I have had made with all the latest bells and whistles.

You are nervous as you hear me enter the room and your heart begins to race as you hear me slide the instrument table closer. I pull out a beautiful vintage speculum and begin to lube it up.

You know what is coming and you know deep inside your horny little heart that I have every intention of sliding that instrument of torture deep inside your man pussy.

You hear the sound of my latex gloves snapping as I pull them out of the box and you hear me whisper yesss let the fun begin.

Snuff Movies are Hot to Watch, But Better to Make with Me

snuff moviesI like to watch snuff movies and fuck. I get off watching some guy destroy some young girl. Snuff is way hotter for me when I am not the one getting snuffed out, LOL. I had a guy over to fuck last night. We were watching some homemade snuff flicks, and he decided he wanted to make one. We did not have much time to plan, but he knew the perfect girl. He has this ex-girlfriend with a hot teen slut daughter. His ex is a night nurse, and she leaves the girl alone at night. I guess she is old enough to be trusted while she sleeps. But she is not old enough to know what to do during home invasion phone sex yet. He knew where the hidden key was. We broke in without making much noise. She slept with us standing over her. She looked like an angel sleeping. I put my hand over her mouth as she screamed. My hand was quickly replaced with his cock. We both had ski masks on to be unrecognizable. If he needed an alibi, I would be his. I had on a black short wig to hide my long blonde hair. I was doing my best to look like another guy to her. He fucked her first. No blood. Little whore was not a virgin. He held her down and I fucked her with a strapon. She had no clue that it was not two men who fucked her. I would be the perfect alibi because she would report that two masked men broke into her bedroom. I just grunted and pumped in her. I have been fucked enough to know how to imitate a man’s rape phone sex fantasies. We both fucked her. But we both wore condoms, so no DNA could be found in her swollen cunt. We tied her to the bed, so mommy would find her. We went back to my place, burned our clothes in the fire pit, showered and fucked our brains out. Sometimes, the real thing is hotter than any snuff flick.

Cannibalism Phone Sex is a Dish Best Served by a Sick Bitch

cannibalism phone sexCannibalism phone sex is not common, but I love it. I am sick bitch with peculiar tastes. I love the taste of human flesh. It is a delicacy. Now, this is the perfect time to eat human flesh too. It is backyard barbecue time. I like to hunt in the summer for the perfect meal. It is always a struggle though to find someone who is the right dining partner. I met Mel in a bar, and we got to talking. I am not a very social person. But I was feeling like seeing where something could lead. Maybe it was my third drink kicking in. I am glad though that I indulged his conversation. He was talking about the cock tease girls that were everywhere and how someone needed to put them out of their misery. Now, I have a soul mate. I started talking hypotheticals and the next thing I knew we were searching for a snuff porn star to eat. I rarely invite strangers into my dark world. I mean you have to protect yourself, right?  We paid for our tab and went hunting. We looked at all kinds of coeds and decided on this one plump girl. She was natural. No fake tits. No visible tats or piercings. Just a chunky coed ripe for eating.  We lured her to my place with the promise of partying. Dumb cunt. Walked right into our trap. Poor thing had no idea she was dinner. Now, I do not immediately eat a girl. She must be soaked and seasoned for days. There is a lot of prep that goes into preparing human flesh. Do you understand? You need to soak your meal in water and seasonings for a few days to tenderize the meat. But let me tell you, it is such a delectable meal when you prepare your flesh just right. Never had human flesh? Let this taboo phone sex bitch help you have the perfect meal.

Torture phone sex with Stephanie the evil slut

torture phone sex

I hope you’re ready for some vile and evil, torture phone sex tonight. Daddy built a brand new torture device to use on the little bitches I bring home for him. We finally got a chance to use it tonight and I’m going to tell you about it! I was so excited to strap our first victim into it and rub my whore cunt as she was ripped apart right in front of me. The torture device looks like something out of a horror movie. It’s a sinister looking chair with huge spikes that pierce into the back and legs of the person unlucky enough to be strapped into it. The ankle restraints are attached to a crank so that I was able to crank my victim’s legs open so wide that her little hips were popping and snapping backward. That put her perfect, bald cunt and tiny asshole wide open and on display in front of me so, I had fun fisting her, ripping her wide open and laughing at her pathetic screams. The more I pulled the different cranks, the tighter her arms and legs were stretched. I could hear her ligaments ripping with every crank. Daddy had already held her down and force fucked her until her cunt and asshole were bloody, ripped open and useless to him anymore, so he watched while I finished her off, promising to fuck me if I did a good enough job torturing her.