Tag: Taboo phone sex

Bondage phone sex

bondage phone sexI was at my girlfriends house watching her daughter while she was out of town. She never mentioned she had a stalker. I but her daughter to bed and I went to go take a shower. In seconds of being in the shower I was hit over my head and collapsed. I came back into consciousness while I was bonded up with her daughter. We were back to back and tied from our ankles and wrists together.

The rope was so tight there was no escaping. She cried and begged the man not to hurt her. That did not stop him from slicing her head open with a sharp blade. I felt two side of her bloody head rest against my back as he fucked her dead limp body. I can feel her tiny body get fucked harder and harder.

As I lay on my back and her blood rushes all over me I know I am next and I can not imagine what he has in store for me.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Fuels Evil Intent

I know what fuels those rape phone sex fantasies of yours, it’s seeing a hot fake slut like me ignoring the fuck out of you and spreading it for those niggers with huge dicks. You just want to beat the fuck out of me and pound every one of my hot violated and defiled holes to your angers content. You will likely beat my pretty face to a pulp as you drive your viagra fueled hard on like a god damed jack hammer in my cunt and ass. You’ll pull my head up by my hair and drive it, face down into the pavement and thrusting harder and deeper with every scream or whimper of pain.

Your wear those big heavy metal rings of yours and cunt punch me and fist the fuck out of my ass. I’ll scream and you’ll just knock me over the head with a bottle of booze, so hard the bottle breaks and my skull cracks. Fainting from shock as I bleed out you finish in my bloodied fractured eye socket then leave me in the woods to the wildlife.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

Castration Phone Sex: Who Wants Junk Removal?

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is the next best thing when you are a sadistic bitch. Virtual castration is hot, but not nearly as fun as really taking a pair of nuts. Ted pissed me off. He told me, even paid me, to remove his nuts. I had all the tools ready. The castration chair was dusted off, my knives sharpened. I was pissed when he didn’t show up and I discovered that the check had been cancelled. I was going to give him free junk removal. He earned it. I hunted him down at this dive bar he frequents. I spiked his drink and snatched him in the parking lot as he was stumbling to his car. I hit him hard, so he was out cold on the ride to his place. He woke up in a chair, not my preferred chair, but in the position I needed. Once he realized who I was he tried apologizing. Too late for that shit. Backing out is one thing, but once you agree to nut removal, I keep the money regardless if you chicken out. “You could have had a clean castration,” I whispered in his ear right as I used my rusty knife to cut off his balls. He screamed loudly. I licked the blood from his severed balls off my knife. The taste of pain and humiliation is the best taste. He cried like a baby. I laughed, even bent down to kiss him so he could taste it off my lips. I told him that he brought this on himself. I was happy to give him a clean castration and stop the bleeding but he stopped the check. No compassion for assholes. Let this be a lesson to you. If you call me and ask for a certain fantasy, don’t change your mind as I am already planning for some torture sex.

torture sex

I Need Domination Phone Sex

domination phone sexDomination hone sex is what I need. I am a submissive whore, but I am not well trained. Not every man thinks of me a piece of shit. Many men worship and idolize me because I am hot. I get mixed signals. My daddy said I was a whore. He treated me like the piece of shit I am. But, with other men, I get mixed treatment. I was with John over the weekend. We met at a club. It wasn’t a BDSM club, so I was hopeful he saw me as an equal, girlfriend material. We had been on a few dates. I felt like a princess the way he spoiled me. Saturday night we were at his place. Romantic dinner, lovemaking then I spilled some wine on his carpet and he slapped me. I saw a different side of him. He grabbed my hair and pushed my face in the carpet like I was a dog who pissed the floor. Next thing I knew, I had a collar around my neck. He had a chain leash affixed to the collar. He told me from now on I am his bitch because I can’t be trusted not to ruin things. I apologized or being clumsy, but he didn’t want to hear it. He punched me in the gut, bringing me to my knees. That’s when he pissed in my face. He laughed as my eyes burned from his urine. He snapped. Went from a great guy to a mean bastard over a glass of spilled wine. I spent the weekend in a dog cage. I was no longer his girlfriend. I was his slave, his prisoner. He pissed and came on me all weekend, never again showing me an ounce of affection. I think I like being his bitch better than being his girlfriend.

Daddy & I Snuffed Another Out

snuff sex



Daddy & I had a fabulous time snuffing out this preggo bitch and her unborn brat the other
night. We broke into her house by having me pretend to be one of those door to door missionaries
That stupid cunt let me right in and Daddy followed behind with the rope! I jumped on top of her
belly to try to squeeze her sweet little premature angel right out of her uterus. Cutting the
umbilical chord with my teeth, only to wrap what was left around the mommy’s neck to choke her out
while daddy fucked the little bald pussy till it split right open which is when I sliced it’s
stomach open so I could suck all the blood and guts off of Daddy’s dick. But we weren’t done yet,
it was time to take care of the mommy. Her eyes begged for Daddy to stop while he force fucked her
throat and plugged her straight to death. Daddy had so much fun and I did too. I wonder what we’ll think of next!

Pissed Him Off

Snuff sex

Never underestimate the power of someone who is pissed off. I did that once and yes I paid for it. He was the guy in the car next to me. He was obviously texting while driving and was swerving across lanes. Two land road, but he got the stop sign. And when he stopped for it he was half in my lane, half in his own. So I put my window down and told him it’s stupid to text and drive. Of course, he threw a total fit. “Bitch, fuck you I am sitting at a stop light.” “Look where you are stopped, sir.” He looks down and puts his window up. I took off after the light turned green and he now seemed to be following me. What did I just do? I wasn’t going to go to my house at first, but then I said fuck it I wanted to go home. He followed me into my driveway. He parked right up behind me and jumped out of his car and ran at me. He grabbed the back of my neck and slammed my head onto the hood of the car, dazing me and kept me feeling a little confused. Then I could feel it, his cock in my pussy, fucking me hard. I felt my pussy getting wet and I didn’t understand. He had me by the hair and was pulling on it with each thrust into my pussy. And then he pulled out and jammed his cock in my ass. I screamed and he whispered in my ear “You want to play cop bitch, this is what you get. Be quiet or I’ll cut you from ear to ear.” My eyes went wide, my throat was totally exposed. I stayed quiet until he shot his load into my ass. The last thing I see is the ground and my blood seeping into the dirt. Whose blood is tha…

One Of My Taboo Phone Sex Fantasies Part 1

Taboo phone sex I was coming out of a shopping center putting my merchandise I just bought into the car. I was just about to grab my purse when I felt a hand around my mouth. And an arm around my waist. Dragging me backwards. I tried to scream, but they were muffled with the black glove covering my mouth. I was thrown into a back of van where I tried to scream for help as we drove off. It seemed for hours driving around and around. My voice so harsh from screaming for help. All of a sudden the van parks. And I hear the front door open. I get ready in the back of the van, I am going to rush him as he opens the door. The back doors start to open and I try to rush him. But he anticipated my move and was ready with full force punch to my face. Knocking me backwards into the van as I scream in pain. He steps into the van and proceeds to kick me hard in the stomach. I lose my breath gasping for air. I could hear him laughing taunting me. “You stupid skanky cunt!” “You will pay for that one slut.” He took some rope he had and tied my wrists tightly one to each side of van. Stretching my arms wide. He did the same with my ankles. Making sure the rope was nice and tight, digging into my skin. I was crying and whimpering for him to please just let me go I would not say a word to anyone. He completely ignored me. Rummaging thru a bag that we brought back with him. I could see a whip and hunting knife. There was a grill lighter and a box cutter. I was shivering with fear. Wondering what kind of torture sex was I in for.

Taboo phone sex with willing victim

Taboo phone sex

Its so hard to understand why I keep being targeted for assaults. I have been fantasy raped over and over again. My asshole and my cunt are a magnet for violent attacks that sexually stimulate me even though I do not ask to be the victim. The very first time I was attacked I was just a girl and it hurt to have him shove his cock into my virgin pussy. I felt my skin ripping as his giant cock was pushed into my innocent pussy. He thrust and pound me so hard, I just remember there being blood everywhere and feeling like someone had hit me over and over in the pussy with a bowling ball. He fantasy reaped my asshole that night too. I have never screamed so loud in my life like I did as I felt him push himself into my asshole. I cried and begged for him to stop and it made him harder and fuck me faster and deeper. From there it seemed I just became a walking punching bag, pussy jizz drop.

Ass Rape Porn with Her

ass rape pornShe said she wanted to make an ass rape porn with me. She was sexy and dominant. I couldn’t say no. When she asks a question, it is really an order. You can’t say no. She has killed bitches for less. I met her when I was high. She saw that I was a weak woman. She knew I was submissive. She shot me full of heroin. I am a coke and weed gal. That shit fucked me up. I would have said yes to dismemberment. Honestly, I thought she had a male friend lurking in her house who was going to sodomize me. She didn’t need a man. She was forceful and cruel all by herself. I saw her slip a ring on every finger. She didn’t use lube. She didn’t pace herself either. She rammed her fist of big rings up my asshole raw. Even high as a kite, it hurt. I felt my ass tearing. I felt blood trickling down my thigh. She licked it then kissed me so I could taste my blood. She laughed as I cried. I asked her why she was doing this to me. It was torture sex.  She licked her fingers, adjusted her rings and said with a smirk, “Because you are a stupid whore, Blair.”

Taboo Phone Sex Fascinations

A taboo phone sex fascination is what it takes to get you off, and I’m the Evil Mistress that your loins throb for. I will suck you blind and drain more than those balls, your will is only a part of what you’ll be giving in to. I will destroy you mother fucker and that god damned cock of yours, well if it’s lacking the ability to please me, then you best expect it to be cut the fuck off. I don’t play nice nor do I fucking let asswipes fuck around with me, your all in or fucking be prepared to perish you god damned piece of shit.

I’m the last attempt at pleasure you may have if you approach me in the wrong way. You haven’t a fucking clue how I will tear your shithole up with my mother fucking stainless steel fuck rod. If you can please me and are a demented mother fucker then we can talk. I love taking in a good ol’ old fashioned home invasion and slaughter the whole god damned household. I think a nice female frat house is on my menu for the weekend. I would love an accomplice to help me fantasy rape all these dumb bitches. You must understand I am all blood and fucking gore baby.

Taboo Phone Sex