Tag: Taboo phone sex

Little Pig, Little Pig, Let Me In

Snuff phone sex

We are either Wolves or pigs, one preys upon the other.  All those not on my level I consider pigs.  Some say pigs are smart, cute, majestic, and are wonderful creatures.  Pigs are nothing more than food, grunting, and worthless.  Their only defense is their squeal, they have no real power.  Fat Sows and Hogs taking up space, rolling in dirt, snorting, just disgusting things. At least that is how I see them.  That is how I see 99% of all the people on the face of this Earth.  Young and old alike. 

Imagine, scaring the shit out of some babysitter and her piggies.  How much damn fun would that be? Knocking on the door, wearing a wolf mask, just yelling Little Pig, Little Pig, Let Me In! Oh how those piggies would squeal, but little do those piggies realize but wolves hunt in packs.  The distraction at the door means the other wolves can sneak in the back, grab all the piggies and I can just walk into the front door. 

What happens to pigs when they get to be the right size?  They are butchered.  No emotion, no thought given to the other pigs watching, just gutted, cleaned, chopped up and then consumed.  The biggest pig goes first.  Oh how those little pigs would yell, cry, beg, maybe even piss themselves as they watch the biggest, strongest piggy get killed.  That pig was supposed to protect the little ones.  Now with the sow gone, what is going to happen to them?  Such wonderful, vile things, that is what.  Wolves of the world unite and get your piggies because the Hunt is beginning.

The First Of Many

Torture phone sex

There we were.  Just you and I, and our special guest.  I will never forget how they looked as we waited for them to wake up.  I also remember how your cock jumped when I slapped her down on the floor of the van.  She was knocked out cold.  I even took a moment to pull her tiny t-shirt up and run my tongue over those puffy nips, before climbing into the passenger seat so we could take off. 

Once inside I had to almost laugh because you were extremely excited.  You just kept walking over here, messing with your belt trying to get your zipper down.  The fact that your hands were shaking made it possible for me to step in to shoo you away.  You had wanted this for so long that I didn’t want you to waste it.  This one would matter, it would be your first.   I wanted you to take your time, enjoy it.  Go too fast then you would look back with regret.  I didn’t want that for you.

We drank some beers in silence.  Then those eyes fluttered opened, the look of panic on her face made your dick grow again.  I went over and whispered in her ear, telling her some of the things that were going to happen to her.  The tears started, I licked some of those salty drops from her cheeks while looking at you.  You downed another beer then got up. 

She was tied so tightly to that chair, the sound of those chair legs scraping around the floor as you made her scream will live on in my memory forever.  The abuse to the flesh was amazing, I didn’t think she would survive it, she did though.  Then we moved her to the sofa where she was made to scream again, over and over until I had to stop her screaming once and for all.  You thrusting into her, violently as my fingers slipped around her throat.  I wasn’t sure which you enjoyed more, the sound of her neck snapping or the unbelievable orgasm you had.

Castration Phone Sex: He Had it Coming

castration phone sexCastration phone sex inspired me. I had a call last week from a useless ass loser. He had a 2-inch dick and huge balls. Sadly, I saw pics. Some things you can never unsee. His balls obscured his shrimp dick. I was happy to take his nuts. At least it made his dick look bigger lol. Two nights ago, I was at a Goth bar when this little nerd came in. He bee lined straight towards me and flashed his tiny wiener. The geek had a death wish.  To show me his cock he wanted killed or castrated, or both. I have a reputation. He said his girlfriend dared him, but I had a hard time believing he had a girlfriend. He looked truly scared when I pulled out my huge knife. My guess was a woman fucked with him and knew my reputation and wanted his balls gone. He reminded me of my caller because he had huge ass balls and a teeny tiny weenie. I took him into the bathroom to castrate him. I had no supplies, just my knife. This was a freebie. He wasn’t paying me, so no need to treat him well. He was some looser with a sort fuck stick exposing himself in public. I didn’t give a fuck if he got gangrene and died. Seriously, he was a loser with a death wish. I know a few. I had some Jack Daniels, my lighter and my trusty old knife. I made him put his cock under the dirty toilet seat to separate his nuts from his dick. The loser was so fucked up he was going along with it. I poured whiskey on his balls as a curtesy he wasn’t owed and chopped them off. It was medieval torture sex. Very bloody. He puked. What a wuss. I used my lighter to cauterize his wound and then I used some more whiskey to dull his pain. He acted like I took his fucking dick too. Ungrateful loser. I could have killed him, I should have killed him. I made his worthless dick look bigger and not even a thank you.

The Devil’s Princess and Daddy

Accomplice phone sex

This dark foggey fall day is the perfect weather for the devil’s princess. And as if the day is not perfect enough my Daddy is coming to visit. Nothing makes my cunt wetter than helping my Daddy. I always know you will reward me. You have this dark black creepy van that you like to take me out on the prowl in. I know exactly the type of little girl that makes my Daddy’s cock rock hard. You like them super young and innocent. You want to be the first to take their virginity. We were driving through a neighborhood and I spotted the cutest little blond girl. Her mother was with her but then all of the sudden the mother ran into the house for something. It allowed me the flawless opportunity to grab her little girl and shove her in the van. We were in and out in seconds. We drove about thirty minutes away down a dark dirt road in the woods. The more the little girl cried for her Mommy the harder your cock became. You had me hold her down while you shoved your hard throbbing cock into her tight young pussy. You had me smoother her face with my hot wet cunt. Her screams were vibrating against my clit as you continued to pound her virgin pussy. You put your hands on her throat and slowly squeezed the life out of her just as we both were cuming. We left her used and abused body out in the woods for nature to take care of.

Deadly Gangbang Rape Porn

gangbang rape pornI was watching a gangbang rape porn in a seedy porn theater. I guess nowadays, they are all seedy. It was master’s order that I watch a violent sex film, so I did. I was not alone in the theater, however. There were a bunch of men in the theater too. They slowly approached me, making a circle around me. I wasn’t sure if this had been staged or random. I figured they were just horny men who wanted to nut with the only woman in the theater. That was until they started acting out scenes in the film I was watching. They shoved multiple cocks up my ass at once. Hands started grasping around my throat so tightly I think I passed out for a little bit. They were living out their rape phone sex fantasies and I was their victim. Or, they were being told to violate me. I still didn’t know. When one guy brought out a knife, I got scared. He made cuts all over my body.  His pals were egging him on to do more damage. If they were following the snuff film, my tits would be slashed, and my ass and pussy would be stabbed with knives. They had not deviated from the film yet. I was trembling in fear. They were a few minutes behind the film but doing everything they saw so far. When they pulled out of my ass, I knew what was next.  I tried to run, but two of them held me down while the others took turns stabbing my cunt and ass. The more I screamed, the harder they stabbed. I couldn’t stop screaming though because my insides, my female organs, were being shredded. They gutted me like a pig and left me lying there bleeding out. One final insult, they pissed on me as they let me die on a dirty cum stained floor.

Bloody Lacy Sick and Twisted

Sadistic phone sex


He wants to make me bleed I guess you can call me a fucking smut loving slut. I like it every way but him he likes it a certain way, Mr. Price is what we will call my crazy friend. Mr. Price loves getting into mutilation sex. Last night Mr. Price had a taste for two scrumptious bloody cunts, and I did get him what he wanted. I called over a sexy brunette friend of mine her blue eyes are masterful. My friend Lacey will do anything for money she’s just that kind of low-life dirty skank bitch, and I love it. Lacey is a beautiful piece of cunt meat, and she’s so obedient to the cause of torture. My girl loves bloodletting she cuts herself while I videotape. She likes to be called the dirty fucking bitch she loves to be berated that’s just the kind of classic greedy sex monster that I need. Last night was spectacular I got to do things to Lacey that have only been done to me it was perfect. I handcuffed Lacey to a sex poll it had her bent over legs open wide and strapped hands to feet. I got to shove my entire fist in that dirty bitches ass hole. If you can believe it Lacey beg for more I was paying her by the hour, so she never wanted to quit. Granny fucking Desi Lacey you’re going to get it tonight bitch every fucking painful part of it. Mr. Price wanted me to be the lead mistress meaning I had to Institute the torture I had to make the pussy bleed. This cum guzzling bitch is a dream come true she needs it the agony, the pain it is a pleasure to her. Beat me slice me stab me get your blood all over me and get my blood all over your cock. We were both bloody messes because while slicing her Mr. Price was slicing me and while I was beating her Mr. Price was eating my pussy with a hot iron rod. Fuck me Mr. Price with the fucking hot iron rod swell my pussy up. I did the same to Lacey I jabbed a hot iron Rod inside of her asshole in and out over and over again steaming hot spicy cunt. She screamed I screamed we all screamed for more. I love the torture give me your worst

Ass Rape Porn Little Sluts

ass rape pornI love being an ass rape porn star. The more my ass gets fucked and ruined, the more gigs I get. Everyone wants to hire the girl that will take anything or anyone up her ass. I answered a casting call for an anal sex whore. The ad clearly wanted a seasoned whore because it said ass virgins need not apply. I have been taking cock up my ass since I was daddy’s ass slave. When I showed up to the casting call, I was expecting to fuck the director or at least the casting guy. I was hired on the spot. The director had seen my work. He was even hoping I would audition. This was not going to be a mainstream movie. This was a private movie being made for one viewer. I didn’t care if I got paid. I should have let that be a red flag, but I let the Benjamin’s distract me. The next day I showed up at some remote mansion. I met an older Greek man name Nick. He showed me the room where the filming would be. I was shocked to see 6 very young girls tied up and gagged. They appeared to be sex trafficked girls. They were looking at me for help, but I knew if I tried to let them go, I would be killed. This shit was real. The premise of this home movie was that I was the head mistress at an anal training school for young girls. I told myself to focus on the money. When I started force fucking those young asses with dildos and beer bottles, I got super wet. I have my own rape phone sex fantasies. I tore those little buttholes up. They were bleeding and prolapsed. The young girls were crying and screaming, which made me wetter and our patron harder. After a few hours of force fucking those asses, they were primed for his dick. It felt good to be on the other side of the pain for once. Nick is having me come back to help him train some more little trafficked whores. I can’t wait.

Bath Time Killer phone sex

Killer phone sex

Babysitting is not my thing.  Killer phone sex is.  However, if you combine the two, one could have a real fucking great time.  When I was younger I would; on occasion; babysit the brats two streets over.  I hated them.  Their big eyes, their tiny bodies, their dimples, their high pitched little voices.  All of that shit.  I remember the female had these fluffy pink footie pajamas that I used to have to put on her after she took her bath.  The male  had fluffy blue ones.  Why? Why do this? Stop dressing your vaginal discharges as fluffy things, fluffy things get eaten. 

Once, their parents went out of town for three days.  I had to be in that house with them.  Sure the money was good, but having to deal with them and their happy selves was almost more than what I could bare. One night while I was giving Ginny her bath she slipped, banged her head on the faucet pretty hard, then slipped into the water.  I had to grab her.  She started to cry and bleed.  Just a little cut on her forehead.  Nothing major, but any cuts to the head area will bleed like a son of a bitch.  I was mesmerized.

One tiny drop went into the water.  It swirled around, grew tendrils, floated downward, then dissipated into the water. I still remember that.  All of a sudden I had the urge to reach up, grab her Dad’s razor, slice her throat, lay her down in the tub and watch the dance of the blood mixing with the water.  It made me feel calm.  It made me feel horny.  I imagined these huge billows of red blooming from the wound, turning the clear water into a red heaven.  All the while she would be floating in it, her eyes wide open, her hair splayed out above her like a halo.  Her soft, warm body turning paler, her lips becoming a perfect shade of bluish purple while her gaping neck wound continued to release the precious liquid that had kept her alive up until now. 

Then I thought how nice it would be to grab her Brother only to do the same thing to him.  Both of them, forever perfect, floating, their bodies bobbing in synchronization.  Me getting into the tub with them after there was the barest sliver of life left, humming them a lullaby as they drifted off into the warm long sleep. I would sit and caress them, bathe myself in their bloody bath water, relishing every second of it.  I would take my time, use their bodies to pleasure myself while they still twitched, barely alive, until they just stopped bleeding. 

I didn’t do that of course, I mean I would of been caught pretty damn quickly.  This is one of the defining moments that helped create my love of death, the love of hurting little things, and the love of killing.

Bloody Phone Sex Fun

bloody phone sexBloody phone sex stories make my cunt wet. I love blood. The feel of it. The taste of it. The look of it. I was more deranged than usual Sunday. I took Sunday Funday to a new level. I snatched a young girl from a church parking lot. I wanted to carve her up and play in her blood. That is exactly what I did too. This blonde angel in her Sunday best was covered in blood after one cut. Her skin was like a porcelain doll. Soft and tender. I made cuts all over her body and masturbated as she screamed in pain for her mommy. I watched her blood spurt and run out of the holes I made. It made me hot seeing her tender flesh bleed like an ocean. I gave her one last cut to her throat to shut her the fuck up. Watching it cascade out was wicked hot. It sprayed on my body. I rubbed my pussy as her warm blood coated my face.  She died quickly. It was a shame to let her go too soon. I could have doused her in lye to get rid of her remains, but I decided she would make a tasty meal. I boiled her in water with some spices and veggies. She was small, so she wouldn’t feed an army, but she did feed me well. Hopefully, she understood she would be better off dead in my belly than alive. I know I should have invited some friends to feast on her tender flesh. I mean it was like eating veal. I was just wicked hungry for human flesh. I was greedy and wanted to consume her all. I did just that. I ate her cooked body and gave her bones to my dogs. No one will ever know what happened to little Harper but me and you.

Snuff Movies Starring Your Wife

Snuff movies

My boyfriend and I just made one of what I hope to be many snuff movies. Let me tell you how it all began. I started seeing this married man. Oh, don’t judge me I am not the one that is married, and happy men don’t cheat. He knew about my dark side but I don’t think he realized to what depth. We were laying in bed after I had just given him the deepthroat blowjob of his dreams. When he ask me if I had ever thought about killing someone. Oh now you are talking the language that makes my pussy purr. With a wicked little laugh I responded with of course.

Then I ask you who you wanted to kill cause you know me I don’t just want to kill someone. I want to torture, fuck, and then snuff the life out of them. You told me your wife. I put a for sale by owner sign in the yard. You brought her to my house under the premonition that you might be buying her this house. You led her down into my dark basement. I grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth with some chloroform. We ripped her clothes off and handcuff her hands behind her back. I started biting her nipple and I could taste her blood in my mouth when she awoke screaming.

Poor little pretty princess is going to be tortured to death and with the help of her own husband. I grab the back of her hair and pull her head back. I tell her to open her mouth. I have you shove your big hard cock into her wet mouth. I start pulling her head back and forth by her hair. I tell her if she had of been a good wife and given her husband the blowjobs that he deserved her ass wouldn’t be in this position. I start slapping her pussy with my riding crop telling her to suck your cock harder. You reach up and wrap your hands around her throat. You choke the life out of her worthless body as you cum in her mouth feeling fully satisfied. It is the first time in over 7 years that the bitch finally gave you a blowjob.

Accomplice phone sex