Tag: snuff porn

Kidnapping Phone Sex Scenario Left Me Bloodied and Battered

kidnapping phone sexKidnapping phone sex scenarios often seem like a page out of my own life. I get fucked up and vulnerable. And that makes me easy prey for predators. On Sunday night, I went down to the seedy part of town to score some coke. This time, I did not need to subject myself to any cruel torture to get a bag of coke. Some guys just party with me for fun. Of course, I sucked their cocks and let them fuck my ass, it was nothing hardcore or violent.

But I got wasted and could not even find where I parked my car. So, as I stumbled around in the dark looking for my car in the warehouse district, some guy grabbed me and shoved me in the trunk of his car. At some point, I passed out. When I woke up, I found myself hanging from the rafters in some dungeon basement. Naked of course.

A guy stood before me with a whip. I had no idea if he wanted to make a snuff porn with me or just beat the shit out of me. He did not kill me. But he made me wish that he did. He whipped me like a slave in the south in the 1800s. Flesh felt like it might fall off my skin. I pleaded to know who he was and why he kidnapped me, but he just smiled and evil smile and continued whipping me. Never spoke a word to me.

When I am Fucked Up I Become Easy Prey

My pleas fell on deaf ears. The more I pleaded, the rougher he got with me. So, I quickly learned to shut the fuck up. But it did not make much of a difference. Either way, he wanted to hurt me. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Easy prey for a sadistic phone sex man. Eventually, his arm got tired of whipping me and he left the room. But he left me hanging from the rafters. Luckily, I have one skill.  I am double jointed from years of abuse. So, I got out of there while he went MIA.

Not sure how I got back to my car, but I did. And now I am tending to my broken flesh and battered body with copious amounts of coke and weed. My 9 lives will run out soon.

An Accomplice Phone Sex Partner Helps Make Sick Dreams Come True

accomplice phone sexI love being the accomplice phone sex partner. Becoming a professional accomplice turned out to be the best decision I ever made. And the most profitable one too. GFE babe and stripper by day, sadistic partner in crime at night. Maybe it’s not honest work, but it’s fun work. And very financially rewarding. You would be surprised at what men with money will pay for.

Money gets men anything they want. Recently, I experienced something right out of a horror movie like Hostel. Ever seen that one? Wealthy folks pay tons of money to do sick things to people in some old, abandoned building in Slovakia. Torture sex, even murder. No one gets out alive sort of thing. This client wanted to have his own hostel experience. But he wanted a teen girl to torture and eventually kill.

Although he did not need me to do the torture and killing, he did need me to secure him a girl and film it for him. He wanted to make a homemade snuff movie for his spank bank. Essentially, he just wanted to savor the moment that he got to torture, fuck and kill a hot teen slut.

I Help Men Make Their Sick Fantasies a Reality

Teen girls dick tease him he claimed. And he just got tired of it. Cannot say that I blame him. Teen girls nowadays seem like something out of a porn movie. They dress like little sluts and they just want men to buy them things and spoil them because they are young and hot. But men will not drop a dime on a girl who keeps her legs shut.

Men never mind spoiling young girls, but they expect something in return. So, I found him this hot blonde cheerleader. Told her I could make her a star.  But she did not know it would be a snuff porn star. She screamed bloody murder when he started carving up her pretty, tight, little body. I watched and filmed everything. He carved her up better than a Thanksgiving turkey.

She bled crimson red. Her blood tasted sweet though. And I know because he kissed me after he slit her throat. Blood spurted everywhere. She eventually exsanguinated on the warehouse floor. But before that, she endured a lot of torture. And my client loved killing her so much, we have a weekly date. I may never need to work again with the money he pays me.

Taboo Phone Sex Because Vanilla Phone Sex is So Boring

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex calls I believe are the best. And the most fun too. Why call for boring vanilla sex you can get form your woman? Sure, I can be a great GFE. However, I can be a great accomplice too. Men with dark desires for young things need a partner like me. And I am not even talking about my devious mind. All I mean is that men like you need a woman to lure a young girl or boy straight to you.

Young ones rarely fear women. But men? That’s a different story. When I had an owner, I bought my freedom with one young girl after another. So, I learned then the tricks of the trade. When your life depends on it, you will be surprised about the depraved things you will do to survive. As it turns out, I have a talent for luring young girls away from the safety of their home, school or peer group for the rape phone sex fantasies of men. I’m a chameleon. All my different looks masque my identity making it hard to find me.

This week, I lured a young girl away from the mall for Bob. She went there after school with her peers, but I separated her from her pack. And the next thing she realized, I had her bound and gagged and ready to serve to Bob for his depraved fantasies. She wiggled and screamed, but the gag muffled her screams. No one would hear her. And if they did, they would not do a damn thing about it. In the no tell motel I took them to, everyone minds their own business.

Women Make the Best Accomplices for Your Depraved Fantasies

Everyone in the hotel is doing something illegal. Drugs, prostitution, murder, force fucking…a lot of crime happens at this place, but no one says anything.  So, part of being your accomplice phone sex partner includes finding the perfect place to commit the crime. Bob enjoyed fucking all her tiny holes. In fact, he destroyed them. Prolapsed her ass and her pussy. But that’s bound to happen when a girl her size and age gets brutally fucked. She did not survive the night of rough sex. So, we left her dead body in the motel.

This motel values discretion so much, they dump any bodies left behind in the garage. No one will notify the cops but the girl’s parents. But they will never know what happened to their baby girl. And they will not want to know either.

Sadistic Phone Sex Bitch Gets off on Neutering Losers

sadistic phone sexSadistic phone sex is all I know. I am not a warm fuzzy type of girl. And I am not girlfriend material either. Most men I meet, fill me with disdain. They say something misogynistic, or they somehow falsely believe that they can fuck me just because they are a man. No man is entitled to fuck me. And those who think they can, often lose their balls, sometimes their life too.

At my local Goth bar two nights ago, a guy came in who looked clearly out of place. He looked like a yuppie. And Goth girls like me are accustomed to non-Goth men coming into the bar thinking they can pick up a Goth babe. None of us want some strait-laced suit and tie kind of guy. So, when Adam bought me a drink, I knew what he was thinking. But I am impervious to men like him.

However, I did not plan castration phone sex that night. But he pushed his luck with the comment, “My Body, His Choice.” He played it off like he was joking. But I knew better. So, I took him home and severed his balls. He thought he might get lucky with me. The poor loser assumed I wanted to fuck him. As if that bad joke would make me drop my panties. Maybe it works with a coed bimbo, but not a sadistic bitch. He picked the wrong girl if he wanted to get laid.

Losers with Small Dicks Pay the Price If They Think They Can Fuck Me

Once he was naked, I could see he was all potatoes and no meat. Adam belonged in women’s panties, not boxers.  Talk about a small dick. Wow. If he had 2 inches hard, I would be surprised. I tied him up to the bed, got out my knife, and severed his balls. And I did not even use a castration band. He did not deserve his pain to be lessened. I wanted him to feel everything. He deserved extreme cock and ball torture sex. And he got it. But he cried like a bitch. And he bled like a stuck pig.

Eventually, I cauterized the wound. Although I wanted to kill him, I like neutering men like him, so they have a constant reminder of what their bad actions cost them. He won’t bother any women ever again.

Suffocation Phone Sex By Great Big Tits is the Way to Go

suffocation phone sexSuffocation phone sex deaths are the way to go with me. I mean if you are going to be smothered, might as well be at the hands of a sexy blonde. I had a little accident over the weekend. This married guy who comes into the strip club always wants me to smother him with my tits. Not kill him, just breath play. However, breath play gets dangerous when folks try to do it on their own.

This married man began offering me good money to come to his house for longer sessions. And a girl can never have too much money. I like Jim. So, I agreed. Great money and a nice guy? Winning combo for a sugar baby. The other night I went over for a session. I did not even bother with a bra since my tits would be in his face. I would smother him until he passed out. Smack his face to revive him. Sort of like snuff sex. And do it all again.

After reviving him several times, he decided he wanted me to sit on his face and smother him. And I did what he wanted. Sat my ass on his face and squeezed his head with my thighs. I sat on him until his body stopped twitching. That was my sign that he passed out. However, this time I could not revive him. I slapped him, even used smelling salts. And when I listened to his chest, I heard no heartbeat.

When It Comes to Breath Play, Accidents Can Happen

 Did he have a heart attack eating my? Or did I smother him one too many times? I killed him either way. And I did not mean too. I panicked. I was in his house. My DNA would be everywhere. Although I am not in the system, you never know what police will find. So, I had to call my old master for a favor. I needed a body removed and the house deep cleaned also to erase my presence. And to steal his outdoor camera or erase the footage that placed me at his place. Jim would just be MIA. No evidence of a struggle, nothing missing.

But Jim will never be found. I planned on just breath play with him. But our session turned into a snuff porn. My old master came through for me. At a price though. Now, I must find him a teen girl to fuck and kill. Although I am sorry that I accidentally killed Jim, at least I got the money up front.

Knife Play Phone Sex Earned Me the Nickname the Wicked Butcher

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex earned me the nickname, The Wicked Butcher. And I like that name. So, it is my handle on the dark net. Men or women who hire me for some nefarious act, only know me as The Wicked Butcher. Mostly men hire me to help them kill. But occasionally, a woman seeking revenge hires me.

Last night, I worked with a scorned wife. Her husband left her for a barely legal receptionist. And not only did he leave her, but he also wants to cut her off financially and take custody of their son too. To say she is pissed off would be a huge understatement. Her reaction to her husband’s actions seemed reasonable. I would be out for blood too.

I wanted to torture the loser. Castrate him and make him a snuff porn star. However, to protect my client, we needed to make this look like a robbery gone wrong. Otherwise, all suspicion would be on my client. The gaslit and scorned wife would be the only suspect in her husband’s murder. The police would not look for other suspects.  She needed an alibi and a crime that looked random, not personal.

Some Kills Seem More Satisfying Than Others

Let me tell you how hard it is for me to do a quick kill. I savor the torture and my victim’s pain. But the money she paid me to kill her husband trumped my desire to prolong his misery. While she went to the movies with her son, I followed her husband and stabbed him. As a sadistic bitch, I know just where to cut so my victim bleeds out.

It took all my willpower to not gut him like a pig. But if I gutted him like a pig, spilling his entrails, the kill would look personal to the cops. So, he got one stab in his femoral artery and another in his gut. And I waited for him to die. While he bled out, I whispered in his ear, “Your wife sends her regards.” Once he collapsed dead on the grown, I took his watch and wallet as trophies for my client. Maybe not the most satisfying kill ever, but I did have a bloody phone sex good time.

Strangulation Phone Sex Fantasies Can Be Deadly

Strangulation phone sex can be hot. However, you need to be with someone who knows how to do it right, so you do not die. I have had years of breath play with men. Not my favorite thing to let you do to me, but sometimes I have no choice. I owe this girl money for coke. And she got sick of my excuses for why I had not paid her yet.

So, she gave me a way to work off the money I owe her instead. She wanted a seasoned whore for a strangulation porn. However, it would be a young coed strangling me. I guess this girl paid her to make her strangle fantasy seem real. Trust fund girl. But the woman I owe money too did not want to be the girl’s co-star. And I did not want to be either. She looked far too young to know how to strangle safely.

I feared her strangle fantasy would turn into a snuff porn. And my 9-lives will run out soon. So, to sweeten the deal she offered to not only settle my debt but give me a very large bag of coke. So, I agreed to do the movie. The young girl looked good too. Cute coed. Girl-next door vibe. But when the camera rolled, I found nothing cute about her anymore. At one point I thought she might crush my windpipe.

Breath Play and Strangle Fantasies are Hot with the Right Partner

She did not look as strong as she was. That took me by surprise. I passed out a few times. She would revive me with a cattle proud to my cunt. That wakes you up quickly. I tried to just focus on the coke. That’s the only reason I did this. If she had not offered up a half a brick of coke, I would have stolen the money from my husband to pay her off. And in hindsight, that would have been the smart move.

But I don’t make smart moves. I make snuff movies instead. I really thought this would be how I died. Some spoiled rich bitch would strangle me to death. But the woman I owed money to stopped her before she choked the life out of me. Good thing it is winter. I had to hide the big purple ring around my throat with a scarf or my husband would wonder what the fuck I did.

Sex with dead bodies is something Master & I can’t stop

Sex with dead bodiesSex with dead bodies, the taste of death on his lips is pure ecstasy. My Master gave me this addiction, forced me at first and now I crave it constantly.  

With each new torture session, I could taste the fear in the air. The victims, locked in their final moments, begging for mercy, I became increasingly aroused. I was familiar with the routine, and it excited me more than anything.

As I felt myself getting hotter, I relished the sight of Master slicing through her skin with a rusted scalpel, the smell of her thick blood permeating the room. The woman would whimper as he dipped the blade in her now empty eye socket, me cutting in as well, making her writhe in a mix of searing pain and increasing sexual pleasure.

She was mine to devour, and I knew it. I reveled in her screams, the sound echoing through the room, fueling my own dark desires. I felt compelled to come closer, to explore this strange allure that her body held in its new, lifeless state.

When the poor soul finally let out her final gasp, the room became eerily still. Master turned to me, a wicked grin on his face. “Well, my dear, that’s the last one. Any requests for the next batch?” He asked playfully, raising an eyebrow in amusement as he tugged at the chains binding me.

“Alive, of course,” I whispered, my eyes wide and innocent behind the facade of my eagerness. Master knew exactly what I wanted, and he was more than happy to oblige.

Master allowed me to have a taste of our sweet victim. I got on top of her, I could feel the warmth draining from her cunt. I grinded, harder and harder. I climaxed but I kept going. It’s not enough just one. If I am a good Snuff sex slave he will allow me to cum hundreds of times. And when I am riding a dead body, I definitely do.


Accomplice Phone Sex Calls Explore Your Dark Passenger

accomplice phone sexAccomplice phone sex calls surprisingly turn me the fuck on. When I made the transition from owned slave to free lance accomplice, I did not think I could do. I thought perhaps I would empathize too much with the victims and not be able to hurt young girls. But it turns out I like money more than my conscious. And now, I am a killing machine. Young girls, women, or men, it does not matter to me who you want to snuff out, if I get paid.

In the dark underworld that I travel, men pay me great money to help them fulfill their darkest fantasies. Regardless of what society says, I believe in what Dexter Morgan declares, “There is a dark passenger in all of us.” Now, I know he is a fictional character, but there is so much truth in that statement. We all have a little snuff sex killer in us.

We All Have a Dark Passenger Inside of Us

Anyone is capable of murder under the right circumstances. And some grow to love it after their first kill. Not me. However, I grew to enjoy it after a year or so of helping my master with his dark desires. I earned my freedom by bringing him 100 beautiful young, innocent girls. I led the lambs to their slaughter. But my fight for survival required it. I wanted to live.

When I finally earned my freedom, I realized that killing and kidnapping young girls afforded me a lifestyle I never knew was possible for a teen runaway and high school dropout. Helping men like you explore your dark passenger helps me live high on the hog. Penthouse apartment, a sports car, and all the high-end shoes, purses and clothes I could want. Plus, lots of luxurious trips can spoil a girl.

This is a dog eat dog world. If some dumb cunt goes with me willingly, and believes whatever bullshit line I give her, she deserves to die. So, I have no problem helping men just like you with your torture, murder and rape phone sex fantasies. Let’s unleash your dark passenger.

I am Always in the Mood to Make a Snuff Porn

snuff pornI found myself in a snuff porn mood last night. However, I did not want to watch it. I wanted to make it. But I had no client to hunt with. And I did not have anyone on my hit list. So, I went out to find some annoying twat or tool. Both appeared out in droves last night too. I went to this college bar because I knew some sorority girl or frat boy would say or do something to get on my hit list.

And just as I expected, all sorts of collegiate twats showed off their poor behavior. Sure, I might be the ultimate mean girl considering I kill bitches and tools. However, in my everyday interactions with folks, I never just spew hate at someone for no reason. But coeds think their shit don’t stink. So, I showed one mean girl what happens to bitches.

I enjoy the torture sex of young sluts. And I picked the girl I did because I do not even think her friends liked her. Total bitch. Bossy and mean for no reason. I spiked her drink and waited for her to stumble out of the bar to scoop her up. Honestly, I did not expect her to come out alone, but she did. Her friends did not care if she got home safely. She made her bed now she would die in it.

All I Need to Do is Step Out of My House to Find Some Twat Who Deserves to Be Tortured

She did not wake up until I had her tied to my medieval rack I inherited from my grandfather. But she could scream all she wanted. I sound proofed this room. She screamed a lot too. I made sure to inflict the maximum amount of pain. Although I knew I wanted to sexually mutilate her body, I did not know where to begin exactly. So, I stabbed her cunt repeatedly until she gushed blood. Then I turned my attention to her perky little tits. Sliced the nipples off. Then I cut the areolas off and eventually gave her a raw double mastectomy.

After hours of sexual mutilation phone sex fun, I plunged my knife in her belly button and eviscerated her. Scooped her bloody carcass up and tossed her in the woods. She is coyote and bear shit now. It has become so easy lately to find stupid bitches to slaughter. I just need to step outside my door.