Tag: Snuff phone sex

Gangbang Rape Porn

I tried to escape today, there was a door left open. I ran but was quickly caught and reeled in by my hair. After being tied up the door opened. One of my captors approached me, telling me he had a nice surprise for me I was going to part of a gangbang rape porn. He spoke softly saying it was time for my punishment. 

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The next thing I woke up lying on a frigid floor, my body was raw and immobilized. I tried for seem like hours just to move a finger but atlas it was no use, they must have drugged me. Sometime afterwards the door finally opened the light from behind blinded me and had no vision of who or what was in the room. First they started with my nipples, fondling them and twisting making them so erect. I couldn’t believe when one of the perpetrators raised their voice saying dude she’s wet. I felt my legs starting to be forced apart and I could feel my clit being violated.  They seem to explore my whole genital region, calling me a nasty cunt, and a whore. Throughout this ordeal my functions started to return and I could feel my toes, I moved and I felt this sharp pain, the ooze of what I thought was  to be my blood streaming down my face. I gasped at the pain I felt, all of sudden I could open my eyes.   I watched as my legs were held high so access to my ass could be had. Five men stood before me, laughing and smiling. I could hear words you fucking slut as one guided himself into my ass. They each took their turn brutally fucking me. When they were done they forced me to open my mouth and suck them clean. This seemed to go on for hours I thought it was a dream. One of the men called out you fucking nasty slut and thought I am no slut. I don’t know what they are talking about then it hit me it wasn’t a dream. I was stuck in the middle of a gangbang rape porn.

Medical Fetish Phone Sex Doll Making

I knew when I saw you get out your medical kit, that it was time to play doctor. Only you don’t know how to play doctor like a good sweet boy. The only way you know how to play is like Dr. Frankenstein. You whistled like a crazy man as you laid out your tools on the table. A hacksaw, needles, rope, tape. Us girls, chained in our cells, couldn’t look away. We knew what you were up to. You were going to use your amateur medical skills to make another freak monster of what you consider the perfect girl.

I remember the last time you played this game. Your medical fetish phone sex had gotten out of control. You went cell to cell, dragging each of us out and chosing which parts of us you liked best. One girl had the best tits, and another the best eyes. Another the best pussy and still another one some nice long legs. You decided you wanted a blonde, and when you approached my cell I was so scared I pissed all over the floor. But you looked at me, up and down, and said I was too ugly, and there was nothing pretty enough about me to work in your new creation.

I was spared because of my lanky legs and mousey hair and small tits. The other girls were not so lucky, and you took each of them kicking and screaming to the operating table. The girl with the beautiful blonde hair was scalped and left to die bleeding on the floor. The one with the nice long legs had them amputated with your chainsaw. She didn’t even survive long enough to watch her legs fall off. Slowly and methodically, you took the pieces you needed from each whore. Enough pieces to make a whole girl. A perfect fuck doll.

Once you had your pile of parts, blood everywhere, you began sewing them together. Shoving the blue eyes in the bloody sockets, and sitching the legs to the body with the perfect pussy. You took your time sewing the tits on, making sure they looked perfect. Your masterpeice came together as a big bloody mess, but was somehow still beautiful. You stood back and admired your work, and then you fucked your new creation while the girls who were still alive watched. I remember feeling ashamed that I wasn’t even good enough to a single piece of what you considered beautiful. As crazy as it sounds, seeing your medical equipment out and ready, I am hoping you see something about me this time that is good enough to use…

Cock Mutilation

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One thing I’ve enjoyed for a long time is CBT and genital mutilation. Doesn’t matter to me if it’s a dick or a pussy I just like watching them struggle through the pain. When I hear screaming and see a nice thick puddle of blood my cunt gets soaking wet.

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Over the years I’ve helped a lot guys who wanted to modify themselves, it just wasn’t as thrilling because they wanted it. Regardless of it being consensual, it did still excite me. I’d stab the flesh of their cock’s with needles, push metal hooks through their balls, and also satisfy their need for CBT in anyway imaginable. Whenever I wanted the real thing it was never hard to find anyway.

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My first couple times with an unwilling victim either they died or I killed them. Then I discovered that sometimes they suffer more if I let them live. Can you imagine spending the rest of your life with a deformed sack of meat between your legs? No doctor could come close to fixing you! I’ve seen pictures of what they do and usually it’s not much of an improvement. Someone once told me that they can replace your cock with your big toe, but I don’t know if that’s true… Even if it is, who would want that? They have plenty of other methods, but you’d still probably be better off without your dick. Why bother with all the surgeries? They’re so expensive and it’s not like you’ll ever cum again anyway.

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That part of it really turns me on too. No matter what they do they’ll never feel warm pussy wrapped around their miserable pricks again. They can pray and cry all they want, but in the end they know that they’ll never have their cock’s back. It must drive them crazy because most eventually kill themselves.

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Ass Rape Porn Shoot

When you turned the lights up in the dungeon, I should have known something was up. You seemed far too excited for your usual torture on us whore slaves. Then I saw it. You had a video camera, and set it up on a tripod facing the steel table in the center of the room. The hot lights were blazing on the steel, and it looked like a sick and demented movie set out of a horror film. You spent an hour getting the lights and angle on the camera just right, and us girls watched helplessly wondering what you had planned.

You dragged me from my cell and said you had a new client that wanted some ass rape porn. He had a paid a pretty penny and you were going to make sure he got his money’s worth. My ass clenched just at the thought of what you are capable of, but my pussy got wet just the same. You positioned me on the table with my ass up in the air, and the lights blazing down on my tight little asshole.  You wheeled over a table of tools, plenty of which would be perfect for the job at hand. A quick glimpse and I saw a baseball bat, a crowbar and even a broken beer bottle.

You turned on the camera and I heard some of the girls start begging you to stop. They weren’t used to the pain you inflict, and they knew the more I took, the more they would face themselves. I put my face down, and displayed my ass for you and your camera. I felt the cold metal of the crowbar sliding up and down my ass cheeks, and I knew it would be your first weapon of choice for your ass rape porn movie. I bit my own tongue to prepare for the pain, and you shoved it in without any mercy.

I felt my insides tear apart as it cut up through my pussy and into my uterus. You turned it as you would on a lugnut, and I felt my womanhood get ripped to shreds. Then you yanked it out and finally got a scream out of me. I am usually such a good slave, but you were on a mission, and what kind of movie would it be if the pathetic whore didn’t scream?

Tricked By You

My doorbell rang and when I answered, there was nothing but a vase of flowers and a note. The note said to meet you at an address I had never heard of. I know you have been watching me for some time now, but this is the first communication you have really made, other than the late night phone calls where you say nothing.  I decided to go, even though my gut was telling me I shouldn’t. But I had to know who you were and what was going on, and the flowers seemed nice, so I went.

The address was an old run down building, but I wasn’t scared because it was daylight, so I got out of my car and tried to find an open door. The back door was cracked, so I went inside. It was musty and no electricity seemed to be on. I called out, “hello?” and no one answered. The hair on the back of my neck stood up, and I somehow knew you were there. Just then, you came up behind me and put your hand over my mouth and your arm around my neck. I started kicking, but was unable to scream. That is all I remember until waking up just now, tied up, with you standing above me.

You are not what I expected, and even though I am scared, my pussy begins to throb because I know exactly what you want to do to me. I can see your hard cock through your jeans and my clothes have already been ripped. Had you already done things to me while I was passed out? I had no idea, but it felt that way. Now that I was awake, you grabbed me by the hair and shoved your cock in my mouth and told me to suck it. I did as I was told, terrified, but secretly loving how hard you were.

Then you threw me over on my side, and the way I was tied I couldn’t even move or try to stop you. You began slapping my ass so hard that it felt like I was bleeding. You spanked my tight ass for at least 20 minutes before shoving your cock deep inside my dripping wet cunt. You told me what a stupid whore I was for coming today, and I knew you were right.  I tried to tell you I wouldn’t tell anyone if you let me go, but you weren’t listening. The way you were fucking me, I know you have no intention of ever letting me go.

You made me an insatiable pain slut

bloody phone sex georgia 00You always like to remind me how helpless I am. Last night you even tied up my wrists and ankles with rope. I waited that way until morning, struggling to fall asleep because I knew a severe beating was coming. This time I want to feel the pain from every blow, I know I earned it. Didn’t you notice how I kept my eyes open until they swelled shut? I know how much you enjoy hurting me and I’m really scared now because I like it too. Every time you choke me I know it might be the last time, I could easily black out and never wake up. It gets me excited too, it’s actually the only thing that does now. Nothing will ever be the same.
Although you probably think I’m lying its the truth. While you were beating me this morning I felt ashamed of how wet it made me. My cum was gushing out and running down my thighs, you must have been too distracted by all the blood to notice. After you left me untied and alone in my room, I pressed hard into my swollen clit until I squiredt into a puddle of my own blood. I was so disgusted with myself I nearly puked. Maybe this was what you wanted all along or maybe you wanted me to always hate it. Obviously I’ll never ask, you rarely let me speak anyway. Most days I’m gagged when your pricks not stuffed deep inside my throat or I’m just locked away in my room. Sadly, all I did this week was rub my slippery pussy while I day dreamed about all the torture that awaits me. That’s how sick I am now, I can’t control it anymore

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Bad Girl Again

I tried to clean the house like you said, but its never good enough. And I know I am going to be beaten anyway, so today I decided to really try to get back at you. I was washing the dishes, and decided to leave one dirty plate in the sink. I knew it would make you furious, and I love the pain you inflict on me so much that I just couldn’t stop myself. I waited for you to get home, watched as you checked the shelves for dust. Then you spotted it – the one dish in the sink.

You walked over, and picked it up, almost in disbelief. You turned around towards me holding it in your hand. The fury in your eyes was so intense that my pussy began to tingle at the mere thought of what you were going to do. You walked over and grabbed me by the hair and made me lick the dirty garbage off the dish with my tongue. Telling me what a dirty fucking cumwhore I was and that I was going to pay for my insolence.  I licked the slime from the plate and then you dragged me to couch and tied me up.

You picked the plate back up, and began beating me with it until it broke into pieces. The bruises on my face and arms were throbbing, but my pussy was still wet. I am a pathetic waste of space, and I know you need me for your stress relief. Once the plate broke, you took a shard of the porcelain and began slicing into my bare chest with it. You pressed hard enough so that I bled, and you scratched the words “filthy whore” over my tits. The pain release was incredible, and I loved every pull of the jagged plate edge.

Once you had finished your writing, you took your cock out, dragged it through my fresh blood, and than began fucking my mouth. You fucked my face so hard I couldn’t breath, and your cock was covered in my fresh blood, making it taste coppery and so delicious. You were screaming at me that I will obey you from now on, and that I will be a good slave or else. I came down my legs as you came down my throat. I think tomorrow I will fold your socks the wrong way and wait in anticipation of your hard hands until you find them….

One of my favorite memories

taboo phone sex toni Thanksgiving is boring so I skipped it entirely. Instead I spent the day drinking, smoking, and reflecting on good times from my past. One memory that really stuck out was with my friend Sam. When we entered high school she became such a nasty cunt that by the beginning of our senior year I couldn’t tolerate anymore, something had to be done. I invited her to my house for a weekend sleep over. She accepted my invitation, probably only because of the tree house in my backyard. It was very secluded, hidden behind a very thick layer of trees. It wasn’t your typical tree house and I knew that’s what interested Sam the most. Of course it looked normal from the outside, but inside it was fully loaded. There was TV, cable, games, food, and drinks. My parents never cared much if I drank so they never hid their alcohol from me.

When Sam arrived we went straight to my tree house. I made us drinks and we watched TV for awhile. Then, that stupid little bitch starting running her mouth. She said the way that I dress and behaved was damaging her reputation. I let her ramble on about how people were teasing her for being my friend and how I needed to change. Once I’d had enough I got up and pretended I was making more drinks, but I had something a lot more fun in mind. My Dad kept a hammer in the tool drawer and while Sam blabbed on I managed to grab it without her noticing. The stupid slut made it too easy, she never saw it coming. One quick blow to the head and the torment was over for me, but hers was just beginning.

That entire weekend she was my little toy to experiment with. That blow to the head really changed her attitude. While she passed out I gagged her so no one could hear her screaming, I didn’t want our party to be interrupted. To start, I put my cigarette out on her naked thigh. I could tell she was starting to panic, but all I could was laugh. I kicked her, spit on her, and beat her with everything and in every way imaginable. When I was through with Sam she was laying in a puddle of her own blood with her face caved in. I didn’t even have to clean up the mess. All it took was one phone call and my actual friend Ray came over to help with everything.

The tree house was spotless before the sun came up and Sam was long gone. There was a missing persons report, it became old news fast. No one ever suspected me, they actually felt sorry for me because they thought I lost a friend! Obviously, I enjoyed every second of it. Even looking back now I have a smile on my face.

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Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Brought to Life

I trusted you, and you tricked me! You said you would pay me to come over and take care of you while you had the flu. I should have known when I opened the door, and you looked fine, that something was up. I only agreed to do it as a favor to my parents, and you are supposed to be my dad’s best friend. You always scared me a little, the way you would follow me around at family parties, and I would catch you staring at me from across the room. I knew, even way back then, that there was something not good about the way you stared.

How long have you been planning this? Weeks? Months? You shut the door behind me and lock it as you shove me back against it and tell me that tonight I belong to you. Your hand goes up my shirt and twists my tiny nipple so hard it feels like its bleeding. I am so shocked I can’t even scream or try to get away. You grab me by my hair and drag me to the couch. All I can do is beg you to let me go, and promise not to tell my dad. You don’t listen at all, and tie a gag around my mouth.

You say that you’re going to live out your rape phone sex fantasies with me tonight. That you’ve been talking to a girl on the phone and you know exactly what you’re going to do to me. She told you how and why, and now you are going to play it out with me. You wrap my wrists tight in rope and I can’t believe you are going to take my body against my will. I know I am a worthless little cumslut, but I don’t deserve this. I would have let you take me if you would have asked, but that’s not what you want.

You need to dominate me and my pussy and show me how useless I am because I am a girl. You spit in my face, and continue to twist my nipples. Despite knowing what is coming, my cunt is wet with excitement. You pull my panties to the side and thrust your cock so hard inside me that I yelp through the gag. As you fuck me, you slap me so hard I see stars and can barely remain alert. I can taste blood in my mouth and see the crazy in your eyes as you pound away at my tight pussy. And you just keep saying over and over that I belong to you tonight….

Deadly Online Seduction

I was goofing around on the internet and started chatting with this guy. I was drinking a little too much and feeling pretty frisky, so I started teasing the fuck out of him. I sent him a couple naked photos of me and he sent some back. He had a huge cock and told me he liked it “rough”. I figured I could say anything from behind my keyboard, so I told him I liked it even more rough. We chatted back and forth online for a couple hours.

My buzz got stronger and I got braver so when he asked me to skype with him, I said okay. I took off my panties and gave him a teasing dirty show of my pussy I was sure he would never forget. I was laughing because I knew I had this guy so fucking worked up and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. Little did I know, I had given him enough info to figure out my IP address… and therefore my address. I finally told him I was going to sleep and signed off, thinking nothing off it. I was sure the guy would be whacking off all night after the teasing he endured.

An hour later, there was a knock on my door, and before I could even get to it, it flung open. It was the guy from the computer! I couldn’t believe my eyes. I couldn’t even speak, and I realized he was carrying rope and a knife. My blood ran cold, and he attacked me without hesitation. He had me tied up, legs spread, in some crazy position, telling me that he didn’t like when pretty girls tease him. I tried to apologize, but he wasn’t listening. 

He told me he was going to show me what “rough” really means, and as he fucked me, he pulled the knife out and began to stick me with it. I started screaming and even though my pussy was wet and hot from his hard pumping cock, I was terrfied. I was bleeding from several stab wounds on my chest and stomach, and right before he came, he put the knife against my throat. My last attempt at a scream was cut short by the blade, as it tore through my voicebox….