Hit Girl

Murder phone sex fantasiesEvery once in a while you meet someone who is so fucked up in the head you just have to look at them in awe.  Those are my kind of people!  I have a friend who I have known for about two years and he is one of these people.  He will scare you, not jump out and scream BOO scare you, but full on make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up on end when he walks into the room scare you.  I adore him.

This dude managed to fall in love.  Yes this surprised me, along with everyone else.  The woman he fell in love with was for lack of a better term…normal.  Not one freaky thing about her not even any ink or piercings but some how they ‘loved’ each other.  Well, up until a couple of months ago.  Seems that my friend’s craziness got the better of him and started to think his girl was fucking about on him.  Now from what I knew and had seen of her, she didn’t strike me as the type of woman who would do that.  She was always by his side if she wasn’t at work, she used his cell phone because she didn’t have her own, and as far as I know she hardly ever went on the net.  See what I mean about her not striking me as someone who fucks about on their man?

I asked him why he thought that and he said that he found a bunch of guy’s names written down in her appointment book.  I was like, “hello, it’s an appointment book! Of course there are going to be names of guys in there.”  However, he pointed out that there were times for them to meet and when she came back from these meetings she was always off a little bit. Alright, I can see why he thought she was going around on him.  Did he want to break up with her? Nope. Did he want to just stop seeing her? Nope.  Motherfucker wanted me to kill her.

Yup went from being crazy in love to just down right crazy.  Being the good friend I am, I said, “Sure.” That’s what friend’s do right?  Sooooooooooo, I know that before him she was dating a chick.  I know my shit is good so I said I would see if I could get her alone with me then I would do it.  I asked her and she said, that she would love to see me naked but couldn’t do anything because she was in a relationship. Again, not something someone who fucks around says, but I already told him I would.  Now I’m here, sitting and waiting for her to come to my house.  I am going to answer the door naked because less clean up for me if I am nude.  I’m not sure how I am going to do the deed yet, but I am sure I will come up with something.  The shit I do for friends…I swear.

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