Tag: Snuff phone sex


Being your fuckslave has been the best experience I have ever had. I know you have been using less and less drugs on me to keep me under control. The mindfuck you are laying on me is doing everything you planned. I am a filthy, worthless, dirty slut. I am nothing without a man like you. I cannot imagine ever having said that before being beaten down and taken by you. I used to think I was pretty, and now that seems a distant and ridiculous memory. Or was it all just a dream? I can’t even figure it out.

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Laying on the dirt floor, tied to the pipes in your basement, all I think about is you. I used to get cold and weak, but now my pussy just throbs and I sweat all the time imagining your cruel hands and the pain they have inflicted on my body. The knives and needles puncturing my breasts, burning your superiority into my mind forever. You are the King and I am useless. Left here as your little fuckdoll. But there is no where else I want to be.

I see you coming towards me, my eyes trying to focus, and I see the point of your boot as you pull it back and then kick me right in the stomach. The pain makes me gag and cough, knocks the wind out of me. That’s when you grab me by the hair and make me look in your eyes. I try to focus, and then there you are. Those piercing eyes looking right through me. Nothing behind them. You tell me I am a piece of shit. I know you’re right. Then you unzip your jeans and shove your cock in my mouth. It tastes so good, and you have me so hungry, I just want to suck the sweet cum out of it. Please give it to me, my King.

Pain Whore

He made me stand in front of him. I could see the video camera rolling behind him. He told me to strip. I did. I always do everything he tells me to. He has control of my mind because he controls the pleasure in my body. He controls it with pain. He always toys with me by asking me what I would like to do. He doesn’t really care, its just a cat toying with a mouse. His way of showing me that my thoughts don’t matter. He tells me to get the club with the blades on the end. My favorite.

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I see his cock rise as he imagines the blood that will soon flow from my pussy. His voice is kind and quiet, but his thoughts and desires are as dark and evil as can be had. He tells me to put the club on the floor and squat over it. He watches calmly, stroking his cock slowly. I squat over the club and all the sharp blades. I can feel the cold steel licking at my pussy lips. I want to feel the cold fire that they cause when they slice through my cunt. He knows I want it, and he makes me wait.

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My legs are trembling, as I hover over the pleasure he controls. He tells me to look into the camera and beg him for what I need. I am a fuckpig whore and I cannot help myself. I look at the camera and beg to feel the blades cut me. Tears run down my cheeks, not from fear, but from love, for this man who can give me everything I need. He wants to witness my mutilation, and I want to feel the release of my life blood all over the dirty floor. I finish begging to the camera and I look at him one last time. He simply nods, and I know that I can now drop down and split myself open. The pain is so sharp and sudden that my scream is silent. As the room goes dark, I see him cumming into the air…

Death Sentence

I had finally just got my license back and wouldn’t you know it I get pulled over again? It was the middle of the night and I had been drinking of course, but I decided to try to sweet talk my way out of the ticket. I rolled my window down and two officers approached. I could barely see them with the glaring lights from their car, but they shined a light right on me and one asked if I knew why I got pulled over. I HATE when they ask that, so of course I just smiled sweetly and said “no officer”.

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They didn’t even ask my name or for my license or anything, one of them just said “get out of the car”. I tried to say something and he yanked the door open and ripped me out by my hair. My heart started racing, realizing this wasn’t a normal traffic stop. He spun me around and the other one handcuffed me. I tried to apologize for whatever was going on, and he just slapped me right across the face so hard I could taste blood. They both began ripping my clothes off right there on the side of the road. I was too scared to scream.

I begged them to let me go and promised them I wouldn’t tell anyone. They laughed at me and carried me back to my own trunk which they had popped open. One shoved me in, face down and my ass hanging out. My face was crushed inside my trunk as I felt a huge cock enter my ass. The officer fucked me without mercy for what seemed like forever. Then his partner took over and rammed my tight little ass even more. I could feel my wrists bleeding from the handcuffs, and the side of my face was burned from scuffing against the carpet in my trunk.

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They both came inside my ass, and then one picked my limp body up and carried me back to their car. I thought they were going to throw me in the backseat, but once again they opened the trunk, and threw me in. This time all the way, and shut the trunk. Now here I am, cuffed and naked in the dark trunk. My ass is torn to shreds and I can feel the car moving. I have no idea what they plan to do to me next or where we are going, but I have a feeling I will never see the light of day again…  

Keeping my new year right on track

snuff sexSo if you haven’t already heard my new year’s resolution was not to stop kidnapping, torturing, forcing and killing – but to rather do it more often to better get a grip on my constantly growing anger and to fulfill practically the only thing that turns me on… What can I say I want what I want and I always make it happen. But I don’t quite like to do it alone. I like to be needed and helpful; I love to be the perfect accomplice and capture the ideal victim to have our way with. What are you into? Young and innocent? Or maybe a whore who deserves this shit and will probably secretly love it till we snuff her out? I personally have no preference, as long as I get to see the scared look on their face as I tie them up naked and as I hold my knife to their throat when they struggle. I don’t care as long as by the time we are done with them, they are begging to be fucked and telling us they will do anything we want them to do. This always makes me laugh, breaking them to this point, making them our little sex slave and into filthy little whores, begging to be fucked in order to save their life. They never quite get that they won’t be making it home ever again and that we are the last people they will see as the life fades from their eyes. And how creative I can be as I kill them in the most painful ways I can think of, in the bloodiest fashion. But not before we have our fun of course. She’ll be pleading for you to fuck her ass in no time – then begging to taste her ass and your cum once you’re done. She’ll love chocking on your dick after rubbing it all over her bloody cunt. I can’t wait to get started, so what are you waiting for?

Snuff Sex: A Lover Scorned

Why can’t people just let it go, move on, ya know and stop dwelling on it. My ex just can’t seem to get over it, I dumped his ass when I found some shit out about him. Now ever since he is either stalking me or pranking my phone sending me creepy gifts. Just the other day I came home to a little fabric doll with blonde hair and a picture of my face glued to it. The super creepy part was the red line around it’s neck and red marker down it’s inner legs.

The doll was dismissed as him trying to totally creep me out. I toss it aside on the table as I step into my bedroom someone grabs me and jams his hand against my mouth to keep me quiet. The whole struggle he had his cock out and raging hard pressing against me as he pushes my skirt up. He shoves it inside me pulling me closer as he thrusts in me holding a knife to my neck. “You missed missed this cock haven’t you bitch?” He moves me to the bed where he pushes me face down as he pulls out of my cunt and I feel his mushroom head push against my ass. “I’m going to love this, you never let me take that sweet ass, no matter how good I fucked your cunt and made you cum you still wouldn’t grant me access”. 

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He thrust into my ass as I tried screaming he shoved a pillow on my head pushing my face into the bed. He started pounding my ass as he took what he wanted so badly. He dreamt of hitting that ass, too bad she had to be such a cunt to him. As he thrust deeper in my ass he pushed the pillow on me harder, I couldn’t breathe any longer and he just kept going. As I felt he was about to come he sliced the knife quickly across my neck. He came, pulled out and left.

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I’m not sure how I survived bleeding out and nearing suffocated to death…

There can be only one…

snuff phone sexThere can only be one. One leader, one bad girl, one girl that all the boys want. But it’s clear this ho didn’t get the picture. So I had to get rid of her… but there’s more to this story then you think. You see she thought that she would just come up into my group of friends and start flirting with my little boy toy – well I call him my best friend but we all know he is madly in love with me. Point is he is MINE and I attempted to make that clear. I suppose her bubbly little attitude attracted everyone, because they started wanting to do what she wanted to do and I began to see her getting closer with MY best friend, my lil boy toy. I took her for a drive, figured if I told this bitch to back the fuck up she would – instead she told me she would do no such thing, so I punched her right in the fucking face! This bitch tried to hit me back she hit my nose hard making it bleed but after that I just saw red and all of a sudden the bitch was almost dead – but I wanted her to die slowly so I stopped choking her out. I decided to take her into the woods to cut her slowly until she bleeds to death… it didn’t take long before the stupid cunt was begging for her life. I smeared her blood all over her body, even made her taste it as she slowly started to fade out of consciousness. With as much blood as I had made I’m surprised she didn’t die quicker… I wasn’t done though. I cut off her pretty little head and burned it next to her red body…there was nothing left and I’m back to being number one.

No Good Deed

Killer phone sexThere is a saying that goes: “No good deed goes unpunished.”  But what if the person who does the good deed also doles out the punishment?  I am all about helping out and being kind…riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. That is why on Random Acts of Kindness Day (who comes up with this shit?) I decided to do something oh so kind to someone who deserved it. 

I cannot stand men who are up and up Tools.  Actually asshole guys in general are not my thing.  If I wanted to hang out with an asshole, I’ll cut it off someone and carry their sphincters around in my back pocket.  It could be my best friend.  Anyway, back to it.  I was out driving around because it has been seriously nice here where I live and I saw a guy sitting on his porch drinking a beer.  Normally I wouldn’t stop, but dude was gorgeous.  I pulled over, walked up to him and asked him if I could have a beer.

He smiled and said, “Sure.”  We sat outside for a bit then we went inside to ‘talk’.  Nah, we went inside to fuck.  He kept looking at himself in a full length mirror the whole time he was fucking me.  Making faces, watching himself, saying how good he was and how lucky I was for having his cock inside of me.  After he came; which by the way was done facing the mirror into his hand so he could watch himself ejaculate; he laid down next to me and said, “Aren’t you going to thank me?”

Oh I was going to thank him alright.  I excused myself to go and get my cigs and a couple more beers.  I came back and offered him one of my cigs.  He said, “Why don’t you hold it to my lips for me, that is what other bitches I have fucked have done for me.”  So I KINDLY agreed.  I placed the cig against his lips, and lit it.  He took a few drags of it then he didn’t look so well.  I handed him his already open beer, he chugged it down, and he actually started to look worse.  There I was, waiting on him hand and foot out of pure kindness and he had the nerve to accuse me of putting something in the cig and beer.  Now would I do that?

He got up and tried to make it to the bathroom but he keeled over by the dresser.  He started to shake violently, he turned toward me and I could see the white froth start to form around his mouth.  I took a sip of beer and lit a cig.  I made myself comfy so I could watch the show.  Within a matter of minutes he was crumbled into a ball against the dresser.  His eyes were still open and he stared blankly.

I took my time getting dressed, went downstairs and made myself something to eat.  Took the rest of his case of beer and left.  I smiled as I pulled away from the curb because they didn’t know it, but I made the lives of many women who could of hooked up with that guy a lot better.  I saved them from the shame of having had him as a sex partner.  The lengths I will go to to be kind are limitless.

Cruel to be Kind

Snuff Phone Sex ReaganI think many things that are evil can be just as kind. Today is “Random Acts Of Kindness Day.” It is a day to cheer up the ones in your life that need it. I do that quite a bit, if you can believe a sadistic whore can be kind! Take for example one of my last victims. She had been screaming so loud that I finally cut out her tongue. Granted the crushing of her limbs that caused her bones to shatter made her scream, but it was for the best. So here she was, broken and bleeding. She was obviously in a very bad place. We both knew her end was near, so why not give her something to look forward to? I had just that morning mutilated her youngest son. He was a magnificent piece of bloody art. And since I video tape most of my kills, I told her I had a special movie for her! Now she can die knowing her loved one was on the other side waiting for her. Yes, random acts of kindness do go a long way.

My last home invasion is a perfect example. This young couple who were struggling to pay bills. They had the hardest time paying their mortgage. Well I of course entered the home and used my sledge hammer to bash in their skulls. First I doused them and their over priced home with gasoline. Lighting my cigarette with a match I tossed it on their bound bodies and inhaled the intoxicating odor of their flesh burning. Once I realized I could end their suffering much quicker, I smashed their heads and smiled at just how kind of an act that was. Not to mention they wont be struggling any longer! Today I will be kind as can be, can you say the same?

Hit Girl

Murder phone sex fantasiesEvery once in a while you meet someone who is so fucked up in the head you just have to look at them in awe.  Those are my kind of people!  I have a friend who I have known for about two years and he is one of these people.  He will scare you, not jump out and scream BOO scare you, but full on make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up on end when he walks into the room scare you.  I adore him.

This dude managed to fall in love.  Yes this surprised me, along with everyone else.  The woman he fell in love with was for lack of a better term…normal.  Not one freaky thing about her not even any ink or piercings but some how they ‘loved’ each other.  Well, up until a couple of months ago.  Seems that my friend’s craziness got the better of him and started to think his girl was fucking about on him.  Now from what I knew and had seen of her, she didn’t strike me as the type of woman who would do that.  She was always by his side if she wasn’t at work, she used his cell phone because she didn’t have her own, and as far as I know she hardly ever went on the net.  See what I mean about her not striking me as someone who fucks about on their man?

I asked him why he thought that and he said that he found a bunch of guy’s names written down in her appointment book.  I was like, “hello, it’s an appointment book! Of course there are going to be names of guys in there.”  However, he pointed out that there were times for them to meet and when she came back from these meetings she was always off a little bit. Alright, I can see why he thought she was going around on him.  Did he want to break up with her? Nope. Did he want to just stop seeing her? Nope.  Motherfucker wanted me to kill her.

Yup went from being crazy in love to just down right crazy.  Being the good friend I am, I said, “Sure.” That’s what friend’s do right?  Sooooooooooo, I know that before him she was dating a chick.  I know my shit is good so I said I would see if I could get her alone with me then I would do it.  I asked her and she said, that she would love to see me naked but couldn’t do anything because she was in a relationship. Again, not something someone who fucks around says, but I already told him I would.  Now I’m here, sitting and waiting for her to come to my house.  I am going to answer the door naked because less clean up for me if I am nude.  I’m not sure how I am going to do the deed yet, but I am sure I will come up with something.  The shit I do for friends…I swear.

These Tits Were Made For Killing

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Behold the mighty power of Tits! What in the world am I speaking of? Let me enlighten you.  I had the most wonderful call from a fantastic gentleman who wanted Me to use My luscious tits to smother him  to death.  Isn’t that the most delicious thing you have ever heard of? I thought so.  Can you imagine?

I just pressed them right against his handsome face and spoke to him the whole time applying more and more pressure.  I could feel his mouth opening as his nostrils flared to try to take in a breath that he needed so desperately.  I however just pressed down harder.  I could see his eyes peeking out at Me, that was the best part actually.  Watching as he was unable to move due to having his arms firmly cinched into a leather arm sleeve behind his back.  Of course he could try to wiggle about but not enough to dislodge Me from My heavenly perch.

Slowly but surely the light in his eyes started to dim.  It was perfection and I have to say, I enjoyed the call immensely.  Thank you My new friend for allowing Me to snuff you out using My beautiful tits.  It was My pleasure entirely.